"I asked the head chef, because your wedding was relatively large, so they temporarily envy a lot of part-time workers.

These three guys came as daily workers.

But according to the head chef, the temporary workers hired are the ones they often use, and they are not new faces. "

Xu Zhengyang added another explanation when he saw Yang Tian staring at the surveillance camera without saying anything.

But Yang Tian felt a little unbelievable at this time.

After all, Tian Yangsheng and the others were targeted by Xu Zhengyang.

He believed that Xu Zhengyang had not taken action until now, it must be because the three of them had not made any suspicious moves.

So what are the three of them doing here today?And it sounds like these three guys have been doing odd jobs in the hotel kitchen not just once or twice, but they have become adults!
A generation of tough gangsters who robbed escort cars on the street without batting an eye are actually reduced to having to work every day to make ends meet?
No matter how he thought about it, Yang Tian felt a little magical.

I don’t understand why society has become like this even though it’s still early [-]?
The gangsters were turned into workers, the kind of daily workers without any guarantee.

"Keep staring! Be prepared in advance.

If there is nothing abnormal about them, don't worry about them. If they are abnormal, take action immediately.

But you have to exercise caution. After all, today besides the Young and Dangerous, there are also several tables of police officers, so it's best not to alert others.

I will arrange for others to contact them. "

After saying that, Yang Tian looked at the surveillance screen, still a little unbelievable, "I hope they really came to work today!"

At this time, the hotel's chef, Tian Yangtian, looked at dozens of winter melons beside him. Although he had been carving for a long time, his hands were already a little numb.

But there was no impatience in his heart, but his eyes were full of perseverance.

At this time, a fat man wearing a gold-rimmed chef's hat came over.

Picking up a winter melon carved by Tian Yangsheng and looking at it, a satisfied smile appeared on his face, and he said with rare praise:
"Not bad, not bad! You can carve pretty well. Have you learned it before?"

Tian Yangsheng knew that this fat man was the head chef of the hotel, and whether he could earn the 400 yuan today was entirely up to him.

If he had placed these four hundred in the past, he might not have even looked at them.

But when he thought about Azhi still lying in bed, his wounds worsening, and the anti-inflammatory drugs alone were a huge expense, he suddenly felt that he had to earn the four hundred today.

So he quickly put on a smile on his face and said: "I have never learned it seriously. When I was working before, a master made a few remarks and memorized it.

I thought about it later and practiced it regularly, and it gradually became like this. "

Hearing Tian Yangsheng's words, Fatty Chef nodded, "Do it well, don't be careless.

Nothing can go wrong at today's wedding banquet. "

The fat chef's words made Tian Yangsheng somewhat surprised.

This is not the first time that he has come here to work on a daily basis.

Because of his quick hands and feet, his hard work and hard work, he was remembered by the fat chef.

Therefore, whenever there is a large-scale event in the hotel and someone is needed, he will always be the first one to come to mind.

Even if he brought Tian Yangyi and Tian Yangen with him this time, he accepted them all together.

But just because it was not his first time here, Tian Yangsheng felt that the fat chef's attitude was a bit strange.

According to past experience, once the chef gets busy, he always pursues speed with all his strength.What I like most is slapping those fat palms, standing behind others and constantly urging "Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

I wish someone could hand over an hour's work in just one minute.

Like today, when patrolling back and forth, it was the first time that Tian Yangsheng paid attention to quality rather than speed.

"Chef, who is the person who served the wine today? Why did you put so much effort into it?"

The fat chef looked around and saw that everyone was working very hard, and seemed to be planning to take a break.

So I simply pulled a small horse and sat down next to Tian Yangsheng, rubbing my knees and saying:
"You really asked the right person. If you asked others, they would probably only tell you that a big boss is getting married today.

But let me tell you, it is not easy to get married today. He is already a tycoon who takes both sides. "

Seeing what the fat chef said was so powerful, Tian Yangsheng also became interested, "Is it true? Isn't it said that there are no such characters in Hong Kong Island now?"

"No? That's just because they don't know. Who do you think those people are sitting outside today?"


“It can be said that everyone in Hong Kong’s arena is here.

If you don't arrive today, it means you are someone who is not worthy of being on the stage yet, so I asked you to be more careful in your work today.

Normally, if I offer some forks, the guests won't say anything. At most, they just come to my place to get involved and make a few complaints.

