Chapter 293 (Two in One) Reactions from All Parties

Yang Tian was not superstitious at first, but since arriving in this world, he has been somewhat shaken by the influence of the surrounding environment.

It's not that he really believes in anything, but what he does. Although he has a clear conscience, in Jia Li's words, he has committed some crimes.

It just so happens that most of the proceeds from the fireworks auction will be donated to various charitable organizations.

So he just wanted to take this opportunity to donate some money, which could be regarded as accumulating some virtue and buy himself some peace of mind.

As for why he didn't donate money directly, first of all, he really didn't know which of those so-called charitable organizations were real and who were selling sheep's meat to dogs.

Taking advantage of the opportunity of the fireworks display to donate, at least the party receiving the donation will not dare to play any tricks.

You must know that the people who contributed the money this time are all famous bosses from various societies in Hong Kong.

As long as the organizations receiving donations are not crazy, the money will definitely go to the places that need it most.

Come on second!Yang Tian didn't want to be the first person at this time.

He plans to donate quite a lot of money this time. If he donates directly, no matter how low-key it is, people who are interested can find out.

This period of time is quite special. He is afraid that good things will turn into bad things because of donations, which would be a bit regretful.

But the fireworks show is different. It can also achieve the purpose of donating money. The key is that others can't make a fuss about it.

After all, it was a group of associations that were bidding and taking advantage of the competition for the sake of face, so that was very reasonable.

Therefore, although Yang Tian was determined to win Changhong, he was not in a hurry to bid.

I just didn't expect that if he didn't take action, Greyhound would actually step forward before him when he saw someone being ignorant.

After hearing Greyhound's 100 million offer, there was a burst of surprise in the hall.

The people from Hongxing will definitely take action, and everyone has been mentally prepared for this.

But no one expected that the one who had just taken over would be Greyhound, and the key point was that it was still 100 million.

You must know that the highest recorded price at Changhong's previous auction was only around [-] yuan.

Big D just opened his mouth to say 55, which is already outrageous.

So even though Big D's tone was a bit arrogant just now, no one stood up to speak out against him.

After all, the rich are the bosses. This principle is true everywhere, especially when it comes to Young and Dangerous.

In the group of Young and Dangerous, the one who is the boss may not necessarily be rich, but the one who is rich will definitely become the boss, without exception.

Why Hongxing is currently recognized as the number one society in Hong Kong is not because there are many people in the society, but because Hongxing is rich.

But now, it's obvious that someone wants to challenge Hong Xing's status.

"110 million!"

Big D choked on Greyhound's 100 million, gritted his teeth and added another [-].

At this moment, Le Shao, who was sitting at the same table with him, could no longer be happy. He looked at Big D with a shocked face and whispered:
"Big D, are you crazy?"

After all, there is no problem in making a bid once and showing your face.

Moreover, Big D’s first lead of 55 has already shocked everyone.

It can be said that Big D has earned a lot of face today.

Now that the people in Hongxing have spoken, there is nothing to be ashamed of if they go downhill.

After all, that was Hongxing. After Dongxing was divided and disintegrated, it was already a dominant company.

But now after Greyhound's bid, Big D insists on shouting again, which is really a bit ignorant.

Sure enough, as soon as Big D said these words, the eyes of everyone in the audience changed when they looked at him, and many people even looked like they were watching a show.

Even Yang Tian couldn't help but look at Big D and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"I remember that Lian Sheng doesn't have much territory or business anymore, right?"

After hearing Yang Tian's words, Baopi immediately smiled and mocked:
"What kind of business can they have? Just a few old boats transporting goods to the north, and a few gambling stalls.

It's said to be a gambling stall, but it's just a group of old men and women playing mahjong there to make some money. "

"Oh? If that's the case, then after spending so much money today, are they going to sell the shop when they get back?"

Of course Yang Tian knows what Big D's business is. It just so happens that there are both police and undercover agents at his table today. Give him some eye drops to make him understand that he shouldn't be too arrogant.

After hearing Yang Tian's words, Foreskin's face became even more disdainful.

