Chapter 294 The Abnormal Prince

It has been nearly a month since the fireworks festival.

Because Jia Li was about to give birth, and neither she nor Yang Tian had much experience in giving birth.

So just in case, Yang Tian simply took Jiali to the hospital in advance.

I have to say that being a rich person is indeed much more convenient than ordinary people.

Others have to wait in line for a bed when they are hospitalized, but those with money can go directly to the ultra-luxurious VIP ward.

Not only are dedicated nurses on duty 24 hours a day, but some necessary examinations are also done directly in front of the hospital bed.

However, although Yang Tianren was admitted to the hospital to guard Belle, he did not enjoy the free time he deserved.

Because Luo Hua previously exposed the news that his child was about to be born in front of so many people.

So these days, there is an endless stream of people coming to the hospital to visit.

Of course, everyone knew very well that visiting the beauty was just an excuse, and the purpose of coming was basically for Yang Tian, ​​a powerful figure in the world.

Of course, ordinary people, Yang Tian didn't bother to talk to him, Bao Pi, a know-it-all, just dismissed it for him.

However, some of them were a bit special, so Yang Tian still met and chatted with them in person.

The first one is Mr. Le from He Liansheng. Yang Tian had already expected that He Liansheng would send someone.

Even if the person coming was Mr. Le, Yang Tian had already guessed it.

After all, Yang Tian knew very well that although Big D was He Liansheng's most powerful leader at present.

But Le Shao is the favorite successor of He Liansheng and the old guys.

However, after the first contact, Yang Tian's senses for Le Shao were not very good.

Although Mr. Le is here to give gifts, and his attitude is very low.

However, the impeccable manner in which he spoke and acted, coupled with his face, always made Yang Tian unconsciously think of that guy Jiang Tiansheng.

What's more, Yang Tian knows his deeds, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is a dog that never barks.

Le Shao and Jiang Tiansheng not only look the same, but also have similar temperaments. They both have benevolent faces on the surface, but secretly they are more ruthless than anyone else.

So for Le Shao's visit, Yang Tian looked enthusiastic on the surface, but in his heart he didn't want to have a close relationship with him at all.

After Master Le left, what Yang Tian didn't expect was that the guy from Big D also came.

Compared to Le Shao, Big D feels like a complete bastard.

But Yang Tian actually admires people like Big D.

When faced with people who are inferior to him, Big D can be so arrogant that people want to just strangle him to death.

But when he finds that others are stronger than him, he can show his surrender without hesitation.

It just so happens that Big D has realized the gap between himself and Yang Tian.

So when he saw Yang Tian, ​​he had a low eyebrow and a wagging tail. Yang Tian was a little surprised at first.

They also came to give gifts to Yang Tian, ​​but Big D was different from Le Shao's pretended low profile.

Yang Tian could feel that Da D was really not unruly at all when facing him.

And compared to Le Shao representatives and Lian Sheng, Big D came as an individual, and the gift he gave surprised Yang Tian.

A complete set of gold jewelry, from longevity locks to gold bracelets, are all suitable gifts for children. Adding them all together, Yang Tian estimates that they will cost hundreds of thousands.

Since Big D was so sensible, Yang Tian simply told him to wear a helmet if he fished with others in the future.

Of course, Big D definitely didn't understand the meaning of Yang Tian's words. With his confused look, he probably thought Yang Tian was joking with him.

Of course, Yang Tian felt that he had done his best.

After all, Big D sells flour, and it bulks up directly on Hong Kong Island.

If Big D were in Hongxing, Yang Tian would have sent him to get close to the sea.

It would have been polite not to attack him directly, so as not to remind him that he was already being targeted by the police.

After seeing Big D off, it was already evening. After dinner, Yang Tian thought he could rest.

Unexpectedly, no outsiders came to visit again, but Hongxing's own people came.

Han Bin, Dinosaur and Thirteenth Sister made a special trip to visit Beauty.

Three people for their unborn child.Obviously more interested than Yang Tian.

