Chapter 291 How are you alive?

This year's fireworks display was the same as in previous years, with more than 100 tables packed in the hotel's banquet hall.

Of course, more than 100 tables cannot accommodate so many young and Dangerous people in Hong Kong Island. Even if they are just famous bosses, there will be more than this number.

Therefore, being able to enter the venue to participate in the fireworks display has become a threshold in the world of Hong Kong Island.

After all, although the entire Hong Kong community is said to be celebrating Emperor Guan Sheng, not all cats and dogs are invited.

Of course, the organizers will definitely not miss Hong Xing.Now Hongxing Society is at its peak. It can be said that if Hongxing's bosses are not present, then this fireworks display will not be considered a success.

Moreover, as the recognized first society in Hong Kong Island, the treatment of each speaker in Hongxing's twelve halls is basically equivalent to the level of the leaders of other societies.

Coupled with veteran representatives like Tan Huanxi, there are more than 100 tables in the hotel, and Hong Xing's family alone occupies more than 20 tables.

Looking at the images transmitted from the scene, there was a large table with the Hongxing Society's sign on it. Ye Zhaoliang, who was sitting in a command vehicle on the roadside, was a little surprised.

"Isn't there hundreds of societies in Hong Kong, large and small? How come the Hong Xing family occupies so many seats?"

Regarding Ye Zhaoliang's question, several team members around him were speechless.

You must know that they are O Ji, and the basic information about various societies in Hong Kong is a required course for them.

But this Ye Zhaoliang was different. With his posthumous connections, he was directly transferred from a civilian position to their O secretary, and also took on the position of supervisor.

Come as you come, you always look arrogant, and you always show disdain for the old man you remembered before, intentionally or unintentionally.

He is in a high position at a young age and is a bit proud. Although everyone feels uncomfortable, it is not incomprehensible.

But now that I have entered Oji, I am still uneducated and have no skills. I just think about how to run a business every day, and I don't care about business matters at all.

In this way, his subordinates will naturally not be cold to him.

So when he asked such an idiotic question, the other two people in the car pretended not to hear, lowering their heads and pretending to be busy.

Fortunately, they all had headphones on their ears. Ye Zhaoliang turned around and took a look, thinking that his voice was too soft, so he simply reached out and took off the headphones of the person next to him and asked again.

Now, the person he was questioning couldn't hide, so he had to give him a general knowledge of the current situation in Hong Kong Island.

The more Ye Zhaoliang listened, the darker his expression became.

"What did you do for a living before? How did a society like Hongxing develop under your eyes?"

After listening to Ye Zhaoliang's words, the two men stopped talking and quickly lowered their heads and started pretending to be busy again.

But when I occasionally glanced at Ye Zhaoliang, in addition to looking like an idiot, there was more confusion and confusion in his eyes.

After all, no matter how hard they tried, they couldn't figure out how Ye Zhaoliang, who was so naive, got to his current high position.

And how could Li Wenbin, who had always appointed people on their merits, agree to put this guy in the O record?

Ye Zhaoliang was still frowning and thinking, seeming to be considering the future direction of the entire Hong Kong world.

On the other side, at the fireworks festival, big bosses and their confidants were already entering the venue one after another.

Seeing this, Ye Zhaoliang asked again, "Have all the people you asked to arrange to come in been arranged?"

Hearing this, the other two people looked a little ugly.

As a new boss, Ye Zhaoliang wanted to establish his authority and they understood.

But what Ye Zhaoliang is doing now is indeed a bit too much.

Today is the fireworks display of the Hong Kong community. According to past practice, the police will wait outside. As long as there is no big incident inside, they will usually not show up.

After all, those who came today are all well-known figures in the world of Hong Kong. Even if everyone has any grudges, they would not choose to break up today.

Therefore, the fireworks shows in recent years have mostly been just verbal battles, and basically no trouble has been caused.

But this year is different. Ye Zhaoliang volunteered to watch this year's fireworks show.

And as soon as he arrived, he was very unconventional and asked his subordinates to sneak into the hotel and record everything at the scene.

You must know that they are the policemen of O Ji. They spend most of their time dealing with these young and Dangerous boys.