"It's not like selling a shop. I heard that this guy Big D is now doing bulk cargo for others. Most of the bulk cargo in Hong Kong Island now belongs to him. I guess he must have made money, so he is so loud. Bar!"

Sure enough, after Bao Pi finished speaking, Ma Jun immediately became serious.

And Xue Jiaqiang and Ding Xiaojia couldn't help but stare at Big D again and again, as if they wanted to remember his appearance firmly.

But when Yang Tian saw that his goal was achieved, he didn't want to wait any longer.

This time, because I said at the club meeting that Pai Changhong would pay for it himself, he wouldn’t have to go to the club’s account.

So Greyhound just stood up for itself, and it was also using its own money.

Of course, Yang Tian would not let Greyhound spend money for him, so he turned to Di Foreskin and nodded.

At this time, Greyhound saw that Big D had completely ignored Hong Xing's face and actually increased the price again, and was about to get up and call out the price again.

Unexpectedly, the foreskin at the other table shouted faster than him: "My eldest brother bids 660 million, for no other reason than for good luck."

At this moment, the entire hall fell silent.

Even Mao Zonghua on the stage was a little incredulous, wondering if he had heard wrongly.

"How many did you say?"

"My eldest brother offers 660 million to [-] yuan! It's a lucky move!"

Foreskin repeated it loudly, and then he stopped pretending, and just looked at Big D with a mocking look on his face.

"Good guy, what kind of extravagant person is her eldest brother? 660 million to [-] yuan! Oh my God, what can I do with this money? To buy a piece of cloth?"

Some people who were far away, or who didn't know the foreskin, couldn't help but start whispering.

But he was quickly interrupted by the knowledgeable people next to him.

"Don't talk nonsense, be careful of trouble coming from your mouth. That's Yang Tian from Causeway Bay! This little money is a huge sum of money to you, but to others, it's just small change!

Spending a little money to get good luck, what a big deal this is! "

Similar conversations kept ringing throughout the hall, and even the other people working for Hongxing cast an incredulous look at Yang Tian.

As for Big D, it was completely misfired.Taking out a million or so is already his limit.

More than 600 million yuan, if he bites the bullet, it's not impossible to get it out, but it is already a waste of money.

If he really spent more than 600 million to take Changhong back, his gang would be disbanded by then.

Originally, according to his plan, he would gradually raise the price to 70 million.

Of course, raising the price is not just because he wants to show off his face, he also has his own considerations.

He is currently competing with Lian Sheng, and he is in an embarrassing situation where he is quite powerful but not senior enough.

He wants to rise to the top, and then legitimately take over and win the league, but just having money is not enough.

After all, the Lian Sheng market is almost lost now.

Money is just a stepping stone for him to rise to the top. According to the rules, he must also make outstanding contributions to the society.

And his business is just getting on the right track now, and he doesn't want others to get a share of the pie.

So he was thinking about whether he could win a new territory for the society, which could be regarded as a base for him to erect his own banner.

Today's bid for Changhong was actually a test by him.

I want to see Hong Xing's strength and reaction for future planning.

It's just that Yang Tian's bid was somewhat beyond his expectations.

He thought that someone would compete with him on the price, and then he would be able to see Hong Xing's strength more accurately.

But when Yang Tian's bid of more than 600 million came out, he suddenly felt a little confused.

This was completely different from what he thought, or in other words, it made him immediately feel that Hong Xing's strength was somewhat unfathomable.

Spending more than 600 million yuan to buy a piece of red cloth, and looking at the other talkers in Hongxing, they all look like they don't care at all, which is a bit scary.

"Big D, do you know what you are doing?

We and Lian Sheng have finally reached the situation we are in today. Now that you have done something like this, if Hong Xing turns his attention to us, how do you think we should deal with it? "

Le Shao stared at Big D and asked in a low voice.Like Big D, he is currently on the rise in his career.

If Hong Xing turns his gun on Liansheng at this time, the foundation he has just laid may be wiped out in an instant.

Not only Le Shao, but also other senior leaders of Lian Sheng. Although they did not dare to confront Big D, they looked restless as if the end of the world had come.

