Before He Jian Chuyun could ask questions, another person asked in a deep voice: "Are you here all mortal things?"

Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to ignore the extremely devilish laughter in Shen Yi's mind, calmed down her emotions, and nodded: "Yes."

"Are you selling mortal goods in the ghost market?"


"Then what do you mean by displaying these mortal objects?"

"I sell elixirs, but I only have Peiyuan Dan and Yun Beast Dan. Do you want them?"

"Elixir..." The other man who asked was stunned, and the previous man lowered his hand after hearing this. The two looked at each other and asked in unison: "Are you an alchemist?"

"I will borrow your good words."

"...How many Peiyuan Pills do you have here?"

"Eighteen two apiece."

"Where's the Yun Beast Pill?"

"16 taels."

"It's quite cheap."

"Do you want it? Just leave." Tsurumi Chuyun shook her head. This was not the first time she came to the ghost market and she was in urgent need of 800 taels of silver. For her, how much could the pill in her hand be sold for? Just sell as much as you need, as long as it's enough to feed Shen Yi on the road.

The two hesitated for a moment. Although they were both psychics, they were from ordinary backgrounds. They were not like the children of those families whose families supplied a certain amount of elixirs every quarter.

If they want elixirs, they can only spend real money and go to the Danlu to buy them. A Pei Yuan Dan costs 25 taels, and a Yuan Beast Dan costs 23 taels.

If the Yun Beast Pill and Pei Yuan Pill bought here are real and so much cheaper, to be honest, the two of them are really excited.

"Can I try the medicine?"

"Of course you can, but you have to pay for the trial medicine."


"Try to cultivate Yuan Dan or Yun Beast Dan?"

"The Beast-accumulating Pill."

Hejian Chuyun casually took out two Yun Beast Pills and threw them over, one for each person.

The two of them lowered their heads to check. Not to mention, just by looking at the appearance, it was already better than the ordinary Beast Presence Pill.

Then the two of them each released their contracted beasts and fed Yun Beast Pills one after another.

Ten seconds later, seeing that their contracted beast responded and fed back the answer, the two looked at each other again and silently brought the contracted beast into their consciousness.

"How about it?"

"Is your Peiyuan Pill also real?"

"You can try, as long as you have money." She threw out the two bags, and the two of them opened them and looked at them. One of them said, "I want four Beast-accumulating Pills, and I want ten Peiyuan Pills."

"I also want four Beast-accumulating Pills, and Peiyuan Pills...just five."

The next second, a push of money appeared on the stall. Tsurumi Chuyun glanced at it and didn't bother to count it. He collected all the copper coins and silver coins, then distributed the elixirs and handed them over.

The two of them didn't stay long after taking the elixir, and left quickly the moment they got the Beast Yun Dan and Pei Yuan Dan.

"Walk slowly."

Watching them leave, Tsurumi Chuyun waved his hand, then played with a silver coin in his hand and continued to read the book in his hand happily.

"Why don't you smile?"

"What are you so weird about? Why don't you count how much money you gave me?"

"emm..." Her consciousness sank into the storage space. She counted the coins and replied, "I don't know about the copper coins. In terms of silver, it's about 410 taels."

"Absolutely." Shen Yi nodded. Fifteen Yuan-Pui Dan and ten Beast-accumulating Dans totaled 430 taels of silver. Even if the two people gave less, the old witch might not chase after her according to her temperament. Want in the past.

After that, the whole group was quiet, and they would chat occasionally. Of course, from time to time, people would come to the stall to check and ask questions, and they could also sell some pills. The old witch gradually became rich.

Three hours later, after seeing no one coming for a while, Tsurumi Chuyun closed the book and stood up, looking at the archway leading to the gambling house.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to close the stall and go take a look inside the gambling shop."

"You want to gamble?"

"Can't you?"

"Gambling money? You've never heard of cheating nine out of ten times, right? I lost so much to you in the past that I lost all my pants. Don't forget, you still owe me more than 200 yuan."

"Uh... I'll just play for a while, five taels of silver, and I won't play anymore if I lose."

"Fuck you, what if you win?"

"If you win, let's continue." Tsurumi Chuyun said matter-of-factly.

"What about winning and losing again?"

"You...if you don't want to, I won't go."

"Oh, if you want me to tell you, just go play in that girl's cave..."

"...Damn gangster..."

"Why are you talking to your master? Do you believe that I will feed you directly when I come out after the market is over?"



"Master~ I was wrong."

"Really, you have forgotten your identity again, right? I have lived for so long and I have never seen what a brothel is like. What's wrong with entering a brothel?"

