Chapter 285 Go undercover next to Yang Tian

"Sir Zhuo, I am Ding Xiaojia, you can call me A Ding.

Police number WPC66531, affiliated with the Criminal Intelligence Division. After Sir Kang's accident, as my new boss, you should have contacted me long ago. "

On an inaccessible mountain road, Ding Xiaojia was dressed like an ordinary mountain climber, as if he was tired, and complained to Zhuo Kai beside him.

Zhuo Kai, who was also dressed in mountaineering attire, explained rather helplessly: "Kang Sir's matter is not as simple as you think.

Before the incident, he had deleted many undercover files, including yours.

I was able to find you only by chance and discovered the connection between you and Sir Kang. "

Hearing this, Ding Xiaojia frowned and said bitterly: "I just said that Sir Kang is fine, how could he commit suicide?
So Sir Zhuo, where should we start now to seek justice for Sir Kang? "

Zhuo Kai beside her shook his head and said seriously:
"Based on the current intelligence analysis, Sir Kang deleted your files before the incident.

This means that the case you are investigating is probably related to Sir Kang's accident. "

Ding Xiaojia also looked solemn at this time: "Sir Zhuo, according to Sir Kang's arrangement, I have been running a foot bath shop to inquire about news about the North Point arena.

Recently, because of Fatty Li’s mysterious disappearance, Sir Kang seemed to have made some new discovery, which made me focus on Fatty Li’s former younger brother Dasha.

It was during this time that Dasha began to engage in peripheral gambling, recruiting soldiers and horses everywhere, and found many boat boys to attract customers for him.

So what is my next task? "

When Zhuo Kai heard this, a slight smile appeared on his paralyzed face and he said:

"Your most important task now is to help me find the other undercover agents."

Zhuo Kai's task immediately confused Ding Xiaojia, and he asked in shock:

"No, Sir Zhuo! There is no connection at all between our undercover agents, and we don't know the existence of other undercover agents at all.

You asked me to help you find this person, where can I find it for you? "

Zhuo Kai seemed to be prepared for this, and said with a serious face:

"I guess the other undercover agents have similar missions to you, they are all targeting Dasha.

Therefore, based on your original mission, you can go deeper. When you find out that someone like you is investigating Dasha, it is naturally likely that he is an undercover agent arranged by Sir Kang. "

"What you said is simple, in-depth investigation, but how to go in-depth?

When the Young and Dangerous look for Ma Zai, they always look for someone tall and powerful who can cut and fight. If you ask me to join the club now, then I have to be willing to accept it, right? "

Facing Ding Xiaojia's questioning, Zhuo Kai remained very calm, as if everything was under control.

"Don't worry, we have received a lot of news about Dasha's gambling on sports recently. We raided several of his stalls and arrested many of his errand boys.

Now, Dasha's men are recruiting soldiers and boats everywhere.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for his amateur gambling to continue.

And this is your chance, take the opportunity to sneak into the peripheral gambling group as a boat boy. "

"Then I'll think about it carefully! After all, I've never been a boat boy before, so I need to get familiar with it."

Although Ding Xiaojia was reluctant, she still gritted her teeth and agreed because she was facing her boss.

But Zhuo Kai's next words made his expression change drastically.

"I have checked. Dasha has a big boat named Jicheng. Although this guy is not usually very prominent, he has a guy named Bao Seed. He seems to want to make amateur sports gambling bigger. Now he is Recruiting people, you can try it.”

As soon as Ding Xiaojia heard Bao Seed's name, he immediately exploded, "You want me to go with Bao Seed? No, no, absolutely not! I have a grudge against him, and we are incompatible with each other."

It turns out that one of Ding Xiaojia's three adoptive mothers couldn't stand the temptation and participated in gambling, and ended up losing miserably.

And the person who came to the door several times to demand payment was Seed.

However, she did not dare to tell Zhuo Kai this. Instead, she had an idea and thought of Yang Tianlai who visited her store a few days ago.

So he immediately continued: "But Sir Zhuo, you just mentioned Jicheng, and I happen to have a piece of news about him here."

Zhuo Kai originally wanted to do some ideological work for Ding Xiaojia, but when he heard this, he had to hold back for the time being and motioned to her to tell her the news first.

"According to the information I heard, it's not that Jicheng doesn't pay attention to the peripheral gambling business so he doesn't take up the role, but he is actually the person in charge of Dashado's other businesses."

"what business?"

"He's in the flour business, doing bulk goods for others!"

As Ding Xiaojia said these words, Zhuo Kai immediately became energetic and asked with a serious face:

"It's a very important matter. Is this news reliable?"

