The old lady was sitting drinking tea, and Sister Feng was on her side. When she raised her eyes, she saw Yunzhu following behind Jia Baoyu with her arms wrapped.

In the first month of the month, when everyone was full, Jia She sat down at the head with a sullen face, and went straight to the point, saying that he wanted to submit a report and report to the official, except for the troubles at home.

The old lady had bright eyes, thinking that since Zhenger and his wife insisted on keeping the concubine Aunt Zhao in the past, and later gave birth to Jia Huan and refused to release it to the eldest wife, after all, he and Baoyu belonged to the same family. Even if it is useless, it must not be released to embarrass Baoyu.

Now he is thinking selfishly that even if he can't be a helping hand in the future, it won't be so easy to make him break the family tradition, so he gritted his teeth and kept silent.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the hall.

Yunzhu sneered inwardly, as expected, Tanchun's words were true, but the tree's roots are deep but it starts to rot from the heart, how long will it last?
Although she complained, she still obediently listened to the instructions, and learned everything she knew. When talking about Jia Huan's observation of Jia Huan and her guess, Mrs. Wang had already loosened her face, as if she regarded Yunzhu as her house. like a native.

I just wish I could commit more crimes by possessing myself. That person surnamed Zhao often interacts with the big house, they are all shallow-sighted, and they don't know what they are planning in private. Now this is the absolute best way to get rid of Aunt Zhao Good time!

Mrs. Wang was very excited.

When Aunt Zhao came in, she was listening to the old lady saying that she wanted to ask a Taoist woman to deal with this thing. She was overjoyed. The most trusted Taoist in the house was Ma Daopo. Thinking that this woman had taken away half of her fortune, she might Will give up halfway.

There is still play!
Mrs. Xing loves to go to the theater. She has no children and is a stepmother. She usually sees Wang Xifeng getting closer to her sister-in-law, but she doesn't think much about it. It can be seen that Jia Baoyu's heart is unavoidable.

She wanted to watch the fun, but was also afraid that Zhao would not be able to sit still.

So as soon as this incident happened, Mrs. Xing went to Jia Mu Yuan early to watch.She was sitting right behind Jia She, when she saw Aunt Zhao coming in, she winked quietly.Aunt Zhao understood, and immediately cried and knelt weakly in front of Jia Zheng and began to express her feelings.

Unlike Mrs. Wang's middle-aged lady, Aunt Zhao is still graceful and graceful in her forties, and her movements are as delicate as spring willows. The decorations were scattered on the ground, and Jia Zheng's unhappiness was instantly emptied.

His Xiao Zhao must not be that disgusting bad woman.

Let the old lady fall, her old eyes are dizzy and can't see clearly.Mrs. Wang's face twitched, and Mrs. Xing sneered when she saw her almost nauseous appearance. When everyone looked over, she coughed lightly and looked away.

Mrs. Wang is not a good person. Before she could speak, she dispatched the vanguard. Zhou Rui's family stood up and made a statement in the evidence shop. That posture wished that Aunt Zhao could be nailed to the pillar of shame, and she would be cut into pieces in the morning. Vent her wife's anger.

Baoyu leaned obediently beside the old lady, not only feeling a sense of alienation from the outside world, but even wanted to pull Jia Huan who was kneeling beside her.Although Jia Huan is a child of eight or nine years old, Aunt Zhao taught him to be scheming and precocious. The little innocence left in him has long since been worn out by the two brothers who are treated so differently. It almost made Jia Baoyu laugh angrily at his heartless appearance.

Although he is a concubine born a concubine, but after all, he is a respectable young master of the Rongguo Mansion, where has he ever suffered such idleness?
There is a good saying, even if a hero is afraid of scoundrels, Jia Huan has long been resentful at telling Yun Zhu to beat him up, but now seeing his own mother put the pot on his head, he feels even more resentful. The dog hates the 'welt'.

Just as she was about to speak to defend herself, she asked Aunt Zhao to pull off her sleeves. Seeing her biological mother begging Jia Huan, she took a deep breath and finally turned to kneel quietly beside the empty pillar.

Such a big disobedience caused several people to argue, and although the intention was not good, it did not cause any trouble in the end. The blame was not even firmly grasped by Aunt Zhao. I just say it's a child's jealousy and nonsense.

And because of the date of birth written on it, the old lady had no choice but to make a decision and send someone to ask Ma Daopo to come and resolve it, and the matter was over.As an official in the court, Jia Zheng hated such ghosts and gods the most, but when it came to precious jade, he turned a blind eye and acquiesced for the first time, which is extremely rare.

How can Mrs. Wang be willing to have an overnight meal with such a sweetheart?

