Although the transaction between Yang Tian and Brother Ji happened in private, the effect was immediate.

Maybe Dongxing didn't expect that Brother Ji would suddenly turn to Yang Tian.

So much so that Tianshou and his four children achieved fruitful results in their first attack.

Sharman, who led the raid in Aberdeen, plunged into Hong Xing's trap.

At first, he thought that it was Brother Ji's people who ambushed him. He believed that as long as he showed the momentum of the big brother, even if the opponent was prepared, he would still be a weakling and vulnerable.

So even though he was surrounded by many people, he was not worried at all.

Instead, as if he had surrounded Hong Xing, he ordered the film to start directly.

However, he soon discovered something unusual. The people who ambushed them this time were obviously very different from the men of Brother Ji whom he had contacted before.

Not only did it cut more ferociously, but the coordination between advance and retreat also gave him a sense of déjà vu.

However, because he had enough confidence in himself, he still didn't take it to heart.

It wasn't until he saw four brave and unusually brave young men in the crowd that he finally realized what they were doing.

The people he was fighting against today were not Brother Ji's people at all, but Yang Tian's men who had made him suffer in Tsuen Wan last time and escaped in embarrassment.

So Shaman started to turn his head and search around, trying to see if the bald guy who was evenly matched with him last time was there.

After turning around, he didn't find anyone's forehead reflecting the light, which made him immediately have the idea of ​​​​revenge.

After all, the fourth child is indeed a very brave type for ordinary young and Dangerous boys.

Whether it is strength, skill, or mental will, they are all top-notch existences, and the future is limitless.

But in his eyes, it was still too immature and very suitable to be strangled in the cradle.

However, although his idea was good, when he was about to attack the fourth child again, a giant like an iron tower blocked his way forward.

Tianshou is over two meters tall, has a ferocious appearance, and is covered in tendons.

Just from the appearance alone, the visual impact is already maxed out.

He was also very clear about the task Yang Tian assigned him, which was to protect the fourth primary school students while training them.

So at first, he did not join the battle group. It was not until Sharman started moving in the direction of the Fourth Primary School that he took the initiative to cut off the opponent's route.

"Don't always think about using the big to bully the small. Your opponent is me. The Mediterranean Sea has blown you to the sky. Let me see the strength of Thailand's Jin Mengkong today!"

With Tianshou's appearance, Shaman knew that his idea of ​​​​killing the Fourth Primary School was probably impossible to realize for the time being.

Although he didn't know Tianshou's strength, just by looking at his appearance, Shaman knew that no matter how weak the opponent was, he wouldn't be that weak.

After all, the appearance can be put on, but the muscles on the body cannot deceive others.

The focus of training is completely different between muscles developed through pure bodybuilding and muscles that require actual combat.

Coupled with the dense scars on Tianshou's body after he tore off his clothes, it further proves that he was beaten up and not a bodybuilder in the gym.

Sure enough, as soon as the two of them fought, they immediately felt how terrifying the other side was.

Only then did Tianshou completely believe what Mediterranean Sea said, and the Shaman opposite him was indeed a monster.

The fighting skills have been thoroughly chewed by him and have become an instinct in his body.

Even though he is now in his fifties, he is still able to completely suppress his peak self.

If he were more than ten years younger, he would have written "Invincible" on his forehead, and no one would raise any objections.

Unfortunately, age is his flaw, and Tianshou admits that he is no match for Sharman.

But like the Mediterranean Sea, he was confident that he could still hold the opponent back.

You must know that today's ambush battle, whether calculated or not, Hongxing already had the right time and place.

As for Dongxing, they have always relied on Shaman's devastating destructive power to defeat their opponents after building momentum.

As long as there is a problem with Sharman, the entire Dongxing team will fall into a trough.

You must know that Dongxing has only just re-emerged. Although there are many mazi, they are all put together by the small societies and gangs in the past.

It's okay to play with a tailwind, but once you lose your backbone, you will instantly fall into confusion.

Unlike Tianshou who was full of confidence, even though he kept suppressing the opponent, Shaman's mentality was full of helplessness.

Why didn't he see Tianshou's plan?

How come he doesn't know the moral character of these horse boys in Dongxing.

But Tianshou, this giant's foundation is really good.

It was so good that even top fighters like Sharman felt a little jealous.

