"One bow, two bows, three bows! Family members respond!"

Everyone in Hongxing has experience in handling funeral arrangements.

And Yang Tian is obviously the best among them.

In the two years or so since time travel, this level of posthumous affairs started with Big Boss B, then Jiang Tiansheng and Lei Long, and now he is working for Jiang Tianyang. This is the fourth time he has participated.

So not only was he familiar with every aspect, he even became the organizer of the entire funeral as expected.

At this time, following Mr. Hong Xing's words, the twelve speakers in Hongxing, as well as Jiang Tianyang's family members, all bowed in return to the person who had just come to express condolences.

Although Jiang Tianyang and his brother Jiang Tiansheng are both the leaders of Hongxing.

But their funerals are very different.

It’s not that the arrangements are much different, but that the people who come to express their condolences are completely different in terms of purpose and attitude.

After all, when Jiang Tian died, Hong Kong Island was in a situation where two powers were competing for hegemony.Although Hong Xing is strong, he is not strong enough to convince everyone.

But things are different now. The Hongxing family is the only one, and Dongxing is also stirring up the situation.

In this way, other gangs, while fearing Dongxing's expansion, all moved closer to Hongxing.

So those who came to express their condolences today, basically all the senior leaders of various associations and those who were able to do so came here just to get closer to Hong Xing.

After thanking the guests who came to express their condolences, Han Bin quietly came to him at some point and whispered:

"The people from Dongxing haven't come yet, do you think they will play any tricks?"

Today, the twelve talkers in Hongxing are all members of the family.

Therefore, Han Bin's worries are not unreasonable.

But before Yang Tian could speak, a welcoming voice suddenly came from the door.

"Dongxing is here!"

Following the sound, Si Hai led the way, followed closely by Dadong and Hengmei, with a large group of horses behind them, marching into the mourning hall.

After that, there was the burning of incense and bowing, and everything happened in a neat and orderly manner according to the arrangement.

However, Yang Tian's gaze passed through the Dadong people in the front row and landed directly on Shui Ling in the crowd.

Shui Ling wore a long black dress today and a black hat on her head. There was a thin piece of black silk hanging down from the hat, which just covered half of her face.

This looming appearance gave her a sense of mystery.

After the family members finished paying their respects, several senior executives from Dongxing naturally walked up to everyone in Hongxing and started chatting.

Shui Ling, on the other hand, took cat steps and came directly to Yang Tian.

There was no trace of anger on Yang Tian's face, and he even said with concern:

"It's such a pity. I didn't expect that Mr. Jiang would encounter such an accident. Things are really unpredictable."

If Yang Tian hadn't known in his heart that Jiang Tianyang's death was her fault, he might have felt that she was expressing concern.

However, Yang Tian didn't respond, but the prince suddenly squeezed over and replied with a sad expression.

"Yes! Who would have thought that such a good person would have an accident after saying something unexpected!"

After saying that, he changed his mouth again and looked at Shui Ling with gratitude in his eyes, "Thank you for coming today."

Seeing this scene, Yang Tian almost suffered from cerebral thrombosis and wanted to stay away from the prince.

But then Shui Ling spoke, but his tone was obviously cold: "You're welcome!"

Unfortunately, the prince wanted to say a few more words. Unexpectedly, Shui Ling turned to look at Yang Tian and asked deliberately with a puzzled look on his face:

"As the saying goes, a snake can't survive without a head. I still don't know who will succeed Hongxing as the leader in the future?"

Yang Tian finally understood at this time that Shuiling, the woman who came here today, had no good intentions.

However, he still said in a calm tone: "Now that Mr. Chiang's body is still cold, it is too early to talk about his successor.

Moreover, now that Hong Yi is raising a gang to join him, at least he has to wait until the brothers who join him are arranged first!

Therefore, we in Hongxing don’t need to worry about when Dongxing chooses the leading restaurant. "

It's a pity that Yang Tian didn't fall into the trap, but the prince hurriedly jumped into the pit.

Seeing that Yang Tian was a little cold towards Shui Ling, he immediately explained enthusiastically as if he was afraid that Shui Ling would be sad.

"The position of the leader of Hongxing may have to wait until Mr. Jiang's funeral is over, and then everyone can sit down and have a good chat, and then choose a person with outstanding ability to take over.