That afternoon, Ma Daopo quietly entered Jia's mansion.This Ma Daopo is also a woman in her thirties, and she is not ugly in terms of appearance, but one eyelid can't stop shaking when she talks, and she is thin, making it look more and more like a face with a flying mouth and dripping eyes. s eyes.

The speeches that had been set up originally, after seeing that colorful little person, some two sides immediately fought.Fortunately, what he does on weekdays is cheating and abducting, otherwise people will really see the clues, and don't eat this bowl of rice in the future.

Zhou Rui's sturdy family, seeing her like this, thought there was something unusual, hurriedly brought a few powerful wives around Ma Daopo, and said softly: "Everyone, just do your job, our wife has this young master alone, in case Never take it lightly!"

"It's nothing, it's nothing, it's just a little tricky." As he spoke, he looked around and saw Jia Huan and Aunt Zhao's mother-child relationship, so he knew that there was no news of walking.

Lord God, she got this killing spell by chance from a dream, and once it comes out, it is likely to be effective.At the beginning, Aunt Zhao said that she was going to take revenge on that mean Second Mistress Lian, but now she saw that her godson was young.

This money is really killing people!
Ma Daopo cursed Aunt Zhao with a thousand words in her heart, but she still had to put on a serious look on her face. While observing the expressions of everyone in the hall, she muttered something, and after a while she said: "Don't worry, grandma, it's just some ghosts, let me do it." Arriving in the first half of the day, there must be no worries."

As he said that, he wanted to open up the venue again, saying that it would be convenient to attract evil spirits.They also asked for a lot of gold ingots, saying that they were needed for suppressing the formation, and specifically emphasized that the gold ingots were only for suppressing the formation and could be taken back afterwards.

Wang Xifeng, who originally wanted to ask a few questions about the purpose, heard that she could take it back, and immediately showed her generosity in front of the old lady with a smile, and took twelve pieces of gold, each weighing twelve taels, from her dowry. , sent Ping'er to Ma Daopo.

Ping'er hesitated to speak, and when Ma Daopo said that she wanted to find a secluded and spacious place in the mansion, she became even more suspicious, and couldn't help but give Jia Huan a twist.Her grandma's body is more than six months old now, and she can't get away from chores at the end of the year, but now she has to worry about these disputes between wives and concubines. No one really loves her grandma.

Unexpectedly, seeing Jia Huan, she fell to the ground resentfully, hugging her ribs and crying helplessly, Yun Zhu was startled by this posture, for fear that the brat would accuse her of beating him in the stomach.

Aunt Zhao saw that her son was like this, and it was fine on weekdays, but on such an occasion, she still behaved submissively, wouldn't she be passing the talk to someone?Just thinking about how to mention him, Jia Zheng said with a smile: "Brother Huan, too. When you and I were at the age of your uncle, it was common for us to fight for money and books. Just remember, you can't hate brothers and sisters. It is hateful for brothers to use unscrupulous means.”

There is an old saying that people don't teach their children before others, and Jia Zheng's posture is clearly for Mrs. Wang to see.He just told his wife frankly that the conflict between his brothers is a trivial matter, if adults get involved, it is inevitable that they will lose their sense of proportion, and if they grow up in the future, if they quarrel, they will probably resent their parents.

Such eccentric remarks immediately filled Aunt Zhao with complacency, she supported Jia Huan to go out like a peacock spreading her tail, but actually twisted her hands under Jia Huan's arms, begging him to calm down in a low voice.

The old lady looked at this scene with cold eyes, inevitably feeling a little sad. That night she even sighed in front of Yuanyang: "Did I do something wrong?"

Everyone in the government has their own thoughts, but Yunzhu knows that this matter is not over yet, so she is very cautious in doing things.

"How do you know that someone is going to lure Baoyu out? What happened today is quite dangerous. If Third Master Huan decides to control you, I'm afraid..." Xiaohong lay on the bed with lingering fears, staring at Yunzhu's bandaged arm, unable to stop I'm scared after living.

Yunzhu shook her head and smiled, she had only been on guard since the day Ma Daopo entered the mansion, that woman looked like a liar with duplicity in appearance, but took advantage of Jia Baoyu, the lifeblood of Jia's mansion, and played all over the house The wives and grandmas circle around.

This kind of behavior reminded her of the plot in the original novel where the siblings met the five ghosts.Besides being a private job of Wang Xifeng's sect, it is even more certain that someone will start to make troubles from Jia Baoyu.

It's just who the target is, Yunzhu still has no idea.But if it does not prevent this from happening, the victim is certain, but there are several beneficiaries.

If you can't think of it, you don't want to.She only knew that if Jia Baoyu was injured or died because of this, would she be able to get such a high salary when she went back to serve the old lady?In other words, can she still go back to serve the old lady?

