Yang Tian's original boxing gym was turned into a small studio to shoot movies in order to save money.

Later, when they had money, the film company also had its own professional studio, so the boxing gym closed again.

However, this time in order to prepare for the Jianghu Giant Ranking Competition, Yang Tian had people restore the place to a boxing gym.

At this time, he was sparring with Ji Zhong in the ring of the boxing gym.

Under the ring, there was a circle of people from Hongxing's side who were preparing to compete.

However, when it comes to the competition, the difference between the two people's states is very obvious.

Yang Tian was sweating all over his body and his breathing was a little heavy. It was obvious that he had already used his full strength.

Looking back at the Mediterranean Sea, although I was sweating profusely, my steps were not chaotic at all, and I was well-founded in my advance and retreat.

Compared to Yang Tianlai, he is obviously superior in strength.

"A Tian, ​​can you do it?"

Seeing that Yang Tian was suppressed by the Mediterranean Sea, Han Bin in the audience immediately started to boo, and others in the audience immediately started laughing too.

The prince on the side, on the other hand, had a serious look on his face, and after looking at it for a while, he said: "A Tian's skills are still there, but he hasn't practiced for a long time, so he seems a little incompetent.

Practice hard during this period, and when it comes time for the competition, the time should be almost perfect. "

Having said this, the prince turned to look at Han Bin with a half-smile, "On your side, you have been lying flat for too long. It is much more difficult than A Tian to get back to your state."

With the prince's words, the target of everyone's ridicule immediately became Han Bin, which made him feel like he was eating something that ended up on his own head.

Fortunately, someone came in from outside the boxing gym at this time, which relieved his embarrassment.

I saw Jia Li holding her child and slowly walking into the boxing gym with Xu Zhengyang.

Suddenly, the boxing gym was filled with shouts of "sister-in-law".

Yang Tian also took the opportunity to end his sparring with Mediterranean and left the ring panting heavily.

Naturally, he wouldn't admit it. If he didn't come down, he wouldn't be able to hold on any longer.

Therefore, the first thing after stepping down from the stage was to tell everyone with a serious face to train quickly, not to slack off, and to show off their leading posture.

After everyone started their own training, he came to the beauty with a smile on his face. Regardless of the sweat all over his body, he reached out and grabbed his daughter, holding her in his arms and cherishing her.

Jiali rolled her eyes at Yang Tian angrily, took the boxing robe sent by Yang Tian's protégé Diwen, put it on for him, and complained softly.

"You said that you are now the leader of Hongxing, why are you still going to participate in a boxing match?

I have never seen any other club where a member of the club would end up in person. "

Yang Tian didn't pay attention to Belle's complaints. Instead, he smiled and defended, "Isn't the boss of Dongxing, Sihai, also in trouble?"

Moreover, it was their Empress Dowager Shui Ling who gave me a challenge. If I didn’t follow up, people who didn’t know it would think I was afraid of her!

As for what you said about other clubs sitting in the hall and not finishing in person, then they just want to get on the ring, but the conditions don't allow it!

You have to know that most of the people sitting in the hall now are old guys in their fifties and sixties. If they really want to get into the ring, wouldn't they be embarrassment to the organizer? "

Unexpectedly, when Belle heard this, she couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"Don't think I don't know. Isn't the organizer also your company? Why are you pretending to be here with me!"

Regarding the hosting of the competition, others only knew that it was jointly organized by a company from the north and the Hong Kong Island Kickboxing Federation.

But everyone doesn't know that the controlling shareholder of this company from the north is the sister-in-law Chen Ting.

With Mr. Zhao's relationship, it is not difficult to win the right to host this project.

After all, this game was prepared according to the North's wishes from the beginning.

The reason why Yang Tian did this was to prevent his opponents from using unconventional means during the game.

In other words, while putting an end to his opponent's petty tricks, he also wanted to firmly control the rhythm of this boxing match in his own hands.

Because he has always understood the truth that no matter what meaning this boxing match is given, in the end it is still a match.

And as long as it is a competition, no matter what the competition is, there is no way to eliminate the existence of secret operations.

Although they are competing on their respective strengths in the ring, the outcome often depends on what happens outside the ring or even outside the ring.

In addition, this competition can be said to be a rare event in Hong Kong. If he does not open a handicap in A-Ma, it would be a pity for him to be blocked in A-Ma.

Only by becoming the organizer can we better understand the dynamics of the game in real time and make more attractive odds.

Of course, it was not easy for him to explain this to the beauty at the moment. Instead, he continued with a smile: "Now that I have become a seated person and a big brother, I have to show off more.