Other societies will definitely be notified by then, so you don’t have to worry. "

"Oh? Really!" Shui Ling first gave Yang Tian a provocative look without any trace, then turned to look at the prince expectantly, and his tone changed from the previous coldness.

Not only was she a little more enthusiastic, her voice even quietly switched to that of a little woman.

"So, Prince Brother, you are going to be the leader of Hongxing?"

Hearing Shui Ling's words, even the prince, who was already fascinated, felt a little embarrassed and scratched his head.

However, he did not deny it directly, but replied in a pretentious manner:
"This will have to wait until the club meets to decide. After all, we are the leader, so everyone must agree."

Seeing the interaction between Shui Ling and the prince, although Yang Tian was calm on the surface, in his heart he had already sent greetings to Shui Ling's ancestors for several generations.

It now seems that Shui Ling had contact with the prince from the very beginning.Maybe he came because of today's situation.

As long as the prince is used well, Hongxing can be plunged into endless battles. How can it be possible to use its hands to stop Dongxing's expansion?
Shui Ling calculated everything, but perhaps the only thing he missed was that Luo Hua was already his.

That's why Dongxing suffered such a big loss from Hongyi on the way to expansion.

At this time, Shui Ling continued to give the prince some soup.

"I believe that you, Prince Brother, can do it. In terms of qualifications and strength, you must be the leader of Hongxing."

The prince also became a little excited after being told that, and he also wanted to show off his masculinity in front of his sweetheart.

Unexpectedly, he slowly let go and was no longer as reserved as before. Instead, he seemed to have understood something. He looked at Shui Ling with an affectionate expression and said:
"If I choose you, will you be our Hongxing's wife?"

Upon hearing this, Shui Ling smiled and was noncommittal.

Han Bin, who had been silent on the side, probably couldn't bear it anymore. He took a step forward to make the prince wake up.

However, Yang Tian was faster than him. As soon as Han Bin took a step, he was pulled back by him.

He understood that at this time, no matter what Han Bin said, the only result would be to be hated by the prince.

So after he pulled Han Bin back, he put on a smile and directly changed the topic between the two princes.

"Why are there only three of you Dongxing Five Tigers here today! Where are the other two? Could it be that you are angry with us at Hongxing and didn't come on purpose?"

Yang Tian knew in his heart that if Shui Ling wanted to control the prince, he could do it in other places or at other times.

His only hope now is not to let the prince make things bigger again.

You must know that the other talkers in the club are far away from the three of them, so they cannot hear what is said here.

But if the prince is allowed to continue to let himself go like this, there will definitely be trouble.

Even Han Bin couldn't bear the conversation between the prince and Shui Ling, let alone the other talkers.

If Hongxing had an internal commotion in front of so many guests, it would be a minor matter to be embarrassed.

Therefore, it would be really more harm than good to gain more than it would cost if people in Hongxing talked about it.So when he opened his mouth, it sounded like he was joking again, but in fact, he had a hint of inciting an accusation.

Unexpectedly, Shui Ling seemed to have expected it, and turned to look at Yang Tian, ​​with a smile on his face and even a bit of arrogance.

"I would have forgotten if you didn't tell me, you said before that Hong Yi had taken refuge with you, Hong Xing.

You call it a coincidence, but a few days ago a few bosses in Hongyi joined us in Dongxing.

However, they left in a hurry and forgot many things.

The two people you mentioned who didn't arrive were just accompanying them to retrieve their original belongings. If everything goes well, I believe they will be here soon. "

Shui Ling's words made Yang Tian frown, and even Han Bin beside him frowned.

What do you mean, you forgot to take something, now go get it back.

This is obviously Dongxing trying to get involved in Hongyi's territory by using Dafeng's name.

But the crux of the problem is that now all Hongyi's territory has passed into Yang Tian's hands.

Now that Shui Ling is still saying this, the meaning is very obvious.

That was the Taibei tiger and Shandong tiger that didn't come. Taking advantage of Yang Tian's busy affairs with Jiang Tianyang, they took people to grab the territory.

Seeing Yang Tian frowning and saying nothing, the prince actually frowned and looked at Shui Ling and asked:

"Isn't this bad? Do you, Dongxing, really want to go to war with us, Hongxing?"

Shui Ling looked at the prince with an aggrieved look and said in a coquettish tone:

"How could it be? It's the place owned by Dafeng and the others. It was closed down before, and now I want to take it back and renovate it.

