Chapter 292 I'm Pregnant
After hearing Yang Tian's words, Ma Jun couldn't hide the embarrassment on his face even with makeup. After a while, he hesitated and said:

"Just before that operation, something happened to me and I was suspended for a period of time."

After saying that, there was suddenly some regret on his face.

"I heard Sir Chen talk about the situation at that time. Maybe if I was there at the time, I could share some of the burden for him. It's all because I was too impulsive!"

After listening to Ma Jun's words, not only Yang Tian, ​​but also everyone at the table became curious.

You must know that although police officers are easily suspended in TV and movies, in reality, ordinary police officers will not be suspended easily unless they make a big mistake.

The full name of suspension is to suspend you for investigation, not to suspend you from work.

"By the way, what did you do? To get such a serious suspension?"

Now Ma Jun was even more embarrassed: "One day when I was going home, I saw a young gangster bullying others. Maybe I was under too much pressure at that time, so I couldn't help but want to teach him a lesson.

Then at that time, I got carried away and couldn't control the force of my shot, so I was suspended for investigation. "

Ma Jun said it in an understatement, but everyone here is an old man in the world.

Conflicts between the police and young and Dangerous boys occur every day. Complaints against the police occur almost every day, and no one has been suspended for this.

So Bao Pi looked at Ma Jun in surprise and asked tentatively: "What, you beat someone to death?"

"No, I just punched him, how could I kill him?

I just don’t know why, but the guy fainted immediately. When he got to the hospital, he was completely stupid!

Now that I think about it, I actually regret it. Even though he was bad, he was not hopelessly bad. I shouldn't have taken such a heavy blow. "

"Silly? What do you mean?"

Foreskin doesn't quite understand the connection between beating someone and being stupid.

Ma Jun did look a little regretful at this time, and sighed and said:
"That's literally it. The doctor said that I injured his brain. Now he not only has lost his memory, but his IQ is like that of a teenager."

Hearing this, Bao Pi moved his butt without leaving any trace, and moved a little away from Ma Jun.

But Ma Jun looked at Yang Tian seriously at this time:

"Mr. Yang, can I ask you something?"

Yang Tian saw Ma Jun who suddenly became serious, smiled and nodded:
"Begging is too much. You and Sir Chen are the people who saved my life.

If I hadn't been protected by you before, I might have been assassinated long ago.

If you have anything you can say, as long as I can do it, I will never refuse! "

Yang Tian's words moved Ma Jun somewhat, and he quickly said:
"That's just work, but I can't bear to say that, Mr. Yang.

I just want to ask you to give the guy who I beat a job. It doesn’t have to be too difficult, just let him watch the car outside your place. He wants to be with his children now, be very obedient, and won’t cause trouble for you. "

Looking at Ma Jun with an expectant look on his face, Yang Tian nodded, turned to Bao Pi and said:
"You arrange it!"

"Understood, brother!"

Bao Pi nodded, turned to look at Ma Jun and said, "Just ask him to come over tomorrow! I'm sure the arrangements have been made properly?"

"Thank you!"

Yang Tian had just finished speaking, and Mao Zhehua on the stage had almost finished his speech.

And the theme of the entire fireworks display has just begun.

In a normal auction, the auction items are all things brought out by the elders of the world.

They are all my own private collection, and their actual value may not be very high, but the meaning they represent is very meaningful to people in the world.

For example, this is the first auction item.It looked like just an ordinary crutch, but with the introduction, everyone realized that this was the club logo of the former Iron-Blooded Society.

However, it is a pity that this Iron Blood Society has been crushed by the wheels of history long ago, and this society logo has become someone else's collection.

This thing itself doesn't have much value, but it is a good collectible for the club bosses.

At least once you take the photo, it will be a piece of bragging rights if someone asks you about it in the future.

There are several others similar to this crutch.

There is even a rusty broadsword, which is said to have been a token of a certain society that has been passed down for many generations.

But Yang Tian has no interest in these things.

In comparison, he was more interested in the big guys who made bids for it.

It can be said that he has risen too quickly. Even in the world of Hong Kong, everyone knows him.

But on the other hand, he actually doesn't know many other big guys.

Although he was very prominent in the past, in the final analysis he was just a pawn under Big Boss B.