Ding Xiaojia spread his hands and said with an innocent face: "I also heard the news secretly. As for whether it is reliable, I can't be sure.

But the person who said this is Hong Xingxin’s North Point talker Greyhound, so I think he should be reliable!

However, the young man who was with him didn't know where it started. He seemed to be very concerned about this matter, and even asked Greyhound to keep an eye on Jicheng and notify him as soon as there was any news.

He also said that he wanted to take action against the family, but he was very forceful. Even people like Greyhound looked submissive in front of him. "

"Is he a tall, thin, handsome young man?"

Zhuo Kai's unusual focus made Ding Xiaojia slightly stunned. He recalled the scene of that day, then nodded and said:
"He is indeed handsome. What, Sir Zhuo, do you know him? I see the obedient look on Greyhound's face in front of him, so I think this person must have a good background."

This time it was Zhuo Kai who was a little surprised. He looked at Ding Xiaojia in disbelief and said:

“There is only one person in the entire Hong Kong Island who can make Greyhound behave so humblely.

You mean, you overheard the conversation between Greyhound and Yang Tian? "

No wonder Zhuo Kai looked suspicious, it was because he had heard Yang Tian's name so many times at O's before that he had almost developed a conditioned reflex.

Although unlike Chen Guorong, he had many interactions with Yang Tian, ​​this did not affect Yang Tian's status in his heart at all.

After all, as the most popular triad member in Hong Kong Island, which motivated member of O Ji doesn't miss him.

So even if Zhuo Kai is now transferred to the Criminal Intelligence Division by Li Wenbin, he still has a heavy responsibility.

But when he heard Ding Xiaojia mention Yang Tian, ​​he still had other thoughts in his mind.

After lowering his head and pondering for a long time, he asked belatedly:

"How did you hear their conversation?"

Unexpectedly, Ding Xiaojia looked like he suddenly realized, "It turns out he is a ghost boy! In the past year or two, I can hear young and Dangerous boys discussing him almost every day.

Didn't you think he looked like this in real life?He is indeed sunny, handsome, and handsome! "

Seeing that Ding Xiaojia was a bit crazy, Zhuo Kai coughed and reminded:
"You haven't answered my question yet, how did you hear the conversation between the two of them?
And since Sir Kang sent you to inquire about Fatty Li and Dasha, as Yang Tian is an important member of the Hongxing Society, didn't he give you relevant information? "

"Sir Zhuo, when I was working as an undercover agent, there was really no one like Yang Tian! It is said that he was from Causeway Bay, but I was sent to North Point, where there is so much information.

As for how they heard it, of course they came to my shop for a massage and started talking casually. I happened to be hiding behind the door at the time, so I heard it.

How about it?This news should be valuable, right?And one more thing, Yang Tian and Greyhound haven't found Jicheng's hiding place yet, but I happen to know a little bit about it. "

Zhuo Kai was even more surprised now. He really didn't expect that this undercover agent, whom he met for the first time today, could bring him so many surprises.

Seeing Zhuo Kai's appearance, Ding Xiaojia took credit and said, "Jicheng has a sweetheart who often goes to my place for massages.

When chatting with her, these information can be easily obtained by circumstantial information. "

"Yes, I didn't expect you to be so capable. It seems that Kang Sir's vision is indeed extraordinary.

But now your mission may have to change. "

"Change? As long as you don't become a pawn for that explosive Seed, everything else is easy to talk about!"

But Sir Zhuo, you also know that since Sir Kang’s accident, I have cut off contact with the police force. This is about mobility allowance. "

"I will consider the subsidy. Since you met Yang Tian by chance, there is no need to look far away, just find a way to get in with him.

Yang Tian now looks at it openly, even though he is just the talker at the Causeway Bay Hall of Hongxing Society.

But anyone with a discerning eye can understand that Da Fei in Western District and now Greyhound in North Point are all people who came from him.

He alone accounts for a quarter of the entire Hongxing Society.

In addition, Jiang Tianyang, the leader of Hongxing, is currently hiding in Thailand and has no intention of returning to Hong Kong Island.

The daily affairs of the society were completely left to Yang Tian, ​​Prince and Han Bin to take care of.

If you can successfully get close to Yang Tian and sneak into his side, it will be equivalent to inserting an eye in the center of the largest community in Hong Kong Island. "

When talking about the latter part, Zhuo Kai himself became a little excited.

Before contacting Ding Xiaojia, he made a special investigation just in case.

As a result, I saw that Ding Xiaojia had been undercover for several years, fishing on the periphery, and I was still somewhat dissatisfied.

But now it seems that he realizes that this seems to be more convenient for her to get close to Yang Tian.

