"The shopkeeper, he, he said, you don't, no, don't need to hide, cover up, cover up, and also said, send, send you a small gift, send, send, send home... I want to be on good terms with you. , well, it seems...that's it."

"Send to? The Song family?"

"Uh... yes."

Hejian Chuyun looked at the beggar in front of her, with a cold look on her face. She understood immediately that this beggar not only accepted her own money, but also received money from the Song family.

Realizing something, she invaded the storage space with her senses, only to find that in addition to the scattered materials she wanted, there were also packages of arranged medicinal materials in the bag. The quantity was wrong. Logically speaking, the ones she gave Money can't buy so much.

Do you want to teach this beggar a lesson?
the answer is negative.

Shen Yi remained silent and didn't speak. It was so weird that she didn't dare to stop. She jumped onto the eaves with her toes and quickly flew towards the distance.

"what's wrong with you?"

Shen Yi withdrew his thoughts and advised: "Old witch, let's leave today. You are being followed again. I don't know who it is."

"how many people?"

"Four people... I think there are more than one. I can't be sure about the other three."


Tsurumi Chuyun turned around and looked back, then changed his direction and headed towards the destroyed buildings in the distance.

Whether it was her or Shen Yi, their first reaction was that they were being targeted by the family forces in Ju'a City, and they were both prepared to deal with it.

Shen Yi checked his ammunition depot. He could only use two Tianyin Wanling Explosions, one at level [-] and one at level [-]. He didn't know if it could kill a powerful person at the spiritual level.

Just as he was anticipating what would happen next, Tsurumi Hatsuun said: "Lend me your power."

Shen Yi didn't hesitate, and immediately used the God of Life's Blessing Body, and then watched from her perspective as she landed on the edge of a residual place and squatted down.

At the same time, Wanli Ying stopped and raised a hand to stop the other brothers who were still chasing after him.

"Big brother."

"Why don't you chase?"

"Yeah, that bean can't seem to stop."

Wan Liying kept calm and looked around. When he saw many people around him looking at him and others, he shook his head and said, "Stop chasing her. She has discovered us."

After saying that, he took a deep breath and vaguely smelled the body fragrance lingering in the air, and ordered: "Lao Wu, release your man, remember this smell."

The man called Lao Wu by Wan Li Ying nodded, and then his facial expression twisted and he released his destiny.

It has a slender body, with dark yellow hair, but you can see obvious muscle lines on its body. This Lao Wu's contracted beast is one of the repulsive beasts.

As soon as it came out, the contracted beast followed its master's instructions and sniffed around with its protruding nose. After a while, it lay on the ground.

Upon seeing this, Lao Wu immediately took his life spirit back into his body, and then nodded to Wanli Ying.

The other party withdrew his gaze, turned around and walked away. As he walked, he reminded a few people: "The Dou'er Life God is not ordinary. I won't be able to take it down for a while. There are many suns here, so it's not suitable to do it. Let's look at it later."

"Listen to big brother."

"Go back and continue drinking."


As Wan Liying and others gave up the pursuit, Shen Yi was a little confused.


"what happened?"

"They stopped chasing."

"Not chasing?"

Tsurumi Chuyun stood up in confusion and looked at the streets in the distance, but she could only see people in ragged clothes, and she didn't know who was following her.

Taking off his hat and mask, revealing his disguise, Shen Yi asked: "What will you do next?"

"I listen to you, we can't stay in Jua City any longer."

"Let's go then."

Nodding, there was nothing left in the inn anyway, so there was no need to go back.

She took out her beloved magic weapon, released Ji Ying, then put on the fox velvet cloak, mounted her horse and headed towards the city gate.

There were no obstacles along the way, and it went smoothly. As soon as she left the city gate, she clamped her legs on the horse's belly and galloped forward despite the wind and snow, speeding up.

Shen Yi extended his awareness to the back, watching to see if anyone was chasing him.

After walking for more than ten miles, she slowed down a bit and stopped slowly when she saw a collapsed carriage beside her.

"Hey, there are dead people down there."

Shen Yi's consciousness touched something under the snow. Hejian Chuyun got off his horse after hearing this, took out his long sword, and began to dig at the snow on the ground.

"How many died?"


Not long after, she saw a body that had been frozen into an ice hunchback, and then she stopped what she was doing.

The injuries left on the body were apparently caused by bows and arrows. It was thought that he encountered road bandits before his death.

However, Tsurumi breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Chuyun, because the body was buried very deep in the snow, three to four feet deep, hard, and the skin all over his body had completely turned an iron-blue color.

They have been dead for a long time, and during this period, the three bodies under the snow were not discovered by anyone, which means that no one has experienced this place for a long time.

