While Jiang Tianyang's condolence ceremony was still being held.

A boxing gym in Tsuen Wan was crowded with people at this time.

Moreover, each of them had a ferocious expression, as if they were eager to try.

And at the front of the crowd, Mediterranean Damascus sat on a chair, facing the few teenagers surrounding him at the front and said with a smile:
"So, I gave it to myself when I came out to hide my identity.

Look at the people around Brother Tian, ​​everyone is being stared at by Dongxing's spies.

It's just me. As an accountant, no one would bother to pay attention to my whereabouts. "

"It's up to you, Brother Hai. In the future, you should teach us more about this kind of experience in traveling around the world."

One of the young men, who looked like he was drunk and was red all over, heard Mediterranean's words and couldn't help but come over and flatter him.

Mediterranean seemed to enjoy this feeling and smiled at the boy.

"You guys are the most motivated among the younger generation under Brother Tian.

I’ve been teaching you how to box during this period, and you’ve been quite attentive in learning.

But if you want to get ahead, you can’t just rely on your words.

People from Dongxing will definitely come here to cause trouble today.

If you want to rise to the top, it depends on your performance.

We used to pay homage to Mr. Guan, but today you'd better think of yourself as Mr. Guan and knock down Dongxing's arrogance.

Especially you kid, I heard that people call you Guan Gong now, don’t embarrass Brother Tian! "

After saying that, Mediterranean turned to look at the other teenagers.

“Xiao Ma, Dafa, the same goes for you two.

And Devin, you are the oldest among you and the fastest to learn, so don’t let me down.

Remember, perform well today, Brother Tian will not treat you badly.

After we win, I will take you to Mr. Jiang’s mourning hall to express your condolences.

At that time, I will also let all the big guys in Hong Kong Island get to know you! "

"I know, Brother Hai!"

When everyone heard Mediterranean's words, everyone's eyes lit up.

The people who went to Jiang Tian's Funeral Hall to express their condolences today were all the bosses among the bosses to the young and Dangerous guys at the bottom.

The names of each of those people were the focus of their discussions after dinner.

The thought of being able to show up on such an occasion, for the young and Dangerous guys at the bottom, is really a sign of honor.

After Mediterranean and a few kids finished talking, he stood up and strode forward, arriving in front of the horses who had been waiting impatiently for a long time.

He smiled and waved to the side, and soon someone pushed out several large boxes.

Mediterranean carried one in each hand casually, and he lifted the two huge suitcases like chickens, and then shook them violently.

Immediately, I saw two suitcases full of thousand-yuan bills poured out, and they were piled on the ground, which was very visually impactful.

Then I heard Mediterranean shouting loudly: "I won't say anything unnecessary. Everyone should know what Brother Tian is like.

Brother Tian is short of everything except money.

You can rest assured that you will have no worries when doing things for Brother Tian.

It’s okay if Dongxing doesn’t come today. If they really dare to come, then kill them! "

"Kill Dongxing! Kill Dongxing..."

The stimulation of banknotes is far more powerful than other stimulants.

After just a few words, the crowd that was already a little unable to bear it became even more angry now.

Everyone wants the people from Dongxing to come over quickly so that they can kill everyone and show their self-worth.

It happened that at this time, Ma Zai, who had been outside for a while, rushed in in a panic.

"Come...come...the people from Dongxing are indeed here!"

Hearing this, Mediterranean grinned, "Everyone, cheer up and show the people of Dongxing today that not everyone can be offended."

After saying that, he took the lead and walked out of the boxing gym door.

Behind him, a few small ones followed, and behind them, a large group of horses looked excited.

When I returned to Dongxing, I was stunned when I saw this formation.

"It seems that Hong Xing is not completely unprepared.

what to do?Now that Hongxing was on guard, the surprise attack plan had failed. "

Dafeng looked nervously at the fat man leading the team, Thai tiger Sharman, and asked worriedly.

But the fat man Shaman laughed directly, but even though he was laughing, the laughter sounded a little scary.

"What, are you scared? I didn't agree with the planned raid before.

Now that the other party is on guard, that's what I want.

Only by defeating our opponents head-on can Dongxing truly win.