Although Big D was feeling a little nervous at this time, he knew that he had taken things for granted and misjudged the situation.

However, he still muttered stubbornly:

"Who would have thought of this? Hongxing has been shrinking its power recently. Anyone would think that there is something wrong within them.

Who knew they were pretending to be pigs and eating tigers?I am also thinking about the future of the club. Can you blame me?
Now that I have said all this, I have never seen any of you stop me before?You didn't want me to charge into the battle, but now you blame me alone? "

Hearing Da D's muttering, the other bosses at their table suddenly stopped talking.

There was something unnatural on his face, but Uncle Deng, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said:

“The fireworks festival is originally about everyone showing off their abilities based on their abilities.

Now my face is not showing much, but my butt is exposed, so just admit it.

As for Hong Xing, it shouldn't be offending.

Didn't Luo Hua just say that Yang Tian's child was about to be born? "

Having said this, Uncle Deng turned to look at Mr. Le, "Ale! This matter is left to you. I will send you a big gift on behalf of the society.

It’s such a day worth celebrating, maybe we can all make friends! "

When Big D heard Uncle Deng's words, he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something. However, when he saw Le Shao's serious face with proud eyes, he took a deep breath and held it back. .

On Yang Tian's side, under the eyes of everyone in the audience, he successfully received the Chang Hong gift from Mao Zhehua himself.

At this point, the entire fireworks show has officially come to an end.

Yang Tian donated the money, and he felt at ease. However, many people present at the time were not at peace in their hearts.

Yang Tian's 660 million was really spent and made many people feel sad. The first one to bear the brunt was Tan Huanxi.

Although the whole fireworks show, he smiled like Maitreya Buddha.

However, the figure of 660 million still made him feel a little frightened.

Most of his understanding of Yang Tian came from the information given to him by Jiang Tianyang.

But now, he felt that Jiang Tianyang didn't know much more about Yang Tian than he did.

So after the fireworks show ended, his phone call immediately went to Thailand.

We chatted with the Thai people all night.In addition to Tan Huanxi, the police were also very busy.

No matter what Ye Zhaoliang's purpose was, in short, his behavior of sending undercover agents to the fireworks festival achieved far more than what he originally planned.

Especially when Ma Jun took out the recording, when he looked at Ma Jun's face, he was no longer so disgusted. Instead, he felt that Ma Jun looked a bit handsome.

After all, Ma Jun's recording was not only exceptionally clear, but the content inside was also explosive.

In the recording, Foreskin transformed into an encyclopedia of gangsters, providing a popular science guide on the conditions of many societies in Hong Kong.

There is a lot of information that even Mr. O has never had access to over the years.

But the most exciting thing was that he actually recorded useful clues during the small talk at the fireworks show.

As for the information about He Liansheng Big D selling flour, Ye Zhaoliang was certain that neither the Intelligence Section nor the anti-drug team had any knowledge of it.

For him, this was simply a blessing from heaven.

He himself also knows that he rose to the top too quickly, so his foundation is unstable.

The people behind him have reminded him more than once that if you want to go far in the police force, it is not enough to just rely on connections and backstage. You must have real achievements.

Just like Li Wenbin, only if you have enough strength can you move up without any obstacles.

What he lacks now is a convincing enough resume.

That's why he was hampered everywhere in the O record.

Of course, he himself understood this truth, but he had always been a civilian and had no chance to deal with any major cases.

Even if you encounter a big case and get a share of the pie, the credit you get will be very limited.

So in his heart, he actually wanted to come up with a big case that would give him a stage to show off his talents.

But strangely enough, ever since he was promoted to O Ji, the entire Hong Kong Island seemed to have suddenly changed into a different world.

Let alone organized crime, even slightly larger cases have been solved by various branches below before it was O Ji's turn to take action.

Recently, for the first time in O Ji, there has been a period of leisure time.

And he himself is not willing to touch those old cases. After all, there are very few clues in such cases, and even after laborious efforts, there may not be any harvest.

This is completely contrary to his purpose.

And if those cases were that easy, they wouldn't be difficult cases.

