This time, when investigating the ultimate truth, Yang Tian followed the same path as Deputy Qi.

Although the Sihai Gang was previously a small gang based in Wanwan.

However, Tianshou's relationship with Wanwan was not able to find out much information about them.

And since they now have a relationship with the north and work for the north, Yang Tian simply changed his mind and went to the north to think of a solution.

Unexpectedly, this time Deputy Qi took action, and there were many unexpected gains.

Except for Wushang, Shui Ling and her other disciples have found many useful Dongxings.

There is a lot of information in it, which Yang Tian thinks is very critical.

For example, Shui Ling's apprentices, each of the ten disciples is good at something different.

They are developing scattered around the world. If it weren't for Shui Ling's call to gather on Hong Kong Island this time, no one would have thought that they would be Shui Ling's apprentices.

From this point of view, Yang Tian had to believe what the prince said, that this woman Shui Ling was really not simple.

Among Shui Ling's disciples, in Yang Tian's opinion, there are four people who deserve the most attention in this competition.

The first one is Wushang. According to the information, this guy suffered from a very serious mental disorder. He once killed his daughter with his own hands and even ate his daughter's body alive.

After that, he was kept in a mental hospital, and then disappeared for unknown reasons.

If he hadn't suddenly appeared on Hong Kong Island this time, everyone would have thought that he was already dead.

In addition to Wushang, the second person worth paying attention to is a man with the nickname Chang San.

This guy is suspected to be an international killer, who has been doing the business of taking people's money and eliminating disasters for them all year round.

Of course, the reason why it is suspected is because the police have no substantial evidence, so they have been unable to arrest him directly.

Next is Wu Kui, this guy has been hanging out in the north all year round. The police's criminal record is estimated to be a foot thick, all from fights and fights. He is a gold-medal thug.

The last one, and what Yang Tian least expected, was a guy nicknamed Liuliang.

This guy has actually been developing in Neon, and is even a minor leader of the Yamada group.

If he hadn't come to help Shui Ling this time, who would have thought that he would be Shui Ling's apprentice?

And apart from these four, everyone else is not simple either.

With the development of Shangtian in Indonesia, it can be considered that it has carved out a niche of its own.

Qiqiu is in France. On the surface, he is the foreman of a dance troupe, but in fact he runs a large-scale underground seducing industry.

Zaba has been hanging out in Wanwan, and it is said that his skills are pretty good.

But the biggest characteristic of this guy is that every time he is caught by the police committing a crime, he can always provide a perfect alibi. He is considered a key target of the Bayan Police.

These guys, plus Sihai and Hengmei who had already fought against each other, as well as the assistant Jiumei who had been following Shuiling, were all trained by Shuiling, and were known as the top ten of Shuiling.

And with the intelligence, how to deal with them needs to be carefully planned.

Yang Tian worked hard to get the right to host this competition, isn't it just for this time!

Although the initial draw has effectively prevented the two sides from running into each other at the very beginning.

Now that we have specific information about the other party, it is time to make targeted deployments.

However, two of the thirteen people in Dongxing were not easy to deal with.

One is Shui Ling. This woman can't even take down the crown prince. The others are probably going to deliver food to her.

The other one is Sharman, this Thai boxing champion really deserves his reputation.

A sword that has aged well, but is still as valuable as ever.

And the most important thing is that Yang Tian had two conflicts with him, although he won both times.

But those who faced Shaman, whether it was Mediterranean or Tianshou, were strictly speaking no match for them.

You must know that after this period of time, everyone has trained and worked together, and most of the thirteen people on Hongxing's side have a good idea of ​​each other's strength.

Mediterranean and Prince are recognized as the two most powerful ones.

Tianshou is unanimously considered by everyone to be the most durable one.

Mediterranean and Tianshou, who are both at the ceiling level, think that their skills are inferior to others. You can imagine the strength of Sharman.

Fortunately, our ancestors have taught us how to solve problems when encountering this situation.

Since Sharman's strength is so outstanding, we might as well just let him win all the way.

At worst, we just have to reserve a place for him in advance among the top eight.

As long as he defeats the rest of Dongxing, even if he lets Shaman enter the quarterfinals, the overall situation will still be under his control.

