Chapter 268 What are they doing?
The movements of the four Tian Yangsheng brothers and sisters were much slower than Yang Tian imagined.

It has been several months since they returned to Hong Kong Island, and even Yang Tian's people have figured out where they will end up.

But they made no other moves at all, which made it difficult for Yang Tian's follow-up plan to be implemented.

Even if it is the guy they need, they themselves have been procrastinating and not picking up the goods.

At first, this abnormality made Yang Tian a little wary, worried that they might have seen something, or that they were trying to hold back some big moves, so they had to prepare for a cruel attack.

Fortunately, after observing from the side, it was found that someone was injured, and it seemed that the injury was not serious.

During this time, the other three people bought a large amount of anti-inflammatory drugs and bandages.

However, Tian Yangsheng and the others' low-key approach somewhat disrupted Yang Tian's rhythm.

His original plan was to take advantage of Tian Yangsheng's return to take action and deal with them and Guan Zu's group first.

Then he can hold the wedding ceremony with the beauty with peace of mind.

But the day of his wedding has arrived, but Tian Yangsheng and his group still haven't made any movement at all.

Even the other three who were not injured took turns working outside, if they hadn't been in contact with Ma Zai, who handled the arms, from time to time.

Yang Tian almost thought that they had changed their ways and were going to live in seclusion.

And since Tian Yangsheng and the others will not take any action for the time being, Yang Tian can only hold the wedding as planned.

So in the next few days, he was so busy that he couldn't even put his feet on the ground.

After all, getting married is a big event, and the guests who should be invited must be treated with the utmost etiquette.

The first is the characters in the Hong Kong underworld.As the talker of Hongxing Causeway Bay, he is a boss-level presence in the world of Hong Kong Island.

If he wants to get married, it will definitely be a major event in the world of Hong Kong Island.

And the best thing about people in the world is face.

Therefore, not only should we invite those with seniority and cooperation, but we should also give them enough face.

In addition to Hong Kong Island, A-Ma cannot be left behind.

If you want to know his business, the business in A-Ma is not much less than that on Hong Kong Island.

So just for Ma Ge, he has traveled several times these days.

In addition to A-Ma, of course, the north side cannot be neglected either.

Although it was a bit difficult to speak, fortunately sister-in-law Chen Ting didn't say much.

He just promised to be there to congratulate him and let Yang Tian go.

Early this morning, Yang Tian came to the airport again just to pick up Chen Ting.

Although the sister-in-law had a sad look on her face, when she saw Yang Tian coming to pick her up, she immediately put on a happy face.

He sent Chen Ting directly to the hotel. After some tenderness, Chen Ting said in Yang Tian's arms:
"Although I am very reluctant, I still wish you a happy wedding."

Yang Tian couldn't follow these words, so he could only change his thoughts into actions and began to move his hands up and down again.

Unexpectedly, this time it caused Chen Ting to yell: "Don't make trouble, I have something serious to talk to you."

Yang Tian didn't care, and said seriously: "You tell me, I'll listen!"

The movements of his hands showed no intention of stopping.

Seeing this situation, Chen Ting could only let it go, closed her eyes and said, "This time I didn't come to your wedding alone."

Yang Tian was stunned: "I didn't see anyone at the customs just now? Could it be that you left the person there and ran away with me?"

At this time, Chen Ting couldn't bear it anymore, turned around, faced Yang Tian, ​​and said as if gibbering: "This is Mr. Zhao. He has a special status. Just let me tell you that he will be at your wedding tomorrow. You Watch yourself carefully."

Yang Tian was somewhat surprised when he heard that Mr. Zhao was coming.

When it came to Mr. Zhao's Food City, he had tried his best and sent his most reliable operation team there.

I guess it must have worked, that's why he came to attend his wedding.

Regarding Mr. Zhao, Yang Tian's consistent attitude was that he would rather suffer a loss than offend him.

After all, his rank, to be honest, has exceeded 90.00% of the male protagonists of Shuangwen.

At least in the next ten years or so, no matter what kind of Long Aotian you are, if you pretend to be in front of him, the end will not be good.

"I understand. I just happened to have invited a lot of big entrepreneurs from Hong Kong Island. Hasn't Mr. Zhao always had the idea of ​​​​entering Hong Kong Island? It just so happens that we can let them chat."

Although her body was already feeling very uncomfortable, Chen Ting still struggled to open her eyes and warned seriously:
"You should also know who Mr. Zhao is by now. You just have to make the arrangements yourself, but you must not neglect it."

"Don't worry, I'm the kind of person who talks big.