In terms of technique, he thinks he is far ahead of his opponent.

But Tianshou was ridiculously strong in both endurance and strength.

With the opponent's full defense, the knife in Sharman's hand had been blocked by the opponent.

If you want to inflict harsh blows on the opponent, a quick decision is impossible.

I can only use my fists and feet to hit Tianshou occasionally.

But just these few blows actually didn't cause much damage to Tian Shou's ridiculously majestic body.

If it accumulates over a long period of time, maybe Sharman will be the last one standing, but the reality is that it is difficult to drag on any longer.

Hong Xing must have made a detailed plan for today's ambush.

After holding back Sharman that day, the other Ma Chai were no match for Hong Xing.

Although the fourth child is young, he has obviously been seasoned by an expert. When the four of them work together, they are like a killing machine. Not only are they efficient, but they are also fast.

Soon, Dongxing couldn't stand it any longer and was beaten back by Hong Xing.

At this moment, another group of Hongxing people rushed out from the street corner and joined the battle group. It was Brother Ji's men.

Looking at the familiar plot in front of him, Shaman knew that Dongxing was going to suffer another serious failure this time in Aberdeen.

It’s just that he doesn’t understand why Yang Tian’s people suddenly came to support Brother Ji when he clearly supported the prince in the Hongxing election not long ago.

Seeing that there was nothing he could do, even though he felt helpless, Shaman still used his strength without hesitation to push back Tianshou, and then ran away again without looking back.

This firefight in Aberdeen, Hong Kong, caused Tung Hing to suffer heavy losses.

Although the police did not find anyone dead at the scene afterwards, everyone on the road knew that this time Dongxing was definitely not as relaxed as the police had seen.

Following the fierce battle in Aberdeen, several other members of Hongxing's gang suddenly burst out with great fighting spirit, as if inspired by the results of the battle.

First, in Sham Shui Po, the pretty mom turned into a tiger and swept four venues in Tung Hing overnight.

Then came Kowloon City. Xiaoyan, who had been holding back his anger for a long time, even made a slogan that Dongxing was not welcome in Kowloon City, and fought fiercely with Dongxing for several times.

Daewoo in Kwun Tong was not to be outdone and successfully attacked Sihai.

Although he was repelled by Dongxing who came later to support him, Sihai was seriously injured and sent to the hospital.

At this time, although Hongxing and Dongxing had not officially declared war, both sides were already getting angry.

On the disputed territory between the two parties, sometimes conflicts may break out several times in the same venue in one night.

It was at this time that the second election for Hongxing's leading position also officially kicked off.

We are still in the conference room of the club headquarters, but compared to last time, everyone's mood is very different this time.

The person who chose to support the prince last time seemed to have been punished by God. This period of time was extremely bad luck.First, I invested with Tan Huanxi and lost so much that my pants almost fell off.

Then he was harassed by Dongxing, and then the friction from childhood quickly turned into the current head-on conflict.

Obviously they support the prince, but they don't want to have a direct conflict with Dongxing and want to protect themselves during the rise of Dongxing.

But somehow, they are now on the front line against Dongxing.

On the contrary, it was the few talkers on Yang Tian's side. I don't know whether Dongxing was out of scruples or for other reasons. It was calm during this period and there was no commotion at all.

I originally lost a lot of money on my investment, but now that I am fighting with Dongxing, my business has plummeted.

Qualified guests have gone to places like Causeway Bay, Sai Wan, Kwai Tsing, and even Tsim Sha Tsui.

I can't make any money here, and I can only watch other people's businesses become more and more prosperous.

Watching others make money is even more uncomfortable than losing money yourself.

Therefore, several old-school talkers seemed a bit silent from the moment they entered the conference room today.

Occasionally, I turned around and saw Tan Huanxi, whose face was so gloomy that water could drip from his eyes.

Tan Huanxi has also been having a hard time recently. As an old gangster, Lian Haoqin has been trying to get close to him since he was in prison. It's not like he has never had doubts.

It's just that he is too confident and feels that he will not do anything wrong, so he is not afraid that the other party is an undercover agent.

He even wanted to see what the other party's expression would look like if he approached him, but no useful evidence could be collected in the end.

That's why he took the initiative to reuse Lian Haoqin and let him use his talents to help him manage his financial business.