Unexpectedly, just when he was worrying about his achievements, Ma Jun, whom he disliked the most, actually brought him such a big surprise.

If you want to know about the flour case, there are no small cases.

Although the risk factor is higher, isn't O Ji doing the most dangerous job?
The key is that the flour case is highly profitable!If everything goes well, it won't be as simple as catching someone.

The flour industry represents a long industrial chain.

Digging out the radish and bringing out the mud, whether it is the upstream supplier or the downstream bulk cargo horseman, this kind of case can often involve a large number of people.

Key citizens also like this kind of case the most. If a mass murder is solved, the case itself may become a legend, but no one will remember the person who solved the case.

But if you sweep up a batch of flour, you will become a real-name hero after dinner.

Even if he doesn't show his face or announce his name, the heat belongs completely to him.

So when you hear the content in the recording, it seems that the scale of flour trading is quite large.

Ye Zhaoliang was a little excited. He wanted to immediately capture the foreskin who spoke in the recording and torture him, making him spit out everything he knew in detail.

After all, once this case is solved, everyone will take a high look at him.

It was then that he truly established a foothold in O Ji.

Fortunately, he still has some sense and knows that arresting people now will most likely not help, or even have the opposite effect.

So he smiled what he thought was the most friendly smile and looked at Ma Jun with burning eyes.

"Ma Jun, you can even get this kind of recording, what's wrong? Are you familiar with that Yang Tian?"

Ma Jun got goosebumps all over his body when Ye Zhaoliang saw him, but after hearing this, he still told the truth and told the relationship between himself and Yang Tian.

While Ye Zhaoliang listened, he nodded, but his face gradually became serious, as if he was thinking about something again.

In addition to Ma Jun, Ding Xiaojia also contacted Zhuo Kai immediately after the fireworks show.

Soon the two met at the agreed sewer entrance.

"Sir Zhuo, next time we meet, can you change the place.

The smell here is so strong that it easily stains clothes and makes it difficult to wash!
You don’t know that things are so expensive now, and the price of washing powder has also increased. Life is really getting harder and harder. "

Ding Xiaojia habitually complained as soon as they met.

But Zhuo Kai was unmoved, and instead explained seriously:
“No one comes here on weekdays, it’s relatively private.

The structure of this place is quite special. If someone does come, we can find each other from a long distance, but the other party cannot see us.

And although this place is a bit dirty, it is well connected in all directions. If any special situation occurs, you can quickly evacuate from inside.

Such a good place has all its advantages except for the bigger taste.

So I don’t plan to change places just yet. "

After hearing Zhuo Kai's tirade, Ding Xiaojia waved his hand impatiently, "Okay, okay, it's what you say, right?"

"Let's talk about what happened at today's fireworks show? What did you discover today?"

"I discovered a lot! But before that, you should check this first!"

With that said, Ding Xiaojia handed a brooch to Zhuo Kai and said with a mocking look:

"You are talking about the latest technology and remote cameras. I think they are just decorations. By the way, Sir Zhuo, have you been deceived? This thing is useless at all!"

Hearing this, Zhuo Kai frowned immediately: "Impossible, I tested this thing myself before giving it to you.

Within a range of 500 meters, the images taken are very clear, which is imported from abroad.

Compared with ordinary micro cameras, the advantage of this thing is that it can separate the camera and storage devices, greatly reducing the size of the camera.

Is it because you did it wrong?Or maybe it's because you placed the storage device too far away? "

"Clear? You're bluffing! See for yourself whether it's clear or not."

With that said, in order to prove his innocence, Ding Xiaojia took out a laptop directly from his back.

Soon, a video played on the computer, and it could be seen that Ding Xiaojia was testing in front of the mirror.

"Isn't this quite clear?"

"Just keep watching. This thing will fall apart at the critical moment."

Sure enough, after a fast forward, the video came to Yang Tian sending someone to pick her up.

It was here that Xue Jiaqiang, who came to pick her up, just showed his face and was only halfway through speaking when the entire video began to distort, as if he had been disturbed by something.

And the next pictures were like being infected by a virus, all distorted to the point where the content could not be seen clearly.