She looked at the collapsed carriage again. It was a box-type carriage. The two wheels in front were cut off with brute force by someone with a knife. The horses pulling the carriage had long gone. Tsurumi Chuyun checked it. After going around for a while, I couldn't find anything worth putting away on the carriage, so I got on the horse and continued walking forward.

After confirming that there were no pursuers behind her, she slowed down a bit, put on a fox fur coat, and took out a map and compass on her horse to check.

There are three routes to choose from from Changzhou to Jizhou. Judging from the route she has chosen now, after passing Jua City, there will be no towns behind. She will pass through the vast mountains and enter Jizhou unknowingly, but before entering Jizhou Finally, she had to follow the route and make a big circle.

There are two reasons for this.

The first one is that the place where Dajing borders Jizhou in Daliang is called Fengzhou, and Fengzhou is to the east of Jizhou.

The second reason is that there is a place in Jizhou called the Shuishui Caoze. There is no doubt that it is also a swamp. Like the Grayland Swamp, the water source comes from the same place. The difference is that the water plants in the Shuishui Caoze are lush and even grow. When we got out of the water, we stood in the distance and looked at the lush green grass. We thought it was a grassland.

People who don't know about it will be attracted by the beautiful scenery it presents when they first come to Sheshui Grassland. They will never think that underneath the "grassland" is actually a soft wetland. People who boldly walk into it, It will be swallowed underground at any time.

In addition, there are some creatures hidden in the grass and swamps. Among them are the notorious worms. If you are not careful, they will suck all the blood from your body. In addition, there are also various poisonous insects. Basically, They are all existences that take human lives.

Because of this, many merchants and escort teams will choose to avoid the grass and swamps and take long distances to avoid risks unless they have to.

Similarly, Tsurumi Hatsuun would not choose to set foot in the grassy swamp if it was not a last resort.

After a while, she put away the map and compass in her hands, pulled the reins, and asked Shen Yi, "Are you hungry?"

"I just took a few Beast Presence Pills yesterday. Do you think I'm hungry?"

He saw that Chu Yun was silent and looked at the sky. It was already after noon when he came out of Ju'a City. After walking for such a long distance, the sky was already starting to get dark.

Pulling the reins, she caused the horse under her to change direction and walk towards the forest not far away.

When the horse stopped, Shen Yi immediately emerged from the space of consciousness, took a breath of dragon's breath, and directly cleared the surrounding snow, and then watched the chewing gum skillfully set up a shed in the open space.

After getting something to protect her from the wind and rain, she sat cross-legged on the ground before taking out the meals she had packed in the restaurant. A reddish red fire erupted from the palm of her hand. She heated them one by one and placed them on the ground before saying to Shen Yi. : "Eat."

Rubbing his paws with the clean snow next to him, Shen Yi was not polite, grabbed it and stuffed it into his mouth. He smacked his lips and ate happily, occasionally taking a sip of the peach blossom wine that the old witch didn't like to drink.

He doesn't hate the harsh winter at all, because he can't feel the cold in winter. It's probably because of the Western dragon. It's immune to the severe cold and the scorching heat. Regardless of the impact of seasonal changes, the most important thing is It is convenient for him to eat and wash his paws in the wild.

It’s just that the surrounding area is completely white and my eyesight is a little tired after looking at it for a long time.While Shen Yi was enjoying the delicious food, He saw that Chuyun had already set up the elixir furnace, sorted the medicinal materials with a scale, and immediately began to refine the elixir.

After eating, Shen Yi lay on the blanket boredly, looking at her figure, and couldn't help but start talking.

An hour later, the sky darkened completely and the flames under the alchemy furnace disappeared. She took out seven high-quality beast-enhancing pills and handed them to Shen Yi.

He was a little dazed and asked: "Are you a good practitioner?"


"So fast, I thought you were refining Xuanyuan Dan."

"Do you want it or not?"

Shen Yi raised his head, stretched out his paws to take it, and then threw it into his mouth. After swallowing it, he found that the amount of red energy provided by these high-quality beast-enhancing pills was no different from the normal high-quality beast-preserving pills. He was a little surprised and said: "You refined all seven?"


"You don't want to keep it?"

Tsurumi Chuyun glanced at him. After excluding the money to buy supplies and swords, she had one thousand, four hundred and twenty two taels left. After deducting the cost of hiring six beggars, the total was 410 taels, leaving one thousand, three hundred and eighty taels.

And she used all the money to buy alchemy materials.

Among them, there are 42 ingredients each for the ordinary Beast-Yun Dan and Peiyuan Dan, four for the Xuanyuan Dan, and six for the top-grade Beast-Yun Dan. What she bought the most was the high-quality Beast-Yun Dan, with 370 copies in total. One thousand [-] taels.

Now she only has ten taels of silver left with her.

You can’t burn money so fast.