Originally, everything was in his plan. While letting Lian Haoqin make money for him, he could occasionally reveal some information to the other party and use the police to achieve things that were inconvenient for him to do.

But he never expected that as an undercover agent, Lian Haoqin would be willing to give up the mission and try to trick him.

He still hasn't figured out what Lian Haoqin's purpose was.

As an undercover police officer, shouldn't his main job be to lurk to gather intelligence and collect evidence?
Now the police are trying their best to place an undercover agent next to him, just to defraud him of his money?

As for the criminal evidence, only some innocuous things were collected.

Trivial things like using expired raw materials in a Japanese restaurant, driving under the influence, etc.

Tan Huanxi even suspected that the purpose of the police sending this undercover agent to him was to disgust him.

If this is the case, then this undercover mission was truly accomplished.

Now in Hongxing, except for Yang Tian, ​​everyone else has more or less lost money here.

Although there are risks in the stock market, you need to be cautious when using leverage. Everyone has heard this truth.

But now when facing other talkers, Tan Huanxi always feels like he can't hold his head high.

In addition to these few, the prince's state is also very wrong.

In addition to his dull eyes and some listlessness, there were even obvious bruises on his face, as if he had been injured.

This is very curious. After all, although there has been a lot of trouble with Tung Hing recently, I haven't heard of any conflicts in Tsim Sha Tsui.

Moreover, with the prince's strength, he could be injured, or it would be on his face, which was even more uncontrollable and caused endless reverie.

"Prince, what did you do? I didn't hear that you started fighting with others?"

Dinosaur was outspoken and asked everyone's doubts directly.

The second prince seemed unwilling to say anything more, but waved his hand impatiently and said:

"I fell down after drinking too much!"

After that, he glanced around again and saw that all the senior officials of Hongxing had arrived. Then he continued:

“Now that everyone is here, let’s have a meeting!

But before the meeting, I have two things to say. "

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, the prince took a deep breath and then said slowly:

"The first thing is that I decided to withdraw from the election of the leader due to personal reasons."

As soon as the prince said this, the entire conference room fell silent.

Everyone was confused by his decision. In fact, there were too many surprises in this leading election.

After all, everyone thought that Yang Tian and Tan Huanxi would be running for the lead, but the prince jumped out and Tan Huanxi stayed behind the scenes.

As a result, the first election resulted in an evenly divided situation.

Now after a period of precipitation, everyone has just come up with new ideas. Unexpectedly, the prince actually quit again.

Still an outspoken dinosaur, he couldn't help but frown and asked:
"Prince, choosing the leader is no joke. Has something happened to you?"

What the dinosaur asked was exactly what everyone was wondering.

After all, the second voting has not yet started. If you withdraw now, there will really be no hope at all.

Of course, there are also people with good brains who have already figured it out.

After all, Yang Tian's men appeared on Brother Ji's territory and solved Dongxing's troubles for Brother Ji.

Although I don't know what happened between him and Brother Ji, it is obvious that the two should have reached some kind of tacit understanding.

If nothing unexpected happens, as a result of this vote, Yang Tian will definitely surpass the prince and become the new leader of Hong Xing.

The prince's early withdrawal at this time probably was because he did not want to completely quarrel with Yang Tian, ​​and at the same time, he also saved face for himself.

Sure enough, after hearing what the dinosaur said, the prince smiled and said:

"This is the second thing I'm going to say. Recently, I suddenly had some insights into the boxing techniques I learned before.

I’m going to retreat to summarize it, so I don’t have time to worry about other things, so don’t think too much.

Okay, now let’s officially start!

As for our new leader in Hongxing, Causeway Bay talker Yang Tian is currently the only candidate.

Do you have any different opinions on this? "




Now that the prince suddenly withdraws from the election, even if someone has some small thoughts, there is no plan at all at this time.

And now that Yang Tian is in a trend, if he jumps out to sing the opposite at this time, he is really seeking death.

So soon, everyone present expressed no objection.

The prince looked around, and finally his eyes fell on Yang Tian, ​​and then said lightly:

“Since everyone has no objections, let’s start voting!

Those who agree that Yang Tian will be the new leader of Hongxing, please raise your hands! "

After saying that, the prince was the first to raise his right hand.

(End of this chapter)

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