Mr. He from Mage will also come by then. Several others are either bankers or financial and real estate tycoons. They are all well-known in Hong Kong Island. They should be worthy of Mr. Zhao's status, right? "

Hearing this, Chen Ting felt relieved, closed her eyes again, and concentrated on enjoying the long-lost tenderness.

Yang Tian didn't return home until noon, when he had lunch with Chen Ting.

But now the family is busy. Wang Lin, as the nominal parent of the beauty, has also finished her journey with Pauline and returned to Hong Kong Island.

In addition to Jia Li and Wang Lin, Phoebe, Li Xin'er and Zhou Su, as bridesmaids, were also accompanying Jia Li in decorating the wedding room.

Seeing Yang Tian coming back, Jiali said with some embarrassment:
"I have already decorated the room. Don't mess it up. Also, come pick me up early tomorrow."

After saying that, he gave Yang Tian a kiss and ran out shyly.

After running only a few steps, he turned back and said to Zhou Su: "Asu, are you really not staying with me tonight?"

Zhou Su said with an apologetic look: "No, my family won't let me stay out overnight. The driver is already on the way here and will pick me up soon.

But don't worry, I'll be here early tomorrow morning and I won't delay your important event. "

Hearing Zhou Su's answer, Li Xin'er was a little surprised, but Jiali was a little disappointed, and then looked at Yang Tian and warned: "I have already sorted out the clothes for you to wear tomorrow, don't make any mistakes.

If it doesn't work, you are responsible for sending Asu back safely, do you hear me? "

Although the two have already lived together, according to custom, the bride still returns to her parents' home tonight.

So seeing Yang Tian coming back from work, Jiali shyly took Wang Lin and prepared to go back.

Seeing Jiali's car leaving the villa, Zhou Su, who was still sitting on the sofa nearby, turned into a plaster and stuck to Yang Tian's body.

"Sister Jiali is so happy. It would be great if I were the one to marry you tomorrow."

Yang Tian felt a little powerless at this time and simply changed the topic.

"Have Guan Zu and the others made any new moves during this period?"

Hearing Yang Tian talk about business, Zhou Su also became serious for a rare moment, but he still hung on Yang Tian and refused to get down.

“They were still immersed in the excitement of the last time they robbed a bank.

Meis even found someone to join him, and he was turning the story of our ambush on Chen Guorong into a game, hoping to use it to stimulate the police. "

Hearing that Guan Zu and his group were still so rampant, Yang Tian became more determined in his thoughts.

They can let Tian Yangsheng take the blame for their previous bank robbery.But these people really can’t stay.

So he began to assign tasks to Zhou Su.

"Can you find a way to arouse their interest and let them plan another bank robbery?"

"Are you going to do it again?" Zhou Su was really surprised this time.

After all, Yang Tian has been trying his best to clear her name. "If it happens again, then what you did for me before was not in vain?"

Yang Tian smiled and said: "I don't want them to actually rob the bank.

Rather, I want you to find a way to make them appear in a specific place at a specific time.And that place is most likely a bank.

How, can it be done? "

Zhou Su blinked and said confidently, "Of course, no problem. When? Where will we invite them?"

At this time, it was Yang Tian who hesitated. His plan was not complicated at all. Instead, it could be said that it was just a very simple plan to kill with a borrowed knife.

He believed that the more complex the plan, the more loopholes and variables there were.Anyway, this matter ultimately has little to do with me.

So he planned everything in the most direct and effective way.

But now the protagonists of the plan, Tian Yangsheng and his gang, actually stood still.

This made Yang Tian sigh and said: "You should prepare in advance! Think of a reasonable reason or a plan to get yourself out.

As for the time and place, I will inform you in advance. "

"Okay, I will definitely not let you down."

After hearing Yang Tian's request, Zhou Su couldn't hold it in any longer and dragged Yang Tian directly into the second bedroom.

Everything went smoothly at the wedding the next day. The entire ceremony was pretty much what Yang Tian expected from the beginning.

Of course, except for Zhou Su, the bridesmaid, who might walk a little unnaturally, everything else was within his expectations.

As expected, Mr. Zhao is here. Not only is he here, he is also accompanied by his loyal Captain Ma Zaiqi.

He was very satisfied with Yang Tian's arrangement.

They are all top-level businessmen, and all of them are talented people.Yang Tian only clicked slightly, and everyone immediately had a general understanding of Mr. Zhao's background.

Everyone in the box suddenly became excited.

You must know that return is imminent now, no matter what plans and thoughts these big bosses in Hong Kong have.

But at this juncture, no one would reject Mr. Zhao from the north.

Of course, Yang Tian was also careful. The people sitting in this private room were all businessmen who he thought were more biased towards the north.