He had only heard of some of the big guys in the world by their names and had never met them in person.

And more importantly, he has never even heard of his name.

So when others were fighting over a certain auction item, he was interested in discussing with others who the big bidders were.

Fortunately, although he didn't know many people, Foreskin seemed to be a know-it-all.

No matter who Yang Tian asked, he could always tell the truth.

Not only does he know the other party's background very well, but he also knows the size of the association and its main sphere of influence.

You can even count the opponent's classic records.

Not only was Yang Tian listening to it with great interest, but Ma Jun next to him wanted to put the recorder directly to Bao Pi's mouth and conduct an exclusive interview with him.

He also wanted to understand that it would be a pity not to take advantage of such a good opportunity today, with Yang Tian shielding him from those malicious eyes.

As the auction items were photographed one after another, everyone who took the pictures was very excited.

As for those who unfortunately lost in the auction, some knew that they were not strong enough, so they were not too sad.

Anyway, during the auction process, his face was somewhat exposed.

And those with a small difference in strength, although they try to pretend to be calm after losing, the viciousness in their eyes is always difficult to hide.

"This is the Jianghu! There are not so many moral principles in the Jianghu. Most of them are actually intrigues."

Looking at those people who regarded the auction as a land grab, Yang Tian couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

At this time, the auction of a gold bracelet happened to begin, which was considered a very valuable item in itself.

Of course, the background of this thing is not small, it can be regarded as the personal symbol of a heroine in the world.

Although there were not many people participating in the auction this time, they were all people Yang Tian knew.

Thirteenth sister was the first to make a bid, and immediately persuaded many people from other clubs to quit.

But it's not like no one is competing with her. It turns out that Luo Hua doesn't care about the name of the Thirteenth Sister of Hongxing, and every time he increases the price, he is so clean and tidy.

Yang Tian originally thought that once the two women got involved, it would definitely be a fight between dragons and tigers.

But he never expected that one of Luo Hua's men quietly ran up to Thirteenth Sister and whispered a few words. Thirteenth Sister turned her head to look at Yang Tian meaningfully and gave up the bidding.

As for Luo Hua, who won the auction, he couldn't help but glance at Yang Tian and even smiled.Since she and Thirteenth Sister were bidding, they were already the center of attention.

This move by the two of them immediately turned the attention of the audience to Yang Tian.

Especially when everyone looked at Luo Hua's shy look and Yang Tian's embarrassed face, many people unconsciously showed a thoughtful expression that everyone understood.

Now, Yang Tian felt even more embarrassed.Fortunately, he was thick-skinned enough and managed to pretend to be calm and calm.

I thought that when the next auction item started to be auctioned, the matter would be over.

Unexpectedly, when the bracelet was delivered to Luo Hua, she ignored it and walked directly towards Yang Tian with the thing in hand.

At this moment, even Mao Zhihua, who was presiding over the auction on the stage, stopped his work unconsciously, as if he wanted to finish the melon first.

Fortunately, after Luo Hua came to Yang Tian, ​​he said openly: "I heard that your child is about to be born, so I will give this to the child. It is said that this thing can protect the Lord and ward off evil spirits!"

At this moment, the entire venue was filled with disappointment.

After all, a good big melon has suddenly changed its taste.

But this made Yang Tian feel somewhat relieved.

But after Luo Hua arrived, he had no intention of leaving just like giving away things.

Instead, he took advantage of the situation and sat down next to Yang Tian, ​​squeezing Ding Xiaojia aside.

Seeing that there was nothing left to eat, the others also withdrew their eyes and continued to happily focus on the next auction item.

At this time, Luo Hua quietly approached Yang Tian and asked in a low voice:

"When are you going to take over my business?"

Yang Tian was slightly startled. This was not the first time Luo Hua had raised this topic.She has never liked this kind of life.

According to her own words, what she wants is to simply take her children with her every day and live a relaxed life.

But after all, the two are in different societies. If this is done accidentally, it will cause disputes between the two societies.

Although Yang Tian didn't care, after all, he was only a few days away from returning.

At this juncture, he really didn't want to cause any trouble to the north.

"Didn't we agree to wait for a while?" Yang Tian didn't understand why Luo Hua was so anxious.

So many years have passed, and it’s still just a few days ago.

