The entire world is in chaos. The death of Bai De, the leader of Hongyi, has become a trigger, causing everyone in the world to feel insecure.

Within Hongyi, with the full support of several good brothers of Bai De, Phoebe was pushed to the forefront.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Phoebe is actually a puppet they introduced.

At that time, the ones who will really hold the leading power will be her uncles and Bai De's good brothers.

Of course, they did not do so without resistance. Bai De had controlled Hongyi for decades.

When he was alive, others wouldn't say anything, but now that he is dead, many people have begun to make their own plans.

Therefore, at Hongyi's conference, everything seemed calm, but in fact there was an undercurrent.

The first person to speak was Luo Hua. She had always been difficult to deal with Bai De. She was the first to stand up, which was in line with her personality.

And her words were even more direct: "Phoebe is too young, and she has never been involved in the affairs of the society before. Letting her take over as the leader now will only harm her, so I don't agree!"

With Luo Hua taking the lead, many bosses in Hongyi expressed their approval.

We can discuss who will be the leader, but it would be too much of a joke to expose such a little girl.

This scene may have been expected by Bai De's good brothers.

After all, even they themselves thought it was outrageous to introduce Phoebe, and the brothers finally reached an agreement.

They were like this, not to mention the other bosses of the club. Even Luo Hua was the first to object, which was expected by them.

So when the entire conference room was filled with voices of opposition, the expressions of the brothers did not appear nervous, they all looked calm and calm.

It wasn't until the voices of everyone discussing in the conference room gradually became quieter that Ah Chen shook his head and said with a smile on his face:

“I know it’s hard for everyone to accept Phoebe as our leader in Hongyi.

But these were Bai De's last words before his death, which can be regarded as his last order as the leader of our Hongyi.

Now that his talent has just left, everyone is quarreling like this. Are they really not taking the leader's words seriously?
When you say Phoebe is young, don’t forget that we are here to hang out, and we are not going to the police academy. Is there an age limit?

What's wrong with being so young when you come out to hang out?When Bai De and I came to power, we were only in our 20s?

So stop making excuses about Phoebe's age.

As for Phoebe not understanding the affairs of the club, the people here are all her uncles.

Shouldn't everyone take better care of her and teach her?Instead of just questioning here.

In short, Bai De is the leader of our Hongyi, and his last words are the leader's orders.

If anyone doesn't listen, don't blame me for enforcing family law! "

Ah Chen's words were reasonable at first, but later on, he began to use force to overwhelm others.

After all, the few of them who have been close to Bai De over the years can be said to be those who are closest to the water.

The development of the power of their respective subordinates far exceeds that of other bosses.

So at this time, the brothers joined forces, and the other bosses really didn't dare to break up with each other for a while.

Even if he was not convinced, he could not say anything, so he could only turn his head and look at Luo Hua, hoping that she would stand up and lead everyone to fight back.

After all, apart from Bai De and his brothers, Luo Hua's strength has developed the fastest in recent years.

If there is anyone in Hongyi who can compete with the brothers now, then this person must be Luo Hua.

Luo Hua saw that he had become the focus of everyone, but he didn't even look at the Achen brothers.

She and Yang Tian had plans long ago, and now they are just proceeding step by step.

She glared hard at the bosses who looked at her expectantly, and cursed directly:

"Why are you looking at me? I usually come to you when I have something to do, and it's either windy or rainy.

Wasn’t what Ah Chen just said clear enough?Bai De's words are the leader's orders.

Everyone paid homage to Mr. Guan when they joined the association. You will never forget the oath you swore in front of Mr. Guan! "

Luo Hua's words caused the entire conference room to fall into silence.

Even Achen Dafeng and his brothers were a little unbelievable.

But just when Ah Chen and others felt that the situation was decided, Luo Hua changed the subject, looked at Ah Chen with a smile and continued:

“Of course we have to listen to Bai De’s words, this is undisputed.

But then again, I heard that when Bai De was in trouble, you guys were busy dealing with the gunman, and Phoebe was the only one beside him. How did you hear these last words? "

Faced with doubts, Da Feng and A Hua around Ah Chen became a little angry.