After all, he has read Yang Tian's information many times. He is very cautious and will never go out without more than ten bodyguards.

If Ding Xiaojia approaches rashly, Yang Tian will definitely investigate secretly.So these circumstances of Ding Xiaojia's fishing can just cover up her identity as a police undercover agent.

But at this time, Ding Xiaojia looked embarrassed and asked a little embarrassedly:

"Sir Zhuo, you want me to take the opportunity to get close to Yang Tian? Is that taking it for granted? After all, we have only met once, and he is here for a massage.

Although he did apply for the card, people like him might just turn around and forget about it? "

Unexpectedly, Zhuo Kai smiled slightly: "I don't know anything else, but I have no doubt about your ability to open a foot bath shop.

Since you can fool him into applying for a card, I believe you must have a way to make him a repeat customer. "

Ding Xiaojia opened his mouth when he heard this, as if he wanted to defend himself, but when the words came to his mouth, they turned into "Yes. Sir!"

Zhuo Kai also calmed down at this time and began to analyze Ding Xiaojia.

"We said before that the undercover agents sent out by Sir Kang should be the same as you. They were staring at Fatty Li before, but now they are most likely staring at Dasha.

What was unexpected was that a Greyhound came out of nowhere and became the new North Point talker.

According to your information and my understanding of Yang Tian, ​​he will not allow a person who may threaten Greyhound to continue to exist in North Point.

So besides us, there is also Yang Tian who has to deal with Dasha.

If everything goes well, if you lurk next to Yang Tian, ​​you can actually see more things that others can't see. From a different angle, it might be easier to find the other undercover agents left by Kang Sir.

Moreover, the situation in North Point is so chaotic now. If you are on Yang Tian's side, you may have unexpected effects. "

Instead of hiking and chatting, Zhuo Kai and Ding Xiaojia also arranged their work together.

Yang Tian also received a call from the prince at this time.

The content is not complicated, and it can be regarded as Jiang Tianyang leaving a stall.

There was an uncle in Hongxing named Tan Huanxi who was about to be released from prison.

Out of politeness or for other reasons, Jiang Tianyang, who was far away in Thailand, called back specifically to ask the prince to do a good job of cleaning up the situation.

So the prince called Yang Tian to discuss what to do next.

It’s not a big problem to pick someone up from prison, but to pick up a senior person, you have to think carefully about how to deal with it next.

If the other party wants to retire from the world and close the mountain from now on, then everyone will naturally be happy.

Prince Yang Tian and others will definitely let him wash his hands in the golden basin.

The scary thing is that people are old-hearted. If they want to do something, it will put the three of them in a bit of a dilemma.

You must know that in order to transform the society, Yang Tian spent a lot of money and effort to barely stabilize those old guys.

If someone older and more prestigious comes out at this time to compete with Yang Tian and others, then the entire Hongxing will probably fall into division.

The key thing is that Yang Tian really knows the name Tan Huanxi.

Still in Zhuo Kai's story, this old guy is both good and evil, and has a thoughtful mind.

He was once considered an undercover agent dispatched by the police to the club.

Later, for some unknown reason, he destroyed his own files and became a complete young and Dangerous boy.

After so many years of hard work, I have neither extraordinary skills nor a strong background. I only rely on my shrewd mind to live to such an old age.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that he is an old fox who has become a spirit. It is in extremely sharp contrast with his appearance as a good old man.

A few days ago, Yang Tian was still rejoicing that during his years in Stanley, he had never seen or heard of such a prominent figure as Tan Huanxi.

But after just talking to the prince, I realized that he didn't live in Stanley at all, but had been living in Shek Pik Prison.

The people who live in Stanley are all guys with blood on their hands, soul rings on their bodies, and have done big cases.

But it is said that Tan Huanxi was arrested for economic crimes, so he could only live in another place in Shibi Prison.

Of course, after knowing that Tan Huanxi was going to be released from prison, Yang Tian had already given up his fantasy.

Because he still remembers the plot of Zhuo Kai in his previous life. This old guy has never calmed down since he was released from prison.

Yang Tian felt that it was unrealistic to let him wash his hands in a golden basin and withdraw from the world.

And there is another point worth pondering. This kind of thing actually attracted the attention of Jiang Tianyang who was far away in Thailand. This in itself is somewhat unusual.

Yang Tian understood that Jiang Tianyang probably didn't want Prince Yang Tian and Han Bin's small group to dominate the family, and wanted to have some balance.

This was nothing at first, but at this juncture, Yang Tian felt that Jiang Tianyang was not very sensible.

(End of this chapter)

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