Since Dongxing's strong return, the world of Hong Kong Island has become completely lively.

First, Dongxing's strong expansion put the small and medium-sized gangs in Hong Kong in danger.

Just when everyone was expecting Hong Xing to take action to destroy Dong Xingdu's vigor, news suddenly came.

Jiang Tianyang, the leader of Hongxing in Thailand, suffered a serious car accident and died on the spot.

At this time, the small gangs who were looking forward to Hong Xing's appearance were completely desperate.

Even though there was still a lively fight between Hong Yi and Dong Xing, everyone knew in their hearts that as long as Hong Xing didn't take action, Hong Yi's fighting style would be defeated by Dong Xing sooner or later.

Sure enough, within a few days, several of Hongyi's vanguards were completely captured by Dongxing.

Dafeng and the others, who had shouted loud slogans before, resolutely chose to surrender when faced with the choice between life and death.

At this point, Dongxing's annexation of Hongyi has almost become a certainty.

Once Dongxing's expansion is completed, even if the overall strength has not completely returned to the level before the Five Tigers Rebellion of the previous generation.

But the size is almost the same as before.

But who knew that at this time, Luo Hua, another giant of Hongyi, took advantage of the opportunity for his rival Dafeng and his brothers to surrender to Dongxing.

He actually took the remaining bosses of Hong Yi and turned around to join Hong Xing.

You must know that Luo Hua and the others are different from Dafeng and others. Dafeng and others have almost been beaten and scrapped by Dongxing.

Their defection to Dongxing actually did very little to improve Dongxing's strength.

However, Luo Hua has never had a direct conflict with Dongxing from the beginning, and his overall strength can be said to be very well preserved.

In addition, she is not just one person, except for the bosses who have always followed her lead.

She even brought over some of the property belonging to the Hongyi Society.

After all, after Bai De's death, Hong Yi had no leader.

At this time, without the constraints of Dafeng and the brothers, Hong Yi had the final say.

At this moment, all the remaining territories and properties of Hong Yi joined Hong Xing with her.

In addition to the original twelve halls, Hong Hing suddenly had three more sites: Jordan, Yau Ma Tei and Tsuen Wan.

Especially Yau Ma Tei and Jordan, these are the places where Hongyi's industries are concentrated. Calculating this, it is equivalent to having three more halls in Hongxing at once.

Jordan and Yau Ma Tei, like Tsim Sha Tsui, are now full of gangs.

But the location is within Hongxing's traditional sphere of influence.

In the past, Hongxing did not want to go to war to expand. Now that it has ready-made territory, I believe that it will not be long before these two places are completely dominated by Hongxing.

These two key places are surrounded by Hongxing's palace. Dongxing missed this opportunity. If he wants to fight for it again, unless it is a full-scale war with Hongxing, it is basically impossible.

As for Tsuen Wan, although there are not many properties of Hung Yee Society there, it was once the headquarters of Luk Wah.

Luo Hua has been operating here for many years and has a much higher degree of control over this place than other societies.

The key point is that this place is located between Tuen Mun and Kwai Tsing. Now that it is in the hands of Hong Hing, all the halls in Hong Hing are completely connected.

There is no need to worry about Tuen Mun being left alone and becoming the focus of others' attacks.

Hong Yi's operation can be said to have completely defeated Dongxing.

Although he was aggressive in seeking revenge from Dongxing at the beginning, later on Dafeng and others were directly pushed to the ground and rubbed by Dongxing.

In the end, Dafeng and others surrendered to Dongxing, while Luo Hua and others went to Hongxing.

He didn't even want Hong Yi's sign, and he must have lost his face.

However, compared to Dongxing who struggled for so long but got nothing in the end, the humiliation was worth it.

And anyone with a discerning eye can see that Hong Yi's operation was not a temporary move.

With such a smooth connection, if the two parties had not communicated well in advance, who would believe it?

At first, everyone felt that Hongxing was indifferent to Dongxing's expansion and was somewhat powerful outside.

But looking back now, this is clearly Hongxing's long-term plan.

You Dongxing swept through thousands of troops and put everyone in Hong Kong Island in danger.

This was indeed a huge favor, making Dongxing's brand the focus of Hong Kong's arena once again.

