Xue Jiaqiang is actually very capable. Since following Yang Tian, ​​Yang Tian has completely ended the peripheral gambling business in North Point.

However, the peripheral business is over, and the formal and legal gambling business has been developed again in the A-Ma area.

However, although the business is said to be in A-Ma, the customers we really serve are still in Hong Kong Island.

This is also an opportunistic move on his part, which is equivalent to giving the banker a legal cloak.

But what I do is not much different from the previous peripheral handicap.

And for Yang Tian, ​​the previous model of Dasha, who had boatmen go around to attract people, was really not pleasing to the eye.

After all, it is completely unknown whether the person you brought here has the strength.

Therefore, he put this handicap business directly in various nightclubs under his banner.

Not only in Causeway Bay and North Point, but also in Hongxing's venues, if they give a small share of the market share, everyone doesn't have much opinion about him opening the market in the venue.

In this way, not only the source of customers will be more stable, but the quality of the customers will also appear to be better compared to the uneven quality of Dasha in the past.

After all, being able to go to nightclubs and spend money represents a kind of strength in itself.

After drinking happily, I bought two bets to play, which was also a kind of entertainment.

If you win, it will enhance the atmosphere of the nightclub. Once the guests get involved, they will most likely spend all the winning money in the nightclub.

This can not only reduce the banker's losses, but also drive consumption at nightclubs. It is simply a win-win business.

Xue Jiaqiang is now responsible for training nightclub operators and teaching them how to encourage customers to place bets in the nightclub.

With the A-Ma venue as a golden sign, gamblers can buy more confidently without having to worry about the black dealer running away or not receiving money after winning.

Therefore, compared with before Dasha, with Yang Tian’s current model, the turnover at each opening is more than dozens of times greater than before.

As for Ding Xiaojia, Yang Tian did not break his promise, and the enhanced version of Good Feet Foot Bath Shop soon landed in Causeway Bay.

With Yang Tian’s previous life experience, whether it is in terms of decoration or operation, it is definitely unique on Hong Kong Island.

Especially after the high-end route he took this time was bombarded with advertisements in various newspapers and magazines.

Nowadays, Good Feet has become a very popular place for white-collar workers in Hong Kong to relax.

Of course, now that the store is open, Ding Xiaojia has even more excuses to hang out with Yang Tian every now and then.

I don’t know if she is really just doing it for the mission, or if there are other factors.

As for Tan Huanxi, Yang Tian did not let down his guard.

The sudden attack on his side caused Dasha and Jicheng to disappear on Hong Kong Island. This really caught Tan Huanxi off guard.

There was even a lot of commotion at the club meeting for this reason.

Strictly speaking, this was the first real club meeting that Tan Huanxi participated in after being released from prison.

At the meeting, when Tan Huanxi made insinuations and repeatedly emphasized Hongxing's rules, Yang Tian knew that he had guessed correctly.

So he simply went with the flow, took over Tan Huanxi's words, and made his position clear.

"As long as they are from Hongxing, they can go from being the talker at each court to the lowest level, Ma Zai.

No matter who dares to touch the flour business, they will have trouble with me.

Once I find out, he won't even have a chance to go to jail. I will kill him at all costs. "

Yang Tian's somewhat domineering words stunned everyone in the conference room at that time.

However, considering that this was Hong Xing's long-standing rule, it was difficult for anyone to say that he was too lenient.

When Tan Huanxi heard this, he obviously misunderstood.

He thought Yang Tian was bragging, setting up a brand for himself and increasing his prestige.

So after his initial surprise, he immediately followed Yang Tian's words and praised him fiercely.

Originally, this kind of operation should be followed by lifting Yang Tian high and then pushing Yang Tian down hard.

However, Yang Tian had already made preparations and did not give Tan Huanxi a chance to attack. Without saying anything, he had people carry out the flour taken from Jicheng.

Then he said solemnly: "Everyone knows me. The biggest advantage of me, Yang Tian, ​​is that I always do what I say.

Did everyone see it?These things were copied from Beijiao Dasha and Jicheng.

