After leaving Hongyi, Phoebe got into the car waiting outside.

And the car didn't take her home. Instead, it drove directly toward the airport.

"Ali, why is this happening? Uncle Feng, Uncle Chen and Uncle Hua, why is this happening?"

Phoebe, who had stopped crying, couldn't help crying on Belle's shoulder after getting in the car.

In fact, everything in today's meeting was exactly the same as what Yang Tian and Jiali described to her.

Man is such a magical creature, when someone can completely predict what will happen next.

People will naturally trust his analysis and judgment before making predictions.

Yang Tian just told Phoebe the truth about how his uncles pushed her to be the leader.

By the way, she gave some eye drops to her uncles.

Under normal circumstances, if Yang Tian said this about her uncle, she would definitely not believe it.

In other words, before the meeting just started, she felt that Yang Tian was actually slandering her uncles.

But as the scenes at the meeting were completely consistent with Yang Tian's prediction, she began to waver.

And when Luo Hua asked her father's last words at the meeting, the looks on her uncles' faces made her completely believe Yang Tian's words.

At the same time, she remembered what Yang Tian had told her about the analysis of the real culprit who killed her father.

It was precisely because of these thoughts that she lost control of her emotions and burst into tears during the meeting.

She really didn't expect that the real reality would be so different from the reality she had always thought.

It is obvious that the uncles and father are usually in a happy mood.

But for the sake of rights and interests, they can actually kill their good brothers.

Especially the scene on the day of the assassination was clearly remembered by her.

At first, she just thought that the killer wanted to kill only her father, Bai De.

But after Yang Tian's professional analysis, although she didn't tell anyone else, she knew very well that the killer's target was not just Bai De.

Even she herself was actually within the killer's assassination range.

It was because of this understanding that she did not follow the wishes of her uncles and take over the position of leader of the society at the meeting in Hongyi.

She understands her abilities, doesn't understand the affairs of the society at all, and she really doesn't want to be the leader of the society.

If it had been in the past, she might have convinced herself to agree to it under the pressure of several uncles.

But the moment she saw clearly the true purpose of her uncles, she was no longer prepared to stay any longer.

He didn't directly question him at the meeting. He was already grateful to his uncles for their favor in the past.

So when she got in the car and Belle asked her where she was going, she blurted out that she wanted to go back to Pretty Country without even thinking about it.

She didn't want to stay in Hong Kong Island for a minute longer, and she was not familiar with other places, so she had no choice but to go back to the place where she had always gone to school.

Compared to Phoebe who was crying in the back seat, Yang Tian was much happier in his heart than he looked on the surface.

When Phoebe came out of Hongyi ahead of schedule, he knew that his plan was basically completed.

His purpose was simple, he just didn't want Hong Yi to choose a leader so quickly who could barely coordinate the overall situation.

After all, Luo Hua wanted to hand over the business to him and then retire from the world.

If Hongyi had a leader dictating things at this time, things would become troublesome.

If it is used by someone with ulterior motives again, it might even cause conflict between the two societies.

This is not the result Yang Tian wants to see.

According to the plan, Luo Hua will also completely provoke a conflict between Hong Yi and Dong Xing.

At that time, there will be no leader to coordinate the overall situation, and the various bosses in Hongyi will have to fight on their own for the position of leader.

Once a fight breaks out, no one can say what the final outcome will be.

But what is certain is that this will bring considerable trouble to Dongxing.

Although Luo Hua started the conflict, she didn't want to be the leader.

At this time, when everyone inside Hong Yi was busy fighting with Dongxing, she happened to quietly transfer the business in her hands.

No matter who wins or loses between Hong Yi and Dong Xing in the end, it doesn't matter to her.

Because at that time, basically all the business in her hands was transferred to Yang Tian, ​​and the remaining business of the society was irrelevant.

She could just take this opportunity to quit the world and live the life she wanted.

Soon, the car arrived at the airport.Phoebe left decisively, with no intention of saying goodbye to her uncles.

Although Jia Li comforted her all the way, it could still be seen that she was in a very low mood.

She looked like this, and even Jia Li's mood became depressed.

If she didn't have to take care of Little Cherry, she would even want to fly to the beautiful country with Phoebe.

