It is normal for the prince to come to the banquet.

Even if he brings a female companion, it is completely normal.

But now Dongxing has come to the door, and he has brought a woman who is most likely Dongxing.

If these two things were not connected, Yang Tian would be the first to not believe it.

Moreover, Yang Tian could also guess Shuiling's purpose of following the prince.

He probably wanted to make Dongxing achieve a certain goal by manipulating the prince.

However, Yang Tian had no way of guessing the specific purpose of Dongxing's visit today.

However, people from other clubs at the scene suddenly became excited when they saw this scene.

Especially Dongxing's approach, they support it from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, as long as Dong Xing continues to be aggressive, I believe that no matter how good-tempered Hong Xing is, he will never let Dong Xing challenge his authority like this.

So even during the entire banquet, no one from Hongxing, including Yang Tian, ​​made a clear statement.

However, everyone in the other clubs looked happy, and they couldn't help but drink a few more glasses of wine.

And until the banquet was over and the guests had almost left, the people in Dongxing still had no intention of getting up and leaving.

Of course, there is also Yang Tian's deliberate targeting.

After being bombarded in turn, both Sihai and Hengmei were blushing at the moment, and even the hand holding the wine glass was trembling slightly.

But I have to say that these two guys still have two tools to take over Dongxing.

At least there is something to be admired about the wine.

Even a discerning person could tell that the amount of wine the two of them drank at this time had already exceeded their drinking limit.

But no matter how Yang Tian used his words, the two of them still spoke flawlessly.

This made Yang Tian want to take the opportunity to find out Dongxing's true and false purpose, so he had to declare bankruptcy.

Seeing that nothing could be said from Sihai and Hengmei, Yang Tian simply stopped pretending and asked directly:

"The two of you coming here today should be more than just giving gifts, right?"

Hearing this, Sihai turned around and saw that their table was the only one left in the entire banquet hall.

The other customers had already left, and not even a waiter could be seen. He must have said hello.

Just when he was about to speak, unexpectedly, Shui Ling, who had been sitting next to the prince and had been a little transparent the whole time, suddenly spoke, stealing Sihai's words and said:
"There is actually no need for our two families to conflict now.

I heard that your company, Hongxing, has now undergone a comprehensive transformation, and you don’t have the traditional business you had before.

And we at Dongxing can also promise that we will not touch your Hongxing business.

So I don’t think we need to fight you to the death like other people in the world think. "

Hearing this, Yang Tian's brows frowned unconsciously.

It wasn't because of the content of Shui Ling's words, but because Shui Ling spoke at this time, it was really beyond his expectation.

Shui Ling is from Dongxing, he is not surprised at all.

But you must know that Yang Tian, ​​Prince and Han Bin sitting at the table now are the three talkers in charge of Hongxing's daily life.

As for Dongxing, they are also two of the Dongxing Five Tigers, and Sihai is the agent to take care of Dongxing's daily life.

Apart from the difference in numbers between the two groups, it is not an exaggeration to say that they represent the leaders of the two societies.

But when the two top leaders of the society were talking about something, Shui Ling not only spoke up, but her tone didn't sound like it was just an impromptu decision.

The key is that neither Sihai nor Hengmei have any objections to Shui Ling's talk, but they all take it for granted.

This shows that Shuiling is not just Dongxing's beauty trap as Yang Tian thought before.

You know, although Sihai and Hengmei both appeared suddenly.

But being able to control Dongxing itself shows that the two of them are capable, and there must be no problem.

But this also shows that Shuiling is not a simple woman.

Although Tianshou found out that the money she spent to open the gym came from the Wanwan Sihai Gang.

This made Yang Tian think at first that she was someone sent from Sihai.

But now it seems that her and Sihai's identities are not what she thought before.

After listening to her words, Yang Tian looked noncommittal, but Han Bin couldn't help but sneered:
"Stop making promises! Everyone is here to fool around. Stop lying to a three-year-old child like this.

Although we at Hongxing no longer operate those previous businesses, it does not mean that we have given up our territory.

There is no conflict now, but there will be no conflict in the future.

And you, Dongxing, still owe us Hongxing an explanation! "

After Han Bin finished speaking, he stared at Shui Ling, as if he wanted to see through her.