The purpose is to let the little brother who follows me know that I can protect myself. "

Hearing this, Jiali glanced at Yang Tian angrily, and then took her daughter from his hand.

"I know! I know you can handle it! I'm just worried about you!"

"Don't worry, you still don't understand my strength!
  And this boxing match is not just about fists.

When playing games, sometimes you have to rely on your brain.

This time, besides me, there are twelve other people participating in our party.

With them here, as long as I operate well, it will be difficult for me to lose even if I want to! "

After talking to Jiali, Yang Tian turned to look at Xu Zhengyang aside and said:

"Letting you represent Hongxing in the competition this time won't cause you any trouble, right?"

At the previous club meeting, only twelve contestants were selected out of thirteen places.

It's not that Hongxing has declined to the point where it can't even gather enough people.

But the stakes are high, and every contestant must have a certain level of strength.

Otherwise, if he really goes to the ring and shows off his crotch, he will not be the only one to be embarrassed, the whole Hongxing will be ridiculed.

Therefore, one must be cautious about this choice.

But after searching around, the candidates recommended by everyone seemed to be almost uninteresting.

Or it's like the food recommended by Dinosaur. He's as brave as anyone, but he's even more stubborn than Dinosaur.

Once he gets involved, it's easy for others to find flaws in his character.

So it's okay for him to go out on the street and lead a team to kill people this time, but if he goes to the ring, the flaws are too obvious, and it won't be able to help him overcome it for a while.

And most of the others are slightly lacking in strength.

The most representative ones are Yang Tian's newly recruited four boys. Compared with ordinary Ma Chai, their strength is indeed enough to crush their opponents.

However, they are still hindered by their age. They may become independent characters in the future, but now, they are still a little too young.

As a last resort, Yang Tian had to find Xu Zhengyang.

Xu Zhengyang's strength naturally didn't need to be worried about. At the very least, if he really faced off, Yang Tian believed that he would definitely not be his opponent.

After Xu Zhengyang heard Yang Tian's request, he didn't say much. He just disappeared for an afternoon and agreed when he came back.

Hearing Yang Tian's words at this time, Xu Zhengyang shook his head and said: "It's okay. I have already asked for permission and it was approved."

At this time, I saw Bao Pi running in from the door in a hurry, with a proud look on his face, as if he had accomplished something big.

As for everyone who was still training in full swing, when they saw Foreskin coming in, they unconsciously stopped what they were doing.

After the foreskin took a breath and calmed down, Yang Tian then said with a smile:

"I asked you to check who has signed up for the competition in other clubs. Why are you in such a hurry? There is still some time before the competition starts!"

Of course, what Yang Tian asked Bao Pi to check was not just the registration list, but the specific information about the contestants from each club. I just didn’t expect the foreskin to move so quickly. It had only been a few days before there was news.

After hearing Yang Tian's words, Foreskin became unusually serious.

"No, Brother Tian, ​​it's just because I found some useful things, so I thought of coming over quickly and telling you so that you can prepare early."

The more the foreskin looked like this, the more interested everyone became, and even the prince became interested.

"Then tell me, what did you find?"

Foreskin took the water handed to him and took a sip before saying:

"First of all, with Liansheng, they sent two people to participate. The popular candidates, Big D and Le Shao, were not included.

Instead, they found a guy named Airplane and a guy named Dongguan Zai to represent He Liansheng.

I checked, and both of them are newcomers who have recently emerged from Lian Sheng, and both have certain abilities. "

Yang Tian didn't expect that when Bao Pi opened his mouth, they turned out to be two acquaintances he had met in his previous life.

But after recalling the story about the two of them, Yang Tian didn't take it too seriously.

Bao Pi was still gushing at this time: "Hutchison's seater Ma Teng sent two of his subordinates, Chen Yi and Gui Hong, to compete."

Just when Yang Tian was still wondering, he had never heard of these two names.

Dafei said, "I know Guihong. I have had contact with the person in charge of Hutchison in Xihuan. As for his strength..., that's all! Don't pay too much attention to it."

"Chen Yi is from Tsim Sha Tsui. He once came to me for advice on boxing skills. Da Fei said it should be similar."

After hearing what the two of them said, everyone suddenly lost interest in He Ji and urged Bao Pi to continue talking.

But Bao Pi also listened to the advice and immediately continued: "You really don't need to worry about He Ji. Let's talk about He Xinghe.

This time He Xing and the boss Shefu seemed to want to make a difference in this boxing match.

