Chapter 282 Information
"Brother Tian, ​​I re-read the recent cases investigated by the Intelligence Department yesterday and found a big problem."

When Liu Jianming said this, he felt slightly excited.

Yang Tian was also very interested in this and immediately raised his hand to indicate:
"Oh? What a great discovery, so mysterious."

At this time, Liu Jianming was not in a hurry. After taking a sip of tea, he said slowly:
"I originally wanted to find out what Sir Zhuo wanted to do with such a big fanfare yesterday.

That's why we went through the recent cases of our Intelligence Section again.

But no matter how you look at it, those cases are not urgent matters, they are cases that have been going on for a long time. "

"What's so strange about this? You are from the Intelligence Section, not from the O Department. There are so many new cases waiting for you to handle."

Yang Tian didn't quite understand what Liu Jianming meant.

But Liu Jianming said very solemnly: "Brother Tian, ​​this is normal, which itself represents abnormality."

As he spoke, Liu Jianming lowered his voice subconsciously, leaned forward unconsciously, and then continued:
“You must know that Sir Zhuo is here to take over Sir Kang’s work.

Not long ago, Kang Sir died. Preliminary investigation results showed that he chose to commit suicide by jumping off a building because of excessive pressure. "

Hearing Liu Jianming's words, Yang Tian's brows jumped slightly, and he seemed to have some pictures of his words in his mind.

However, Liu Jianming did not stop narrating, but continued:

"Since the recent work of our Intelligence Section is all long-term work.

Several bank robberies have been solved, so how could he be so stressed?

So I checked Sir Kang’s recent operations in the police system.

It was discovered that he had actually operated in the police system on the day of the accident. "

"What did he do?"

The more Yang Tian listened, the more he felt that this scene seemed like he had seen it before, so he quickly asked.

Liu Jianming shook his head, "I can only find that he has performed operations in the system. He should have deleted something. I can't find anything more specific."

However, there was only an hour between the last time he operated the computer and the time he committed suicide by jumping off the building. "

At this time, Yang Tian also remembered why he always felt that what Liu Jianming said was so graphic.

Contact Zhuo Kai, he has already remembered the story about Zhuo Kai in his previous life.

Knowing the general outline of the story, he was no longer as curious as before.

Instead, he looked at Liu Jianming with a suspicious look on his face and said, "So you think there is something wrong with Kang Sir's death? Do you want to investigate this matter?"

Liu Jianming nodded seriously at this time and said: "There must be something wrong with Kang Sir's death.

Think about it!If he really couldn't think about it because he was too stressed, was it necessary to run from the police station to North Point and jump off the building?

And the first one to arrive at the scene was Zhuo Sir. I guessed that Kang Sir must have discovered something, so he made an appointment with Zhuo Kai.

But before Zhuo Sir arrived, he was poisoned.

And no matter what Sir Kang found?Or how he died, I think these things are what Sir Zhuo is most concerned about right now. "

At this time, Yang Tian couldn't help but frown and asked: "You mean, Zhuo Kai's actions last night were to investigate Kang Sir?"

Although Yang Tian said it as a question, he knew in his heart that the fact was probably Liu Jianming's guess.

If that's the case, then you're in big trouble.

It's not that Yang Tian is afraid that things will involve him, but the story about Zhuo Kai was a TV series in his previous life.

And it’s the kind of TV series that never ends when it’s being filmed. With season after season released, Yang Tian can say with certainty that he really hasn’t finished watching this TV series.

Fortunately, he hasn't watched the later ones, but he has watched a few episodes of the plot about Kang Sir's death.

While Yang Tian was frowning and thinking, Liu Jianming seemed to have made up his mind. After taking a few deep breaths, he looked at Yang Tian expectantly and said:
"Brother Tian, ​​didn't you say you wanted me to climb up the police force? I think now is an opportunity."

These words brought Yang Tian back to reality, and asked with some surprise: "Do you want to replace Zhuo Kai?"

Unexpectedly, Liu Jianming shook his head and said: "Sir Zhuo is Li Sir's confidant. He was transferred to the Intelligence Section. Firstly, he is probably to investigate the matter of Kang Sir. Secondly, he is probably here to deepen the understanding of the Intelligence Section for Li Sir." Controlled.

I know how much I weigh, how could I have such an idea!