His words could be said to be rude, and he once again brought up the death of Jiang Tiansheng.

After all, it was everyone's consensus that Crow and Smiling Tiger teamed up to kill Jiang Tiansheng.

Although the crow and the smiling tiger have long since died, this does not mean that this matter is completely over.

After all, the one who died was Hong Xing's leader, who had been completely crippled by the civil strife in Dongxing at that time, so Hong Xing didn't kill them all.

After all, in Dongxing at that time, most of the people had dispersed, and almost no territory was left.

There is really no benefit to be gained from killing them all except that Dongxing can be completely removed from Hong Kong Island.

At that time, Hongxing had become the number one society in Hong Kong, and there was no need to use the remaining kittens and puppies in Dongxing to establish its authority.

No Tangtou would be willing to take over such a thankless task.

But things are different now. Since Dongxing has resurrected, it is preparing to make a comeback.

Although in Dongxing now, except for that guy from Dadong, the top management are no longer from Dongxing.

But since they used Dongxing's banner, they naturally shouldered Dongxing's grievances.

Now that Hong Xing is asking them for an explanation, it is reasonable.

But before Shui Ling could reply, the prince on the side suddenly jumped out to smooth things over and said:

"Han Bin, you are the same, how long ago did this happen, and you are still revealing it now.

Let me tell you, everyone is just seeking money when they come out to hang out, but harmony brings wealth, which is a truth that has not changed since ancient times.

Besides, didn’t Aling just say that!Hongxing and Dongxing have no fundamental conflict.

I think even if there is a conflict, everyone can sit down and talk slowly!There is no need to get into a tense situation.

If we fight, it will only affect everyone's business, don't you think so? "

The prince's speech shocked the entire audience.

Han Bin turned his head to look at the prince in stunned silence. His mouth moved, but in the end no sound came out.

Yang Tian was drinking tea to relieve his hangover. When he heard this, he got excited and took a big gulp of tea, which almost caused blisters on his mouth.

He knew that the prince had turned into a licking dog, but he never expected that he would actually ignore the interests of the society for the sake of Shuiling.

Although the words are said in a straight and clear manner, it seems that both sides benefit from not helping each other.

But if you are looking at Hongxing's point of view, it is a complete betrayal of the society's interests.

After all, no matter how nice Shui Ling's words are, no matter how fanciful they are, in essence, he still wants Hongxing to stand by and watch Dongxing's rise.One mountain cannot accommodate two tigers, and one Hong Kong Island cannot accommodate two behemoths.

Moreover, Yang Tian still has a doubt in his heart that he has never been able to uncover.

You must know that when Sihai and Hengmei came over today, they came up aggressively and gave themselves "gifts".

This approach doesn't look like it's about making peace.

Fortunately, he didn't listen to Shui Ling's words at all, but the prince's behavior really made it impossible for him to connect with the prince he once was.

Even Sihai and Hengmei looked a little incredulous after hearing the prince's speech.

The teacup that Sihai had raised to his mouth was frozen in the air. Although there was only the last centimeter left, he couldn't put it into his mouth.

The horizontal eyebrows are deeper than those in the city, but the unibrow can't help but wrinkle into waves.

But in the face of everyone's performance, the prince did not feel at all how lethal his words were.

First, he turned his head and looked at Shui Ling affectionately, and then asked nonchalantly:

"How is it? What I said makes sense, right?
Now that the police are keeping a close eye on us, if our two families get into trouble, it will only give the police an advantage in the end. "

Maybe Shui Ling couldn't bear to listen to the prince's speech.

After all, looking at Han Bin's appearance, he was already on the verge of exploding.

If the prince were allowed to continue talking like this, it might only have the opposite effect.

Anyway, she had achieved her purpose of holding back the prince, so there was no need to add any extra complications.

So just as her prince finished speaking, she immediately continued:

“Of course, we in Dongxing don’t just talk with our mouths.

You must know that Hong Kong Island will return soon, and it will be much more convenient for people from the north to come than it is now.

We have paved the road in the north and set up a travel agency to specialize in business in the north.

