(Change first, then change) Yang Tian didn’t expect that he would meet the real person so soon after hearing the news about Zhuo Kai from Liu Jianming a few days ago.

However, Yang Tian was still a little confused about Zhuo Kai's arrival.

Although he was not familiar with Zhuo Kai, he still smiled and stepped forward to say hello.

"Sir Zhuo! Welcome! I don't know if I'm here today. Do you need any help?"

Zhuo Kai didn't know whether he was born with facial paralysis or whether it was caused by a stroke the day after tomorrow.

In short, Yang Tian could feel the other party's attitude. It was not too gloomy now, but his face always looked unusually serious.

"Mr. Yang, I came here today mainly because of Lin Sen's case.

You must have heard about Lin Sen, right? "

Yang Tian nodded, "I've heard of it, but I really didn't expect that he would be such a person, but his matter shouldn't have much to do with me, right?"

"Is it related? According to our investigation, Lin Sen is your shareholder? Now the police suspect that the money he invested in was dirty money from bank robberies.

That's why I brought my brothers here today, specifically to find out about Lin Sen, Mr. Yang. "

Yang Tian was slightly stunned. He had really forgotten that the money Lin Sen invested in was dirty money.

But it doesn't matter to him. The worst thing is to withdraw the shares and refund the money. Just return the money.

So he smiled and said, "Sir Zhuo, if you want to know something, a phone call is enough. I'm really sorry that I bothered you to go there in person."

After saying that, Yang Tian waved towards the Mediterranean and said with a smile: "Show the accounts of the nightclub to Sir Zhuo for review."

Then he looked at Zhuo Kai and said with a smile: "Sir Zhuo, if you say I'm really cheating on you, I agreed to buy Lin Sen's shares because I trusted Lin Sen's experience as a policeman and believed in his character.

Who would have thought that this guy's money would be dirty?You said this was a big deal, but now that it's about to officially open for business, something like this happened. "

Zhuo Kai was not polite and sent someone to follow Mediterranean to the office to get the account books.

As for them, they found a seat and sat down very familiarly, and greeted the other talkers politely.

This made Yang Tian confused for a moment about Zhuo Kai's purpose of coming here today.

Seeing this, he simply smiled and started chatting with Zhuo Kai:
"Sir Zhuo, I heard that you are going to be transferred to the Intelligence Department? When will you take office?"

Upon hearing this, Zhuo Kai took a deep look at Yang Tian, ​​and then said with a fake smile:

"Mr. Yang's information is really well-informed! I just came to the Intelligence Department today to take up my post. I didn't expect that you already knew about it in advance.

That's fine. It just so happens that there are so many bosses here today, so everyone seems to be familiar with each other.

I hope you will support my work in the future. "

As he spoke, Zhuo Kai scanned everyone present, as if he wanted to find something in the crowd.

However, he didn't seem to find the person he was looking for. After a quick scan, he focused his attention on Yang Tian again, and continued to complain in a pretentious manner:
"But this time I came here not because of the Intelligence Department's affairs, but because of the finishing of my work in O Ji.

By the way, when does Mr. Yang’s restaurant plan to officially open? "

Zhuo Kai's little moves were not hidden from Yang Tian, ​​but even if he knew that he was looking for someone, Yang Tian still couldn't guess Zhuo Kai's purpose and could only continue to talk and laugh:
“I originally asked my husband to see it, and the day after tomorrow is an auspicious day.

But now it seems that when my store can open depends on the wishes of the police. "

"Don't worry, Mr. Yang, if you are really doing legitimate business and it has nothing to do with Lin Sen's matter, I believe there will be results soon.

But I heard that you, Hongxing, are electing the spokesperson for North Point today. I wonder who the boss of the new spokesperson for North Point is?

We just take this opportunity to get to know each other today. "

After hearing this, Yang Tian probably understood.Zhuo Kai probably came here today to be the new talker in North Point.

But at the same time, he was also very curious as to why Zhuo Kai wanted to talk to Beijiao.

You must know that Greyhound is now in charge in North Point, and Greyhound has been following its own orders so far.

Zhuo Kai is looking for Greyhound, and Yang Tian is worried that he will come after him in the end.

But now that Zhuo Kai called his name, Greyhound still took a step forward and said with a silly smile on his face:

"Sir Zhuo! I am the one who is responsible for Hongxing North Point. Please take care of me in the future, Sir Zhuo!"