What I mean is that I tried my best to help Zhuo Sir investigate Kang Sir's affairs, so that I could look familiar in front of him. "

Yang Tian smiled when he heard this, "It's a good idea. It was outstanding in Zhuo Kai's place, and it will naturally come into Li Wenbin's eyes."

You have thought well this time and it is promising. I will definitely support this kind of thing. "

After saying that, Yang Tian turned to look at Greyhound and said, "I asked you to check on your subordinates last night. Did you find anything?"

Greyhound scratched his head in embarrassment and said: "Brother Tian, ​​you drank too much last night. I came with you early this morning, and I didn't even have time to do this!"

"If you can't do anything, don't do it yet. Go and find out the details of Dasha first.

I really underestimated him. I didn't expect that Fatty Li in Beijiao would have such a number one person hiding under his command. "

As Yang Tian spoke, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth unconsciously.

In the previous association election, even though Dasha lost, he didn't show any intense emotions.

Yang Tian thought that this guy knew the current affairs and knew that he was no match for Greyhound, so he kept a low profile.

But what Liu Jianming said today immediately reminded him of the story about Zhuo Kai.

And in that story, there was also a young man with a bald head, who was exactly the same as Ma Zai Dasha, Fatty Li's previous subordinate.

Yang Tian felt that this was definitely not a coincidence, so he asked Greyhound to reveal Dasha's bottom.

After hearing Yang Tian's order to Greyhound, Liu Jianming frowned slightly and said:

“Brother Tian, ​​you mean that this Dasha is suspicious?

Last night, after Sir Zhuo closed the team again, he also mentioned this person. "

At this time Greyhound spoke: "I know some information about Dasha."

This made Yang Tian look at him in disbelief, and the Greyhound immediately scratched his head in embarrassment:

"Brother Tian, ​​you asked me to find out the situation here in North Point before. That's when I checked the news about Dasha."

Yang Tian nodded and signaled Greyhound to continue, while Greyhound recalled it again before saying:
"This Dasha's original name is You Dafu. He used to follow Fatty Li, doing things like watching the show.

Because he is quite smart and capable, Fatty Li likes him very much.

Later, Fatty Li was entrusted with an important task and assigned two separate areas for him to take care of.

But this kid really developed after Fatty Li disappeared.

He knew that he was no match for Brother Tian in the nightclub business, so he simply switched to a peripheral gambling stall. It is said that most of the ball blocking business in North Point is now monopolized by him. "Hearing Greyhound's words, Yang Tian became more and more certain that Dasha was the guy in his memory.

A Dasha is not something to be afraid of, but Yang Tian vaguely remembers that there are shadows of many big shots behind this guy.

This made things a bit complicated. As the saying goes, one incident affects the whole body. He was afraid that dealing with a dasha would involve other problems.

But for people like Dasha, it's not like letting things go.

After all, North Point is now Yang Tian's territory. Having such a powder keg that could explode at any time around him makes Yang Tian himself feel a little dangerous.

You must know that if you look at the memory of the previous life, Dasha is really a fool.

No matter what you say, Sir Kang is still the chief inspector of the police force, a proper middle-level police officer.

This kind of person, he really killed him when he said he would kill him. He really did not consider the consequences at all.

Now Zhuo Kai has set his sights on North Point. It would be fine if it was Zhuo Kai's own intention.

If Kang Sir's death attracted Li Wenbin's attention, that would be a real big trouble.

Yang Tian already had a premonition that if there was no progress on Zhuo Kai's side, Li Wenbin would definitely ask him as an informant to help again.

Yang Tian was still thinking, but Liu Jianming's eyes lit up after hearing the news about Greyhound.

He asked impatiently: "He opens a peripheral gambling stall? Do you know the specific location of the gambling stall?"

Greyhound was not polite to people other than Yang Tian. Hearing this, he looked at Liu Jianming with contempt, and then reluctantly explained:
"How can someone like him, who gambles on football, have any gambling position?

They all let the boat guys find gamblers to place bets. When the time comes, the guests will know the winner or loser by watching TV.

Speaking of gambling stalls, this might be his base camp!But if you can’t get the account book where he records the bets placed by his customers, it will be useless even if you find the place! "

Although Greyhound said it easily, Liu Jianming still recorded everything carefully.

Even if there was something unclear about it, I still asked humbly.

Looking at his appearance, Yang Tian suddenly had an idea in his mind.

