When you are in Hong Kong, you become an informant at the beginning

Chapter 267 Tian Yangsheng and the others arrived in Hong Kong Island

Chapter 267 Tian Yangsheng and the others returned to Hong Kong Island
"Sir Lin! How are you? Are you satisfied with the decoration of this place?"

It's still the new nightclub in North Point, but it's still a construction site at this time, and the workers are busy with various decoration works.

And Lin Sen didn't know if it was because of the money he invested, but he came to the construction site almost every day and was very concerned about the decoration of the site.

So if Yang Tian wanted to find him, he had to go to the construction site.

The fact that Chen Guorong and Chen Jin came to find him the day before really sounded the alarm for him.

Since Chen Guorong can doubt Lin Sen, then Li Wenbin can naturally do the same.

And he also mentioned the CCTV, but Yang Tian remembered that the CCTV also captured footage of Zhou Su and the others escaping.

At first no one thought there was anything wrong with the picture, but later it was discovered by Chen Guorong.

When Zhou Su and the others entered and came out of the alley, they were carrying one less bag containing money.

Now that Chen Guorong has noticed the details in the CCTV, he will probably find Lin Sen's head soon.

So Yang Tian came to find Lin Sen in order to buy time.

"Mr. Yang is joking, I'm not a policeman anymore, so don't call me Sir Lin.

But this venue, I feel, will definitely become a symbol of Hong Kong nightclubs in the future. "

Although there was some bragging in Lin Sen's words, the overall style of this place was indeed several years ahead of its time, so it was worthy of this bragging.

However, the purpose of Yang Tian's visit today was not simply to listen to Lin Sen's praise.

So he smiled and continued: "The hardware is no problem now, but I still have some special ideas for the software of the venue."

"Oh?" Lin Sen also became interested at this time and wanted to know what new tricks Yang Tian was planning to play?

Yang Tian didn't show any concern about this, and directly began to describe his thoughts to Lin Sen.

“As for me, I plan to play something high-end in this venue.

For the lead dancers and the like, I’m going to hire some foreigners.

There are both European and American and Southeast Asian styles, black and white. We strive to have a different theme every night so that guests can come in at any time and have a sense of freshness. "

Lin Sen's eyes lit up when he heard this.Nightclubs in this era, before Yang Tian appeared, mostly stayed in a drinking-based mode.

At most, it's just a matter of finding a few sisters to stay and have a drink with them.

It started from Yang Tian's Causeway Bay and then slowly began to transform towards disco and performance.

But now everyone has just learned a little bit about it, but they didn’t expect that he is actually ready to go out into the world.

After thinking about what the nightclub would look like after it opened in the future, Lin Sen suddenly felt inexplicably excited. At the same time, he regretted whether he had invested too little money.

However, he said with sincere admiration:
"As expected of Mr. Yang, he is always ahead of others.

I am really grateful to Mr. Yang for agreeing to my investment. It seems that it will be difficult not to make money in the future. "

Looking at Lin Sen who was a little excited, Yang Tian deliberately pretended to be embarrassed.

"Actually! I came to you today because I need your help with something."

"Oh? Anything, as long as I can help, I will never refuse."

Although I was curious in my heart, why did Yang Tian have so many subordinates come to him for help.

However, Lin Sen seemed very angry in the scene.

Yang Tian also smiled when he heard this: "It's not a big deal.

Didn't I just say that we need to find a group of foreign lead dancers and other girls to come over!
I have already taken care of Europe and Southeast Asia.

I was just thinking about finding some more neon and stick ones from the country.

It was okay on the Bangzi Country side, but there was a little accident on the Neon side. "

Hearing this, Lin Sen asked unconsciously: "Did something happen? Is it because the person is hard to find?"

“That’s not true, we just sent out recruitment advertisements, and there were quite a few people who signed up.

The problem is with the people in charge of recruitment over there. "

Lin Sen was a little confused at this time. He didn't understand what could happen to a person in charge of recruitment.

Yang Tian showed an embarrassed smile, "I didn't expect that the guy in charge of recruitment would have such a unique aesthetic point of view."

With that said, Yang Tian took out a stack of photos and handed them to Lin Sen: "See for yourself, what are you looking for here?"

Lin Sen took the photo and looked at it suspiciously. It didn't matter, and he almost spit out his overnight meal.