Otherwise, you will have to live in the shadow of your opponent for the rest of your life. "

Although Shaman speaks half-baked Chinese, he speaks very forcefully.

Seeing that the two groups of people were getting closer and closer, Fatty Shaman and Mediterranean raised their hands towards each other in a tacit understanding.

"Hack them to death!"

After all, pre-war mobilization and ideological construction had already been completed before.

And there is no possibility of compromise on this matter today.

Therefore, the people leading the teams on both sides didn't talk nonsense. When they arrived at the place, they directly ordered their subordinates to start filming.

Soon, the two groups collided directly.

It has to be said that although Dongxing has an absolute advantage in terms of numbers.

But the people on Hongxing's side were obviously more courageous when fighting.

Especially the few who were brought out of the Mediterranean Sea. Although they are not very old, they look like they are only seventeen or eighteen years old.

But when it comes to taking action, he is really not merciless at all.

Although Guan Gong and Diwen are young, their bodies are much stronger than ordinary people.

When he waved the machete in his hand, there was no enemy in front of him.

Although Dafa and Xiaoma couldn't keep up with their physical fitness, they were obviously very good at using their brains.

Especially when the two of them work together, their efficiency is no worse than others.

Soon, Hong Xing suppressed Dong Xing, who had more people, in terms of momentum.

At this time, the first fallen boss also appeared.

Although Dafeng used to be louder than anyone else when he was in Hongyi, he even secretly killed Bai De in order to replace him.

But once the fight started, his true colors showed.

Although he screamed louder than anyone else, he kept wandering among the crowd to pick things up, never stepping into the front line of the fight.Unfortunately, he was unlucky. He got too close to Shaman before the fight started, and he was targeted by several young men who were eager to make meritorious deeds.

So even though he didn't rush forward, Diwen and the others still found him.

In a one-on-one duel, Gale might not even be their opponent, let alone being targeted by four people at the same time.

So in just one confrontation, Dafeng was stabbed in the chest by Diwen.

Before he could react, Dafa and Xiaoma stabbed him in the waist again from behind.

In the end, Guan Gong struck him from the head with his sword, and there was no movement immediately.

With the first one, Dafeng's "good brothers" Achen and Ahua soon fell down one after another.

Seeing this, Sharman showed a cruel smile on his face, holding a machete in one hand, and then joined the melee.

It has to be said that there are indeed two things that Shaman can do to become one of the Dongxing Five Tigers.

He saw him moving forward with the knife in his hand, and no one could make him stop in the slightest.

Soon, he rushed in front of the fourth child and showed a ferocious smile:

"I learned how to kill people at a young age. Since I don't like what is taught in school, let me teach you today the cruelty of the world!"

As he said this, he saw him wielding two swords and dealing crazy damage to the four children.

It was obviously one against four, but the fourth child was stunned and suppressed by him, and soon everything became dangerous.

Fortunately, the four of them have been studying with Mediterranean recently. In addition to the ability to kill people, the four of them have also developed some tacit understanding between them.

Otherwise, with the strength shown by Sharman, the four of them would probably fail in a single meeting.

But even so, the gap in strength is still too big.

Especially in terms of experience, Si Xiaoxiao didn't have much experience in street fighting due to his young age, and he met such a perverted master right out of the gate.

Soon, there was a slight mistake in the cooperation of the four people. As the main force that withstood Sharman's attack head-on, Devin was instantly cut open in the chest by Sharman.

If Guan Gong hadn't desperately held the knife in Sharman's hand, if the cut had been real, Devin would have been divided into two pieces on the spot.

Fortunately, Sharman joined the battle group, and the Mediterranean Sea was not idle either.

He arrived just in time and silently slashed the back of Shaman's neck from the side.

As for the people leading the team in Hongxing, Sharman has certainly always paid attention to the Mediterranean.

So he dodged it this time.

At this time, Mediterranean also had two swords in his hands, one on his shoulder, and the other pointed at Shaman and said with a smile:

"Sharman, the former Thai boxing champion, one of the highest honors in Muay Thai.

But you shouldn't come to the muddy waters of Hong Kong Island. Wouldn't it be nice to spend your retirement in Thailand?Why are you in such a hurry to come to Hong Kong Island to die? "

Sharman across the Mediterranean also laughed when he heard this.