"I don't want to be anxious, but I can't be anxious! I'm pregnant!"

When Luo Hua said this, his whole face seemed to be glowing, as if his long-cherished wish had finally come true.

Yang Tian was a little dumbfounded, "Mine?"

When Luo Hua heard this, he rolled his eyes at him fiercely, then stood up, glanced at his belly with some tenderness and said:
"You should prepare as soon as possible. I won't be able to hold on for long? Otherwise, people will see it and it will be even more troublesome!"

Yang Tian also reacted at this time. Happiness came suddenly, which surprised him. After thinking about it, he simply pushed back the bracelet Luo Hua had put down.

"You'd better keep this!"

But Luo Hua didn't accept it: "If you send it out, it makes sense to take it back. If you want to give it, go and get me a new one!"

After saying that, he smiled a little arrogantly, and then slowly returned to his table.

Fortunately, since the two of them didn't speak loudly before, people around them thought that Luo Hua was just here to give gifts to Yang Tian's child, so there was no topic.

At this time, the auction finally came to today's finale, the long red item hanging at the top.

I don't know where I learned it from, so I gave a very long introduction.

From Emperor Guan Sheng to the vision of future social development, he almost turned a long red strip into a sacred object comparable to the shroud.

Seeing that everyone in the audience was stunned for a moment, he shouted loudly:
"Today's final auction item has a long red stripe. There is no reserve price. Each increase in price must not be less than one thousand. The auction will now officially begin."

As soon as Mao Zhehua's words came to the floor, people at more than 100 tables in the audience, at least [-] tables, raised their hands.

Although many people know in their hearts that they definitely don’t have the ability to take photos of this long red one.

However, he still couldn't help but raise his hand, which was considered as showing off his face in front of his fellow practitioners.

"Brother Tian, ​​when should we start?"

Since Yang Tianjiu had let it go before and was determined to win Changhong, Baopi couldn't wait to ask.

In his opinion, as long as Yang Tian opens his mouth, there is a high probability that no one will come to compete with him, so he can save some money by opening his mouth earlier.

But Yang Tian smiled and shook his head and said: "You see everyone is so motivated now, let them play a little longer!"

As Yang Tian expected, after the price exceeded [-], the number of bidders gradually decreased, and the time between bids gradually became longer.

After all, in the final analysis, this long red is just a piece of cloth. Buying this thing is more of a bonus.

If the price exceeds [-], people who are not particularly wealthy will generally not continue to consider it.

But at this moment, a very arrogant voice suddenly sounded.

"If you don't have the strength, don't follow other people's bidding! Add one thousand to one thousand at a time, just click and search!"

I'll pay 50, and I'll put this long red piece on the front of my new car later, just for good luck. "

Following the sound, I saw a guy who looked exactly like Li Wenbin, sitting not far away and waving to everyone, as if he was afraid that others would not know that the bids he had just made were the same as his.

His head was raised high, with an arrogant smile on his face. Anyone who looked at him had the urge to step on his face.

In stark contrast to this man, there was another man directly opposite him at the same table, with a frown on his face and a look of bitterness and hatred on his face.

The key point is that this person's appearance should not be underestimated. He doesn't look like anyone, but he has a face like Jiang Tiansheng.

"That's the guy from Heliansheng. The guy who just quoted me is called Big D. He's very popular recently.

He and Le Shao, who were directly opposite him, were known as the Heliansheng duo.

Recently, Lian Sheng has been developing rapidly because of them.

Brother Tian, ​​do you want to kill their spirit? "

Bao Pi is worthy of being a know-it-all in the world. Seeing Yang Tian look over, he immediately started to explain.

But Yang Tian still smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry, since he likes to be in the limelight so much, just let him be happy for a while."

Yang Tian was not in a hurry, but some people couldn't sit still.

"One million, if you want to be popular, you must pass my level first!"

Originally, in this auction, everyone relied on their ability. Your ability to bid was your ability, and no one would say anything.

But Big D's declaration that he was bound to win just now was somewhat ungrateful.

After all, everyone present today knows very well that the last red spot must be Hong Xing's.

If you increase the price a little, there is no problem in letting Hongxing pay a little more in the end.

But if he declares his sovereignty so impatiently, where can he put Hong Xing's face?
(End of this chapter)

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