Yang Tian could see that Zhuo Kai was slightly startled by Greyhound's words.

Although he concealed it very well, Yang Tian still discovered that the appearance of the greyhound was somewhat beyond his expectation.

This made Yang Tian more and more curious. After all, Zhuo Kai's visit today was strange from the beginning.

First of all, he has been transferred to the Intelligence Department, but he is still investigating Linson's affairs.

You must know that Lin Sen's case is a branch of the bank robbery case. This has been followed up by O Ji. It is O Ji's case.

This made Yang Tian feel that Zhuo Kai's so-called investigation of the case was just to find a reasonable excuse for his actions today.

Use this high-sounding excuse to cover up his true purpose.

So what is his purpose? Judging from Zhuo Kai's previous actions of scanning everyone present, there is a high probability that he is looking for someone.

But when Greyhound stepped forward, his performance showed that he was not looking for Greyhound.

This is interesting. He worked hard and mobilized people to find the talker in Hongxing North Point, but it turned out that the talker was not the person he was looking for.

This made Yang Tian almost laugh out loud. After all, Zhuo Kai was from the Criminal Intelligence Division. How could he, who was engaged in intelligence, have his own intelligence so unreliable?

Sure enough, after chatting with Greyhound for a few words, Zhuo Kai immediately gathered his team and left after failing to achieve his goal, which was very different from what Yang Tian had guessed.

Although there was such a small episode, the people present were all veterans and were used to big storms, so they would not let this dampen their interest, so they started to have a good time and mingled with each other before long.

Especially when the exotic dancers hired by Yang Tian appeared, the atmosphere reached an unprecedented climax.

This new nightclub, compared to traditional bars, is more inclined to interpret the bar city style.

This is nothing new.But the person who couldn't stand up to Biao Wan on the stage was specially designed by Yang Tian based on his experience in his previous life.

It's gorgeous but not vulgar, or it can be said that it takes edge-grabbing to the extreme.

This made everyone in the audience immediately feel as if there was a kitten scratching their hearts.

However, it was lively, and Yang Tian did not take it lightly.

While drinking, he ordered Greyhound to come.

"After you go down, remember to hunt down all the people under your command.

Today, I feel that Zhuo Kai is coming with bad intentions. We are serious businessmen and we cannot give him any leverage. "

That's what Yang Tian said, but for a while, even he couldn't think of any flaw on Greyhound's side, so he could only take precautions before it happened.

Zhuo Kai, who left Yang Tianxin's place, immediately became gloomy as soon as he returned to the car.

Compared to his fake smile when he was inside, Zhuo Kaicai at this time was more in line with his cold-faced temperament.

"Is this the information you collected?"

Although it was just a sentence, among the five people in the car, no one dared to speak.Even Liu Jianming, who was in the back row, carefully pretended to be a little transparent at this time.

But fortunately, he knew that Yang Tian was the boss of Hongxing.

So when Zhuo Kai asked to collect information about Hong Xing in North Point, he was completely ineffective and didn't report anything useful at all.

So Zhuo Kai's anger at this time was naturally not directed at him.

The guy who was facing Zhuo Kai's output was also a little frustrated at this time, but he could only bite the bullet and explain.

"No, Sir Zhuo, the person who spoke at the North Point Hall in Hongxing was Fatty Li.

Since Fatty Li disappeared, except for the businesses belonging to the society that were temporarily taken back in the North Point Hall business, Fatty Li's other businesses have always been managed by his top horse, Dasha.

It stands to reason that it is almost a certainty that he will become North Point's spokesman.

And I contacted my informant this morning, and he told Dasha that he would definitely be selected.

Who knew he would lose out of nowhere?
And no one expected that Hong Xing and his group would not announce the results to the public after the meeting. Instead, a few bosses would hide and eat and drink.

That's why the intelligence we received is so lagging behind. "

"I don't want an explanation, I want an attitude! Go find out what's going on with Dasha right now.

In addition, please also check out the information about the current speaker in North Point for me. Don't fool me with such unreliable information anymore. Do you understand? "

"Yes Sir!"

Facing the gloomy Zhuo Kai, the guy facing the firepower output could only cover up his inner panic by making his voice louder.

On the other hand, Liu Jianming on the side became thoughtful after hearing this.

Today he also followed Zhuo Kai into the nightclub.

Although I knew in advance that a group of Hongxing bosses were gathering tonight.