But other than that, Li Zi was completely attracted by Hong Xing.

The real benefit is that Hongyi's venues and sites are all advantageous to Hongxing.

The key point is that even if Dongxing is angry, he can't take it out on Hongxing.

After all, even Dongxing and the others knew that they were not Hong Xing's opponents yet.

Jiang Tianyang's unexpected death left Hong Xing no time to take action against Dongxing.

But if Dongxing takes the initiative to come to provoke him, it will be a big deal.

So looking back now, everyone in the world can feel the pattern of Hong Xing's work.

This kind of cunning and cunning method of playing tricks on Dongxing is really amazing.

Of course, within Hongxing, other court officials had different feelings about this.

After all, in the eyes of outsiders, Hong Yi had taken refuge in Hong Xing.

Only people in Hongxing know that the only person Hongyi really relies on is Yang Tian.

When the other court talkers received the news, they were just as confused as everyone else in the world.

After all, although Yang Tian is also from Hongxing, the difference is huge.

Therefore, after Jiang Tianyang's body was brought back to Hong Kong Island, at the society meeting held by Hongxing, everyone's attitude towards Yang Tian changed more or less.

First of all, there are the old-school talkers headed by Ji Ge.

There was already a posture of wanting to compete with Yang Tian and others.

But this time, from the moment he entered the conference room, Brother Ji was all smiles, and his tone of voice was unconsciously flattering.

Yang Tian understood what Brother Ji and the others meant, and at the same time, he also knew that the situation they had been in recently was a bit embarrassing. Of course, the most embarrassing one among them was Tan Huanxi.

Originally, he came out of Stanley and got the support of Jiang Tianyang, and he had great ambitions to charge into battle for Jiang Tianyang.

But it has just begun to show some improvement, and it has attracted a few old-school talkers to its side.

They had put in a lot of effort, but before they could reap the rewards, they didn't expect that something happened to Jiang Tianyang, who was their behind-the-scenes supporter.

This time, they suddenly lost their most reliable supporter.

So now, after seeing Yang Tian come in, everyone hurriedly came up to talk, hoping to repair the relationship a little bit.

After all, they were talking a little too loudly when they were hugging each other.

In addition, now that Yang Tian's strength has increased by leaps and bounds after swallowing Hong Yi, everyone is now afraid that Yang Tian will settle the score later.

You must know that Yang Tian's strength was not something they could compete with individually before, but now his size has reached an astonishing level.Although Jordan, Yau Ma Tei and Tsuen Wan are not as developed as those industries run by Yang Tian himself.

But no one doubts that the properties inherited from Hong Yi will make a qualitative leap in his hands.

And it is expected that this time will not have to wait too long. After all, Yang Tian has never been slow since his rise.

When Yang Tian sat down, Tan Huanxi also looked at Yang Tian with a smile and said:

"A Tian, ​​congratulations! Now that Hong Yi has surrendered to your service, you are now so powerful. The whole world is looking forward to your next big move."

"Everywhere, my friends in the world look up to me.

And I don’t have any big moves!If you work hard, you will just be busy all day long. "

Yang Tian's words were very modest. He didn't care about his status in the world.

In his view, no matter where you are, having strength means having face.

Without strength, no matter what you do, you will only be called a clown by others.

But Tan Huanxi obviously didn't say this just to compliment him.

As soon as Yang Tian finished speaking, he immediately continued:

“Since there’s no big move, that’s just fine.

I recently found a talent here, and that guy has made great achievements in the financial field.

I asked him to perform his specialty before, which was considered as an inspection of him.

In just over a month, he made me [-]% profit from the Hong Kong stock market.

Now we are preparing to increase our investment. I heard that A Tian is over there in Thailand and is also involved in finance.

Then why not come back and join us together!After all, you also know that in finance, the more capital you have, the better it will work! "

Hearing Tan Huanxi's words, Yang Tian suddenly realized.Before, he was still wondering what kind of benefits he had given Brother Ji and the others, so that they could actually bow to him so quickly.

Thinking about it now, it was probably Tan Huanxi who led them to make a huge fortune in the stock market.

You have to know that in a place like the financial market, where you are poorer every now and then you are richer, if you really catch up with the market, the speed of making money is comparable to a money printing machine.

