Today, Yang Tian served his daughter full-moon wine, but what was different from usual was that the guests came very early today.

It was obviously a long time before dinner, but in the hotel banquet hall, not to mention that the seats were full, at least [-]% of the seats were already occupied.

Yang Tian knew why this scene happened. Everyone must be here because of Dongxing's incident.

I just wanted to take the opportunity to test Hong Xing's attitude.

In other words, he wanted to know Yang Tian's attitude towards Dongxing.

After all, the prince is now obsessed with women and doesn't care about other things. This has spread throughout Hong Kong.

Only Han Bin was left in Hongxing to take charge of daily affairs. It was difficult for him to decide on Dongxing's attitude on his own.

So Yang Tian's attitude is particularly critical now.

If he acquiesces to the rise of Dongxing, then Hongxing will most likely choose to sit back and watch.

And if he doesn't want Dongxing to become Hongxing's opponent again, then with his strength in Hongxing.

Other than saying that they fully support him, at least they won't have any objections.

As long as the other churches do not object, even if they do not fully cooperate, it is not difficult to give Dongxing a head-on blow just by relying on his Causeway Bay, Sai Wan and North Point churches.

After all, although Dongxing is now recruiting troops everywhere, its strength is expanding rapidly.

But everyone knows very well that in terms of strength, Yang Tian is still better at this stage.

If he were to confront Dongxing personally, the other members of Hongxing would not really sit idly by and watch.

Especially those who are close to him, such as Han Bin, Thirteen, Dinosaur, etc., will still provide him with some help.

When these forces gather together, even Dongxing at its peak can take a chance.

What's more, although Dongxing's current momentum is strong, it is still a long way from its peak.

However, Yang Tian seemed to have some thoughts of his own today. He had been busy chatting with each other since he entered the door, deliberately pretending to turn a blind eye to the inquiring looks on everyone's faces.

Anyway, he held his daughter in his arms and refused to let go. In this case, it was difficult for others to ask too directly.

However, with the arrival of Hong Xing's own people, this method became somewhat difficult for him to cope with.

The first ones to arrive were Han Bin, Thirteenth Sister and Dinosaur. They arrived almost not long after Yang Tian arrived, as if they had made an appointment long ago.

When Yang Tian saw them coming, he also held his daughter and rushed towards them.

"Why are you here so late! Hurry up and sit down!"

Yang Tian's opening remarks made Han Bin and the others a little stunned.

It was obviously a long time before dinner, and they wouldn't have come so early if they hadn't had something to talk to Yang Tian.

However, when they saw the situation at the scene, they had to admit that the three of them did arrive a little late.

However, Han Bin did not admit it, but said carelessly:
"Why is it too late? We in Hongxing are twelve people talking about things. Isn't there someone who is later than me?
Those old guys are really, if outsiders see it, they think we are not united within Hongxing! "

Yang Tian looked at Han Bin, who was a little irritable, and understood that he was probably under too much stress recently. He reached out and patted his shoulder, and then personally led them to sit down.

At this time, Jiali, who had been greeting the ladies at home, saw this and understood that Yang Tian would definitely not have time to hold his daughter anymore, so she simply came over and took Little Cherry over.

After Yang Tian greeted Han Bin and the others to sit down, he realized that the prince, who had been acting together, had fallen behind again, and asked somewhat helplessly:

"Where is the prince? Why didn't he come with you?"

"Don't mention him, this guy is useless! Why didn't I see before that he still has such a hot-headed side?

I'm sure this guy is still in the gym.

People ignored him at all, and he still pretended to be innocent.

If you ask me, if you really like her, then you should force her to do it. Maybe she will have children now! "

Han Bin looked at the little cherry being picked up by the beauty and couldn't help but complain.

Now Thirteenth Sister was unhappy and looked at Han Bin with a mocking look.

"Who can't say it with your mouth? If the overlord is willing to bow, can you do it?"

After saying that, he lowered his head and took a sip of tea by himself, and then sighed to himself:

"I think the prince is pretty good. I used to think that his brain was all about muscles, but I didn't expect that he actually has such an affectionate side.

This time, I completely changed my opinion of him. "

Listening to Thirteenth Sister's talk becoming more and more unreliable, Yang Tian sneered:
"How can there be any affection? That woman deliberately got close to the prince. You should have no objection to this, right?"

