The second election went smoothly, but the prince's sudden withdrawal allowed Yang Tian to become the new leader of Hongxing as he wished.

The first thing to do when becoming the leader is to follow the police who have been waiting outside to report.

This is also a characteristic of Hong Kong Island. Once the major societies select a new seat, they must go to the police station for investigation.

Yang Tian had no objection to this. After all, this had been the rule of Hong Kong Island for many years. It was just a process.

It can be regarded as letting the police confirm who is in charge of Hongxingdu now.

The whole process was very fast, and Yang Tian seemed to be very familiar with Mr. O's office.

The only person who made him feel a little unhappy was probably that Ye Zhaoliang. From the moment he walked in, he always had a sad face.

Yang Tian understood what he meant, and probably wanted to use his own aura to suppress him, thereby controlling the situation and making him realize the reality.

But the aura thing is said to be illusory, but in some people, sometimes it really exists.

Ye Zhaoliang obviously did not belong to this type of person. When massaging him, Yang Tian really didn't feel any aura about him.

It just felt like he had diarrhea and was holding back the abdominal pain. Not only did he feel uncomfortable, but others also felt uncomfortable seeing his appearance.

Fortunately, Ye Zhaoliang alone couldn't cause any trouble today.

Although it was a bit jarring, Yang Tian successfully ended his report to the police station.

But when he just walked out of O Ji's office, he saw Li Wenbin's assistant Kuang Zhili already waiting outside.

"Mr. Yang, congratulations! Sir Li wants to see you."

Kuang Zhili was concise and concise, so it was not unexpected that Li Wenbin wanted to see him at this time.

So he didn't think too much and followed Kuang Zhili into the elevator.

Just entering the elevator, he felt a little strange.

He has been to Li Wenbin's office and is very sure that it should be upstairs from O Ji.
  But at this moment, Kuang Zhili pressed the button for the negative second floor.

This made him a little curious. After all, it was impossible for Li Wenbin to ask him to meet in the parking lot!
  You must know that the more mysterious the identity of the two of them is now, the more suspicious they will be.

On the contrary, they meet openly and openly, and the more calm they are, the more normal they look.

Out of caution, Yang Tian still asked: "Aren't we going to see Sir Li? Where are we going?"

There was nothing unusual about Kuang Zhili beside him, and he replied calmly: "Sir Li has to go out for something. I'll wait for you in the car."

Kuang Zhili was calm, but Yang Tian became more and more confused.

Let’s talk about hiding this meeting! Kuang Zhili directly blocked O Ji's door to pick him up. There were many people there at that time.

It was a normal meeting, but the place we met was in the underground parking lot.

However, he knew that even if he asked these questions, Kuang Zhili might not know the answers. Even if he knew, he would not answer them even if he thought about it.

So he could only follow all the way to the underground parking lot.

As expected, Li Wenbin was already waiting in the car, and when he saw Yang Tian, ​​he didn't waste any words.

"Get in the car and take you somewhere!"

Yang Tian got in the car and felt a little incredible when he saw Li Wenbin driving the car himself.

So he asked jokingly: "Sir Li, why are you driving by yourself today?"

You must know that Li Wenbin can now be the assistant director. He is an absolute high-level police officer and usually has a dedicated car when traveling.

Driving your own private car like today usually only happens during holidays.

Unexpectedly, Li Wenbin didn't even let Kuang Zhili get into the car, and drove out of the parking lot with a foot of the accelerator.

After waiting on the road outside, he said:
  “The place I am taking you to today is not suitable for driving a public car.

Also, call and ask your people to go back first! When it's over, I'll take you back. "

The more Li Wenbin behaves like this, the more Yang Tian feels that today's matter must not be trivial.

However, he still took out his phone and asked his men waiting outside the police station to leave first.

After hanging up the phone, he asked tentatively:

"Sir Li, what do you want from me? You are so mysterious and mysterious, it makes me feel a little scared!"

Li Wenbin, who was driving, sneered: "Are you afraid? Isn't the fight between you and Dongxing very lively?
  I asked you not to make the matter a big deal, but now you are causing a complete war between the two societies. "

Yang Tian smiled sheepishly when he heard this, but he still defended himself and said:
  "Sir Li, you can't blame me for this! Dongxing has been aggressive, and our Hongxing bosses have no choice but to fight back.

