When you are in Hong Kong, you become an informant at the beginning

Chapter 324 Psychological suggestion, self-hypnosis

Ever since the news that a free fighting competition was to be held, the entire world of Hong Kong Island suddenly became calm.

It seems that everyone's attention has turned to this giant ranking battle.

In addition to the few top-ranked clubs on Hong Kong Island that Bao Pi asked about, there are also many small and medium-sized clubs that are also interested in this.

Maybe for them, this is the fastest way to get ahead.

After all, as long as you perform well in the competition, it will be of great benefit to both the players participating and the club they represent.

Not to mention that this competition has a high prize money, but to be able to show up in front of so many big guys in the world, and look familiar, you might catch the eye of one of the big guys, and your future career will be just around the corner.

However, they may never know that the draw before the game, which seems fair and entirely based on God's will, has actually been arranged well by others.

Although we already have information about the foreskin investigation, we already have a general understanding of the level of each contestant.

However, out of caution, Yang Tian still tampered with the initial draw.

Try to separate the Hongxing and Dongxing people in the first few rounds.

Avoid the situation of a strong matchup from the beginning.

First of all, it can be regarded as letting everyone warm up on other people and find out the feeling.

Secondly, I also want to see what the real level of each contestant is.

In particular, Wu Shang, who Bao Pi said was a master of fighting, was the focus of Yang Tian's attention.

He didn't believe in God's fight at all at first.

In his opinion, this is just a deception method used by charlatans.

But I couldn't stand it, and the video of this guy actually came out.

In that video, this guy was really doing tricks with his hands and mumbling words.

Then he kept stamping his feet on the floor, and then several horse boys began to attack him.

Several wooden sticks as thick as an arm were broken, but Wushang was like a normal person, not injured at all, and still as strong as ever.

At first, Yang Tian felt that the wooden sticks might have been manipulated.

But after he studied it carefully many times, he had to admit that there was nothing wrong with the horses and the wooden sticks in the video.

After all, you can actually tell whether you are really exerting your strength or whether you are deliberately pretending to be working hard.

Especially everyone has some experience in fighting.

If you observe carefully, you can find that there is no problem with the muscles of those horses. They are really exerting all their strength to greet Wushang.

Ma Zai did not cheat, and the breakage of the wooden stick would make it easier to judge.

Through Ma Zai's forceful movements, combined with the wood of the stick, the timing of breaking and the appearance of the fracture, the stick is also a real stick.

Even the video itself is fine, with no trace of editing.

This is a bit scary. This is not to say that it is truly invulnerable, but with this kind of resistance ability, Yang Tian and others have no confidence that they can defeat this person.

However, Yang Tian was still full of doubts about this magical fighting technique.

So for the first match today, Yang Tian specially selected a very suitable opponent for him.

Just to be able to see on the spot what this so-called divine fight is all about.

However, because Uncle Xiang was back, Yang Tian did not go to the place closest to the ring to watch with the rest of the club. Instead, he led someone to open a box on the second floor.

Although it may be a little further away, but from a high position, the view is actually a bit more transparent than from those seats below the ring.

At this time, the bell of the game had just rang, and he saw Supreme rushing directly towards his opponent on the ring.

Today's supreme opponent is a member of a small club, nicknamed Thunder Shou.

But even though it's a small club, this guy's strength is not weak at all.

At least in Yang Tian's opinion, this guy is above average in terms of his physical condition and hands-on experience.

It can be said to be just right for testing the supreme.

At this time, the situation in the arena was indeed beyond Yang Tian's expectations.

The Thunder Hand's strikes were swift and fierce, and his fists were like thunder. He truly lived up to his reputation as a Thunder Hand.

In comparison, Wushang seems to be a little stretched.

Although Wushang is indeed stronger than ordinary Ma Zai, his strength is limited.

Whether it was the tactics used in the fight or the strength of the attack, it was far from what was seen in the video.

From the beginning of the game, Wushang was completely at a disadvantage and was completely suppressed by the Thunderman.

Looking at this situation, Yang Tian couldn't help but frowned.

Supreme is really no match for the thunder hand, Yang Tian can be sure of this.

After all, Yang Tian could still tell whether he was pretending, deliberately retaining his strength, or whether his level was limited.

But this was what made him confused.

You know, judging from the previous videos, although Supreme didn't show much fighting skills.