Hearing this, everyone had a disgusted expression on their faces, and Han Bin couldn't help but curse directly:
"What's the use of knowing it? The prince himself knows it too!

How many times have I told him, but he still looks as if he is ready to die under peonies. Has he never seen a woman before?It really opened my eyes. "

After Han Bin finished speaking, the whole table fell silent.

Even Yang Tian felt like a beeping dog.

From the appearance of the woman named Shui Ling, Yang Tian could barely guess her purpose in everything she did.

It is nothing more than trying to hold back the prince, and thereby Hong Xing, in order to allow Dongxing to complete the initial stage of accumulation of strength.

But even if Yang Tian knew it, he still couldn't break the situation.

No one expected that the prince's reaction would be so strange.

Even though he knew that Shui Ling had evil intentions, he still loved her without any regrets. He was a complete licking dog.

Yang Tian even wondered if he had also been hypnotized, and had specially arranged for Luo Zhan to secretly screen the prince.

Unfortunately, the conclusion reached is a bit disappointing. In Luo Zhan’s words, it is:
"From the prince's daily behavior, there are no signs of being hypnotized. He is just licking."

The various bewildering behaviors of the prince are a perfect interpretation of "In the prehistoric era, humans chose dogs from nature, and it did not disappoint humans after all, becoming the most understanding animal in nature."

The prince's attitude really made Yang Tian feel like he had no idea what to do.

Even if he wants to kill Shui Ling secretly, it won't work once and for all.

If something happened to Shui Ling, even if the murderer could not be found, the prince would probably be hit to pieces.

At that time, even if he was brought back, his whole person would be useless.

Not only cannot it be a help to Hong Xing, it may even become a flaw and a burden.

Just when everyone was looking sad because of the prince, the few remaining talkers from Hong Xing arrived surrounded by Tan Huanxi.

Tan Huanxi still looked like a good old man, always smiling and saying hello to anyone he saw.

Just by looking at his appearance, no one would think that he is a scheming old fox.

However, Yang Tian still saw something different from Tan Huanxi.

Although Tan Huanxi looked like this in the past, he had just been released from prison after all, and his previous foundation was almost gone.

Even with Jiang Tianyang's support behind him, no matter what he said or did, he always felt that he lacked confidence.

But this time it was different. He looked refreshed and felt several years younger.If he hadn't known that he was just older and was actually less than 50 years old, Yang Tian would have thought that he had returned to his former glory.

Looking at the few old-school talkers who came with him, Yang Tian understood that these old guys must have fallen in love with Tan Huanxi.

But what made him a little curious was that although he had been focusing on Dongxing recently, he never slacked off in the investigation of Tan Huanxi.

During this period, although Tan Huanxi had frequent contact with those old-school talkers, in terms of business, he was still just running his own Japanese food shop.

The same is true for several other old-school talkers. I haven't seen any new business from them at all.

Yang Tian firmly believed that except for interests, nothing could impress these old guys and make them willingly follow Tan Huanxi like they are now.

"Congratulations! Congratulations on getting a thousand pieces of gold!"

Facing Tan Huanxi's congratulations, Yang Tian also politely arranged for everyone to sit down.

At this time, conflicts cannot really break out within Hongxing.

A prince is enough to give people a headache. If this guy Tan Huanxi jumps out to cause trouble again, it will be a real headache to deal with it when the time comes.

Compared to the prince, Yang Tian was actually more worried about Tan Huanxi.

Especially seeing the scene today, how did Tan Huanxi win over those old guys.

Without knowing it clearly, Yang Tian always felt a little uneasy.

As more and more people arrived, it was almost time. Yang Tian was about to order the hotel to serve food and start the banquet. Unexpectedly, a group of uninvited guests barged in directly.

"Sorry, sorry, I came uninvited today, Brother Tian shouldn't blame me!
I really admire Brother Tian and Hong Xing so much. When I heard that Brother Tian was serving a full moon wine for my daughter today, I couldn't help but want to come over and see him. "

I saw that the person taking the lead was about 30 years old. He was not tall, but his figure was very burly. At first glance, he looked like a practitioner.

Her head was combed back with hair oil into a very straight back, and there was a large gold chain around her neck that could be used to tie a dog.

Next to him was a young man with a unibrow, looking at Yang Tian with an unruly look on his face.

Of course Yang Tian knew who the visitor was, but he deliberately pretended to be confused.

"Excuse my stupidity, I haven't asked anyone yet..."

