When you are in Hong Kong, you become an informant at the beginning

Chapter 322 Ranking Battle of Giants in the Arena

The conflict between Hongxing and Dongxing can be resolved through a boxing match.

This proposal was quickly recognized by everyone, and even the specific details were discussed during the meeting.

But the reason why a plan is a plan is because the execution process is always full of surprises and uncertainties.

I don’t know which link caused the problem. It was originally a boxing match to resolve the dispute between the two societies, but before preparations officially started, various versions were circulated.

Among them, the most widely circulated and recognized one is that this boxing match will be a competition for the right to speak among various societies in Hong Kong Island.

And surprisingly, this statement has been accepted and recognized by various large and small societies in Hong Kong.

This caught Yang Tian and Shui Ling off guard.

The incident happened so suddenly that they had to modify their plans based on the current situation.

To this end, many seniors who had long since retired from the world were even invited to come forward, and the leaders of most of the societies in Hong Kong were convened to hold a conference of unprecedented scale.

In fact, at this time, no matter how slow-reacting or conservative the Young and Dangerous are, they have already sensed the changes in the times.

Especially when several large associations are seeking transformation, and the police continue to crack down on some originally black and gray businesses.

Everyone knows very well that this world is no longer what it used to be.

Although I can still survive with my old thinking, it will change sooner or later.

And I want to have a place in the world of Hong Kong Island in the new era and gain a certain right to speak.

This boxing match is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

If you still want to rely on the strength of the society to fight as before, then there is no hope for those small societies.

After all, how Dongxing expanded is still fresh in our minds.

Once a large society like Dongxing is targeted, for a small society, the only way to go is to annex it, and there is no other chance at all.

But this boxing match revealed a signal.

Everyone participates, even if they lose, many things will be restricted by the final winner.

But it is much better than being completely annexed by others.

And if you don't participate, then in the future, there may be no place to speak at all in the arena.

And if you participate, if you are lucky and someone in the club becomes famous, then as a small club, you will have the opportunity to participate in the decision-making of the entire Hong Kong community.

Therefore, the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of those small and medium-sized clubs for this boxing match even exceeded that of Dongxing and Hongxing.

Things have developed in this strange direction to the point where they are now, and to be honest, they are somewhat out of the control of the two major societies.

At the very least, neither Yang Tian nor Shui Ling had expected the current situation.

However, this also aroused the interest of Beifang. After all, if it develops in this direction, it will be a good thing for Beifang.

The North wants to clean up Hong Kong Island's underworld, because those small societies are not easy to manage, so they support Dongxing and annex them.

However, during the implementation process, this method also exposed many problems.

The most direct thing is the accumulation of various conflicts and grievances.

The conflict with Hongxing is just the beginning. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if Dongxing continues to expand uncontrollably, more serious conflicts and backlash will definitely break out.

By then, Hong Kong Island may have returned. Once this potential threat breaks out, it will definitely be unacceptable to the north.

So now there suddenly appears such a relatively benign method that can achieve the purpose of unified management, and things in the north are very happy to see it come to fruition.

So behind the boxing match, the North even started to add fuel to the fire to facilitate the holding of this boxing match.

On Hong Kong Island, it seems that the ghost guys haven't reacted yet, or they may have other plans.

Regarding this boxing match, he looked like he was watching the excitement.

As for the Hong Kong police, it is a good thing that they can turn the fight between societies into a fight in the ring.

Therefore, with the overt and covert promotion of all parties, the Hong Kong Island Free Fighting Competition has officially set the schedule.

Of course, this is just an external statement. In Hong Kong's arena, everyone is accustomed to calling this boxing match a "ranking battle among arena giants."

At that time, the top eight in the boxing match will become the "second marshals" recognized by all associations in the Hong Kong arena. They will be jointly responsible for coordinating and handling disputes in the arena.

Of course, this is also the only chance for those small societies, hoping to find such a strong person to represent their society.

Not only can he reach the quarterfinals, but he can also perform well in competitions and show his face, which can also bring a lot of benefits to his club.

For Yang Tian, ​​this also reduced his pressure a lot.

Originally, he was still thinking about how to persuade everyone to put down the knives in their hands and decide the winner in the ring instead.

Now, the boxing match has become a grand event. He doesn't even need to mobilize. Everyone is already gearing up and preparing for a big fight.