But if you offend these guests today, you will be in big trouble. "

"Really?" Tian Yangsheng was a little surprised.

"Of course it's true. Have you heard of Mr. He from Ma Ge? What kind of person is he? He is also here today.

Just tell me, the person serving the wine today is so proud of himself! "

After saying that, the fat chef looked stunned when he saw Tian Yangsheng, and continued with some pride:
“In addition to people from the martial arts world, many wealthy people from Hong Kong Island are also here today.

Those are all the richest people in Hong Kong, the kind who often appear on magazine covers. "

Speaking of this, the fat chef deliberately leaned into Tian Yangsheng's ear and lowered his voice and said: "I'm telling you, don't spread it everywhere.

Did you know that not only were the people I just mentioned, but there was also a box filled with police officers?

Not an ordinary police officer!They are all high-ranking officers of the police force. It is said that even the top brother of the police force had people bring gifts to congratulate them.

Do you think today’s lineup is big enough? "

"It's really big enough!"

Even if Tian Yangsheng doesn't know Hong Kong Island very well, he understands it.

This is a gangster and a high-ranking police officer coming to congratulate each other at the same time. This in itself can already show that the people who got married today have amazing energy.

So he became even more curious, "Chef, you haven't told me yet, who is getting married today?"

Hearing this question, the fat chef couldn't help but reveal a look of fascination on his face, and said lightly: "Yang Tian, ​​Yang Tian is getting married today."

"Yang Tian? I seem to have heard this name somewhere?"

Tian Yangsheng was not pretending this time, but he really felt that the name was somewhat familiar.

But the fat chef smiled and said, "It's normal for you to have heard of this name.

Speaking of Yang Tian, ​​he can be regarded as a legend.

You know, a little over a year ago, he was even in jail.

It was only a little over a year after he was released from prison. In less than two years, he went from a young and Dangerous boy to the most powerful boss in Hong Kong Island today.

The name Yang Tian has become a legend.

I think back then, he was just an ordinary horse boy.But what about now?It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the No. 1 in the world of Hong Kong. Things are so unpredictable!

I heard that he also owns a film company. If you ask me, he might as well make an autobiography of his own, which would definitely be a big hit. "

Listening to the fat chef's words, Tian Yangsheng asked curiously:
"Chief chef, I heard your sigh. You are so familiar with the road, and you are inspired by it. It seems that you have been on the road before?"

Hearing this, the fat chef was a little embarrassed. Instead of answering Tian Yangsheng's words directly, he stood up and patted him on the shoulder:

"Young man, do your best! People as down-to-earth as you are rare these days.

When the hotel needs someone in the future, I will definitely be the first to find you. "

There was some regret in the fat chef's words. He could also see that Tian Yangsheng and his gang were gangsters.

There are so many people like this in Hong Kong Island, and everyone wants to come to Hong Kong Island to pan for gold.

But now times have changed, and it has become difficult for such gangsters to obtain Hong Kong Island status.

However, he may never have imagined that the seemingly honest daily worker in front of him would be a violent gangster who had dominated the headlines of newspapers for many days.

After the fat chef left to continue his inspection, although Tian Yangsheng's hand movements remained unchanged, his eyes changed obviously, as if he had remembered something.

This state lasted until the end of the night and Tian Yangyi and Tian Yangen, who had received their wages, found him, but they had not yet recovered.

On the way back, the thoughtful Tian Yangen was the first to notice something was wrong, and asked worriedly: "Brother Sheng, has something happened? Why do you look so distracted?"

After hearing this, Tian Yangyi immediately became vigilant. He looked around and found that the people on the street were normal and no one paid attention to them.

Then he asked: "A Sheng, did you discover anything?"

At this time, Tian Yangsheng finally came to his senses and smiled awkwardly, "It's okay, it's just that seeing that wedding banquet today made me feel a little bit.

I heard someone say today that the cost of this wedding banquet has already reached tens of millions.

Think about it again, we worked hard and took such a big risk, only to steal tens of millions, but we still haven’t received a penny, alas...! "

After saying that, Tian Yangsheng couldn't help but sigh.

Tian Yangen on the side smiled and comforted: "This may be fate! Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths, and we are lucky to live and grow so big.

Didn’t you say that if we want to change our destiny against nature, we must risk our lives?If we win, we will certainly not be short of anything we should have. "

Unexpectedly, after listening to Tian Yangen's words, Tian Yangsheng did not cheer up, but showed a more confused expression on his face.