"Dongxing, Sihai!"

"Dongxing, Hengmei! I came in a hurry today, so I can only prepare a small gift. I hope Brother Tian won't dislike it."

After saying that, Hengmei waved back and saw a few boys laboriously carrying two big bags over.

Everyone present is familiar with this kind of pocket, but its original purpose has gradually been forgotten.

However, when used to hold people, no matter the size or depth, the size is just right in all aspects. It has always been well received among the young and Dangerous group.

Sure enough, when the pocket was opened, there were really two guys with bruises and swollen faces inside.

Sihai laughed loudly, until everyone turned their attention to him, and then said:
“Although these two guys are from Dongxing, you have people in Hongxing who seem to like them very much.

So today I will make the decision to let them leave Dongxing and give it to Brother Tian as a gift! "

At this time, Yang Tian also recognized the two people on the ground. They were indeed paid by Foreskin and were Dongxing's undercover agents.

It's just that the two of them look really miserable now. Not only are their faces bruised and swollen, their limbs are twisted into various strange postures, and they must have been broken by force.

Speaking of these two guys, although they were paid to do things, they did provide Yang Tian with a lot of useful information.

I just didn't expect that it would be exposed so quickly, and it would be a bit pitiful to end up like this.

After all, Yang Tian himself was an informant. Seeing the tragic situation of the two, he felt somewhat sympathetic.

"You are a guest when you come to your door. What's more, you come with a gift. Please come in!"

After Yang Tian finished speaking, he stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation, and gave Baopi a wink, asking him to take the two people over.

Although Sihai and Hengmei were unkind today, they gave him a blow as soon as they came up.

But today, in front of so many people in the arena, it was impossible for him to really do anything to the two of them.

At the same time, he was very curious in his heart as to why Dongxing did this.

You must know that the entire world is waiting for Hong Xing's attitude, but Dongxing's appearance today seems to be afraid that Hong Xing will not start a war with them.

This is completely unreasonable, even though Dongxing has been very strong recently, and even reorganized the Dongxing Five Tigers.

But after all, the time is still short, and it has not yet reached the peak state of the previous generation's five tigers.

To rush over to provoke someone so impatiently would only be done if there was something wrong with your brain.

However, according to the various information Yang Tian investigated, the current person in charge of Dongxing does not seem to be a brainless fool.

If something goes wrong, there must be a monster, so Yang Tian didn't care about provocation or not, and directly greeted the two of them to sit down.

Since you can't fall out on the spot, you might as well act more generously.

Secondly, Yang Tian also wanted to test what kind of medicine was sold in Dongxing Gourd.

If Sihai and Hengmei don't stay, they will turn around and leave.Then their efforts today would be in vain.

If he stayed, it would become Yang Tian's home court.

It’s not easy to do anything, why not drink?As long as you find a good reason, there are so many of your own people present, so I don’t believe you can get them drunk.

Are you afraid that you won't be able to test the other person's depth at that time? If you get too drunk, Dongxing will also be embarrassed.

"Brother Tian is worthy of being the No. 1 in the world of Hong Kong Island today. He is really good-tempered. I admire him!"

Sihai probably didn't expect that Yang Tian's reaction would be like this. He was in a dilemma for a while and could only give Yang Tian some eye drops verbally.

But just as he finished speaking, a voice came from the door behind him.

"I admire you, I really admire you. It's only been a few days. I feel like it's only been a few days since I last drank your wedding wine. I didn't expect that it's already full moon wine!"
I can't help but admire your speed!By the way, where is my eldest niece?Come and let me see! "

Following the voice, the prince walked into the hotel with a radiant face and a charming smile on his lips.

Next to him, there was a graceful and beautiful woman, who was the Shuiling that the prince had always wanted.

I didn't feel much when looking at the photos before, but when I saw the real person this time, Yang Tian always felt like he had seen this water spirit somewhere.

But he was very sure that he had never seen Shui Ling before.

After all, she has such an outstanding appearance and a hot figure. If she has seen her before, Yang Tian is confident that she will never forget her.

And he knew very well that this Shui Ling was sent by Dongxing to deal with the prince.

In the past, he had been able to control the prince with just one move of indulgence.

Today, for the first time, he came to the full moon banquet with the prince. If there was no special purpose, Yang Tian would be the first to not believe it.

But on the surface, Yang Tian still complained:

"Prince, you are late!"

(End of this chapter)

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