Oh, by the way, there are more than six ingredients for the best beast-enhancing elixir, there should be sixteen. Of course, ten of them are gifts from the Song family in Ju'a City, but she is destined to be unable to live up to this. In love.

Back to the topic, how should I put it...

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

She understood this deeply. With a Grade A contract beast, she was already many steps ahead of others.

Monks who have practiced to the level of consciousness usually fight with the Dharma body. It is difficult for the contract beast itself to harm the Dharma body, but the magical power of the Grade A contract beast can.

The existence of magical powers means that even if her cultivation continues to improve in the future, the contracted beast will not become a tool used only to protect its master.

If two monks of knowledge level meet on a narrow road, and one of them contracts a Class A Life God, while the other contracts a Class B Life God, then the monk who contracts a Class B Life God will face two powerful enemies at the same time. , it is obvious who loses and who wins.

This is where the Grade-A God of Destiny is a rogue.

However, the higher the level of the contracted beast, the stronger the body, and the stronger the body, the more disease it can withstand and the higher its appetite.

Logically speaking, it is a good thing that the contract beast has a big appetite, but the problem is that this is too much to eat!
Although it is recorded that there are contract beasts that can eat a mountain in one day, but those were at least young contract beasts, and how long ago was Shen Yi born?

It only lasts for nine months, and when he is less than one year old, let alone one mountain a day, he can show off ten mountains.

Anyway, Tsurumi Chuyun is under a lot of pressure now.

This is also the reason why she bought so many high-quality beast-enhancing elixir materials.

She was about to put the medicinal materials into the alchemy furnace, but when she thought of this, she suddenly stopped, put away the alchemy furnace, and looked at Shen Yi but hesitated to speak.


"What are you doing? Tell me."

"I want...I, can you..."

The expression on her face made Shen Yi feel a little strange. After realizing it later, he said uncertainly: "You want me to help you practice?"

"Yes." He Jian Chuyun nodded vigorously, but unexpectedly Shen Yi became excited the next second.

"Okay." As he said that, he exerted force with his paws, and his body grew larger with a squeaking sound. Then he opened his mouth and made a sound.

"Ah... come on, come in, let me have a few bites and I will help you practice, okay?"

Seeing him like this, He Jian Chuyun tilted his head and lay directly on the blanket.

"no need."

"Tch, I'll swallow you sooner or later. Old witch, you definitely taste good."

Shen Yi didn't pay too much attention. He smacked his mouth and made movements to imagine the smell of her body, in order to scare people.

When Tsurumi Chuyun turned around, he covered his ears.

"Hey." After looking at her, Shen Yi suddenly remembered how she was bullied by him when she just escaped from Tsurumi's mansion. She couldn't help but feel a little itchy, so she said again: "Old witch, Actually, it’s okay if I don’t eat you. Come and cry for a moment and show me, and I’ll help you practice, okay?”

"Huh? Why are you crying?" Tsurumi Chuyun became interested after hearing this.

"It's before entering Wuchuan City, remember? Come and cry, let me see again."

"This..." She was in trouble, and it took a while before she turned her face away.

“Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu… Is this possible?”

"Fuck you." Shen Yi shook his head: "It's too perfunctory, no way."

"Forget it if you don't help, go to sleep."

"you sure?"


"Old hag."


The old witch ignored herself. Shen Yi shook his head and looked at his body, not bothering to shrink back.

Just soak in the snow and close your eyes.

It's been a while since I've shared Chen Xingyun's perspective. Let's give it a try today.

The surroundings soon fell into silence, leaving only the crackling sound of burning firewood.


Late at night, a group of people holding steel knives slowly came up and stopped about ten meters away.

"Second brother..."


Everyone looked at Wanliying, who was taking the lead at the front. He glanced back and made a cross-down gesture.

Then several people walked out from behind the tree one after another and cautiously came to the shed.

Someone lowered his voice and said with a sinister smile: "This Dou'er has such a big heart, he can even fall asleep."

"What kind of destiny god is this? Why have I never seen it before?"


Wanliying stopped everyone. Shen Yi was so big that it was not easy to deal with him at first glance. However, he was soft and pinched. He pointed at Hejian Chuyun and made a gesture of touching his neck.

Seeing this, a person not far away walked up to the sleeping Tsurumi Hatsuun with a machete in hand. But the moment she raised the knife, her hand dropped unconsciously and touched the upper of his shoe.

Sensing something was wrong, Tsurumi Chuyun suddenly opened his eyes, his pupils trembling, and then struck with a sword, forcing the bandit in front of him to retreat continuously and sit down on the fire.

Wanli Ying reacted and threw a flying knife. The cold light flashed across like lightning, accurately hitting her fatal part.

Huh... (End of this chapter)

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