Although Yang Tian was already prepared, the three of them still sent another baby gift package.

From diapers to strollers, to schoolbags, stationery and small desks, I wish I could pack all the daily necessities for my children from childhood to adulthood.

Han Bin even wanted to be the godfather of Yang Tian's unborn child.

While several people were talking and laughing, unexpectedly the prince came at this time.

This made Yang Tian somewhat curious as to why he didn't come with Han Bin and the others.

And when he saw the prince's appearance, his curiosity reached its peak.

It was seen that although the prince pretended to be weak and calm, the broken corners of his mouth and the obviously bruised forehead showed that he seemed to have done something with someone before coming here.

You must know that the prince is a figure known as the Hongxing God of War. He has never suffered a defeat in the ring since his debut.

What's more, now they are talking to each other, and they always come and go with a group of cavaliers.

It's incredible that he can do it himself.

And to make him lose the prize is not something ordinary people can do.

"Damn it! I asked you to come here with me before, and you said you were not along the way. What? Did you get robbed on the road?"

In addition to Yang Tian, ​​several others were also very curious, and Han Bin even asked bluntly.

But the prince didn't care when he heard this, and even said excitedly: "It's okay, there was a little accident on the road, and it has been solved now."

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly inadvertently, seeming to be very happy.

This was the first time that everyone saw the prince like this.

However, Yang Tian had seen a lot of the prince in his current state in his previous life.

This is exactly like a goddess saying good night to me.

You must know that today, although the Prince is not a figure in the entire Hong Kong Island.

But in the arena of Hong Kong Island, it is also a well-known sign.

To be able to make him show such an expression, Yang Tian was really curious about what kind of woman could have such magical power.

After all, given the prince's character, he was more willing to sweat on a sandbag than a woman.In his own words, women only affect the speed of his punches.

But for such a prince, now he actually looks like an innocent novice, which is really incredible.

Not only Yang Tian, ​​but others also noticed the prince's problem. Thirteenth sister even said with bright eyes:

"Look at you looking so mean. Don't tell me that you just had a fight with someone because of a woman. Could it be that you went to be a hero to save a beauty?"

The prince's performance immediately confirmed Thirteenth Sister's suspicion.

I saw him scratching his head and deliberately saying in a nonchalant tone:

"What kind of hero saves a beauty? I just saw a few gangsters bullying a woman on the way here. I just taught them a lesson."

Hearing this, Yang Tian frowned slightly compared to Han Bin Thirteenth Sister and the others who were burning with gossip.

"Since you are just a few gangsters, how did you end up like this? Could it be that I have failed to keep up with the times? Are the gangsters in Hong Kong so good at fighting now?"

After hearing Yang Tian's words, several other people also noticed something was wrong.

They are all talkative people. Even for the sake of appearance, everyone is surrounded by a group of people when they go out.

They were just a few gangsters, so it was not the prince's turn to take action himself.

Even if the prince wanted to express himself in front of a beautiful woman, he would not end up like this now, with his face stained with glory. There are too many unreasonable things in it.

But the prince still said nonchalantly: "I was just trying to save people, but I was careless and didn't dodge, so I got some scratches.

It's nothing serious. Compared with usual boxing, this little injury is nothing. "

"Who is this person? He's just hanging around. There's no reason why he doesn't know your prince, right?

If they dare to shake their arms or fists with you, I think those gangsters either don't have eyes or have other agendas. "

"Judging from their accents, they must be Daquanzi. They probably just came here, so it's normal that they don't recognize me.

Big head, you are also confused. Where can there be so many conspiracies and conspiracies in this world? Moreover, my action today was purely a temporary act. Who could have calculated so deeply? "

Seeing what the prince said, Yang Tian couldn't say anything more, but he still felt that something was wrong in his heart.

Compared to Yang Tian's caution, Thirteenth Sister's attention was obviously not focused on this.

As soon as the prince finished speaking, Thirteenth Sister directly joked:

"What about people? Our Hongxing War God Prince wants to save this woman even if he has to give up this face. I really want to see what kind of magic power he has."