“I didn’t expect Shui Ling’s information to be so unreliable, and he didn’t even know that Gui Zaitian had such a master hiding next to him.

I never expected that you would find out my background so quickly. Hong Xing is indeed well-deserved.

But who said I owed her a favor? I had no choice but to come to Hong Kong Island to work for her.

But you were wrong about one thing, pension?I am still very young! "

As the last word came out, Sharman suddenly appeared in front of Mediterranean, and the two swords in his hands struck at Mediterranean from two tricky angles.

Facing the sudden attack, Mediterranean did not appear panicked, but his brows were furrowed and his expression was unprecedentedly solemn.

The two knives in his hand also swung out fiercely, and collided with Shaman's knife.

The two of them left just as quickly as they came.With just one move, the two people who were originally fighting together retreated to their original positions.

What seemed like a ground-breaking blow to others, to the two of them, was just a test before the official start.

Since it is a trial, there must be something gained.

I saw Mediterranean Sea, who was originally serious, suddenly laughed.

"You are old and still don't admit it. If you were ten years younger, I would definitely turn around and run away without even looking back.

But now!Jin Mengkong?I really want to weigh how much strength you have left. "

Unexpectedly, at this time, Sharman opposite also laughed.

"It seems that I can't bear to accept my old age. I don't know where you came from.

But today, even if you can hold me back, so what?You Hongxing want to win, but you are just talking nonsense. "

As Shaman finished speaking, another group of people rushed out from the corner of the street.

The leader is none other than Shandong Tiger Eight, who has never been seen in the Dongxing Five Tigers.

Yu Ba looked at the scene of the two gangs fighting in front of him, his expression full of disdain and disgust.

It seemed that he wished that both groups of people in front of him were dead. It would be perfect to be out of sight and out of mind.

Of course, if Yang Tian were here, he would definitely say something to him: "Okay, you big circle leopard, have you changed your vest again?"

It's a pity that Yang Tian is not here. Even if he is, Daquanbao will not necessarily give him face based on his previous attitude towards him.

Although he didn't like the scene in front of him, Yu Ba still waved his hand and let the Ma Zai he brought join the battle group.

At this time, Sharman was once again fighting with the Mediterranean. At the same time, he continued to use his Chinese language to deal with the Mediterranean.

"Shui Ling has already planned to prevent this situation.

With Yu Ba’s reinforcements, I suggest you just run!I definitely won’t chase you! "

It must be said that although Yu Ba did not bring many people, the sudden appearance of a new force was indeed fatal to Hong Xing's momentum.

The situation was soon reversed. Hong Xing, who was originally suppressing Dongxing, was completely suppressed by Shamanhei just like the Mediterranean.

I saw Shaman slashing at the Mediterranean Sea one after another, and shouting curses: "You say I am old? Now you say I am still old?"
I've seen through all your tricks a long time ago, but if you have any other skills, you can use them! "

It has to be said that Sharman does have his own confidence. Even if the Mediterranean is as strong as his own, he can only be forced to defend constantly.

But even though he was suppressed by Sharman and was unable to fight back, Mediterranean was still smiling.

"You have reinforcements in Dongxing, don't we in Hongxing? Are you happy too early?"

At this time, on the other side of the street, a group of people in black suits also rushed over.

This group of people is completely different from the other young and Dangerous boys. They all wear suits and leather shoes, and they hold a uniform style of sword in their hands.

There was a man and a woman in the lead. The woman was wearing a black leather jacket and had a slim figure. She was none other than Nanako Kusanagi who had been protecting the beauties closely.

The man, however, has long white hair and a white windbreaker. He remains tall and tall even when running.

And the samurai sword in his hand was even more unpredictable. Every time the sword was struck, at least one, as many as three or five Dongxing mazai would fall to the ground.

The key point is that this guy was merciless in his attacks. Those who were chopped down by him simply fell to the ground and stopped moving.

"You see! The boss has seen through your Dongxing a long time ago, let me introduce it to you.

These are the boss's subordinates in Neon. The white-haired one who keeps posing during the fight is the boss' top horse in Neon, Tenyo... No, I almost made a mistake. His name should be Tachibana Masahito now!

You'd better run!If you run away, I will never chase you! "

(End of this chapter)

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