Dafeng even slapped the table directly: "Luo Hua, what do you mean? Do you suspect that we are telling lies?"

It's a pity that Luo Hua still stared at Ah Chen with a look of disdain on Da Feng, "You weren't there at the time, why are you shouting here now?"

Dafeng was scolded, and for a moment he didn't know how to refute.

After all, he was the gunman he was looking for. In order to completely clear himself of suspicion, he made an excuse to go elsewhere a few days before Bai De's accident.

But Ah Chen spoke at this time, still holding his hands down, and said with a smile:
"Luo Hua, do you think we will lie to you?"

But Luo Hua smiled at this time: "After all, the matter is so important, I think it is better to be cautious.

I still say the same thing, as long as it's Bai De's words, everyone should do what he says.

The question now is, did Bai De say that he wanted Phoebe to be the leader? "

After hearing Luo Hua's words, Da Feng and A Hua wanted to speak, but unexpectedly, A Chen reached out to stop them.

I saw him standing up straight and leaning on the back of his chair, spreading his hands to everyone and saying:
"Then this will be difficult. Since you can't trust us, then everything we say will be in vain.

No matter what Bai De said before he died, you will probably question it.

In this case, I think it’s better to let everyone vote!Let’s see who everyone supports to be the leader. "

Ah Chen and others had actually considered this situation for a long time.

As for voting, it is also among their alternatives.

They had calculated that even in a vote, with the support of their brothers, Phoebe would definitely win with a slight advantage in the end.

After all, although there are not many people who support Phoebe, there are many bosses who can't stand it!

A few of them voted for Phoebe, which was actually enough to beat the others.

The only worry is that Phoebe won't be recognized by most everyone.

In this way, without a strong leader to suppress it, the entire Hongyi would fall into a silent division.

But this is better than letting Hong Yi fall into pieces now.

After all, Ah Chen knows better than anyone that Hong Yi really doesn't have a suitable leader after Bai De's death.

Whoever is elected will face strong opposition from others.

Only by introducing Phoebe, a person who has little power of his own and whose identity is barely acceptable, can the conflicts between all parties be alleviated a little.

Thinking of this, Achen really couldn't hold it back and turned around to glare at Dafeng again.

Now that no one was ready, he couldn't wait to kill Bai De, which made the whole thing a mess.

But who would have expected that at this time, Luo Hua once again said something that made everyone's jaws drop. "Vote! In fact, there is no need.

When something happened to Bai De, you were not the only ones present. "

After saying that, even Luo Hua turned to look at Phoebe and said:

"Phoebe, I can't trust these brothers, but you are different. I can trust you.

Tell me, did Bai De leave any last words before his death? If so, what did he say? "

Luo Hua's words were groundbreaking.

After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Phoebe must be with Achen and the others.

Luo Hua asked Phoebe at this time, what is the difference between that and surrendering directly to Achen and the others?
Even Ah Chen and the others were a little shocked. After all, in their eyes, Phoebe was probably the person Luo Hua wanted to kill the most.

At that time, Luo Hua wanted to eliminate the root cause, but he dared to draw his gun in front of the leader Bai De.

At this time, Luo Hua actually said that she believed in Phoebe, which made Achen and others feel incredible and at the same time felt like they were overjoyed.

So everyone in the conference room focused their attention on Phoebe.

And Phoebe was not like a frightened little rabbit like she was at the beginning. Instead, she looked generously from left to right, slowly scanning everyone's face.

Finally, he stopped at the expectant faces of his uncles.

At the same time, she couldn't help but recall the words of her best friend Jiali, and how Jiali had helped her analyze every detail of the matter from beginning to end, and tears flowed down involuntarily.

At this moment, no one else in the conference room seemed to care. Some even looked sarcastic.

Ah Chen and others all looked concerned: "Phoebe, don't be afraid, no one can hurt you as long as the uncles are here.

Just tell everyone what your father left before he died! "

But who knew that the more concerned Achen and the others looked, the more Phoebe couldn't stop crying.

Only Luo Hua looked at this scene, his mouth twitching involuntarily, his eyes full of sympathy and love.