Hearing this, the prince blushed for the first time: "Thirteenth sister, please stop making trouble. Aling was frightened just now. I only came here after I sent her home."

"A Ling? Damn it! Prince, do you want to do this? I have goosebumps all over my body."

As Han Bin spoke, he made an exaggerated gesture of trembling all over. Now the prince's face turned red, as if he was a young man in love.

"Looking at the prince like this, I guess that Aling is at least like a Hong Kong lady. Otherwise, how could it be possible for our stone-hearted prince to become as soft as a finger?"

The thirteenth sister was amused by the prince's shy look and immediately started joking.

At this time, the dinosaur looked like someone who had been through it before. He stepped forward and patted the prince on the shoulder, saying in a serious tone:

"Prince, it's time to play, you have to be careful.

The more beautiful a woman is, the more she will deceive others. Don’t let others defraud you of money and sex, hahahaha...! "

At first, the dinosaur was quite serious, but as he spoke, his mood changed. In the end, he couldn't help it anymore and started laughing while holding his belly.

But when Dinosaur mentioned his Aling, the prince suddenly became serious.

"No, A Ling is not that kind of woman. And what you said is wrong. Who said beautiful women can lie?"

"That's right, if you ask me, as long as she is a woman, she will lie to others." Han Bin also spoke at this time. After finishing speaking, he turned to look at the prince, and then continued: "After all, she is not beautiful, even if she lies to you , you won’t be fooled either!”

Listening to several people taking turns making jokes about the prince, although it was full of laughter, Yang Tian felt more and more wrong.

After all, the prince's appearance is really strange.

A woman he met for the first time actually made him so fascinated.

Although love at first sight happens all the time in movies and TV.

But Yang Tian firmly believes that the so-called love at first sight is just the rippling of hormones, and it is basically lust.

But looking at the prince's current appearance, there is no sign of impatience at all. It is completely a reunion of Bai Yueguang's obsession deep in his heart.

Although he has the bonus of being a hero who saves a beauty, it only took one meeting to charm the prince into what he is now.

Yang Tian was curious about the Ah Ling mentioned by the prince, and at the same time, he couldn't help but become a little wary.

At this time, the prince seemed to be unable to bear the banter. Seeing Yang Tian looking thoughtful at the side, he quickly came to Yang Tian and changed the topic.

"By the way, when did your wife give birth? How long have you been in the hospital? Do you really think of the hospital as your home?"

Yang Tian just smiled at the prince's forced change of topic.

“After all, it’s my first time and I don’t have much experience, so it’s safer to come to the hospital in advance.

By the way, don’t change the subject. This is the big brother’s house. When do you plan to let us meet our future sister-in-law? "

Yang Tian had too many questions about that Aling, so after answering the prince, he changed the topic again.

Now the prince knew that he could not escape, so he turned around and looked around, and saw that the door of the bedroom where the beauty was was closed, so he looked like he was risking his life and said:
"I do think so! But the key is that I still don't know if they mean that to me!

By the way, Datou, you are quite good at this, please teach me some tricks.

You see, your child is about to be born now, and I am a little older than you. Now it is not easy to meet someone with eyes, so you won't stand idly by, right? "

After hearing this, Yang Tian first said seriously:

"What do you mean I'm good at this? What am I good at? Even though everyone is so familiar with me, you can't slander me!

As for your preaching, it’s not that I won’t help you, but you have to let me meet people first!

You must know that women are the most complicated creatures. Some like money, and some like handsome boys. Different women require different methods. Do you know what your Aling likes?

You don’t understand anything now, how can I teach you?

And one thing I must emphasize is that I am really not good at this aspect. I rely on my face to make a living. "

Yang Tian said this deliberately because he wanted to see who A Ling was.

He was now certain in his heart that the so-called Aling was anything but simple.

Just at this moment, Yang Tian's phone rang.

He quickly walked to the side and picked up, but on the other side of the phone, he only said, "Prince, be careful!" and hung up the phone in a hurry!

(End of this chapter)

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