But just looking at the power of his shots and his nearly invulnerable physique, they are far different from his performance in the live arena.

The previous video was not fake, and the Supreme in the ring now did not look like a disguise. Yang Tian suddenly felt a headache. He couldn't understand how a person could appear in two completely different states in such a short period of time.

Or, in other words, does the art of divine fighting really exist in this world?
  But before he could figure it out, the bell rang for the end of the first round.

Although Thunderbolt Hand suppressed Supreme throughout the round, unfortunately he did not have the strength to directly KO his opponent.

At this time, Uncle Xiang next to Yang Tian spoke, and he frowned and asked with a very incomprehensible expression:
  "I heard that you also participated in this boxing match?
  I can understand that young people pursue excitement, but everything should be considered from all aspects, right?

Now in Thailand, the general trend is basically set. I have also completed the layout of the Philippines, Bangzi Country and Neon.

Even if our guess is wrong in the future, the money you make now, in terms of Hong Kong Island, can already be ranked among the top few.

I really can't think of any reason for you to participate in this kind of competition?
  I believe you don’t need me to teach you how a gentleman should not stand behind a dangerous wall, right?

I heard that many of your opponents are participating this time. Aren't you giving your opponents a chance? "

Yang Tian understood that Uncle Xiang was worried about him, but he also had his own difficulties.

After all, this boxing match is so involved that it is no longer a matter of several societies in Hong Kong Island.

Once things get complicated, you often have no control over the situation.

So he deliberately changed the subject and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Uncle Xiang. How could that big crocodile stop so easily?

Thailand alone cannot satisfy its appetite, even if the Philippines, sticks and neon are added to it.

The final battlefield will still be back to Hong Kong Island.

By then, with the sense of smell of the landlords and the group of people, they will definitely take action after hearing the news.

We will finish our work on Hong Kong Island. At least we need the big crocodile and leave a piece of skin, which can be used to make a belt.

Moreover, I was able to deal with the group of people from the Landowners Association easily, which can be regarded as revenge for you! "

Hearing Yang Tian talk about this, Uncle Xiang's focus was indeed led astray.

Although Yang Tian described the future very well, he was still a little worried due to his professional considerations.

"If the decisive battle is on Hong Kong Island, we do have a home field advantage, but I'm still a little worried!

Through my observation during this period, the strength of that big crocodile is really terrifying. Behind him, you can see the shadows of the top financial groups and families in the world.

And based on my understanding of the financial community in Hong Kong, many people have reached that point and it would be better if they can avoid adding insult to injury. It is unrealistic to expect them to take action together to fight against the big crocodile.

If we were the only ones fighting against such a behemoth, our chances of winning would actually not be high. "

Uncle Xiang's statement that the odds of winning were not high was actually being polite.

Yang Tian understood what Uncle Xiang meant. In Uncle Xiang's opinion, they were actually hitching a ride on the big crocodile along the way.

In fact, when it comes to the final Hong Kong Island, although it is their home field, there is really no need to fight for the sake of fame.

Yes, in Xianghe's eyes, Yang Tian's final counterattack on Hong Kong Island was actually just for the sake of fame.

Of course Yang Tian understood what Uncle Xiang was thinking, but he couldn't explain it.

After all, there was no way he could tell Uncle Xiang that when Hong Kong Island was at its final and most dangerous moment, magic soldiers would descend from the sky and change the entire situation in one fell swoop.

Yang Tian wanted to say something to comfort Uncle Xiang. Unexpectedly, Uncle Xiang's son Azu in the box pointed down and asked:

"Look, what is he doing?"

Following the direction of Azu's finger, he saw Wushang, who was originally sitting in a corner of the ring taking a rest, but at this time he actually performed his magic attack directly on the ring.

I saw him just like the one in the video, holding magic tricks with his hands and stamping on the floor.

"He's asking God to come over to him!"

Yang Tian hadn't spoken yet, but Uncle Xiang was watching with interest while explaining to his son.

And Yang Tian asked in surprise: "Uncle Xiang, do you also know about this god fight? I don't know if this thing really exists or is it a lie?"

"It must be a lie! How can there be so many ghosts and ghosts in this world.

In the past, many people claimed to know some magical fighting skills, but in fact, they were prepared in advance...! "

Uncle Xiang's voice became softer and softer, and finally he opened his mouth wide, looking at the ring below with a surprised look on his face, unable to say a word.