What happened today was all part of Yang Tian's plan. The reason why she kicked the ball to Phoebe's feet was also arranged.

And Phoebe will definitely give everyone a surprise.

Thinking of this, Luo Hua looked at Achen and others with eyes full of ridicule.

Sure enough, although Phoebe couldn't stop crying, she spoke while sobbing.

"That day... that day... that day, my father actually died... to protect me.

At that time, he stood in front of me and protected me... tightly behind him.

He fell directly in front of me, and I saw Dad bleeding a lot.

I kept holding his hand and crying. I was afraid that my father would leave me like this.

But my father just smiled at me and left without saying a word to me...! "

After talking about it, Phoebe completely collapsed and threw herself on the table, crying loudly.

At this time, Ah Chen wanted to step forward and say a few words of comfort, but as soon as he stood up, he was blocked by another boss.

Although the other party didn't say anything, at this time, Ah Chen also understood what the other party meant.

After all, even Bai De's last words dared to be forged. Now that others don't let the brothers have contact with Phoebe, that's the right thing to do.

Instead, Luo Hua stood up, walked to Phoebe, hugged her and comforted her for a few words, and then arranged for someone to send her out of the conference room.

At this time, the faces of Achen brothers were not very good.

He was both annoyed, a little sad, and even a little remorseful.

Faced with the pointing and ridicule of others in the conference room, he could not refute.

They probably couldn't figure it out even if they tried hard, even though they hadn't explicitly discussed this issue with Phoebe before.

But at this time, why would Phoebe tell the truth so honestly.

Phoebe is just innocent, and she is not really stupid. Doesn't she understand that if she tells the truth, only a few of his uncles will be hurt?

It's a pity that Luo Hua doesn't intend to give them too much time to think.

After sending Phoebe away and returning to the conference room, she knocked on the table. After everyone calmed down, she looked at Ah Chen and said expressionlessly:

"Well, since Bai De didn't leave any last words, let him let this matter go as it is, and don't mention it again in the future."

Ah Chen didn't expect Luo Hua to be so easy to talk to now, so he couldn't help but nodded when he heard this.

Luo Hua continued: "But it is an indisputable fact that our leader in Hongyi was assassinated, but this matter cannot be left alone."

"Then what do you want to do? If you think that if Phoebe quits, you can be the leader, then I advise you to save it!"

Since Dafeng was not present when Bai De died, he had no part in passing on the will, so it was not as embarrassing as his other brothers at this time.

So when he heard Luo Hua's words, he was the first to jump out.

However, Luo Hua didn't care and said calmly:
"Our leader in Hongyi was killed. As a member of the society, we must avenge him. We don't have any objection to this, right?"

Seeing that everyone nodded, even Dafeng didn't say anything, Luo Hua continued:
"And since the association currently has no leader, it also needs to choose a new leader. Doesn't everyone have any objection to this?"

Two questions in succession made Dafeng unable to hold himself back any longer and asked:
"Luo Hua, what exactly do you want to say?"

At this time, Luo Hua finally showed a faint smile:

“Baide’s revenge must be avenged, and the leader of the society must be elected.

I think these two things can be done together.

If anyone can avenge Bai De, then whoever can be the new leader, what do you think? "

"I think it works! Bai De is our leader in Hongyi. Whoever avenges him will be the new leader."

With the first supporter, everyone in the conference room soon reached a consensus and recognized Luo Hua's statement.

At this time, Ah Chen finally recovered from the embarrassment.

"It's still unclear who killed Bai De. If we want revenge, who should we seek revenge from?"

"Why don't you think about it? It must be the Dongxing gang who did it!

Didn't you see how arrogant the ghosts were on the day they held the full-moon banquet?

Now that people want to make a comeback and regain their past glory, they are treating us as soft persimmons! "

Someone took the lead, everyone spoke to each other, and soon a consensus was reached again.

Once there is a consensus, the next content will be simple.

At the end of the meeting, everyone unanimously decided to formally declare war on Dongxing.

It will last for two months. During these two months, whoever takes more territory from Dongxing will be Hong Yi's new leader.

Seeing that everyone was satisfied with the result and looked ready to make a move, only Luo Hua had a satisfied smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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