And the right to speak in the entire underworld of Hong Kong Island still belongs to Hong Xing.

In pursuit of this strategic goal, the previous rounds of competition were carried out in an orderly manner in strict accordance with Yang Tian's plan.

Perhaps the only exception is that Zaba, one of the top ten Shui Ling heroes in Dongxing, overturned.

Maybe he really wasn't good at confronting people.

In short, in the ring, he was completely beaten by Dongguan Zai, who won the championship.

In addition to Dongxing Zaba, Hongxing's Thirteenth Sister also overturned.

She was dragged to one round by Awu, who represented a small club, and finally had to withdraw from the competition due to lack of physical strength.

Yang Tian was not surprised by this, after all, he secretly arranged the schedule.

You must know that Awu once cooperated with Yang Tian when Yang Tian was dealing with crows.

Now that the Number Gang has been broken up by the police, Awu appears to be a loner who collects money to do things.

But secretly, he has been doing things for Yang Tian.

Yang Tian let Thirteenth sister out early, just to avoid her being more seriously injured in the next game.

After all, among the thirteen people who played in Hongxing, her personal strength was actually the last.

This is an innate limitation. In order to prevent her from being targeted by Dongxing in the next game and becoming a flaw for Hongxing, she had no choice but to be eliminated early.

And Awu's work was quite beautiful, and he dragged the thirteenth sister until she was exhausted.

In this way, Thirteenth Sister's face can be saved, and Thirteenth Sister will not hold a grudge in her heart.

Moreover, Awu himself has some retained strength, and he might be able to play a certain role for Yang Tian in future games.

And with the elimination of Thirteenth Sister, the situation of the game gradually became clear.

In the thirty-two to sixteen competition, the current thirty-two people are pretty much what everyone expected.

As two behemoths, Hong Xing and Dong Xing each occupied twelve positions in addition to the two people who overturned.

The remaining eight positions are occupied by other small and medium-sized gangs.

In this thirty-two to sixteen match, the first game was specially arranged by Yang Tian, ​​with him taking the lead, and his opponent was Dongxing's Supreme.

Yang Tian had many reasons for this arrangement, but in the final analysis there were only two.

The first is that Sushang is very popular right now. His mysterious and magical attack suddenly made him the focus of the entire game. After all, this was too obvious before and after he asked God to come to his body.

From the stumbling before performing the divine attack, to completely crushing the opponent to win afterwards, he was simply born for the ring.

It can easily arouse the audience's emotions, and the program effect is even more captivating.

In addition, this guy had kept a low profile before, and few people knew him before the game. This also made his odds on A-Ma's side set very high from the beginning.

Although Yang Tian is the new leader of Hongxing, it's a pity that he hasn't personally taken action for a long time.

All achievements can only be referred to six or seven years ago.

As a result, not many people were optimistic about him in today's game.

And what Yang Tian wants is this effect. The more people buy Wushang, the happier he will be.

You can make money while competing, so why not do it!

The second point is also very critical. It is because Supreme is so popular now that he must be defeated in the first game.

In this way, not only can it severely damage Dongxing's momentum, but it can also reduce the psychological burden on Hongxing's next players.

After all, there have been several supreme matches, and everyone has seen this guy's amazing performance.

If Sharman makes everyone feel that there is no hope of winning because of his own strength.

This guy, Supreme, is really scary.

After the transformation, Wushang not only showed some ferocity in the ring, but his uncanny fighting skills were also easy to make people feel scared in their hearts.

After all, the God of Fighting has come out, who knows if he has any other messy methods. You must know that in Hong Kong Island in this era, there is still a market for such things as superstition.

The unknown always makes people feel inexplicably scared.

Everyone is also afraid, what if they are playing and Wushang curses on the sidelines?

So in order to reassure everyone, Yang Tian decided to directly eliminate Wushang in the first game of thirty-two to sixteen.

Only by beating him head-on in the ring can everyone else feel at ease in the rest of the match.

And the most important point is that Yang Tian has absolute confidence in playing supreme.

So I simply arranged it to be held in the first game, which could be considered a good start and set an example for everyone else on Hongxing's side.

However, compared to Yang Tian's own confidence, others in Hongxing are not optimistic about today's game.

Han Bin even suggested to Yang Tian before the game to just admit defeat.