After all, Prince Brother, you know that our Dongxing family is not like your Hongxing family with a big business.

Now we are starting everything from scratch, and of course we have to be careful. "

After saying that, Shui Ling turned to look at Yang Tian, ​​his eyes more provocative.

"Don't worry, we are only taking back what belongs to us. We don't dare to touch the rest."

Although Shui Ling said so, no one present except the prince would believe her.

It was said that the others would not be moved, but everyone had already passed, so it was not up to them to decide which areas were originally Dafeng's.

And even if it was Dafeng and the others who got into Yang Tian's pocket, they would already have the surname Yang at this time, so how could there be any reason to return it.

Yang Tian remained silent, but Han Bin couldn't help it anymore and whispered: "Why don't you go deal with it first, and I'll keep an eye on it."

Hearing this, Yang Tian shook his head, then looked at Shui Ling and asked:

"With Dafeng and the others, do they have the ability to take those places back? If you don't eat the meat, your teeth will break. That would be fun."

At this time, Shui Ling slowly recovered from the little woman state.

He turned around and looked around, then said with a confident smile:

"Twelve of you Hong Xing talkers and their most capable subordinates are here.

Even the giant you have been hiding is staying over at your Causeway Bay today.

I think Dafeng and the others still have great hope of getting those places back.

Besides, besides Dafeng and the others, two of the Dongxing Five Tigers are also gone!

I believe they will be able to complete the task successfully.

I didn’t notify you in advance, so you wouldn’t mind, right? "

"I don't mind. If you can take it back, that's their ability."

Yang Tian also laughed at this time, "It's really embarrassing for you. Even Tianshou, who I stayed in Causeway Bay, actually sent my spies to keep an eye on me."

However, I still want to remind you that Dafeng and the others are nothing more than mud that cannot hold up a wall.

You Dongxing attaches great importance to them, maybe it will make you fall into trouble! "

"Really? Thanks for reminding me, but even if they are useless again, I believe they can still handle this matter today.

After all, they had been operating there for so many years.

Even a few dogs could probably bury a few bones there, not to mention they were useless, but at least they were a few people! "

"Then, let's wait and see!"

Yang Tian finally smiled, then ignored Shui Ling, and went to greet the others.

The prince, on the other hand, looked somewhat embarrassed as he listened to the conversation between Yang Tian and Shui Ling.

But in the end, when Yang Tian turned around and left, he gritted his teeth and continued to be a licker.

After Yang Tian left, Han Bin quickly came over and asked in a low voice:

"Is there really no problem with you? Dongxing is obviously well prepared this time.

I estimate that in the subsequent meetings, it will be difficult for everyone to unify opinions with the presence of the prince.

They had calculated this accurately, and that's why they dared to take action.

But don't worry, I will definitely support you.

After today, if we join forces in the future, we will definitely be able to get the place back. "

Yang Tian then turned to look at Han Bin, nodded and said:
"Don't worry, I never dare to underestimate this water spirit.

They sent people from Dongxing to keep an eye on me, so why didn’t I keep an eye on them?
They just see that all my people are here today.

But I don't know, I even know exactly which way they are going to take to Tsuen Wan. "

Han Bin was stunned when he heard this, and said in disbelief: "Didn't the two undercover agents you paid off before be found out by Dongxing?"

"Yes! But it can't stand Dongfeng's rapid expansion, recruiting troops everywhere, especially the ones like Dafeng.

Don't forget, half of the people in Hongyi are now with us, Hongxing. "

Hearing this, Han Bin also suddenly realized.

With the current expansion rate of Dongxing, it is indeed easy to add sand to it. It is as difficult as climbing to the sky to achieve a monolithic state.

But within two seconds of being happy, he frowned again.

"But what's the use of just knowing their actions?

Can those people who came to Hongyi really stop Dongxing? "

At this time, Yang Tian smiled mysteriously: "Who said I have to rely on them? Just wait and see.

It’s not good to plot against anyone, but you want to plot against me.

Heaven's sins are forgivable, but self-inflicted sins cannot live!
If they insist on seeking death themselves, then I can't blame them.

Just take this opportunity to hit them hard, save them from jumping up and down all day long, and disturb the peace of the people! "

(End of this chapter)

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