Everyone gets the spoils, so I just send them on their way. "

At this moment, Tan Huanxi wanted to say something, but couldn't say it for a while.

After all, Yang Tian has not only done the work for everyone, he has even brought out the goods.

Although those goods are not many, they are definitely not small.According to the price of a flour brick of about 30, it is worth several million.

If you say destroy it now, then no one can say that he is acting.

The key is that in the eyes of others, Dasha and Jicheng are Greyhound's men.

As for Greyhound, everyone knows that it is Yang Tian's core.

Yang Tian's appearance now is like Haoxiang telling others that he will never tolerate anyone who is involved in the flour business, even if they are his subordinates.

So if others still want to test this Hongxing rule, they must prepare in advance how to face Yang Tian.

Now, the stage Tan Huanxi set up ended up being Yang Tian singing on it.

Not only did he fail to attack Yang Tian through the flour business as planned.

Instead, he was allowed to use this incident to act out the show to the extreme in front of other talkers.

At the very least, a ruthless character has been established.

And this time, when Yang Tian opened and closed his mouth, he put himself at a higher level than other talkers.

Through his own statement, he was transformed from a talkative person in Causeway Bay into a role like a law enforcement elder overseeing the entire Hongxing.

The key point is that everyone was shocked by his thunderous methods at this time, and it was thanks to Tan Huanxi that he set the tone from the beginning.

For a moment, no one could refute or point at him.

So the final result is that when everyone looks at Yang Tian, ​​his status will be improved by one point without knowing it.

Obviously everyone is the talker, but Yang Tian's status is one level higher than everyone else, so it seems to be natural.

Of course, others may not feel anything at all, but think Yang Tian is a bit strong.

But since Yang Tian became the talker in Causeway Bay, everyone has long been accustomed to this situation.

After all, in this world, the rich are the boss.Yang Tian knows how to make money, can make money, and is willing to bring everyone to make money together.
Therefore, everyone even feels that Yang Tian's strength is somewhat taken for granted.

But Tan Huanxi was different. He had basically never had much contact with Yang Tian before, and he had a tacit understanding with Jiang Tianyang this time.So in this club meeting, although Yang Tian acted upright and solemn, he seemed to be doing everything for the good of everyone and the club.

But Tan Huanxi felt that Yang Tian seemed to be targeting him from beginning to end today.

Otherwise, it would be such a coincidence that he had just opened his front foot and set off the atmosphere.

Yang Tian then took the microphone and held a solo concert directly in the conference room.

The most important thing is that on Dasha's side, Jiang Tianyang's backup plan has been dealt with by Yang Tian in advance, but there is no news outside.

This is obviously Yang Tian deliberately covering up the news, maybe just for today.

Realizing this, Tan Huanxi suddenly felt that he really looked down on Yang Tian.

According to his plan, today's society meeting was to attack Yang Tian through Dasha's selling of flour.

On the other hand, he also wanted to use the attack on Yang Tian to establish his authority after returning to the club.

Although he is now using Jiang Tianyang's name, no one in the club dares to underestimate him.

But what is borrowed is what is borrowed. If he does not establish his authority, why do those old-school gossips believe that he can compete with Yang Tian?
It's a pity that I was careless and didn't notice Yang Tian's secret actions during this period.

This directly led to the failure to establish his own authority, but instead helped Yang Tian, ​​making his strength more popular.

Fortunately, he still has a follow-up plan. At this time, he can no longer directly target Yang Tian, ​​so he can only take other roundabout routes.

So in the subsequent meetings, he had no choice but to smile and continue to play his role as a good old guy.

And Yang Tian was not just strong. After achieving his goal, he relaxed and started talking and laughing with everyone, and continued to discuss other things.

There are not many other things. After all, each of the twelve halls now has its own talker.

In fact, there are not many issues that can be discussed at the club meeting.

In today's meeting, the most discussed topic was tonight's fireworks display for Emperor Guan Sheng's birthday.

Today is Mr. Guan’s birthday, and the Hong Kong community all pays homage to Mr. Guan.