Look at my Causeway Bay, isn't it calm? Apart from Causeway Bay, I have no control over the Western District and North Point, but I haven't done anything yet!
  As for other church members, even if I want to persuade them, I can’t do it! "

Regarding Yang Tian's sophistry, Li Wenbin did not comment, but changed the topic.

"When we get there soon, you'd better be so confident.

Now that you are the leader of Hongxing, you must know how to deal with the relationship between Hongxing and Dongxing next. "

Li Wenbin's words made Yang Tian frown unconsciously.

However, he did not express his opinion rashly. Instead, he asked:
  "Sir Li, in your opinion, what is the best way for Hong Xing and Dong Xing to get along with each other?"

Li Wenbin seemed very satisfied with Yang Tian's current attitude, nodded and said:
  “Now that Dongxing’s background is complicated, you are doing a good job of not taking the initiative.

But now Dongxing's power has basically been restored, and your Hongxing has been known as the largest society in Hong Kong Island.

If the two of you really go to war, I think the consequences will not be what you want to see.

Of course, I don’t mean that you won’t be able to fight back when hit or scolded.

I still say the same thing, although the way you handled it before has some flaws, the overall idea is correct.

He has a complicated background, so try not to mess with him.

But if things really come to your head, you can't just back down.

After all, Hong Kong Island is small, and some friction is inevitable, so we must control this degree.

But at the same time, the Hong Kong community is not small. Based on my many years of experience in Oji, it can completely accommodate two large societies to exist at the same time. "

If someone else were to listen to Li Wenbin's words, he might feel that he was speaking in an official tone.

Everything was said, but it seemed like nothing was said.

However, Yang Tian actually had suspicions about Li Wenbin's thoughts when he asked him to participate in the Hongxing leader election.

When I heard this, and it matched my own conjecture, I immediately understood.

Li Wenbin emphasized that Dongxing's background was complicated and that he should not back down.

Its fundamental purpose is not to allow Hongxing to retain a certain degree of independence while making certain compromises.

After thinking about this, Yang Tian, ​​who was sitting in the back row, looked at Li Wenbin's back and couldn't help but sigh slightly.

From Li Wenbin's perspective, everything he did had his own reasons.

But he forgot that he was too sensitive in his own position. Too much emphasis on independence, even if it is not for himself, is not what Beifang wants to see.

At this time, Yang Tian also understood why in the previous life movies, Li Wenbin was the perfect candidate for the new director of the police force, regardless of his qualifications, ability, or even his influence in the police force.

But in the end, he was inexplicably defeated by Liu Jiehui, who had a civilian background and was inferior to him in all aspects.

Fortunately, Yang Tian's current situation is different from Li Wenbin's.

Although he has now become the leader of Hongxing, he is also a very influential person in Hong Kong Island.

But in the final analysis, he is just a young and Dangerous boy, and it is not worth Beifang's effort to target him.

Moreover, Yang Tian's own attitude has already been made clear, and now there is another Dongxing, which can be regarded as a disguised check and balance.

So even if he and Dongxing had a fight, as long as they controlled the intensity, there really wasn't much to worry about.

It's just a pity for Li Wenbin. After working hard all his life, in the end he just missed the mark, but he could only regret being persuaded to quit.

Seeing that Yang Tian was silent, Li Wenbin thought that he was still thinking about it, so he immediately started talking about something else.

“Wherever I take you to, no matter what you see, you have to control yourself.

Talk more than you think, think about it later.

Don't get yourself into trouble, you hear me? "

Hearing this, Yang Tian didn't react at first, but then he understood.

For Li Wenbin to say this, it must be someone coming quietly from the north.

He was not as nervous about this as Li Wenbin thought.

After all, he is not someone who can be manipulated casually.

At least in the north, he is not the kind of person with a black eye and no foundation at all.

As early as the sudden rise of Dongxing, he had doubts in his heart and had already contacted Mr. Zhao early.

Although he couldn't get any specific and useful information, Mr. Zhao still gave him reassurance in the general direction.

Although the tone was a bit weird, the sentence: "Don't worry, it's not a big deal, you can cover it up!" is still very reassuring.