For this reason, Yang Tian had to speak to divert her attention.

As the two of them walked outside the airport, Yang Tian immediately made arrangements:

"You can go back later. I have something else to do. If you have nothing else to do during this period, you should stay at home as much as possible!"

Jia Li was a little surprised when she heard this. She turned her head and looked at Yang Tian intently, and said with visible worry:
"Has it really come to this? Does Dongxing really have the ability to stir up chaos in the world?"

No wonder Jiali was worried, after all, Yang Tian's current status in the world would allow him to say such things.

She also saw what happened at the full moon banquet, but she didn't expect that the current situation was more serious than she imagined.

Yang Tian couldn't help but sigh at this time: "This storm is destined to be inevitable."

"You Hong Xing can't even come forward?"

These days, Belle is no longer the same person she was when she just came back from the beautiful country.

She knows more about the world of Hong Kong than the average person.

However, Yang Tian didn't want Jiali to worry too much, so he smiled and said:
“What happened this time was that someone behind Dongxing wanted to rectify the world of Hong Kong Island.

There will definitely be chaos for a while, but towards Hong Xing, their attitude should be more probing than actual hostility, so you can rest assured.

I ask you to go out less recently, just because I don’t want you to be affected by this chaos.

After all, once chaos breaks out, those guys will become red-blooded and easily hurt innocent people. "

While talking, the two of them had already arrived in front of the car. With Xu Zhengyang around, Yang Tian didn't worry about the safety of his family.

On the other hand, Jia Li arranged his clothes and gave instructions.

"Be careful yourself, and keep more people around you, so don't find it troublesome! After all, Cherry and I are still counting on you!"

After bidding farewell to Belle, Yang Tian got into the car, and the smile on his face slowly faded away.

He didn't lie to Jia Li just now. He did have other things to do today.

Dadong asked him to meet, and he also wanted to try to find out why Dadong was looking for him.

After all, the undercover agent he bribed has been found out by Dongxing. He is really not as well-informed about Dongxing's internal information as before.

As for Dadong, although he is not very old, he is very old-school in his behavior.

He has always attached great importance to loyalty. Even if Yang Tian recruits him several times, he would rather live out his life with the remnants of Dongxing's defeated army than change his family and pass by Hongxing.

Regarding the club, Dadong's loyalty can be said to leave people speechless.

And he will always remember those who are kind to him.I would rather embarrass myself than do anything ungrateful.

So since Dadong invited him, he also wanted to hear what the reason was.

But when Yang Tian arrived at the agreed place, he couldn't help but frowned.

It wasn't that he was worried about safety issues. After all, the agreed place was a cafe in Causeway Bay, and Dongxing had no way of touching him here.

What surprised him was that besides Dadong, the woman Shui Ling was also there.

Seeing this situation, Yang Tian knew in his heart that it was probably not Dadong's idea to meet him today.

Sure enough, when Yang Tian appeared, Dadong couldn't hide his embarrassment at all.

He was stumbling when he spoke, which made even Yang Tian feel a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, at this time, Shui Ling spoke.

"I actually asked Dadong to ask you out today.

After all, apart from him, I can't think of any other way to ask you out and have such a chat with you. "

With Shuiling's words, Dadong quickly left the table as if he had been granted amnesty, went to the entrance of the cafe, and took the initiative to act as a security guard.

Hearing this, Yang Tian looked at Dadong's back and smiled: "You can actually ask the prince to ask me out, so that everyone won't be so embarrassed!"

Yang Tian is actually very curious about the woman Shui Ling.

After all, whether it was Sihai and Hengmei before, or Dadong now.

Among the Dongxing Five Tigers, the three that he had met all looked respectful to her, which was completely different from Yang Tian's initial guess.

It's easy to explain that Sihai and Hengmei were both people who appeared at the same time as Shuiling.

No one knows what their previous relationship was.Be respectful to Shui Ling. Although it seems strange, it is still understandable.

But even Dadong looked like this, which made Yang Tian very curious.

You must know that the top management of Dongxing are almost dead a long time ago. Although Dadong was originally just a low-level figure in Dongxing, there is really no one above him who can't stand him.