At this time, Yang Tian was still complaining to himself: "If I hadn't asked him to send the photos of the interview in advance, who knows how much damage it would have caused to the place by dragging these people to Hong Kong Island."

"Mr. Yang, what do you want me to do?"

Lin Sen also recovered at this time, couldn't wait to return the photo to Yang Tian, ​​and then asked cautiously.

At this time, Yang Tian no longer concealed anything and said bluntly: "I want you to take a trip to Neon and check out the actors you found.

No matter what you ask for, you are looking for a girl who will captivate your country. At the very least, you can’t be so exaggerated, right? "

After saying that, without waiting for Lin Sen to speak, Yang Tian patted him on the shoulder and continued: "Don't worry, the company will bear the cost of the business trip.

Moreover, everything has been arranged over at Neon. When you go, you only need to be responsible for checking in, and then bring those you think are suitable back to Hong Kong Island.

I have too many things on my hands recently, and if you look at the progress of the decoration, it won't be long before it can be opened. So time is tight, so I have to ask you, the shareholder, to help. "

Lin Sen lowered his head and began to think about it. Yang Tian did not urge him. He believed that Lin Sen would definitely agree.

First of all, as long as he is a man, he will basically not resist the errand of going to a beauty pageant.

Secondly, this matter is reasonable and legal, and the key is related to the future operation of the nightclub. As one of the shareholders, it is natural for Lin Sen to contribute.

Of course, in order to dispel his doubts, the photos that were just taken out were the best ones that Da Tian Er spent a lot of effort on Neon's side.

Yang Tian's purpose of doing this was also very simple, which was to get rid of Lin Sen for the time being.

When Zhou Su and the others met Lin Sen in the alley, Zhou Su not only lost his bag with money, but also his watch.

Now the gun used by Zhou Su has been temporarily kept for her.

But that watch still needs time to process.

That watch is a commemorative watch for internal members of an extreme sports club.

Each piece has detailed records. Once traced, it can be easily traced to Zhou Su's head.

The key is that the background of that club is not simple. It is very difficult to destroy the records simply and crudely.

So now he can only think about acquiring that club.

However, it will take some time to actually implement it.

After all, the members in that club are all rich second generation people like Zhou Su Guanzu.

And its owner himself is also a rich man. He founded the club out of love.

Therefore, it is not easy to get the club from him.In order to ensure that no accidents occurred during this period, Lin Sen had to be kept far away.

Neon is a very good choice.

At this time, Lin Sen seemed to have thought about it clearly and nodded towards Yang Tian: "I can go there as well. Places like nightclubs do have certain requirements for the appearance of actors.

Although I am not an art master, but in terms of aesthetics, I should be pretty normal.

I think most men in Hong Kong would be able to accept it as beautiful.

No matter how bad it is, it is definitely more reliable than the ones in the photos, I am very sure of this. "

Seeing that Lin Sen agreed, Yang Tian immediately followed up: "Then I will ask someone to book the fastest flight ticket for you. You should be ready to leave immediately!"

"So anxious?"

"There's no hurry! If you leave early, you'll have more time to choose when you get to Neon.

This is related to the future management of the place, so the burden on your shoulders is actually very heavy. "

In the end, Lin Sen simply went home to tidy up before being put on the nearest flight by Yang Tian.

As soon as Lin Sen left, Yang Tian received the news.

Chen Guorong and Chen Jin actually found the construction site.

This made Yang Tian secretly proud. He knew that Lin Sen, deep down in his heart, was actually very guilty of Chen Guorong.

Although he seems to be okay now, if he really comes face to face with Chen Guorong and is begged by Chen Guorong, he might actually be able to say something.

Now he has been sent to Neon by himself. With Chen Guorong currently suspended, he cannot leave Hong Kong Island at all.

As for Neon Datian Er, they had already found a lot of things for Lin Sen to do in accordance with Yang Tian's request.

It can be said that as long as Yang Tian does not nod, it is impossible for Lin Sen to return to Hong Kong Island early.

After dealing with Lin Sen's problem, Yang Tian called Zhou Su and asked her to speed up the acquisition of the club.

After all, Chen Guorong couldn't go to Neon, and there was no telling what if Li Wenbin sent someone there.

Once Lin Sen's hole was opened, Zhou Su would become very passive.