"Yes, yes, everything the master said is right."

Having said this, Tsurumi Chuyun no longer wanted to join in the fun at the gambling den, so he had to sit back, depressedly opened the book and continued reading.

But just when she regained her focus, someone came to the stall again.

She raised her head and glanced, but this glance made her startled. There were two people in front of her, one was an old man wearing white clothes, and the other was wearing brown fine cotton brocade clothes with a black mask on his face. He is the second master of the Song family.

Tsurushi saw Chuyun's face under the mask frowning and said nothing.

The other party looked at the wood, jade bottles, glass cups, etc. on the stall, then looked at her and asked, "What are these?"

The identity of this person is unknown, his realm is unknown, and the family he comes from is also unknown. In short, he is a big shot in Ju'a City. Tsurumi Chuyun subconsciously became nervous and said truthfully: "These are the sundries that the little girl carries with her. They are worth it." Not much money.”

Before Mr. Song Er could reply, Shen Yi said: "Old witch, why are you nervous? Just tell me that you were so generous last time and made me a big profit. I just want to see if I can do it this time." I can’t afford to encounter an injustice like you again.”

She ignored Shen Yi and looked directly at him.

"You don't sell elixirs anymore?"


"What's in it this time? Or the Beast-accumulating Pill?"

"Not only that, in addition to the Beast-Enhancing Pill, this time I also have the Yuan-Puiling Pill, but I have sold some before and there is not much left."

"That's it..." Mr. Song Er nodded, looking like he was feeling regretful about something, and then waved his hand.

"Give me whatever you have left, I'll buy them all."

Seeing that Chuyun didn't say anything, Tsurushi probably wasn't surprised either, so he put the two bags on the table. "Twenty-nine Pei Yuan Pills and 29 Beast Yun Dan, a total of one thousand and fifty taels." She looked at the other person and said.

Mr. Song Er didn't talk nonsense. He raised his hand and touched the stall. A pile of silver ingots suddenly appeared, including ten large ones and one smaller one.

It happened to be one thousand and fifty taels of silver.

"Let's go slowly." He Jian Chuyun quickly put these silver ingots into his consciousness space. Mr. Song didn't stay much, picked up two bags of pills and left, but he looked back when he walked away.

Seeing the two figures disappear from his sight, He Jianchuyun immediately asked Shen Yi, "Where did the two of them go?"

"You know, my consciousness can't extend that far."

Shen Yi muttered, the man and the old man in white had already walked out more than 200 meters, and the maximum distance his sense could extend was only more than 180 meters, so he couldn't touch each other.

But it's hard to say whether the other party's consciousness can touch the old witch.

Tsurumi Chuyun relaxed slightly and stuffed all the miscellaneous things on the stall into the storage space. Then he went to the innermost part of the market, sat down in a completely deserted place, and looked at the things in his hands carefully. books.

hours later.

The gong was struck at the fifth watch of the day.

The ghost market is gone.

Tsurumi Hatsuun was teleported to a place she was completely unfamiliar with, and then she started wandering around the area east of Jua City. Now she had a huge sum of 600 taels in her pocket. After she came out of Tsurumi's mansion, This is the first time I have so much money.

Of course, the more than 1000 taels of pocket money I had when I first came out does not count.

With money, she naturally has to update her belongings, such as camping equipment, some dry food, condiments and so on.

There was also the sword on her body. She spent more than 200 taels of silver to buy a new one and named it Zhanji. Although it was still not as good as the Tingyu Sword she used before, it was still half a magic weapon.

She bought everything she needed to buy, and the total money she spent was only two or three hundred taels, so she took Shen Yi to the restaurant again and ordered a table full of delicious dishes.

But she was eating alone, and Shen Yi could only watch from the side, because waiters delivering food would pass by outside the box from time to time, and he couldn't come out at all.

And watching the old witch eat is also a kind of torture, because she eats so slowly!

One bite of the dish will last you a long time.

It's like having no teeth.

After watching it like this for half an hour, Shen Yi couldn't stand it anymore.

"Can you eat quickly? You are planning to eat here all day, right?"

"I seem to remember you saying that eating too fast is not helpful for gastrointestinal digestion..."

"So? You haven't considered that I'm still hungry, have you?"

"...Okay, okay, I won't eat."

Seeing that Chuyun was a little angry, He put down his chopsticks and ordered the waiter to come into the box to pack the food, then put away the things and walked outside.

But as soon as she left the box, she was knocked back by someone and almost fell to the ground.

The bowl in the opponent's hand fell to the ground, shattering into countless pieces with a click, and the water in it spilled all over the floor.