To put it harshly, the eighteen generations of their ancestors may have been figured out by the young and Dangerous boys inside.

In this case, if someone has to sneak in and record the situation at the scene, isn't this making things difficult for people?
People who go in may not necessarily get into trouble, but the chance of their identity being discovered is almost 100%.

If someone's identity is discovered in this situation, you can tell it with your buttocks, and all kinds of ridicule and ridicule will definitely be overwhelming.

When a person faces thousands of people, it will be an unimaginable test for his psychological quality alone.

Ye Zhaoliang, on the other hand, didn't even bother to pretend. He directly named those guys who had disliked him since he came to O's.

"Sir Ye, is it really necessary to let brothers in? You must know that today they are all people from the Hong Kong community. Wouldn't it be too hasty to do so?

If something happens, we won’t have time to rescue you! "

One of them felt really aggrieved and reminded him in a low voice.

However, Ye Zhaoliang remained unmoved and instead educated him.

“It’s because you didn’t do anything before that these societies on Hong Kong Island are what they are today.

Since the main figures from all the major societies will be here today, we must keep abreast of the situation inside.

In this situation, maybe they can provide us with important clues with a casual sentence when they are chatting.

And didn’t you say that there have been no accidents at this fireworks show for many years?Then send a few brothers in, and there won't be any danger.

If something really happened, we would just go in and arrest someone.

Mudd, a group of young and Dangerous guys are holding an auction like others. The higher the bid in today's auction, it proves that the security of Hong Kong Island can be improved in many places. This is our dereliction of duty. "

Although everyone knew Ye Zhaoliang's motives, they didn't expect this guy to be so shameless and talk about himself so high.

At this time, many people had already arrived in the hotel one after another, saying hello to those who were familiar with each other, and chatting with those who had hatred, and the whole venue gradually became lively.

While Ye Zhaoliang and the others were outside, they happened to see a long motorcade approaching.

The cars stopped one after another, and then they were like walking on a red carpet. After the car doors were opened, the people who got out could cause many people who could only stay outside to exclaim.

"It's people from Hongxing who are here!"

In order not to listen to Ye Zhaoliang's ignorant questions, one of his men beside him reminded him in a low voice.

At this time, Ye Zhaoliang happened to see Yang Tian who had just gotten off the car.

As soon as Yang Tian showed up, the young and Dangerous people around him became even more agitated.

Especially the younger ones, their eyes lit up when they saw Yang Tian.

"You seem to be very popular with them!" Ding Xiaojia asked in surprise.

On today's occasion, Jiali was at home expecting to give birth, so Yang Tian simply brought Ding Xiaojia and Xue Jiaqiang over.

Since they are undercovers, let them have a good look at this, the most grand festival of the Hong Kong community.

Hearing Ding Xiaojia's words, Yang Tian pretended to smile deeply: "I can't help it, probably because I am handsome, so I am more popular among young people!
You know, young people!I just like chasing idols. "

Ding Xiaojia rolled her eyes at Yang Tian when he heard this and did not choose to answer.

Everyone in Hongxing waited for a while at the door. After everyone gathered together, they entered the hotel banquet hall.

As soon as they entered, the originally noisy banquet hall suddenly became quiet.

After all, the shadow of the famous tree, with Hong Xing's current power, so many talkative people appeared at once, but the sense of oppression was vague and suffocating.

Compared with some smaller societies, a big boss can only bring one or two confidants, and they have to share the table with others.

For everyone in Hongxing, every speaker in the hall has an exclusive table.

In addition, there are even seven or eight tables reserved for the elders of Hongxing.

As for what Yang Tian brought today, in addition to the two undercover agents Xue Jiaqiang and Ding Xiaojia, there were also several capable officers such as Mediterranean Foreskin.

It is worth mentioning that after Tian Yangsheng went to Neon and entered the state, Da Tianer was finally able to return to Hong Kong Island.

In addition to him, there was a giant man named Tianshou who was two meters tall.

This guy had been working for Yang Tian in Neon in order to avenge their boss Sun Yong.

Later, after Yang Tian killed Lei Fuxing, since the remaining power of Sun Yong who had been arguing in Wanwan had been completely divided, he simply joined Yang Tian's army seriously.