"You are right, but if I say that the person getting married today might have been worse off than us two years ago, what do you think?"

Tian Yangen and Tian Yangyi were stunned when they heard this, and asked tentatively:

"No way? In two years, he was able to go from being inferior to us to being like this. Did he just empty out a bank?"

"The person getting married today is Yang Tian! You must have heard of this person, right?"

At this time, Tian Yangsheng also recalled Yang Tian's name. He had heard it somewhere.

That was the last time they came to Hong Kong Island. Before preparing to rob the escort vehicle, he asked several of the brothers to go out to gather information.

As a result, we didn't get much information about the escort vehicle, but about Yang Tian's deeds, his brothers got a lot.

Listening to the words of his brothers, it seems that they regard Yang Tian as their idol.

It's a pity that those brothers all died in Superintendent Zhang's ambush.

Otherwise, if they could go to Yang Tian's wedding today, they would probably be able to chat for half a year.

Tian Yangyi and Tian Yangyi also fell silent at this time.

What people fear most is comparison.

Compared with the rich second generation princes, they can be said to be inherently deficient. It is not so easy for others to reach the heights they have accumulated over several generations.

The starting point gap is too big, and even they admit it.

But if you are left far behind by someone with a similar background to yourself, the feeling of frustration is really frustrating.

At this time, Tian Yangsheng seemed to have some new ideas, but he still asked with some uncertainty:
"Do you think we chose the wrong path?"

"Brother Sheng, do you regret it? Didn't I agree at the beginning that I would keep moving forward and never regret it?"

Tian Yangen said excitedly after hearing this.

But Tian Yangsheng shook his head, "I have no regrets and I will never regret it.

What else can we do besides taking this road?
What I mean is that we can’t just think about robbery. There are many things to do to make money in this world. Have we chosen the wrong direction?
You see, Yang Tian can transform from a young and Dangerous boy into the rich man he is today.It must not be robbery, right?
Moreover, he is a young and dangerous boy, similar to the rest of us. He only knows a few words at most, and he probably has not read many books.

I just can't figure out how on earth this guy makes so much money?
And he was able to show his face with flying colors. Not only did he not have to worry about the police arresting him, the police even came to the scene to congratulate him today. "

When Tian Yangen heard this, he looked self-deprecating, "I want to know too!"

After saying that, she turned to look at Tian Yangyi, who was also a little depressed. "Brother Yi, do you know?"

"If I knew, we would have become rich a long time ago, and there would be no need to work for just a few hundred yuan!"

"A few hundred dollars is a lot. If the three of us put it together, at least Azhi's medical expenses will be covered.

You think, how about we go ask him? "

At this time, Tian Yangsheng asked tentatively.

This left Tian Yangyi and Tian Yangen speechless for a while, and Tian Yangyi said bluntly:
"Who to ask? Ask Yang Tian? Ask him if he has any way to get rich?
I'd rather ask, but will he tell us?I estimate that the most likely possibility is that we won't even have a chance to see him. "

After saying that, the three fell into silence again.

Just at this moment, a big black car stopped beside them.

This unexpected car made the three brothers and sisters become more vigilant, staring at the car door and preparing themselves secretly.

But what was somewhat beyond their expectations was that the expected conflict did not occur. When the car door opened, they saw a man in black sitting in the car, looking at them with a smile.

And he said in broken Chinese: "Mr. Tian Yangsheng, it's nice to meet you three. Can we talk to you?"

After hearing what the other party said, Tian Yangsheng and the other three looked at each other, knowing in their hearts that since the other party could call out their names, it meant that they had been exposed.

So the so-called chat is just for the other party to be polite. Once they don't do what the other party says, they will probably face a hunt by the entire Hong Kong Island police.

The three of them were confident that they wouldn't be caught, but they couldn't help but there was Tian Yangzhi lying on the bed.

This kind of direct abandonment of brothers would never be possible for them who were orphans since childhood and then mercenaries.

So without saying anything else, the three of them secretly exchanged glances and got into each other's car in a tacit understanding.

After all, we still don’t know the other party’s purpose, so we can’t act rashly.

Moreover, the three of them are very confident in themselves. If they were outside, they might still find it difficult.

But in such a small space in the car, they have the confidence to change from passive to active at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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