When you are in Hong Kong, you become an informant at the beginning

Chapter 286 The thunder buried by Jiang Tianyang

Since it was Jiang Tianyang who said hello, he arranged for Yang Tian and the other three temporary leaders of the society to do things.

So no matter what, on the surface the three of them decided to put in enough effort.

So on the day Tan Huanxi was released from prison, all the talkers from the twelve halls in Hongxing gathered outside the gate of Shibi Prison early in the morning.

This was enough to give Tan Huanxi face, and of course it was also a gesture that Yang Tian and the three of them put on to show Jiang Tianyang.

However, their gesture was enough, but it made others nervous.

Twelve talking heads from Hongxing Society appeared together, so the scene was not just twelve people.

There were twelve talkers, many of them like Yang Tian, ​​and they were followed by dozens of bodyguards.

The younger one also brought along his confidant Ma Zai, totaling more than ten people.

All these people together, regardless of their identities, just a few hundred people gathered at the gate of the prison, which can easily arouse the tension of others.

So before Tan Huanxi came out of prison, Yang Tian and the others had already been interrogated by the prison guards for at least three rounds.

But it was okay not to ask. After learning their identities, the police naturally became more nervous.

So not long after, in addition to Yang Tian and others, several more police cars arrived at the prison gate.

Looking at the people getting off the car, most of them were police officers who had been in charge of O, but the person leading the team was somewhat unfamiliar to Yang Tian.

"What a big deal happened today! Why are all the bosses in Hongxing here? Are they here to pick up some big shot?"

The relatively unfamiliar-looking police officer had a rather familiar personality.

When he saw Yang Tian and others, he did not start questioning them as soon as they came up. Instead, he smiled and greeted them like friends.

However, even though the police officer had a smile on his face, the people present had never had a good impression of Mark O who was specifically targeting them.

So most of the talkers pretended not to listen to what that person said.

The prince directly touched Yang Tian with his arm and whispered:
"You are more experienced in dealing with the police. I leave it to you!"

After that, he just chatted with Han Bin about the weather and turned away.

Now Yang Tian had no choice but to show a fake smile and greet the man: "This Sir is very cool! I don't know what to call him?"

The man stared at Yang Tian with his eyes fixed on him, and said with a somewhat condescending tone:
"Recorder O, Chief Inspector, Ye Zhaoliang! I believe everyone will become familiar with him soon.

By the way, I still don’t know who you, Hong Xing, are here to pick up in such a big battle today? "

Listening to Ye Zhaoliang's self-introduction, Yang Tian felt somewhat disdainful.

After all, only people with extremely low self-esteem will show that domineering attitude all the time.

Moreover, Yang Tian didn't have much impression of Ye Zhaoliang's appearance at all, which also showed that this guy was completely a supporting role.

What's more, in the past, the O's were led by Chen Guorong and Zhuo Kai.Now this Ye Zhaoliang pales in comparison to them.

However, when he heard the other party's question, Yang Tian was moved in his heart.

He immediately smiled even more arrogantly than Ye Zhaoliang, and said proudly:

"Of course, today is the big day for our brother Hongxing Huanxi to be released from prison. Mr. Jiang is in Thailand and it is not convenient for him to come back, so we ask all our court officials to be there to greet him.

Of course, Huanxi Ge De is highly respected, and we are deeply honored to be able to pick him up on such a good day. "

As soon as Yang Tian finished speaking, he saw a small iron gate next to the main gate of Shibi Prison slowly opening.

A wretched-looking little old man, holding a bag in his hand, was slowly walking out of the door. It was Tan Huanxi.

When Yang Tian saw this, he immediately looked at Ye Zhaoliang with an apologetic look.

"Sir Ye, the person we are waiting for is here. Let's not talk today. When he comes today, we will have a good chat another day!"

After saying that, he left Ye Zhaoliang behind, immediately called out the other talkers, and headed towards the little old man.

Ye Zhaoliang was left alone, looking at the little old man who had just walked out of the prison gate and was still a little uncomfortable with it, with a gloomy face.

"Let's check and find out what this old man's background is. The person who Yang Tian pays so much attention to is likely to be the key target for our O's to keep an eye on in the future."

At this time, Yang Tian had also brought people to Tan Huanxi.

At this time, everyone discovered that there was more than one person released from prison today. Behind Tan Huanxi, there was also a young man. Looking at the battle between Yang Tian and others, they were a little at a loss.

The young man Yang Tian also knew that he was one of the undercover agents Li Wenbin asked him to find, and his mission was to infiltrate Tan Huanxi.