Compared to those small societies, large societies certainly have their own troubles.

Given the scale of the boxing match, no matter how large the club is, it is impossible for unlimited number of participants to sign up.

Like Hongxing and Dongxing, it was finally agreed that fifteen people from each side would participate.

At this Hongxing Association Conference, everyone was happily discussing candidates for the competition.

The dinosaur was the first one to be unable to sit still and loudly announced to everyone:
  "I don't care what you choose, in short, I must be counted on for this kind of thing!"

As the talker in Tuen Mun, Dinosaur is usually a militant.

As the first area in Hong Hing, Tuen Mun is entirely occupied by Hong Hing sites, which already reflects the character of Dinosaur.

Of course, in addition to their bellicose character, the strength of the dinosaurs themselves cannot be underestimated.

Although he did not go through systematic study like the prince. However, the skills he has developed since childhood on the streets are not comparable to ordinary people.

In addition, this guy is also considered to be extremely talented, and his physical condition is much stronger than the average person, so if he participates, it will not be just for fun.

Seeing the dinosaur speak, Yang Tian, ​​as the leader, turned to look at the old-school talkers.

This is one of the reasons why Yang Tianneng agreed to resolve the dispute through a boxing match.

He knew that these old guys couldn't afford to go to the ring to shake arms and shake fists with young people.

So at this moment he smiled and asked: "Brother Ji, Brother Xinyan, and Brother Liangma and Brother Dayu, what do you think? Do you want to go on stage to show your style to the juniors?"

"I'm already old, and I still have a lot of charm. If I were twenty years younger, I would certainly do my part, but now! How can I fight like this?"

Although Xiaoyan spoke boldly, his face could not hide his loneliness.

But he quickly adjusted and shouted behind him: "Ekin! Come here!"

Soon, a young man with a handsome face and long hair came from behind.

And Xiao Yan said with pride: "This is my little brother Ekin. He is the most popular in Kowloon City, so he will take my place."

Yang Tian looked at the young man behind him with narrow eyes and nodded, "Okay, since you are so confident, let him do it for you. But my ugly words lie ahead. This boxing match is of great importance.

Therefore, those who represent the club must have solid skills, so after the candidates are selected, they must go through a screening process. "

"No problem, I believe in Ekin's strength!"

Seeing Xiayan's confident look, Yang Tian raised his head and looked at the standing young man, smiled and encouraged:
  "Work hard. You must know that this boxing match is of great significance. If you make a name for yourself, it will be very beneficial to you in the future."

After saying that, Yang Tian looked at the other talkers.

At this time, the pretty mother was the first to speak: "Don't look at me now. It's not that I don't want to contribute to the club, but I am already old and most of my subordinates are girls. How can I fight this?
  Nothing will happen this time, so don’t count on me. "

Regarding the beautiful mother's withdrawal, this situation was also expected by everyone, but no one said anything.

But Brother Ji took the opportunity to speak: "This boxing match is indeed of great importance, and there is no room for any mistakes.

I can't do it anymore, so why don't I let Tian Shou come and fight for our Aberdeen side? I just don't know if you are willing to let him go while sitting in the pavilion! "

This was originally planned, but now that Brother Ji has brought it up, everything makes sense.

Seeing Yang Tian nodding in agreement, and letting Tianshuo fight for Aberdeen, Daewoo on the side immediately became energetic and immediately continued what Brother Ji said:
  “It’s really hard for us to participate in things like boxing matches when we are older.

Moreover, in the previous battle with Dongxing, we in Kwun Tong also suffered heavy losses.

When sitting in the restaurant, please don't favor one over the other. Since Tian Shou has taken over from Aberdeen, we here in Kwun Tong, why don't you also lend a hand? "

Daewoo really doesn't have anyone under his command. Speaking of ordinary Ma Zai, he has a lot of people under his command.

But it’s really hard to find anyone who can get on the stage.

Seeing that everything was going according to his script, Yang Tian lowered his head and thought for a moment, then asked tentatively:

"Brother Dayu, what do you think of Dayu Er? If you think it's okay, how about letting him represent Kwun Tong?"

"Datian Er? Okay! Now that I think about it, Big Brother B is still very powerful, and he actually has a lot of talents under his command!
  Haonan and Datianer, each of them can stand alone, not to mention you!

Now that I think about it, I really envy others! "

Seeing that a few old-school talkers were done, Yang Tian looked at Han Bin.