I was a little worried about the mysterious person behind Dasha, and Greyhound had just become North Point's talker.

If word spreads about his actions against Dasha, others will think that he has no tolerance for others and will deliberately find excuses to eliminate dissidents.

Since it is not convenient to do it yourself, and Dasha has to be eliminated, Liu Jianming in front of him is the best choice.

All he had to do was give him enough information and let Liu Jianming and Zhuo Kai deal with Dasha.

With them attracting firepower from the front and himself quietly making small moves from behind, even if Dasha had nine lives, it wouldn't be enough for him to play.

Soon, Liu Jianming got the news he wanted, and happily went back to meet Zhuo Kai for business.

Yang Tian also had an unexpected gain and realized that there was a time bomb like Dasha around him.

After Liu Jianming left, Greyhound asked with some doubts.

"Brother Tian, ​​why do we give the news to this guy named Liu? He's just a little Dasha. If you don't like it, I'll take someone to kill him now."

There's nothing wrong with Greyhound saying this. With Yang Tian's support behind him, his current strength in Beijiao is not comparable to Dasha's.

The key is that he is still the talker in North Point. In name, Dasha also has to obey Greyhound's orders.

Thinking of this, Yang Tian smiled and said: "You can just leave it to the police to do the killing.

But now you are the talk maker in North Point. What kind of peripheral gambling business does Dasha have? Have you ever asked what you mean? "

Hearing this, Greyhound was stupid again and simply scratched his head and asked directly:
"Brother Tian, ​​just tell me directly, what should I do?"

"What to do? That's easy! No matter what Dasha said, he is still a member of our Hongxing people. Since we are doing things in the name of the society, then the society must have a share in making money.

Now that you are the talker in North Point, go and have a good chat with him. How does he plan to divide the money earned from peripheral gambling stalls? "

Of course Yang Tian didn't care about the small income from the gambling stall. He was actually curious about the person behind Dasha.

He was too tired from watching dramas in his previous life. From what he was watching, he only knew that there was a mysterious force behind this guy named 'Mr. Song', but he really didn't know who this Mr. Song was.

This time, on the surface, Greyhound was asking Dasha to beat Dasha as the speaker. In fact, he wanted to see what Dasha and these people were collaborating on.

Yang Tian didn't care if he was just stabbed by a gangster.

But now is a critical moment for Hong Kong Island, and he is afraid that someone will cause trouble and cause trouble to him.

At this time, Greyhound still asked with a puzzled look: "What if he doesn't want to?"

"If you don't want to, then we can just fight. Then no one will have anything to say." Yang Tian was speechless.

"But didn't you just say that we should leave the killing to the police?"

Greyhound was still a little aggrieved, so he retorted tentatively.

And Yang Tian said with hatred: "When you have no excuses, if you want to kill Dasha, of course you have to ask the police for help!
But if he refuses to share the accounts, it means he doesn't take you, the North Point talker, seriously.

This kind of excuse to deceive the master and destroy the ancestor is not enough for you to chop him ten or eight times? "

"Then what if he agrees?" Greyhound asked again, saying that he was following orders.

"If he agrees, then leave him to Liu Jianming. We can just find out how his peripheral gambling business operates."

"I understand, I'll go find him tonight!"

The Greyhound nodded heavily, with a look of satisfaction on his face.

And Yang Tian knew that Greyhound didn't understand what he was talking about about the operation of the gambling stalls.

As a young and Dangerous boy, Dasha's relationship with the so-called 'Mr. Song' was nothing more than two points in Yang Tian's opinion.

The first point is to do something special for 'Mr. Song'.For example, assassinate Sir Kang!

But this alone, Yang Tian felt, was not enough.

After all, there are so many young and Dangerous kids in Hong Kong, why is Dasha the only one?And for this kind of thing, it is obviously more reliable to hire a killer.

So there must be a second connection between Dasha and 'Mr. Song'.

From Greyhound's words just now, Yang Tian discovered something very interesting.

That was the Dasha family, after Fatty Li disappeared, and they relied on peripheral gambling stalls.

So, there is something fishy about this peripheral gambling stall that needs to be investigated carefully.

As long as Dasha dares to agree to split the accounts, Greyhound will naturally send people in to check the accounts.

Yang Tian believed that with his expertise in Mediterranean, he would definitely be able to see something useful from the account books.

(End of this chapter)

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