When you are in Hong Kong, you become an informant at the beginning

Chapter 266 Bigger and Stronger, Greater Glory

Inexplicably, Chen Guorong put himself in the position of a bank robbery suspect.

However, the shock in Yang Tian's heart was actually greater than the sense of injustice.

He really doesn't understand what's wrong with the people in this world?Why do everyone have such big ideas?

At this moment, he seriously doubted how many of the people imprisoned in Stanley had been imprisoned because of unjust, false, and wrongful convictions.

However, he felt that he should still defend himself.

"Sir Chen, it's just something captured on CCTV on the road, do you think I have anything to do with that group of robbers?

First, you said you photographed someone taking out two pistols from the car.

I know this. They are indeed two pistols. They cost tens of dollars each on Apliu Street. They are imitation toy guns that he bought for his younger brother.

I even scolded him specifically for this matter.

After all, it's not worth risking your life for two imitation guns!Are you right?
If you have any questions, just ask me directly. There is no need to make things so complicated. "

Yang Tian also figured it out. Anyway, it was just captured on CCTV.

There is actually no difference between a toy gun and a real one on TV. This cannot be used as evidence at all.

However, Chen Guorong still did not intend to give up and asked in a deep voice: "What about Greyhound? At the beginning of the video, he entered the alley with you.

But when the police arrived later, they didn't see the greyhound at all. "

Hearing this, Yang Tian smiled and said bluntly: "Of course I let Greyhound go first!

Sir Chen was not far from the alley at that time, but a gunfight was taking place. Of course, he had to run far away before he could run.

Unfortunately, the alley was a dead end, and the only place to escape was a few meters above the ground.

In that situation, even though the greyhound was extremely talented, it was the combined efforts of everyone to send him up.

After all, if things really come to a worst, someone has to take our last words out, right? "

Yang Tian's explanation is quite reasonable.

But Chen Guorong asked next: "What about Lin Sen? It is said that after he resigned, he is now hanging out with you?"

Yang Tian did not expect that Chen Guorong, who had been suspended, could actually find Lin Sen.

This is much faster than the progress of the police.

However, Yang Tian was already prepared for Lin Sen's problem.

So he said jokingly: "Sir Chen, you can't say this nonsense, Lin Sen is not messing with me.

The relationship between us is now a serious partnership.

Besides, he has already resigned, so he has to find something to do for himself, right?

To be honest, I also took a fancy to his experience as a police officer, so I asked him to be the nightclub manager.

You know, you will encounter all kinds of weirdos among the guests in nightclubs.

As for the little ones who watch the scene, they don’t have any sense of responsibility when it comes to doing things.

With Lin Sen watching, it would be different.At least he is familiar with the law and knows how to deal with problems, which can save me a lot of trouble.

And he can also get a good salary.

After all, you know, people always have to eat!
What, you suspect that he is also a robber?Isn't it?I heard that he was the bravest that night. If he was a robber, he would be acting with his life! "

As he spoke, Yang Tian seemed to suddenly think of something, his face became a little serious, and he asked: "I heard that you have been suspended, Sir Chen?"

These words made Chen Guorong look a little ugly, but Yang Tian continued: "If you ask me, you might as well learn from Lin Sen. I actually need experienced people like you here. I will definitely earn more than you do now. Much.

The key is that the risk is low, and you won't fight with the gangsters at every turn. If you accidentally lose your life, it will be a loss. "

Hearing Yang Tian's words, Chen Jin in the front row seemed a little excited and wanted to refute.

However, Chen Guorong sighed suddenly and interrupted Chen Jin.

"Thank you very much, but I have no plans to change careers yet.

It's just a suspension, not a dismissal.

And we believe that sooner or later I will be able to find out the group of gangsters who robbed the bank. "

After saying that, Chen Guorong turned around slightly, stared at Yang Tian and said:

"Let me ask you one last question, does the Asian Bank robbery have anything to do with you?"

Hearing this question, Yang Tian was actually a little relieved.

Since Chen Guorong can speak directly and ask straightforwardly, it at least shows that in his heart, he is still willing to believe himself.

So he smiled happily, stretched out his hands to tidy up his hair, and answered the question: "Do you know who I picked up when I came to the airport today?"

Regarding Yang Tian's sudden change of topic, Chen Guorong was a little confused. Chen Jin even said directly: "Don't change the topic. Who are you picking up? What does it have to do with the case?"

Yang Tian was not angry, but straightened his suit again, and then said: "It's a big deal, the person I came to pick up today, I call him Uncle Xiang.

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that Uncle Xiang has been taking care of my money in the Thai financial market for me. "

Having said this, Yang Tian deliberately coughed, "Let me introduce you formally again, I, Yang Tian, ​​currently do not count the industries in Hong Kong Island and A-Ma. The securities in the Thai financial market alone are already worth billions of Hong Kong paper." .

As a young entrepreneur worth billions, you actually suspect that I would rob a bank for just tens of millions?Do you think it is reasonable? "

At this moment, Chen Guorong and Chen Jin stopped talking.I don't know whether he was surprised by Yang Tian's net worth, or whether he was analyzing the authenticity of his words.

However, Yang Tian was not in a hurry. Instead, he waited for them to digest the information before asking:
"Actually, I'm quite curious now, how did you two get involved?"

Yang Tian's words made Chen Guorong stunned, and he actually raised his head and looked at Chen Jin in front of him, seeming to have some doubts in his heart.