That's why he dared to directly attack Tung Hing in Tsuen Wan, and later ambushed Tung Hing in Aberdeen.

Both Dongxing and Beifang support him, but he is not the kind of person who has nothing to do with it.

I have put all my effort into planning the nightclub project in the food city for Mr. Zhao, aren’t I just waiting for today!
  In fact, as long as you don't compete with Mr. Zhao for any specific interests, Mr. Zhao is still very reliable in other matters.

Soon, Li Wenbin's car arrived at a hotel.

Only then did Li Wenbin speak:
  "Now that Hongxing and Dongxing are causing so much trouble, not only are our police under great pressure, but the people in the north can't stand it anymore.

Someone came from the north today, and I guess they wanted to make peace between the two of you.

However, I will not interfere with the specific decision. "

Hearing Li Wenbin's words, Yang Tian curled his lips quietly and couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"Don't interfere? Then you said so much in the car before? And it sounds like you are cheering yourself up!"

Although he was disdainful in his heart, he still nodded and said:
  "Don't worry, Sir Li. I know what to do and won't cause you any trouble."

Soon, the elevator came from the underground parking lot to the top floor.

As soon as he got out of the elevator, Yang Tian saw Sihai and Hengmei wandering in the corridor.

Sihai was injured because he was blocked by Hong Xing before. At this time, you can still see that one of his arms is still wrapped in a bandage, hanging on his chest.

Naturally, Hengmei and Sihai also saw Yang Tian and Yang Tian coming out of the elevator.

However, with Li Wenbin present, the two of them did not dare to make any mistakes and kept their posture very low.

Just looking at Yang Tian, ​​in addition to the angry glare, there was also a hint of that feeling.

Yang Tian didn't bother to explain anything about this. After all, he was now the leader of Hongxing. Even Sihai and Hengmei in front of them would only think that he was using each other with the police.

"Sir Li, please come this way!"

Compared to Sihai, Hengmei is obviously more clever.

He just glared at Yang Tian, ​​then immediately withdrew his gaze, and led the way for the two of them with a smile.

He said he was leading the way, but he didn't walk a few steps in total, and there was only one room on this floor.

I saw Hengmei knocking on the door symbolically first, and then forcefully pushing the door open.

When Li Wenbin and Yang Tian entered, they immediately closed the door from the outside and continued to act as security guards.

This should be the highest standard room in this hotel.

As soon as you walk in, the first thing you see is a large living room.

At this time, Shui Ling was already sitting in the living room.

Seeing the two people coming in, he first smiled and said hello to Li Wenbin, then turned to look at Yang Tian and said, "Congratulations! You got your wish and became the leader of Hongxing."

"Everywhere, it's just the trust my brothers have in me!"

Yang Tian smiled and replied, then turned to look at the man on Shui Ling and said with a smile:

"We meet again! I don't know if I should call you Big Circle Leopard or Shandong Tiger this time."

Opposite him, Yu Ba looked at Yang Tian and smiled, but before he could say anything, Shui Ling introduced him first:

"This is Captain Shi from the Northern Provincial Department! Don't call me by the wrong name!"

Although Shui Ling's voice was calm, Yang Tian still vaguely heard a hint of threat.

However, he smiled indifferently: "It turns out to be Captain Shi, how disrespectful and disrespectful!

I don’t know what the purpose of Commander Shi’s coming to see me today is? "

Unexpectedly, Yu Ba smiled awkwardly at this time: "How can I have such a big reputation? Mr. Yang was joking.

You two should sit down first! It should be ready soon! "

As soon as Yu Ba finished speaking, he saw a person walking out of the back room of the suite. He must have just finished making a phone call.

Seeing this person coming out, Yu Ba, who was still sitting, immediately stood up and introduced to everyone:

"This is Deputy Director Qi. I'm here today specifically to deal with issues related to Hong Kong community groups."

Listening to Yu Ba's introduction, Yang Tian looked at the visitor, his eyes inadvertently intertwined with Deputy Director Qi's. Although it was brief, Yang Tian's heart dropped.

Others don't know it, but as they are both lackeys under Mr. Zhao, their relationship is far more complicated than others know.

Now he finally understood why Mr. Zhao's words "it can be covered" were so bland and indifferent, without even a hint of fireworks.

(End of this chapter)

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