And Dadong's current appearance doesn't look like he was being coerced or just pretending.

So without waiting for Shui Ling to answer, Yang Tian asked directly.

"Since it's a chat, let's talk about something dry!

Actually I'm curious, who are you?

I checked, and both Sihai and Hengmei came from the Sihai Gang over at Wanwan.

But you are the only one who really can’t find any useful information at all.

I wonder if Miss Shui Ling can satisfy my curiosity a little bit? "

Upon hearing this, Shui Ling did not explicitly refuse, but smiled and nodded:
"Want to know my identity, of course.

But before that, allow me to apologize to you for the behavior of Sihai and Hengmei that day.

They had just arrived on Hong Kong Island not long ago and were not very clear about the situation on Hong Kong Island, so they behaved in such a childish manner.

I'm sorry for disturbing your full moon party. "

When Shui Ling forcibly changed the topic, Yang Tian could only smile.

"It's nothing, but they were fine afterwards, right?"

"It's not a big deal. Even if they vomited all night, they are asking for trouble!"

After saying this, Shui Ling slowly became serious.

"I asked you out today because I want to tell you that we, Dongxing, and you, Hongxing, can really coexist peacefully."

Regarding Shuiling's old story again, Yang Tian smiled noncommittally and said:
"Really? Do you want to discuss the travel agency business with me today?"

When Shui Ling heard this, she suddenly blushed and complained shyly:

"I took it for granted. I didn't expect you to be doing big business in the north.

It’s just a travel agency, so it must not be difficult for you at all.

I failed to investigate these issues clearly before, so I got into trouble. "

Seeing Shui Ling's current appearance, Yang Tian suddenly understood the prince a little.

This woman is really good at using her body.

Both his expressions and movements are just right, and even every look in his eyes can seduce the opponent's heart exactly.

Facing this kind of woman, even Yang Tian himself had to brace himself and deal with it carefully.

It didn't seem so incredible that the prince fell under her pomegranate skirt.

Knowing that the woman in front of him was dangerous, and the more contact he had, the easier it would be for him to fall in. Yang Tian simply stopped beating around the bush and said directly:
"This is not the first day that everyone has come out to hang out. You and I both know what the world is like.

In the world of martial arts, there has always been only strong and weak interdependence. When has there ever been a situation where two strong forces were juxtaposed?
Once this situation occurs, it will always end with the fall of one party.

I believe Dongxing won’t forget this experience so quickly, right?
To be honest, Hongxing's current situation can be said to have been achieved by chance.

We must cherish things that are hard-won.

I don't want to be one of those people who fall one day. "

Seeing Yang Tian being so direct, Shui Ling's expression became even more serious.

“But the current Hong Xing is not just what you say.

Do you really think others don’t know what Hong Xing’s situation is now?
You are indeed strong, and you deserve to be the number one club on Hong Kong Island.

But the bigger the family business gets, the more obvious the internal problems become.

If you really want to go to war with Dongxing, aren't you afraid of someone stabbing you in the back?

As you said, everyone knows what Jianghu is like. "

Hearing Shui Ling's words, Yang Tian couldn't help but twitch his brows.

He didn't expect Shui Ling to know so much about Hongxing's internal affairs.

Since Tan Huanxi came out, Hongxing has been clearly divided into two camps.

Before, when the prince was still normal, they could still suppress Tan Huanxi and the others.

But now that the prince has become like this, it is really hard to describe.

And seeing that Yang Tian didn't speak for a while.Shui Ling picked up the spoon, slowly stirred the cafe in front of him, and said meaningfully:

"That's how life is. There are always some things that, for whatever reason, are really inconvenient for you to do.

But if you don't do it, trouble will keep coming.

At this time, it is actually not a wise move to blindly take advantage of others.

Smart people will choose to use external forces to break the situation and use external forces to gain strength... "

After saying this, Shui Ling stopped what he was doing, looked up and stared at Yang Tian, ​​and then said slowly:
"Or kill someone with a borrowed knife!"

At this time, Yang Tian also understood Shui Ling's purpose of coming to him today.

"So, you Dongxing want to be that knife?"

(End of this chapter)

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