The key is not to make Lin Sen disappear directly now, which makes things a little troublesome.

After finishing Zhou Su's affairs, Yang Tian was still busy with the wedding to Jia Li.

This is his top priority at the moment, and every detail must be taken seriously.

It's just that some things are good if you have the intention, but in actual practice, he feels a little overwhelmed.

For the first time, he discovered that trying on clothes was a painful thing.

From noon until evening, Jiali kept pulling him and trying on various styles of suits.

Yang Tian made a rough estimate and found that he might have worn more clothes on his upper body this afternoon than all the clothes he had worn before in his life.

She finally put on something that satisfied the beauty, but after she changed into a wedding dress, she felt that it didn't match and was inappropriate.

This made Yang Tian very curious. In his opinion, the clothes were almost the same in terms of style and materials. How did the beauty see the difference?
But when the beauty was once again dissatisfied with the effect of the wedding dress and went to choose it again, the Mediterranean Sea quietly walked over.

"Boss, Tian Yangsheng and the others have arrived on Hong Kong Island."

This refreshed Yang Tian's spirits, and he felt that fighting these gangsters was much easier than constantly changing clothes.

"When did you arrive?"

Mediterranean was stunned for a moment, and said with some embarrassment: "I don't know, Ye Guohuan didn't find any ship from the Philippines arriving.

It was Tian Yangsheng who took the initiative to find our people and wanted to buy another batch of guys.

Only then did we discover their traces. "

Yang Tian was happy to hear that Tian Yangsheng and the others wanted to buy guns.

“Now the black market in Hong Kong selling arms has been almost wiped out by the police.

If they want guys, they really can only find us.

By the way, how much do we still have in stock? "

"There's not much left. They want a lot of Tianyangsheng this time, so they can just clear out their stocks."

Hearing this, Yang Tian pondered for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Don't rush to sell it to them, just delay it for a while, and then give them the gun after I have almost everything arranged here."

Now that Tian Yangsheng and his gang have returned to Hong Kong Island, it's time to deal with the two bank robberies at once.

This way, I can get married with peace of mind, without having to worry about so many annoying things every day.

Thinking of this, he became motivated to change clothes. He and the beauty fiddled with each other a few times before they selected the style they liked and asked the master to work overtime to help them get it done.

At this time, in a very remote rental house, the four Tian Yangsheng brothers and sisters were also preparing to have dinner.

But it seems that their current situation is worse than when they were in the Philippines.

Tian Yangsheng was carrying a pack of lunch boxes, and he saw that they were the cheapest ones.

Not to mention not much meat, there was only two fried eggs for four people.

On the ground, there were many empty bottles of painkillers and some bloody bandages scattered around.

Among the four brothers and sisters, Tian Yangzhi was lying naked on the bed beside him. His body was wrapped in bandages, and blood could even be seen seeping out from his shoulders.

"Ah Sheng, have you got the gun?"

At this time, Tian Yangyi was not busy eating. Instead, he was more concerned about whether the purpose of Tian Yangsheng's trip was achieved.

Tian Yangsheng, on the other hand, first walked to the bed and helped Tian Yangzhi up, and then replied:
"There was another bank robbery not long ago. Now the news is too tight. In the past, those who sold arms on the black market could be caught and run away. Now it is a bit difficult to get guns."

"Then what should I do? It's all my fault. I didn't expect that the boat I found was so unreliable.

Otherwise, with the remaining guys we had before, it would be enough. "

Tian Yangzhi just sat up from the bed, and when he heard Tian Yangsheng's words, he began to blame himself again.

However, the other people did not blame him, but comforted him: "Azhi, don't think too much.

Those monkeys driving the boats have bad intentions, don’t we all know that already?
I just didn't expect them to be so cautious. Not only were there gunmen on the ship, but there were also several ships ambushed at sea.

At that time, if we had still thought about saving, we would probably have died a long time ago.

Don't think too much about it. Although there are fewer arms sellers on the black market, there are not none.

I have contacted one company and they have the goods, but it will take some time. "

Hearing this, Tian Yangzhi and Tian Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief, but Tian Yangen, who was sitting at the table and dividing the dishes, asked.

"Brother Sheng, but we are running out of money. Other businesses are fine, but these arms sellers, why don't we hack their goods?"

(End of this chapter)

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