Yang Tian knows this very well. The money he invested in Thailand has now snowballed, getting bigger and bigger.

Although he didn't know the specific figures, just listening to what Uncle Xiang told him every time gave him a particularly unreal feeling.

The key is that such a quick and easy way to make money is indeed addictive.

Brother Ji and the others were probably immersed in the pleasure of making quick money and couldn't extricate themselves.

That's why Tan Huanxi handled it so easily.

But now that Tan Huanxi wants to recruit him into the gang, he probably wants to repeat his old tricks.

In this way, even if I can't make myself obey his words like Brother Ji and others.

But if there is a disagreement in the club in the future, I will give him some face.

However, Tan Huanxi obviously misjudged the situation. He only knew that Yang Tian was also engaged in finance, but he did not expect that the scale of his current business was already ridiculously large.

Therefore, Yang Tian's interest in Tan Huanxi's proposal was very limited.

Tan Huanxi has a talent in the financial industry, and Yang Tian has always known about it.

He also knew that this person was one of the undercover agents sent by Kang Sir during his lifetime, just to get closer to investigate Tan Huanxi.

It is still unclear whether Li Wenbin's attitude has changed.

At this time, Yang Tian didn't want to get involved with an undercover agent.

Besides, Tan Huanxi has talents at his disposal, and here is Uncle Xiang, who has been working in finance all his life.

You must know that in the financial circles of Hong Kong Island, the top few people are all members of the Landowners Association.

Uncle Xiang is one of the founders of the Landlords Association, and he is a truly experienced financial master.

Moreover, he and Uncle Xiang had already made specific plans, and this was not a good time to enter the Hong Kong stock market.

So he smiled and sighed: "I definitely have interest, it's quite big.

However, I am short of money and can't spend a lot of money, so I can only thank Brother Huanxi for his kindness! "

"No! Who doesn't know that you are famous for making money? You are the richest among us in Hongxing.

If you cry about poverty, then aren’t we all just beggars on the street?Ha ha ha ha! "

Although he knew that Brother Ji meant what he said to compliment himself, Yang Tian still wanted to tear his mouth apart.

After all, he had already shied away, and he still said so. If he didn't give a reasonable reason, people might misunderstand him and think that he deliberately wanted to keep a distance from Tan Huanxi.

You must know that although his family is now the sole leader in Hongxing, the new leader has not yet been selected.

At this time, Yang Tian didn't want to cause trouble and create new enemies for himself.

Now that Jiang Tianyang is dead, there is no need for Tan Huanxi and himself to become enemies and fight to the death.

Compared to making enemies everywhere, Yang Tian would naturally not refuse if he had many friends.

So he thought about it carefully and then said: "How about this! It just so happens that in a few days, the box office accounts for several of my movies will be in place.

I will invest 2000 million first and make a fortune with Brother Huanxi. "

Speaking of this, he deliberately showed a depressed look and continued to explain:

"As you know, Hong Yi suddenly came to me. Not only was everyone surprised, I was also surprised!

Their industry is different from ours, and there are many gray and black industries.

If you want to handle this part of the business, you still need a lot of money!I am really exhausted. "

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, the reasons given by Yang Tian are reasonable.

Moreover, it doesn't matter how much money Yang Tian pays. He is willing to join in. This attitude makes Tan Huanxi very happy.

So next, with Yang Tian taking the lead, Han Bin, Da Fei, Greyhound and other talkers also joined Tan Huanxi's plan to make money in the stock market.

Even the prince, who was deeply in love and couldn't extricate himself, had a hand in it, and the atmosphere in the entire conference room reached an unprecedented harmony.

In today's meeting, although the things discussed are very important, there is actually not much worth discussing.

The most important thing is to arrange Jiang Tianyang's posthumous affairs.

Since the death of Jiang Tiansheng, the leader of the previous generation, has actually only passed not long ago.

Therefore, everyone has already known about Jiang Tianyang's funeral arrangements, and can arrange them step by step, very skillfully.

So when everyone held the meeting, the atmosphere was actually not as heavy as outsiders imagined.

Soon everything was settled and the mourning began.

(End of this chapter)

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