After all, losing to someone who knows magic is not a shame.

However, Yang Tian still walked onto the ring with a smile on his face.

You must know that after several rounds of observation, coupled with the not too detailed information provided by Yang Tian, ​​Luo Zhan has also found a way to awaken Supreme.

Therefore, when it comes to facing off against Wushang, Yang Tian has no chance of winning as others think.

This ranking battle among the arena giants is much more popular than any previous boxing matches in Hong Kong Island.

After all, there are already a lot of audiences from each club just cheering for their own people.

And today's event is even more popular than ever.

On the one hand, there is the supreme master of Huishen, and everyone is full of curiosity about his magical magic of inviting gods.

On the other side, it's even more remarkable. The new leader of the largest society in Hong Kong, this status alone is worth the price of admission.

Compared with Yang Tian's appearance with a smile on his face, Wushang is much more showy.

This guy even designed a set of moves for himself. Before the fight officially started, the Dongxing people in the audience were completely excited.

Of course, not only the people in the audience were excited, Yang Tian was also very excited when he saw the conspicuous bag.

"It seems that I have been underestimated!"

Seeing the current state of Wushang, it was not the personality he had after asking God that was in charge. This made Yang Tian complain in his heart and at the same time made up his mind to resolve the battle as soon as possible.

Although he was confident that he could crack the supreme self-hypnosis, Luo Zhan's method was still theoretical after all.

Therefore, being able to resolve the battle before Supreme Transformation is undoubtedly the best result.

"This guy Supreme, how many times have I told him, but he's still so self-righteous!"

Compared to Yang Tian who was happy on the stage, Shui Ling who was watching the battle in the audience was a little annoyed.

It's a pity that she is now below the ring and has no choice but to hate Wushang's behavior.

As the game bell rang, the boxing match officially kicked off.

There was no probing attack, and Yang Tian didn't need to test it. He was on full fire from the beginning.

As for the supreme analysis, enough has been done before the game, there is no need to play any more empty games.

And ever since I heard Luo Zhan say that the supreme divine attack is a kind of psychological suggestion and self-hypnosis.

Yang Tian instantly thought of his previous experience in the hospital.

I was hypnotized and left psychological hints, hoping that I could see through the world of mortals and escape into Buddhism.

Before, he only believed that Dongxing should be responsible for this matter, but now he has directly targeted Wushang.

Therefore, regarding the supreme situation in front of him, Yang Tian's punches not only had the overall situation in mind, but also contained a lot of personal emotions.

Wushang also felt a little regretful at this time.

Even if Shui Ling repeatedly told him not to underestimate the enemy, it was best to be prepared before the start.

But when he looked at Yang Tian's performance, he basically ordered his subordinates to do things. His first impression was that Yang Tian was used to being pampered. Even if he had some strength, he had already lost it.

So as usual, he wanted to suppress first and then improve, so that people could better remember his supreme grace.

After all, he has been silent for many years. Now that he has returned to the world, he urgently needs enough reputation to open up a new situation for himself.

It's a pity that he regretted it as soon as they fought. Yang Tian was not comparable to his previous opponents in terms of strength and speed.

In the previous games, even if the opponent was stronger than him, he was confident that he could survive the first round and then wait for a break to complete his ritual of praying to the gods.

But facing Yang Tian at this moment, especially when he felt the strength of Yang Tian's fist, his confidence suddenly wavered.

The most important thing is that not only is his strength and speed inferior to his opponent's, he is also far behind in terms of skills.

This made him clearly know that Yang Tian's fist was heavy, but he just couldn't dodge it.

He could only protect his head with all his strength and use his body to receive Yang Tian's heavy punches again and again.

This also resulted in him being knocked down twice by Yang Tian only about a minute into the game, and there was blood in his mouth that kept oozing from the corners of his mouth.

But even so, Wushang was still like a little strong guy, falling to the ground again and again, and then stood up again and again when the referee counted the seconds, and then he survived the three minutes of the first round.

When the bell rang for the end of the round, Sushang, who was almost dying, finally showed his first smiling face in this game.

But just when he showed Yang Tian a smile that he thought was cruel, Yang Tian also gave him a smile with unknown meaning in return.

(End of this chapter)

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