However, Yang Tian ignored this at this time. When he came to Tan Huanxi, he shouted loudly:

"Brother Huanxi! Congratulations to Brother Huanxi for being released from prison!"

With Yang Tian taking the lead, although others didn't understand why Yang Tian, ​​who had always been very strong, was so low-profile today, they all started shouting.

Hundreds of people chanted slogans together. Even though there was a road outside the gate of Shibi Prison, which was extremely wide, the momentum of such a sudden attack was still a bit frightening.

This thing made Ye Zhaoliang's face darken in the distance.However, seeing Yang Tian and others getting into the car and leaving one after another after picking up the people, they could only hatefully ask people to close the team.

And since it was the person Jiang Tianyang asked to pick up, after picking up the person, of course he had to go back to the club headquarters to open the incense hall, and then pick up the person.

The journey along the way was not much different from what Yang Tian expected. The old-school talkers headed by Brother Ji seemed to have found a backbone and immediately surrounded Tan Huanxi.

This makes Yang Tian, ​​the three people who have been responsible for the daily affairs of the club, somewhat embarrassed.

After leaving Shibi, Han Bin and the prince crowded directly into Yang Tian's car.

As soon as he got in the car, Han Bin's expression was solemn, "What do you two think? Anyway, I feel that this old guy will not agree to spend his old age peacefully."

The prince also sighed and said: "This Tan Huanxi is Chen Yao's former white paper fan, and he entered to do things for the society.

If he wants to come out this time, we really have no reason to stop him. "

After saying that, the prince and Han Bin both turned to look at Yang Tian, ​​as if they were waiting for Yang Tian's attitude.

And Yang Tian smiled and said: "From the moment Mr. Jiang asked us to pick up people, I knew that Brother Huanxi would definitely not be stable, so I didn't think in a good direction from the beginning."

"Then what should we do now?" The prince was impatient and asked immediately.

During this period of time when Jiang Tianyang was away, the cooperation between Yang Tian, ​​Han Bin and the prince was very tacit.

The three of them have gradually become accustomed to handling community affairs in this way.

Now, Tan Huanxi suddenly appeared, and depending on the situation, he still represented Jiang Tianyang, who was far away in Thailand.

This made the three of them somewhat uncomfortable.

Facing the prince's questioning, Yang Tian didn't speak, but Han Bin smiled bitterly and said:
"What can we do? You also said that he came in to do the work for the society. It can be said that he has done a lot of hard work.

In this case, no matter what we do, we may be said to have unclear rewards and punishments.

I think it's better to wait and see what happens, see what tricks he is playing, and find out what he is doing.

Ah Tian, ​​what do you mean? "

Yang Tian smiled and said pointedly: "Just because we can't do anything doesn't mean we can't do anything."

The prince was a little confused, frowned and asked: "You go around and around like a tongue twister. What do you mean? What should we do?"

"Didn't I already do it? You saw the policeman at the door just now!

He is the newly appointed Chief Inspector O. He is the new chief inspector, and we are making such a big splash in front of him today.What would happen if you were him? "

"Good guy, no wonder you shouted so loudly at that time. I was also wondering if you and Tan Huanxi knew each other before?
It turns out you were giving him eye drops!Okay, now, Tan Huanxi has just come out, even if he has already shown his face in front of Mr. O, I think during this period, Mr. O will definitely stare at him. "

As soon as Han Bin finished speaking, Yang Tian pretended to be curious and asked: "By the way, who is the young man who came out with Tan Huanxi today?
I saw that although he didn't get into Tan Huanxi's car, Tan Huanxi seemed to be very fond of him and asked him to arrange a special car to take him away. "

Regarding this point, the prince seemed to have done his homework, and smiled and said: "That guy's name is Lian Haoqin, and he used to work in finance.

Today he and Tan Huanxi were released from prison on the same day.In terms of relationship, they were indeed quite close to each other in prison. "

"Financial people? I heard people say that the most powerful group of financial people in the world usually live in prison.

So, our brother Huanxi is preparing to enter the financial market this time! "

Yang Tian began to work hard to recall the memories of his previous life.

I just remember that Tan Huanxi is both good and evil, and it seems that he and Lian Haoqin have actually done finance together.

No matter how much, it can't be solved by relying on memories. After all, he has never seen the subsequent plots.

Soon, the mighty motorcade returned to the society headquarters in Hongxing.

Everyone first opened the incense hall and held a very traditional ceremony of receiving the wind and washing the dust.

Then he came to the conference room, ready to have a good chat.

At this time, everyone in the conference room also felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere today.