Therefore, the birthday of Lord Guan is even more important than the traditional Spring Festival.

In order to celebrate the birthday of Mr. Guan Erye, some well-respected seniors in Hong Kong Island's societies will come forward to organize major societies to hold a fireworks display together.

This fireworks display is also a great opportunity for various clubs to show their strength and show off their muscles.

After all, in front of the entire Hong Kong gangsters, if any company can grab the bonus, it will not only make a big face, but also a symbol of strength.

In the past fireworks festivals, each club selected the most elite team to participate in the competition.

At that time, in addition to the face of the society, it will also be related to the personal honor of the participants.

After all, the fireworks display is not the Olympics, and the people participating are not athletes.

If you say it's about grabbing bonuses, then it's really about grabbing.Whoever has the bigger fist is qualified to be the final winner.

In the past, at every fireworks show, the winner was almost always won with fists.

It is common for people who are not as skilled as others to be beaten to death, and injuries are an indispensable part.

But times have changed now. Every year on Guandi's birthday, the police seem to be more excited than the various societies.

Even before the fireworks display started, police officers were already on guard.

Therefore, in terms of form, the current fireworks display can be regarded as advancing with the times and has made changes that are in line with the characteristics of the times.

Bonuses are still the focus of competition among various societies, and the fireworks festival is still a stage for various societies to show their strength.

However, the current manifestation of strength is completely different from before.

In the past, when I came out to hang out, I relied on fists and strength.Whichever club has people who are the best at fighting, that club will be the toughest in speaking.

But things are different now. In the new era, people come out to hang out. People no longer have any beliefs when they come out to hang out. They just want to make money.

So whether a society is strong now depends on whether it has money.

As long as there are enough banknotes, some people will work hard for the community.

Therefore, money is the most intuitive manifestation of the strength of the current society.

Nowadays, the fireworks display has naturally become a competition for the financial resources of various societies.

The auction has naturally become the most intuitive and direct stage for this financial competition.

Today's fireworks show is a complete auction.

The seniors in the world of martial arts put some festive and special auction items on the table, allowing the participating big guys who wanted to show off their strength to bid freely.

Of course, part of the money obtained from the final auction was the appearance fees of those senior martial artists.

Of course, most of it will be donated to various charitable welfare organizations, which can be regarded as accumulating a point of virtue for each association.

Of course, if this is not done, the police will not allow this activity to continue.

The most representative item of the entire auction, the final auction item, is the bonus of the entire fireworks display, which is the long red strip hanging high on the statue of Emperor Guan Sheng.

Although it is essentially just a piece of red cloth, it is precisely because Hongxing has collected this red cloth for three consecutive fireworks festivals that it has become the number one society recognized in the entire Hong Kong Island.

The situation of this fireworks display is a bit special, because the leader of Hongxing is not there, so who will compete for the final Hongxing on behalf of the society, and how much money the society will prepare for this, becomes a question.

So the real focus of today's club meeting is actually to discuss the fireworks show that will start in the evening.

But for today's fireworks show, Yang Tian is bound to win.

It's not because he wants to show off his strength, but because of the special instructions from the beauty.

Beauty is about to give birth, maybe because she is too nervous, she has been feeling restless recently.

So she thought that asking Yang Tian to take a photo of Changhong would be a way to gain some virtue for the child in her belly.

After all, she knew exactly what Yang Tian did.Although Yang Tian always felt that he had no regrets, in Jia Li's opinion, killing was still too serious a crime.

So he must take Changhong back today no matter what, so that he can seek good luck and avoid bad luck for his children.

Of course Yang Tian would not object to Belle's request, let alone for the sake of the child.

So when he saw that everyone had been discussing for a long time with no result, he simply said:
"My baby is about to be born! So for this fireworks display, I want the long red one!"

After hearing this, everyone did not object, but they still couldn't agree on how much money the society should spend.

But Yang Tian didn't care, he still smiled and said: "Since I hired Changhong for my child, of course I will pay for it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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