"As long as Baoyu is fine, I also caught him by surprise. Did it scare you today? I always feel that there will be sequels to this matter." He said this sincerely. There is no more generous master in the house than Jia Baoyu.

Xiaohong just smiled and said: "I'm afraid that the second grandma's reward will be gone." The implication is that the internal affairs may not be able to be done.

Yunzhu just smiled on his face, but he had something in mind.Thinking that since Sister Feng asked her to pay attention, she might have a grudge against Mrs. Wang's arbitrary power in her heart.What Ping'er told her was clearly Wang Xifeng's request to look at Jiang Yunxuan.

I knew I should give Ping'er's thigh a good hug, she and Wang Xifeng are young friends, even if I mention a few words casually, I will save myself from guessing like a chicken without a head.

Seeing Xiaohong leaning on the bed cross-legged, she seemed to be thinking about it, so she took a bowl of ginger tea and put the cup in her hand.Relying on the friendship I have cultivated for so long, I tentatively asked: "My good girl, I just don't understand one thing. Maybe you and only you can explain it to me."

Xiaohong glanced at Yunzhu, took the tea and said angrily: "You are a wounded person, Baoyu has let you go on leave these two days, and you should take good care of it."

After the anger was over, he asked again: "What's the matter?"

Seeing Xiaohong's kindness, Yunzhu let go of her distractions, and whispered: "Although the wife asked grandma to be the housekeeper, I thought it was because of my aunt and nephew's affection, but now I see, why do you still mix it up?" What kind of brotherly fight is there?"

Jia Zheng said that, as if the title of the next generation of Rongguo Mansion came out between Jia Baoyu and Jia Huan brothers.

Although the next generation will definitely not have a title.

"Although you don't know the inside story, your question is outrageous." Xiaohong took advantage of her family's childbirth, counted the number of people on her fingers, and said carefully: "If you talk about attacking the noble, according to the etiquette, it is Lian's second son." Grandpa ranks first, and it is only natural for Second Mistress Lian to be the housekeeper. Only Mistress Lian has a small face this year, and she can't hold back, so she asks Mistress Lian to help her."

After all, the old lady is old, and it is normal to do chores unintentionally.As for Mrs. Xing, in terms of status and ability, she naturally has to stand aside.It's just that Xiaohong couldn't say these words easily, for fear of telling the truth.

If this is the case, then Yunzhu can still understand Wang Xifeng's overwhelming work.

The two avoided the topic and chatted casually.

Three days before Yuanchun's family visit, Yunzhu had a fever, and she was lying on the bed in a disheveled state. After Qilu came to see her in person, she left a pack of herbs and told her to cook them for her at night, and drink a hot dose before going to bed. A good night's sleep will surely heal.

He also told her not to worry, Baoyu turned her two-day vacation into an unlimited vacation, and asked her to come forward to serve after she was in a hurry.After hearing this, Yunzhu was grateful and burst into tears. If she knew that the holiday was so easy, she should have gone to blow the cold wind.

But because of this, he missed the most lively drama in the theater.

After talking that day and night, Xiaohong couldn't hide the gossip more and more, and told Yunzhu about the new things in the yard every day before going to bed. This was one of the few adjustments in her illness.

Ma Daopo absconded with the money and "stealed" Aunt Zhao's entire net worth. Aunt Zhao cried until Lihua was out of breath, and said that Jia Zheng must send someone out to capture that Ma Daopo. He was dead, but when he saw Mrs. Wang's keen and probing eyes, he didn't even dare to fart.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this Aunt Zhao is probably a little tricky, but because there is no reason for the time being, and the attitude of the Jia Zheng brothers' family and Wanshixing, everyone is holding back.

Seeing this, the old lady was so angry that she was bedridden immediately, and she even called my Baoyu nonsense, what should I do with my Baoyu.On the second night, I called my Yuanchun again, my Yuanchun, come back and save people.

That chamber of Yunzhu was burning in a daze. Fortunately, the humanitarian care of the mansion was not bad. In addition, Yunzhu was usually very popular. Not only did a doctor come to give him a pulse, but even Mrs. Song in the kitchen , and gave her a bowl of steamed eggs with sugar every day.

"Get better soon. If the fever doesn't subside tomorrow morning, I'm afraid I'll send you to Zhuangzi to recuperate." Where does Zhuangzi still have hot water and food for twelve hours?Yunzhu saw Xiaohong's sad face sitting in front of the couch in a daze, but what she was talking about made her feel very sad.

Strenuously holding on with all his strength, Gulu Gulu poured down a cup of warm sugar water.He just wanted to say a few words to comfort others, but when he opened his mouth, his throat felt like a razor blade. In the end, he grinned and shook his head, squeezed Xiaohong's hand, and fell into a drowsy sleep again.

But you can't go to Zhuangzi.

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