Han Bin was also unambiguous, nodding slightly and saying: "Count me in! I have long wanted to meet the Dongxing New Five Tigers, and I don't know how successful they are compared to the previous generation!"

"Count me in! I heard that there are women competing in Dongxing, and we in Hongxing can't be weak to them!"

Thirteenth sister waited for Han Bin to finish speaking, then immediately took up the conversation and expressed her stance!
  Then, Greyhound and Da Fei also raised their hands to express their participation.

Only then did Yang Tian look at the silent prince.

Seeing that the prince looked distracted, Yang Tian said bluntly: "Prince, Dongxing Shuiling will also come on stage! What do you say?"

Yang Tian’s original intention was just to stimulate the prince, but to his surprise, the prince said with a serious face: “Since we are competing in the ring, I must be counted among them.

But there is one thing I want to remind you, if you encounter Shui Ling in the ring, you must be careful! "

The prince's words immediately surprised everyone present.

Dinosaur was even more surprised and said: "No, Prince, at this time, you don't want us to let her go, do you?"

The words of the dinosaur also represent the psychology of most people present.

But who knew that the prince looked disdainful of this.

"Let? If it happens, you'd better make sure you don't lose too badly!
  I'm not afraid of your jokes. I have played against her twice, and I lost miserably both times! "

The prince didn't know why today, but every time he spoke, he surprised everyone.

After all, with the prince's strength, he is recognized as the Hongxing God of War.

"No, Prince, I guess you must have let her do it on purpose. After all, a certain person is like this too. He deliberately pretends to be weak every time he does something, thinking he is being humorous!"

As Thirteenth Sister spoke, she glanced disdainfully at Han Bin beside her.

Now, not only Han Bin was embarrassed, the prince was also said to be embarrassed.

However, he still said bravely: "I admit that I was careless the first time we fought!

But the second time I started, I can responsibly say that I tried my best, but I still lost! "

At this time, everyone became serious, and Yang Tian even said a little nervously:

"Really or not? Look at me now and say it seriously again!"

Speaking of this, the prince seemed to be recalling some embarrassing incident, his whole face turned red, and he said a little coyly:

"Of course it's true. All I can think about right now is how to defeat her! After all, as long as I win her, she will...she will...!"

Afterwards, the prince didn't know why, but he made himself look shy, and he hesitated to speak.

But Han Bin saw something was wrong with Yang Tian and asked in a low voice: "What's the matter? Looking at you, you seem to be more excited than the prince!"

Yang Tian also recovered at this time, gritted his teeth and cursed: "I knew this woman had no good intentions.

Just yesterday, she represented Dongxing and asked me to fight! "

Shui Ling's identity, now with the passage of time, is no longer a secret in the world.

Everyone knows that Sihai is only the nominal head of Dongxing, and the woman who really controls Dongxing's power is Shuiling, known as the Empress Dowager Dongxing.

Han Bin was a little surprised when he heard Yang Tian's words, "You agreed?"

At this time, Yang Tian could only sigh deeply and said: "At that time, I was still thinking, how could such a good thing happen!
  Now it seems that I was sloppy! "

Yang Tianshi never imagined that Shui Ling, a woman, not only knew how to take care of herself, but also had strong hands-on skills.

Judging from the prince's appearance, he could probably guess the agreement between her and the prince.

So he felt that the prince did not let go the second time.

If this were the case, it would be terrifying. A woman in her fifties could actually fight better than the prince!
  The key is that she invited herself to the ring. What does she want to do? Do you want to kill yourself by surprise?

However, Han Bin did not comfort him. Instead, he laughed happily.

"Hahahaha, it's okay, didn't you also come up with the name Gui Zaitian?
  And this time the scale is so large that you may not encounter it. "

After the joke was over, he stretched out his hand, clasped his fingers and said:

"The bigger problem now is that we haven't collected the quota of thirteen people here yet!

Me, Thirteenth Sister, Dinosaur, Dafei, Greyhound, Prince, Tianshou, Datianer, Ekin and you, there are only ten in total, there are still three people left, who will go? "

Hearing this, Yang Tian also frowned, "I can have two more here, Mediterranean and Tachibana Masahito!"

After saying that, Yang Tian had no choice but to glance at everyone present and asked: "There is still a shortage of candidates. Do you have any recommendations?"

(End of this chapter)

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