"How about it, admit it now! It's just the thing you gave me. There's something wrong with the quality, and it has nothing to do with my operation."

Hearing Ding Xiaojia's words this time, Zhuo Kai did not argue. Instead, he stared at the distorted picture, constantly moving forward and backward.

Ding Xiaojia also noticed Zhuo Kai's abnormality at this time and asked in a low voice: "What's wrong, Zhuo Sir? Is there something wrong somewhere?"

After several fast forwards and rewinds, Zhuo Kai finally pressed the pause button and said with some excitement on his face:
"There is indeed a problem, look here!"

Following Zhuo Kai's finger, the picture was fixed on Xue Jiaqiang's impatient look.

"What's the problem with this? This guy has always been like this, and now that he's with Yang Tian, ​​he looks even more arrogant."

But Zhuo Kai still smiled and said: "Pay attention to his glasses!"

"Glasses? Apart from being a bit ugly, there seems to be nothing wrong with them!"

Zhuo Kai turned his head and glanced at Ding Xiaojia at this time, and then explained: "The video equipment I gave you is completely different from civilian equipment.

The frequency for transmitting data has a dedicated frequency band.

To put it simply, the previous picture was distorted because the frequency band for transmitting signals was interfered with.

In this frequency band, this kind of interference will only occur at close range if devices in the same frequency band are used. "

Ding Xiaojia was very smart this time, and his expression gradually became serious.

"Sir Zhuo, you mean that there are people using the same equipment as me?"

"Yes! And it's so close to you that it causes such serious interference.

I checked and found that Sir Kang had signed for four units of this equipment before. "

Hearing this, Ding Xiaojia became a little excited:
"You said before that Sir Kang sent out a total of five undercover agents, and now there are records of receiving four more devices. I am the only one who is treated differently, right?"

Faced with Ding Xiaojia's strange angle of attention, Zhuo Kai couldn't explain it for a while, so he simply continued:

"Have you seen his glasses? Although this style of glasses is ordinary, one of these devices was deliberately made to look like this because the more ordinary it is, the less likely it will arouse suspicion."

After hearing Zhuo Kai's words, Ding Xiaojia finally stopped dwelling on the topic of five undercover agents and four sets of equipment. Instead, he put on a ghostly expression and pointed at Xue Jiaqiang on the screen. He couldn't say anything for a long time.

"Yes, this guy is probably one of the undercover agents we are looking for."

Although Zhuo Kai's words were ambiguous, his tone was full of confidence.

It's just that Ding Xiaojia couldn't accept this result for a while.

"But Sir Zhuo, this guy used to specialize in collecting debts. Such a bastard thing is not what you should do with the police."

"Since you are an undercover agent, you must make some changes for the mission!"

After finishing speaking, Zhuo Kai saw that Ding Xiaojia was still a little unable to accept it, so he simply changed the subject first.

"Since the video is not recorded now, you should just tell me what you have learned!"

"Harvest, yes harvest! This time the harvest is huge!

Sir Zhuo, do you know?During this fireworks display, colleagues from other departments were present.

One of them is remembered by O and his name is Ma Jun!
But from the looks of it, he and Yang Tian seemed to be very familiar. After Yang Tian discovered him, he even covered up for him.

Sir, I suggest you check the relationship between them and see if there is any benefit transfer. "

Zhuo Kai was slightly startled when he heard this, and his brows furrowed.

"There is no problem between them. Ma Jun was ordered to protect Yang Tian before, and Yang Tian is returning the favor.

But why did Mr. O send someone in?Isn't this nonsense? "

"I also find it strange, just like that Ma Jun, according to my observation, Yang Tian is not the only one who has figured out his identity.

If Yang Tian hadn't directly asked him to sit at his table, he would have been in big trouble tonight. "

"Don't worry about this. Do you have any other information?"

Hearing Zhuo Kai's words, Ding Xiaojia also became more energetic. "Yes, Yang Tian and the others mentioned during their chat that Big D from Liansheng has been engaged in flour business recently, and the scale is quite large."

 Rounding up, it’s two big chapters!
(End of this chapter)

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