Seeing Brother Ji, who is usually the slowest in this regard, he also vaguely felt that the murderous aura was particularly strong in the conference room today.

If the meeting were held as usual, everyone would default to letting the prince sit in the main seat, with Yang Tian and Han Bin on the left and right.

But there was an extra brother Huanxi today. As soon as he walked in, he naturally sat in Han Bin's usual seat.

Although he was still smiling, everyone understood that this was him declaring his return.

Fortunately, we had already communicated with Yang Tian and I in the car before.So Han Bin didn't say much at this time. Instead, he pulled up a chair and sat next to Yang Tian with a smile.

"Today, let us first welcome Brother Huanxi, who will return to Hongxing after completing his training in Shibi."

As usual, the meeting was chaired by the prince. After making a bunch of uninspiring opening remarks, seeing the atmosphere getting more and more weird, he asked the question that everyone was most concerned about.

"Brother Huanxi, you have worked very hard for the club. I wonder how you are going to show off your skills this time?"

"Hahahaha, I don't have any merit, I just did what I should do.

And when I came out this time, I originally planned to retire.

What you may not know is that when I went in, the child was still very young.It has been many years, and I still want to fulfill my responsibility as a father.

However, Mr. Jiang asked someone to find me and said that he would return to Hong Kong Island due to temporary inconvenience.

Let me keep an eye on some business for him temporarily!

In addition, Mr. Jiang also mentioned the transformation of the community and said that everyone has done a good job.

It’s a big thank you to everyone for being able to complete the transformation so quickly.

But now that we have found a way to transform, we cannot go back to the old path.

It is not convenient for him to return to Hong Kong Island now, so let me give everyone a warning on his behalf.

We in Hongxing have Hongxing rules. I believe everyone should be clear about what business can be done and what business cannot be done. "

Yang Tian didn't expect that Tan Huanxi looked like a wretched little old man with a smile on his face.

But as soon as he opened his mouth, his whole body became stronger.

When he opens his mouth, he is Mr. Jiang, when he shuts up, he is Mr. Jiang, for fear that others will not know that he represents Jiang Tianyang.

But this wasn't what frightened Yang Tian the most. What really made him a little uneasy was Tan Huanxi's last words.

Hongxing's rule is not to touch the flour business.

So far, even those old-school talkers are not engaged in this business.

But when Tan Huanxi brought it up at this time, it seemed a bit cliché to others.

But it sounded different to Yang Tian's ears.

He has always been a little curious about why Beijiao Dasha's attitude is so submissive.

It stands to reason that even if Greyhound had his backing, Dasha would not give in so quickly.

They all come out to fool around, so how can there be any shameless young and Dangerous guy?Dasha's direct surrender seemed very suspicious to Yang Tian.

He hadn't figured out why before, but when he heard Tan Huanxi's words today, he suddenly had a very bad suspicion in his heart.

Greyhound had said that he found out that Dasha's younger brother Jicheng seemed to be in the flour business and was doing bulk goods for others.

Yang Tian was still confused before. Although he didn't remember much, he remembered one thing very clearly.

Mr. Song, who is behind Dasha, does not have a flour business.

So the question is back to the original place, why does Dasha dare to do this business?
Now that I think about it, all of this is probably a trap left by Jiang Tianyang secretly.

You must know the transformation of North Point Hall.But Jiang Tianyang personally promoted it.

In the process, he may have secretly gained complete control over Dasha.

Then all of Dasha's irrational behaviors can be explained.

No matter who becomes the talker in North Point in the future, Dasha will be a time bomb buried in North Point.

Greyhound has just found out that Dasha's younger brother Jicheng is in the flour business and is shipping bulk goods everywhere.

Tan Huanxi came out to emphasize Hongxing's rules.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like they are trying to use the flour business to attack the talkative people in North Point.

After all, it is bulk cargo on your territory. Once it is discovered, everyone involved will be jointly and severally liable.

Dasha's chess move was probably left by Jiang Tianyang, specifically used to restrain the new North Point talker.

After the meeting, Yang Tian's face looked somewhat gloomy.

After all, since Tan Huanxi raised it at the meeting, the matter of Dasha and Jicheng must be processed faster.

"Let's go have a drink together later?"

The meeting was over. Perhaps seeing something different in Yang Tian's expression, Han Bin immediately suggested it.

However, Yang Tian had no intention of drinking at this moment. He wanted to take care of Jicheng and his business before Tan Huanxi.

So he smiled and refused: "Forget it about drinking, I'm too tired today.

I have to get a massage now to relax. Do you want to come with me?This method is very good. "

(End of this chapter)

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