Chen Jin was perfunctory and said: "I just want to get to the bottom of the case."

"No, this case does not fall under the jurisdiction of your division, and I have been suspended. If you want to investigate the case, you should not come to me."

Chen Guorong may have been drunk all day long during the previous period, which made his reaction a little slow.But now after hearing Yang Tian's question and Chen Jin's answer, his experienced experience immediately made him discover the problem.

There was also a hint of vigilance in Chen Jin's eyes.

After all, he has experienced the emergence of moles within the police force.

He didn't react before, but now looking at Chen Jin's acting skills, in his eyes, he was just trying to escape from something.

At this time, Chen Jin saw that he couldn't get over it, so he sighed and said: "Sir Chen, I just don't want to see you sink like this.

And I’m not lying to you, I really want to solve the case. "

What Chen Jin said was sincere, and at least Yang Tian didn't see any trace of acting.

But Chen Guorong still frowned: "Why? Give me a reason. You must know that I am in a lot of trouble now. If you help me, you may get into trouble yourself at any time."

Seeing Chen Guorong and Chen Jin questioning each other, Yang Tian didn't say anything and leaned back, looking like he was determined to eat everything.

After Chen Jin struggled for a while, he finally explained:

"Sir Chen, I really want to help you and don't want to see you continue to be so depressed.

You must know that the reason why I took the exam for the police force is because of you.

I want you to continue to be the high-spirited Chen Guorong you were before, instead of a drunkard who only knows how to get drunk all day long... "

As Chen Jin told him, Yang Tian also understood that this Chen Jin actually really had the face of the chef in the story of Chen Guorong in his previous life.

When he was a child, he also witnessed his father being hit and killed by a car. At that time, Chen Guorong also gave his father considerable respect.

So from then on, Chen Guorong must have become his idol and the goal of his efforts.

That's why he suddenly appeared when Chen Guorong was at his most depressed and brought Chen Guorong back on track.

Compared with the chef's face that Yang Tian had seen in his previous life, Chen Jin is an enhanced version.

After all, he is not like the one in his previous life who pretended to be a police officer.He is now a serious policeman himself.

"I didn't expect you, Sir Chen, to have fans in the police force? It's really enviable."

Yang Tian's words immediately ruined the atmosphere of the original fan meeting, making the two people who had revealed their true feelings feel somewhat embarrassed for a while.

But Yang Tian doesn't care about this. Since Chen Guorong has recovered and plans to continue to pursue the Asian Bank robbery case, Yang Tian feels that he needs to do something.

After all, Chen Guorong and Chen Guorong will definitely not use normal channels to investigate now, but by finding another way, they might be able to find out something.

This is not what Yang Tian wants to see now. After all, Zhou Su's suspicion has not been completely cleared yet.

So he simply said with a serious face: "Sir Chen, I heard that you have fought against robbers, and they are very good at fighting?"

No one expected that Yang Tian would suddenly talk about this again, but Chen Guorong still said frankly: "One-on-one, unlimited fighting, I lost last time, what exactly do you want to say? Are there any clues?"

Yang Tian smiled slightly, "I can't find any clues."

As he said that, he looked at Chen Jin again, "Do you still remember the case of the escort car?"

This time Chen Jin did not speak, but stared at Yang Tian waiting for his next words.

“I think you all know that the suspects in that case, Tian Yangsheng and his gang, are considered international mercenaries.

When they robbed the deposit vehicle, they acted very smoothly, so you may not be aware of it.

It is said that their skills are all in the same level as one against ten, and they should be able to compete with you, Sir Chen.

And there is another thing, that is, although they ran away by boat, but now so much time has passed, the boat has never come back.

I promised Sir Li to help pay attention to Tianyangsheng and the others.

It turned out that there was no news of them landing in Southeast Asia. "

"You mean, maybe they didn't leave at all?"

Chen Guorong reacted at this time and analyzed for himself: "According to Superintendent Zhang's account, he led his men to ambush Tian Yangsheng and the others, and even killed three robbers.

If what he said was true, then some of the people who escaped and boarded the ship might have been injured.

As a result, it would be impractical for them to travel long distances.

The most likely possibility is that after going around in a circle, they landed somewhere else on Hong Kong Island.

Then he lay low to heal, waiting for the opportunity to retaliate.

As for the ship, in order not to expose their whereabouts, the crew members were probably silenced and the ship was destroyed. It is indeed very easy to destroy a ship on the sea. "

As Chen Guorong spoke, he felt more and more silky and smooth, as if he had caught the truth.

“What they didn’t expect was that Superintendent Zhang was arrested by us before they could take revenge.

With the successful experience of robbing a deposit car for the first time, they simply planned a second bank robbery.

And fighting the police is actually just for revenge. "

Seeing that Chen Guorong slowly came to the same conclusion as Li Xin'er, Yang Tian let out a long sigh of relief.

However, he still asked deliberately and doubtfully: "How do you explain the money from Superintendent Zhang?

If Superintendent Zhang's money was really lost, it was most likely Tian Yangsheng's fault.

But if they got the money, why would they do it again? "

At this time, Chen Jin said with a face of hatred: "I understand, just because the first robbery went so smoothly, now I have got the money.

This gave them the idea of ​​striking while the iron is hot and taking another shot. "

After listening to this, Yang Tian admired their imagination and unconsciously followed their train of thought:
"So after receiving the money, they used the money to update their equipment, become bigger and stronger, and create greater glory?"

(End of this chapter)

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