"Is there really no problem with the accounts of Dasha's peripheral gambling stall?"

Yang Tian glanced at the Mediterranean in surprise.

Let the greyhound beat Dasha, and the process went very smoothly.

Dasha really didn't dare to play any tricks in front of Greyhound. According to the rules, he gave [-]% of the business income to Greyhound.

Greyhound gets [-]% of it, and the remaining [-]% ​​is given to the club.

It's just that this result is quite different from what Yang Tian expected.

In Yang Tian's opinion, since Dasha was helping the mysterious "Mr. Song", there was no reason to be so cowardly.

At the very least, there should be a proper resistance. Even if the result still won't change, he shouldn't compromise so easily. This made Yang Tian feel like he had been punched in cotton.

Especially when Mediterranean Sea got the accounts of the gambling stalls, it actually brought back a good result to Yang Tian, ​​which was even more unexpected.

This moment made Yang Tian wonder if he was tampering with the show. Maybe this Dasha simply liked to have a bald head, and was not the same person at all as the guy in his memory.

Facing Yang Tian's question, Mediterranean nodded very confidently and said:

"I have seen the accounts of the gambling stall, and there is indeed nothing wrong with them. Except for some bad debts, there is indeed no trace of fraud.

And those bad debts are no problem. After all, we are running a gambling stall. It is common for people to be ruined. There will always be some bad debts and bad debts. "

After listening to Mediterranean's explanation, Yang Tian's doubts deepened.

After all, Dasha is a young and dangerous boy, why should that "Mr. Song" ask him to cooperate?
Now that there is no problem with his business, it can't be because Dasha is so brave that he dares to kill the chief inspector, right?

Really confused, Yang Tian simply looked at Greyhound and said, "There is definitely something wrong with Dasha. Keep an eye on him for me and don't let go of any detail."

"Understood, Brother Tian! I will let my men watch Dasha's every move.

But, how should I reply to Liu Jianming?
This guy seems to want news about Dasha. "

"Of course he wants it. Zhuo Kai's attention is probably all on Dasha now.

If Liu Jianming wants to show his face, he must bring something real. "

After saying this, Yang Tian smiled unconsciously, "I didn't expect Liu Jianming to be so motivated and work so hard.

Well, next time he contacts you, you can give him the big boats and boats in Dasha Gambling Stall that attract people to place bets. It can be considered a credit to some extent.

Anyway, we don’t look down on that little share, so we regard it as a performance gift to Liu Jianming. "

Yang Tian really doesn't care about the peripheral gambling stalls. He even has a casino in A-Ma.

If he really wanted to play gambling, he was confident that he could be much more professional than Dasha.

The reason why he was willing to let the police take action and crack down on Dasha's business was because he wanted to see if Dasha would be exposed when he suffered a major blow.

He always believed that this Dasha was definitely not just a guy who opened a peripheral gambling stall.

In the following period, North Point was in a state of turmoil.

With the information provided by Greyhound, Liu Jianming showed his face harshly in front of Zhuo Kai.

The most injured person was Dasha. Because he had Greyhound's most accurate intelligence, his boat crews were arrested one by one by the police, and most of the account books recording gamblers' bets were not transferred in time, so they were caught. If you kill one person, you will gain everything.

But at this moment, Li Wenbin suddenly came to the door.

At this time, Li Wenbin was getting closer and closer to the second brother of the police force in Yang Tian's memory.

At least in terms of aura, Yang Tian felt that Li Wenbin today was completely different from before.

If Li Wenbin seemed a bit domineering before, now Li Wenbin has hidden this domineering attitude.

It turned into a kind of crushing in terms of momentum, or in other words, condescending in terms of temperament.

In terms of aura alone, Yang Tian felt that Cai Yuanqi, the first brother in the police force whom he had interacted with before, was slightly inferior to Li Wenbin in this aspect.

"Sir Li, it's been a long time since we last met, and I haven't even congratulated you on your promotion to director! I thought we would never have the chance to meet in the future!"

Faced with the sudden appearance of Li Wenbin, Yang Tian was somewhat curious.

Logically speaking, Li Wenbin has now been promoted to the level of assistant director.

It belongs to the highest decision-making level of the police force.

There is really no need for a person with this status to go to the front line in person to contact such a small informant like himself.

Li Wenbin, who was sitting opposite Yang Tian, ​​said very calmly:
"No matter what my status is, the superior-subordinate relationship between you and me will not change."