Now the situation in Neon is relatively stable, and there is a killing god like Tian Yangsheng sitting in charge.

So Tian Shou followed Da Tian Er and returned to Hong Kong Island.

In addition to these six people, today Cao Kao Nanako is standing close to Yang Tian as Yang Tian's female companion.

In fact, it was Yang Tian’s first time to participate in the fireworks display.

When he followed Big Brother B, Hongxing didn't have such a big reputation now.

At that time, Hongxing was only attended by Jiang Tiansheng and twelve talkers, plus some elders and the like.

At that time, Yang Tian could only wait outside and fantasize about the scene inside like other boys.

So after officially coming in today, he was actually somewhat curious about the fireworks show.

Soon, the fireworks show officially kicked off.

This time, the host was hosted by Hua Kai, who has won the top ten young people in Hong Kong.

This former boss of the Thirteen Taibao of Ciyun Mountain is also considered a legendary figure.

When he was young, he used a watermelon knife to become the Thirteen Taibao of Ciyun Mountain on Hong Kong Island.

Later, because he was young and frivolous, he got stained with flour and almost killed himself.

But later, thanks to his own perseverance, he gave up his drug addiction.

Of course, if this is all, then he is determined at best.

You must know that not only did he quit smoking, but he also devoted himself wholeheartedly to helping others.

And this work has continued for decades, helping many people who have been exposed to flour to find themselves again.

Therefore, in the entire world of Hong Kong Island, Mao Zhehua can be regarded as a very transcendent existence.

His status in the world is recognized by all people in the world.

Since he is presiding over it today, it can be seen that the significance of this fireworks display is different from the previous ones.

Sure enough, Mao Zhehua confirmed Yang Tian's thoughts as soon as he spoke on the stage.

A long speech, overtly and covertly, had only one central idea, and that was his personal views and opinions on how the Hong Kong community should deal with its return in the near future.

Of course, that's what he said. Whether these opinions are his or not, others have no way of knowing.

Compared to other people's attention on this topic, Yang Tian felt that it didn't matter.

After all, he was born in the north in his previous life, so he has already been ahead of the curve in preparing for his return. Not only in Jianghu, but also in the entire Hong Kong Island, he is far ahead.

So while others were discussing it with gusto, he was taking the lead and eating it up.

But at this moment, a waiter responsible for serving food attracted his attention.

When the waiter brought the food to their table, he couldn't help it and grabbed the other person's arm.

"You're not dead?"

After being grabbed by the arm and looking at Yang Tian's expression that he had seen a ghost, Ma Jun said helplessly:
"Mr. Yang, can we talk about it later? If someone else finds me, I will be dead today."

Hearing this, Yang Tian was stunned and simply gave Foreskin a wink.

Then Bao Pi stood up immediately and walked into the kitchen with Ma Jun.

Seeing Ma Jun here again was a bit beyond Yang Tian's expectation.

It wasn't that he was surprised that a policeman actually showed up at the fireworks show, but that Ma Jun's appearance itself gave Yang Tian a feeling of surprise.

You must know that before Chen Guorong led the team, the entire group died tragically at the hands of Guan Zu and the others.

And Yang Tian remembered that although Ma Jun had just entered O Ji, he was deeply valued by Chen Guorong because of his down-to-earth and hard work.

Except for Yang Tian, ​​Ma Jun also died on the spot in the ambush that day.

Especially since that day, Yang Tian has never seen him again, so he was so surprised when he saw Ma Jun's Master Ye's face again today.

Soon, Bao Pi came back with Ma Jun.

At this time, Ma Jun had changed back into his casual clothes. It could be seen that his face was still wearing makeup as before.

If it weren't for Yang Tian's eyes, Master Ye's face was so familiar that other people who had less contact with Ma Jun might not have recognized him.

Seeing Ma Jun who was already sitting at the table but still a little nervous, Yang Tian smiled and said:

"Don't worry, even if I bring a policeman over to my table, others won't say anything if they see it.

But I am curious, how did you survive?Didn’t it mean that Sir Chen’s entire team was sacrificed? "

(End of this chapter)

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