He did not dare to let those staunch immigrants come into contact with Mr. Zhao.

Those people are devoted to their Majesty the Queen. If they are not careful, Yang Tian will not only fail to achieve his goal, but may also get into trouble.

And when he saw that everyone was so enthusiastic and harmonious, Yang Tian was also satisfied.

Although no one said much, just because Mr. Zhao came all the way to attend his wedding, everyone had to look at him with admiration.

You must know that Yang Tian knew them through Li Yang, Li Xin'er's father.

When they heard Yang Tian say that he had some business in the north, they didn't take it seriously.

Until he reached a cooperation with the Zhou family and began to use the Zhou family's ship to dump his VCDs to Southeast Asia.

Only then did everyone realize that Yang Tian’s business should not be underestimated.

So when Yang Tian invited them to attend his wedding, they gave Yang Tian this face.

But it's different now. At least because of the relationship between Yang Tian and Mr. Zhao, his status in the eyes of everyone in the box has once again been greatly improved.

Not to mention being equal to those present, at least everyone has recognized Yang Tian as a person of their level.

To put it bluntly, Yang Tian might have been just a newcomer that they were optimistic about.

But after today, Yang Tian has officially entered the circle of friends of this group of people.

Originally, Yang Tian thought that this atmosphere would last until he entered the bridal chamber.

But I didn't expect that I had just said goodbye to the big bosses in the box.

As soon as he and Jiali walked out of the box, they saw Xu Zhengyang standing outside the door with a serious look on his face.

You know, today is Yang Tian’s big day.Xu Zhengyang was the person in charge of security for the entire wedding, and Yang Tian arranged for nearly a hundred horsemen at his disposal.

If nothing was wrong, he should be in charge of the overall situation in the hotel's control room now.

"What happened?"

The expression on Yang Tian's face remained unchanged, and he asked Xu Zhengyang in a low voice, who was consciously following him.

It's just that Xu Zhengyang's expression is a bit intriguing. It's neither serious about something happening nor relaxed about a small problem.

From Yang Tian's point of view, he was somewhat helpless and confused.

"There are some suspicious people among the hotel service staff. But those people are not easy to deal with. If I take action directly, it will inevitably cause trouble.

You still need to make an idea on how to deal with it. "

When Xu Zhengyang said this, Yang Tian became even more curious.

He knew Xu Zhengyang's strength very well.

Especially his professionalism, which makes Yang Tian very reassured.

So when he said there are suspicious people, there must be something wrong with those people.

What Yang Tian didn't expect was that even Xu Zhengyang felt troubled by the suspicious person and was worried about making a fuss.

"Who are they and what is their purpose?"

Yang Tian asked again while walking.

But who would have thought that Xu Zhengyang's expression became even weirder. After talking for a while, he said: "You'd better go and see for yourself and then make a decision!"

"You have something to do, okay? I just happened to be going to touch up my makeup first."

Jiali was considerate. After hearing what Yang Tian and Xu Zhengyang said, she immediately left with the three bridesmaids.

At this moment, Prince Han Bin and Dinosaur, who were today's best men, immediately became energetic.

"Made, I want to see who he is? He dares to come to your wedding to cause trouble."

"It's not necessarily making trouble. In short, those people are very weird. Mr. Yang, you'd better let me go and have a look first, and then make a decision!"

When Yang Tian heard Xu Zhengyang's words, he nodded, then turned to the prince and others and said, "Many friends from the world are here today. You go to the front first and stabilize the situation for me.

I'll go see what's going on first, hoping it's just a misunderstanding. "

Later, Yang Tian followed Xu Zhengyang to the monitoring room.

"Mr. Yang, it's them! I didn't pay attention at first because there was nothing unusual about their behavior.

But look at their faces!I think it is still necessary to inform you so that you can prepare. "

Following Xu Zhengyang's words, he pointed at the surveillance screen in front of him.

In the picture, Tian Yangsheng was holding a knife and carefully carving auspicious patterns of dragons and phoenixes on each winter melon.

On the other side, Tian Yangyi was in another room, wearing a rubber apron and sweating profusely while killing fish.

In another scene, Tian Yangen was wearing gloves and was busy cleaning the removed plates.

"What are they doing?"

At this time, Yang Tian finally understood why Xu Zhengyang had such an expression.

Anyone who finds out that there are three gangsters in the kitchen of their wedding banquet who dare to rob a bank deposit car on the street will feel nervous.

Just looking at the enthusiastic look of the three people, they don't seem to be much different from the people around them. It is impossible to tell what the purpose of the three people is.

(End of this chapter)

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