But when he saw that Greyhound had become North Point's new talker, he was somewhat surprised.

He knows much more about greyhounds than anyone else.

He knew very well that Greyhound was Yang Tian's number one horse boy.

Now it seems that Greyhound has taken over North Point, but in fact, it should be Yang Tian who annexed North Point.

This also explains why Dasha failed in the election.

There is also Yang Tian behind Greyhound. Just look at the nightclub tonight. Yang Tian came to North Point. Is it because the Causeway Bay nightclub is full?

This is completely his territory expansion.

Thinking of Zhuo Kai asking people to investigate Greyhound, Liu Jianming suddenly thought of what Yang Tian had said to him before.

So he said cautiously: "Sir Zhuo, I have an informant. He knew this Greyhound before. I think he must know the information about Greyhound."

Hearing this, Zhuo Kai didn't ask any more questions, but nodded and said solemnly:
"The intelligence about Greyhound is your responsibility. Our Intelligence Section can be said to be the eyes and ears of all departments in the police force. You must not come back with specious information.

You must be aware that a small mistake on your part may put frontline police officers into dire straits in the future, so you must be cautious. "

Next, Zhuo Kai talked a lot.

But Liu Jianming's thoughts are no longer here.

He knew that if he wanted Yang Tian to give him some useful information, he would definitely have to give him some valuable information.

Just like Zhuo Kai's action tonight, not only Yang Tian felt confused, but also Liu Jianming, who was following the action, was actually confused.

The election of a new speaker at Hongxing North Point Hall is indeed a major event.

But this matter is not serious enough to require him, Zhuo Kai, to personally lead a team and carry out a massive inspection.

After all, it’s not like the talker will disappear once the person is chosen. They just need to arrange for the people below them to handle this kind of thing.

And regarding Dasha's attitude, Zhuo Kai gave Liu Jianming the feeling that his reaction was a little too excessive.

So after collecting the team and returning home, he did not go home. Instead, he chose to work overtime in the office.

Even Zhuo Kai was a little surprised by his move.

After all, today's operation is an understatement.

Not only did it fail to achieve the expected results, it even set the wrong target.

The only good news may be that Yang Tian's cooperation allowed them to obtain the original account books of that nightclub, which could more easily solve the mess left by Lin Sen.

Therefore, although the whole team in the Intelligence Department seemed fine on the surface, everyone was somewhat depressed in their hearts, and everyone was busy going home to relax.

This makes Liu Jianming's behavior seem a bit outstanding.

"It's so late, everyone has gone back, why don't you leave?"

As long as he wasn't talking about work, Zhuo Kai still felt quite friendly, although he still had the same expressionless face.

"I'm alone when I go back. Why don't I read more information in the office? Maybe I can find something new!"

This was an excuse that Liu Jianming had thought up a long time ago, and he had to work overtime voluntarily, not just once or twice. Everyone knew about his diligence, even the newly appointed Zhuo Kai had heard about it.

Of course, Zhuo Kai would not stop such a motivated young man. He smiled and encouraged him and went home by himself.

At this time, Liu Jianming saw that his colleagues were almost gone, so he began to browse various cases that the intelligence department had been paying attention to recently.

He watched this all night, and it wasn't until everyone came back to work the next day that he found Zhuo Kai.

"Sir Zhuo, please take a leave of absence and go see my informant later. He seems to have a lot of information about Greyhound."

Liu Jianming didn't lie. After he came out of the police station, he really went straight to the agreed place.

Not only did he meet his so-called informant, but even Greyhound himself was standing cautiously behind that person.

"I was just looking for you! I didn't expect you to find me first. Tell me, what are you looking for?"

Yang Tian actually wanted to contact Liu Jianming last night.

After all, Zhuo Kai's abnormal behavior made him feel really uncomfortable if he didn't understand it.

But I couldn't bear to entertain other talkers last night, and it was already very late by the time it was over.

Unexpectedly, I received a call from Liu Jianming early this morning, wanting to meet.

Regarding Yang Tian's question, Liu Jianming now knew the answer in his mind, and immediately smiled and said: "I guess Brother Tian came to me because he must be curious about Zhuo Kai last night!
To be honest, his specific purpose is hidden even from us. "

"Oh? So, you must have discovered something when you came to me today?"

Yang Tian also became interested at this time. He didn't believe that Liu Jianming had no news, so he asked him to meet.

(End of this chapter)

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