"How can you walk without eyes?"

The man who bumped into her was a man with no white beard on his face, but he smelled of animal fur. Judging from the leather on his body, he should be a hunter or something like that, but his words were very rude.

Tsurumi Chuyun lowered her head and couldn't see her expression.

She just came out of the box, and it was obviously the other person who was walking without looking.

Now that she has reached the level of breaking through the normal level, she is only one step away from the pure level. Ordinary people trying to shake her is no different from an idiot talking about dreams, but just now this person almost knocked herself to the ground.

It is conceivable that this person is not simple, his own cultivation level is at least as good as his own, and he must have achieved great success by virtue of his status as a divine person.

A coldness flashed across his eyes, and an invisible murderous aura was released.

The hunter who bumped into someone in front of him was stunned for a moment, but he also reacted. He immediately circulated the spiritual energy in the gas, took a stance, and said with a ferocious smile: "You little lady, do you still want to fight with me?"

Such a scene immediately attracted the attention of the surrounding diners, and they all turned their eyes over.

The second after the hunter's words fell, Tsurumi Chuyun, who was about to draw his sword, thought of something. He gave up as soon as he touched his sword, raised his head and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

This is Jua City, and there are many spiritual level experts in the four major families. She does not want to be noticed by any party because of this matter, even if it is only a little bit possible.

However, after she raised her head to apologize, the "hunter" in front of her was also stunned for a moment, and the ferocious smile and expectation on her face quickly turned into an apologetic smile like hers: "No, no, I bumped into the girl because I didn't have eyesight. "

After saying that, the hunter left in a hurry as if there was something urgent. The people around him immediately booed, full of disappointment.

Tsurumi Chuyun looked at the hunter's back as he walked upstairs and left, a little unresponsive. He thought that the other party would be aggressive next, so he could just give some money and settle the matter.

This development was somewhat unexpected.

But she didn't take it to heart. That person had at least a cultivation level above the Pure Level. He was not an ordinary person who could reach this level. Maybe he had some secrets like her.

Then she left too, not staying long.

After the "hunter" went upstairs, he quickly entered a private room, where drinks were everywhere and there was a lot of noise and excitement.

Someone saw him coming in and shouted, "Second brother, where is your water?"

He ignored it, sat down in his seat and said to the person sitting in the middle with a serious face: "Brother, I just saw that woman."

The man called the eldest brother stopped drinking. Before he could say anything, someone else asked: "Second brother, have you fallen in love with that woman? Come on, brothers will grab her for you immediately!"

Putting the filled glass on the table, the eldest brother gave a low drink: "Sit down, don't interrupt."

When the surroundings became quiet, he looked at his second brother again: "Second brother, tell me, have you seen that woman?"

"That's the woman who killed my fourth brother."

As soon as these words were spoken, the entire box suddenly became silent.


"When I went upstairs, I shouldn't have gone far yet."

Wanliying's face turned gloomy, he stood up and waved to the others.

"Brothers, take care of your business and avenge the fourth child." After saying that, he walked out of the box, while the others looked at each other, no one said anything, and followed him out quietly.


On the other side, after receiving the bag from a beggar, Tsurumi Chuyun threw out three taels of silver and left quickly.

Then she came to the entrance of an alley and waited against the wall for a while. Not long after, she saw another beggar hurriedly carrying a lot of things. She took a deep breath, turned around and walked into the alley.

The beggar quickly followed, with an excited smile on his muddy face.

"Don, dong, I, I bought everything, I bought it, what's left, what's left, where's the remaining silver?"

Glancing at him, Tsurumi Chuyun threw out five taels of silver. She hired six beggars in total and bought the medicinal materials separately. Only this last beggar had the most to buy, carrying dozens of kilograms of things back and forth. After two trips, the reward was a little more.

He picked up a bag of medicinal materials and weighed it. The weight was heavier than he thought, but Tsurumi Chuyun didn't think much. He turned around and left as before, but the beggar in front of him suddenly remembered something and stopped her quickly. However, he stuttered and it was difficult to hear him.

"Wait, wait, wait, um, the shopkeeper, if you have something to say, let me, I'll bring it to you."

After understanding what the beggar meant, He Jian Chuyun was startled and looked over.

Shen Yi in the consciousness space immediately dispersed his consciousness, and he didn't know what he found, but he fell silent afterwards.

"How's it going?"

"Master?" She wanted to know the answer, but Shen Yi didn't answer.

Feeling helpless, she could only frown and ask the beggar: "What message did the shopkeeper ask you to bring to me?" (End of Chapter)

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