Because at this time the second round in the ring has begun.

And the second round, compared with the first round, it was like two different people were playing.

Wushang changed the situation in the first round and completely suppressed the opponent's Thunder Runner from the beginning.

In other words, it can no longer be regarded as suppression, but an all-round crushing.

I saw the thunder hand's attack hitting Wushang, just like a kindergarten child attacking an adult strong man. Wushang seemed not to be hurt at all, but he became more and more excited.

Of course, this is only seen in the eyes of ordinary people, but in the eyes of knowledgeable people like Yang Tian, ​​the current Supreme really seems to be a different talent.

In addition to the changes in physical hardware, even his fighting skills have become completely different from the first round.

In the first round, Wushuang's single-round skills were inferior to those of Thunder Runner.

But looking at it now, whether it is the choice of attack timing or the right defense, it is more than one rank higher than before.

The game on the field also ended at this time.

Less than thirty seconds into the second round, Ben Lei Shou was directly knocked out by Wushang Sanpunch after a set of combination punches failed, and he lay motionless on the ground.

At this time, Uncle Xiang also recovered from his surprise.

"The two of them must have discussed it in advance and are now acting it out for us here, right? Is there really a god in this world?"

Yang Tian's expression was also very solemn at this time, he shook his head and said: "It's not acting, the thunder hand has already used his full strength.

But let’s talk about this amazing fight! But I still don't believe that this thing really exists.

Just because we can't see the mystery doesn't mean that others can't.

I hired professionals to watch today's game, just to decipher his so-called magic game. "

The match was over, and Dongxing slowly exited the ring amid cheers from the crowd.

There are still several games to come, but Yang Tian is no longer in the mood to watch them.

He wants to know now what is going on with this supreme divine attack.

So he said goodbye to Uncle Xiang and his son, got up and left the private room upstairs. He was going to find the answer.

The professional talent he mentioned also stood up and left the auditorium at this time and walked towards the side door of the arena.

However, this man looked a little strange when walking. He slightly raised his left hand as he walked, as if he was holding someone else's hand.

However, there was obviously no one around him.

When Yang Tian arrived at the parking lot underneath the arena, he wandered around for a while before finding his target. He quickly walked over and knocked on the car window.

The car window opened and Luo Zhan was seen sitting in the driver's seat. After seeing Yang Tian, ​​he said to the co-pilot affectionately:

"Wait for me here, I'll be right back."

After saying that, he got out of the car and took Yang Tian not far away.

But Yang Tian couldn't help it anymore, and took another look at the empty passenger seat in Luo Zhan's car, and then asked:
  "How is it? Do you see any problems in today's game?"

Luo Zhan nodded, "I've observed carefully, that guy's magic technique is indeed a kind of superficial hypnosis.

After a long period of continuous self-suggestion training, the so-called magic beating ceremony on the field is nothing more than self-hypnosis. "


Hearing this, Yang Tian was a little surprised. After all, although he didn't have much contact with hypnosis, the ones he had contact with were all high-end games.

And the Luo Zhan in front of him, although he has serious problems, is indeed one of the best in terms of professionalism.

Since he had seen the clues, he naturally had a way to solve it.

At this time, Luo Zhan shook his head again and said with a serious expression:

"It's not that simple. I don't know what his usual psychological hints are to me, but judging from her performance in the ring just now.

In addition to the inner hints, it also gave me the feeling that he had awakened other personalities.

After all, the guy was so different this time.

There is nothing wrong with using psychological suggestion and hypnosis to improve one's ability to resist blows and even increase a little strength.

But like him, even the level of fighting skills has improved so much at once, this is not something that psychological suggestion can do.

In my opinion, it is more like he awakens his second personality through those suggestions and hypnosis. "

Yang Tian didn't expect that things were so complicated. He was worried and asked:

"Can you find a way to crack it?"

Luo Zhan nodded happily this time and said: "That's okay. The simplest way is not to give him the opportunity to use self-hypnosis.

There is a high probability that he will only be at the same level as he was at the beginning.

However, if he has been hypnotized before the game starts, he can only be awakened from the hypnotic state during the fight. "

Hearing that there was a way, Yang Tian became a little anxious.

"Then what should we do to wake him up?"

But Luo Zhan spread his hands: "You know, this requires information. The more detailed information about that guy, the better."

(End of this chapter)

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