While talking, Li Wenbin took out a document from the document bag beside him and handed it to Yang Tian.

For a while, Yang Tian was confused about what medicine Li Wenbin was selling in his gourd.

But when he took the document, the blood vessels in his forehead jumped unconsciously.

The document is very simple, it is the purchase record of a supercar, exactly the same as the one in Yang Tian's garage.

But Yang Tian couldn't bear it any longer, and he helplessly cursed in a low voice, "Mother-in-law Gua!"

After all, if you buy a supercar, you just buy a supercar. It doesn’t matter if you pay full price, but who would have thought that Zhou Su actually bought it with cash.

There weren't many problems before, but after Guan Zu and the others' identities were exposed, Zhou Su, who had a close relationship with Guan Zu and the others, would naturally come into the police's sight.

At this time, it is not too simple to check the cash used by Zhou Su.

However, Yang Tian did not panic at all, or in other words, he still looked calm and calm on the surface, and said deliberately doubtfully:
"Isn't the Bank of Asia case closed? Why, Sir Li is not satisfied with the current result?"

Yang Tian knew that if Li Wenbin wanted to make a fuss about Zhou Su, he would not wait until now to come up with this information.

Now that I am showing the information to myself, it is more likely that Li Wenbin is taking the opportunity to beat himself up.

Thinking of this, Yang Tian felt helpless.After all, Greyhound was asked to beat Dasha just a few days ago. Unexpectedly, the situation had changed and he was beaten by Li Wenbin in the blink of an eye.

"Every aspect of the outcome of the Bank of Asia case is quite satisfactory." After hearing Yang Tian's words, Li Wenbin habitually took off his glasses and started wiping them.

"As long as you're satisfied, that's good!" Yang Tian breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this and quickly continued.

However, Li Wenbin did not intend to let him go and asked directly: "But the leader of the gang is still on the run. This guy is ruthless. If he is not brought to justice for one day, he will be a security risk for Hong Kong Island."

Hearing this, Yang Tian felt relieved. As long as Zhou Su was not pursued, there would be no other problems.

So he smiled and said: "Sir Li, regarding Tian Yangsheng's traces, I heard that he ran away a long time ago. How could he stay on Hong Kong Island after such a big thing happened?

Since no one is on Hong Kong Island, it is even less likely to pose any security risks to Hong Kong Island! "

"you sure?"

Although Li Wenbin only said three words, his serious face still put a lot of pressure on Yang Tian.He understood what Li Wenbin meant, he just wanted a guarantee.And since Li Wenbin asked the question today, it means that he must have guessed that it was his own handwriting.

It doesn't make much sense to hide it anymore.

So he gritted his teeth and nodded: "I'm sure! He will definitely not become a security risk on Hong Kong Island."

After all, Tian Yangsheng had been sent to Neon together with his brother.

Neon is much bigger than Hong Kong Island, so it should be enough for the two brothers.

No matter how bad things are, there are still sticks, the Philippines, Southeast Asia, etc. There is always a place to put them.

After Yang Tian finished speaking, Li Wenbin still looked at him coldly for a while, as if he wanted to see clearly whether Yang Tian's words had any effect.

Compared with before, it can be said that Yang Tian's wings have become stronger now.

Li Wenbin also understands that his current relationship with Yang Tian is more of a model of mutual cooperation.

So after Yang Tian made the promise, he finally nodded, put on his glasses, and then talked about a seemingly insignificant matter.

"You know Zhuo Kai, don't you! He has been transferred to the Criminal Intelligence Division now!"

Yang Tian had a wry smile on his face, nodded and said, "I know him. As soon as he took office, he took people to my place to check cards. Fortunately, I have always abided by the law. Otherwise, if he suddenly attacked me like this, the loss would be huge."

But Li Wenbin ignored Yang Tian's words and continued: "The reason why I transferred Zhuo Kai to the Criminal Intelligence Division was for a purpose.

Prior to this, Sir Kang from the Criminal Intelligence Division discovered that there was a rogue police officer within the police who was colluding with outside interest groups.

But before he could find out who it was, he was murdered.


"So you went to the Criminal Intelligence Division to investigate rogue police officers? By the way, Sir Li, do you still have a few rogue police officers in your police force? What's there to investigate? It's probably a ghost guy who is causing trouble."

When Yang Tian heard Li Wenbin's words, he was actually unwilling to get involved in this matter.

So he directly blocked Li Wenbin's words and blamed everything on Gui Lao.