I heard that you have also invested in building factories in the north, so you should know that compared to Hong Kong Island, the north is a real gold mine.

By then, with the influx of tourists from the north, it can be said that it will be difficult for the travel agency industry not to make money.

If you are willing, we at Dongxing are willing to give up [-]% of our shares. "

Shui Ling had just finished speaking, but she didn't expect that the prince would become a compliment again.

"Yes! Others don't know, but we still know it.

The north is not as backward as everyone thinks.

The travel agency business is great!As long as the customer base is stable, it will be a huge profit!

I never thought you’d actually paved the way! "

After saying that, the prince looked at Yang Tian again and said anxiously:

"How about it, Ah Tian, ​​you know the north best. Ah Ling said that the travel agency project just now was good, right?"

Following the prince's words, even Han Bin couldn't help turning his head to look at Yang Tian.

After all, although Shui Ling's words were simple, Han Bin was also a little moved when she proposed this project.

The current dividends from the VCD factory have even far exceeded his business in Hong Kong Island.

This also gave him a deep understanding of the terrifying spending power of people in the north.

At the same time, thinking of the exaggerated population base in the north, even he was a little tempted.

As the prince said, engaging in tourism is really a profitable business.

As long as you plan the route and find a few tour guides, you can start this business.

It's just three things: food, accommodation and transportation, which are not big problems.

The key point in this business is to collect money first and then do the work. There will be no problems with costs and capital occupation.

At this time, Yang Tian also recovered from his previous embarrassment. He saw everyone looking at him with a faint smile on his face.

"Tourism is indeed one of the pillar industries for the future development of Hong Kong Island, and it is definitely possible to make money."

When he said this, his face gradually became serious.

"But there's no need to make such a big noise when it comes to tourism, right? What does this have to do with your constant expansion in Dongxing?"

Shui Ling on the opposite side also became serious when he heard this, "Tourism industry needs a good environment.

Apart from anything else, there are now hundreds of associations, large and small, on Hong Kong Island.

Fights between gangs occur almost every day.

This is a fatal blow to the tourism industry.

You must know that those small societies are not like your Hongxing. As long as they have money to make, they dare to do any dirty things.

So we at Dongxing just want to get rid of these black sheep. A good environment is a good thing for everyone! "

Yang Tian didn't expect Shuiling to be able to talk about the expansion of his power in such a high-sounding way.

However, when he heard Shui Ling's words, Yang Tian couldn't help but think deeply.

Because if what Shui Ling said is true, then she is somewhat similar to herself.

This similarity does not refer to appearance or personality, but to what they are doing or preparing to do.

You must know that when Yang Tian became the talker in Causeway Bay, the first thing he did was to clean up the public security in Causeway Bay.

Later, he made outstanding contributions to organizing the ghost guys to amend the regulations.

All of this is to make Hong Kong Island's future more prosperous and stable, and to avoid detours and dead ends.

Of course, earlier, when he agreed to Li Wenbin to be his informant, he actually had the idea of ​​contributing to the long-term stability of society.

But he himself is a time traveler, and he did all this because of his worldview and values ​​that had been formed in his previous life.

And if what Shui Ling said was true, the only explanation for her doing this was that someone wanted her to do it.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but take a deep look at Shui Ling, and said lightly:
"I remember what Miss Shui Ling said, but this is not a trivial matter. It cannot be decided by the few of us at the wine table. We need to discuss it with other people involved."

Shui Ling nodded, then stood up without hesitation and said:

"We really should discuss it carefully. If there are too many interruptions today, let's leave first."

"Miss Shui Ling, walk slowly, I won't see you off."


After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the door without stopping.

Seeing Shui Ling leave, Sihai and Hengmei also said goodbye and followed him out of the hall.

The prince muttered to himself: "I'd better go and deliver it! Otherwise, if others find out, they will think that we, Hong Xing, don't understand etiquette!"

Maybe he also knew that he was going too far now, so he immediately chased Yang Tian and Han Bin out without waiting for a reply.

Seeing this, Han Bin could only sigh deeply, then turned around and asked:
"Do you think you believe what this woman just said?"

Yang Tian shook his head and asked with a smile: "Do you believe it? I don't believe it anyway!"

(End of this chapter)

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