I specially found a black foreign aid, nicknamed African Boy! Together with Wei Ye, Hei Bing, and Bala, they are known as the Four Great Boxing Champions of Hexinghe.

However, according to my investigation, they should be the type whose words are louder than their strength, so there is nothing to be afraid of.

Chang Le's side is also similar to the previous two.

That guy Yalong also brought out some kind of Four Heavenly Kings.

But it’s all just based on the name. If you actually get into the ring, you may not be my opponent? "

Hearing this, everyone laughed.

It's not that they are too arrogant and arrogant, but compared to Hongxing, other societies are really hard to describe in terms of personnel quality.

Beating up Hung Hing is not just a slogan. There is a reason why Hung Hing has been able to stand in the world of Hong Kong Island for so many years.

You must know that when other societies were busy mindlessly expanding their membership, Hongxing was already pursuing excellence.

The boxing gym you are in now is the best proof. At least everyone who joins Hongxing has been trained.

And no one who can successfully rise to the top is a soft persimmon.

"Is there anything else? You didn't just find this little thing, did you?"

At this time, Han Bin also felt that these gang members did not pose much threat to Hong Xing, so he started to urge them.

Bao Pi, on the other hand, looked confident and said, "How can it be just this little? Don't worry about me doing the work."

In addition to these few, there are also those small societies that I won’t mention!

My focus is all on Dongxing. "

When Bao Pi mentioned Dong Xing, everyone stopped joking and gradually became a little serious.

Yang Tian also spoke at this time: "Dongxing, like us, also has thirteen quotas. Have they already gathered them all?"

The reason for asking this is actually that Yang Tian wants to know to what extent Dongxing's current strength has recovered.

After all, there were thirteen spots, and it was a bit troublesome for Hongxing to put them all together. He wanted to know what the situation was like for Dongxing.

Bao Pi nodded with a serious look on his face and said: "This time over in Dongxing, a few guys suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

These few people, plus the remaining four tigers in Dongxing except Yu Ba, and the empress dowager Shui Ling, we can make up enough for thirteen people."

"Who are these people who suddenly appear?"

"I heard that, like Sihai and Hengmei, they are both apprentices who call themselves Shuiling, and they are called the Ten Masters of Shuiling.

Including Shuiling himself, Dadong and Shaman, there were exactly thirteen people. "

Hearing this, everyone present was stunned.

Everyone knows in their hearts that they are also relying on names to bluff people, but if it is applied to Dongxing, then it is definitely not a bluff.

“Dongxing Sihai and Hengmei have already fought against us, and their strength cannot be underestimated.

If these eight new guys are all as strong as Sihai and Hengmei.

So Dongxing is indeed a difficult opponent to defeat this time. "

Han Bin frowned and analyzed it, and found that if he could not return to his peak as soon as possible, it would be really difficult to resist in the ring.

And Mediterranean also spoke at this time: "Also, everyone must be careful about Shaman, his strength is far beyond Sihai and Hengmei."

Hearing Mediterranean's words, everyone's expressions were somewhat complicated.

These days, everyone also knows something about this, the accountant who used to be with Yang Tian.

On the ring, except for the prince who could fight him back and forth, everyone else was no match for him.

Perhaps the best performer today was Yang Tian, ​​who was able to persist in not being knocked out.

So when we heard the words "Mediterranean", everyone felt a little nervous.

The prince also spoke at this time: "Except for Shaman, I still say the same thing. Don't underestimate Shui Ling because she is a woman, otherwise you will suffer a big loss."

"Who dares to underestimate her! The Shui Ling Ten Elites, haha, just by hearing their names, you can tell that they are quite powerful.

If the apprentice is like this, then how weak can the master be, no matter how weak he is? "

Yang Tian looked a little serious when he said this.

He really didn't expect that Dongxing could actually find so many masters.

At this time, Mr. Bao Pi said with a strange expression:

“I also checked out these eight new guys.

Among them, everyone needs to pay special attention to one person.

That is the eldest among the ten heroes, a guy nicknamed Wushangdu!

This guy...this guy...! "

At this point, Foreskin didn't know if he was a little nervous, but he actually stuttered.

Da Fei slapped him on the back of the head very impatiently.

"What's wrong with that guy who talks hesitantly? Is it possible that he's still invulnerable?"

Bao Pi looked at Da Fei, his eyes widened, and said with an incredulous look on his face:
  "How do you know? This guy is really invulnerable.

It is said that he has mastered the legendary divine fighting technique. As long as he uses it, he will not only become infinitely powerful, but also become invulnerable. "

(End of this chapter)

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