After all, as the day of return is getting closer, many ghost guys are really hysterical. Is it not surprising that they will do anything?

After hearing Yang Tian's words, Li Wenbin unexpectedly nodded and said:

"I will pay attention to the matter of illegal police officers. However, before Sir Kang died, he deliberately deleted five undercover information."

"Damn! It's an undercover agent again. By the way, your police force information is never locked?"

Of course Yang Tian knew that Sir Kang had deleted five undercover information. When he thought of Zhuo Kai's story, he even recalled the five undercover information.

However, he has no shortage of emotions that should be shown.

Li Wenbin seemed to be very satisfied with Yang Tian's reaction, nodded and continued: "It seems that you also understand that the reason why he deleted these undercover files was that he discovered that someone was trying to view the undercover information."

Yang Tian asked with some hatred:

"Since there are clues, let's arrest them! Don't tell me that your undercover information has been leaked so many times and you still haven't taken any preventive measures?"

But Li Wenbin said rather helplessly: "The other party is a master, and he invaded from the police's internal system.

Fortunately, Sir Kang acted quickly and deleted the five undercover information, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

Now I only know that the intruder is a policeman, and his rank is not low, at least he is above the inspector level. "

"Sir Li, there is nothing I can do to help you. There is a rogue police officer in your police force. What can I do?"

But Li Wenbin suddenly became serious this time, "I said, I will handle the matter of the criminal police.

What I want you to do is to help me find those five undercover agents and, if conditions permit, protect them.

They were sent out by Sir Kang, and their files have been kept within the Criminal Intelligence Division, so no one knows their identities now.

And now that Sir Kang is dead, they have lost their only contact. They should be at their most confused now. Once people become confused, it is easy to do the wrong thing. "

Yang Tian also became serious at this time: "According to what you said, then they have completely lost their identity.

Even if such an undercover agent is recovered, how can he prove his identity as a police officer? "

"You don't have to worry about this. Although Sir Kang's information has been deleted, their undercover agent should have something on his body that can prove his identity.

This is also a special rule when the police dispatch undercover agents.This is to prevent the police information from being destroyed and the undercover agent unable to return to the police force. "

Hearing this, Yang Tian muttered in a low voice, "Damn, it seems that undercover agents and informants are really different!"

Then he nodded. After all, it was not difficult for him to find those undercover agents.

The difficult thing is how to reply to Li Wenbin about this matter.

After all, no one knows who the undercover agent is now. If he found the person himself, there must be a reason!
Just like why should we suspect that person is an undercover agent?It must be said that it is reasonable and reasonable, so that Li Wenbin can let people do further work.

When he thought of having to fabricate the process through the results again, Yang Tian suddenly felt a little overwhelmed and complained:

"Sir Li, your undercover agents have received professional training. How can I tell who is the undercover agent?"

But Li Wenbin seemed to be prepared and said calmly:

"I checked and found that these five undercover agents were all sent out by Sir Kang two years ago.

Two years ago, at that time, the focus of Sir Kang's investigation should have been Fatty Li in North Point. "

Yang Tian frowned, "You mean, those five undercover agents are now in North Point? Sir Li, you don't know how many times Hong Xing cleared undercover agents before. Maybe their identities have been leaked by then?"

Unexpectedly, when Yang Tian mentioned this, Li Wenbin's face darkened significantly. "No, the undercover list leaked before was not from the Intelligence Department."

Yang Tian understood now and immediately shut up and didn't dare to say anything more.

But Li Wenbin's face became more serious at this time: "If you find someone who is suspected of being an undercover, don't make it public and contact me as soon as possible.

After all, the death of Sir Kang was mysterious. Whether there is any problem with these five undercover agents still needs further screening. "

Yang Tian wanted to tell Li Wenbin that not all of the five undercover agents were placed in the Jianghu.

But when the words came to my lips, they turned into complaints and grievances:

"Sir Li, are you asking me to plant nails around me? Or are you picking suspicious ones and putting them next to you? This makes me very embarrassed?"

Unexpectedly, Li Wenbin gave a rare smile at this time: "Don't you always claim that you are doing legitimate business?
So what are you afraid of?If you are upright, don't be afraid of the shadow. Just go ahead and do it. "

Yang Tian lost his temper after hearing this, but in the end he couldn't help but ask:
"Sir Li! Do you trust me so much? You even leave it to me to find an undercover agent?"

(End of this chapter)

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