Rebellious Contract Beast

Chapter 199: Bloodletting to save the old witch

The thrown knife pierced her chest and pierced her heart. She groaned, and an indescribable sharp pain soon came from her chest, draining her strength at an extremely fast speed.

She collapsed beside the shed, losing her ability to fight, and her red clothes were stained even redder with blood.

At the same time, the contact anchor trembled violently, and panic and uneasiness spread rapidly, directly waking Shen Yi up from his sleep.

This was unprecedented, not even in Liujiacun.

The emotions brought about by the contact anchor were so strong that he felt extremely uncomfortable.

It's like...a piercing siren suddenly sounded over the city, but the siren didn't come from a distance, but exploded directly in your ears!

It makes people dizzy!
Under the influence of the two strong emotions of panic and uneasiness, his sleepiness disappeared directly. He opened his eyes suddenly, and the scene he saw in front of him immediately made his eyesight split!
"Old witch!" He twisted his huge body and swept away his thick dragon tail, setting off a strong wind that blew the two people around him and the camping shed to pieces.

"Can you talk?"

"Her life god has woken up!"

"Kill her quickly!"

The other bandits hurriedly activated the spiritual power in their bodies when they saw this, but it was too late. Shen Yi suddenly burst out and went down with his claws to smash the bandit on the fire into a pulp on the spot. Then he rushed towards the old witch and killed her. Protected under the body.

Being hit in the heart by a flying knife, there is no doubt that this is the fatal part. Tsurushi saw that Chuyun was already dying, and the sword in his hand fell to the ground. His whole body was curled up, even though he was covering his chest, but The blood still flowed out from between the fingers uncontrollably, and the vitality was flowing out rapidly.

Among the seven or eight bandits, Wanliying acted in the most timely manner. A two-meter-long Mo Dao immediately appeared in his hand. With the movement of the spiritual energy in his body and his movements, the Mo Dao's blade almost distorted the space as it passed through. , slashed out a long sword force.

Shen Yi refused to dodge, staring at the opponent with his vertical pupils filled with ferocious energy. He opened his mouth in response to the sword energy like a horse, and scarlet dragon flames spewed out, lighting up the winter night!


The two collided, and the sword energy briefly separated the dragon flames. At the moment when the dragon scales on Shen Yi's face shattered and made a clicking sound, Wanli Ying's expression also changed drastically.

Knowing that it was too late, he hurriedly released his spiritual energy to form a barrier around his body, and the God of Life Armor also appeared on the surface of his body. However, he should never underestimate the power of the dragon's breath. The barrier formed by the spiritual energy was in front of the dragon flames. It was as fragile as a piece of paper, and it was destroyed as soon as it collided!

Before the God of Life's protective armor took shape, Wanliying's entire body turned into a slender figure in the scarlet dragon flames, and then turned into ashes and disappeared!The snow behind him also turned into large tracts of steam in an instant and was lost in the air.

And his soul, destroyed by the violent dragon flames, didn't even have time to appear!

"Grade A contract beast..."

"The boss is dead!"

"Run! Run!"

"This is a Grade A contracted beast! Others will take on the burden!"

Seeing Wanli Ying being burned to ashes in front of them, the remaining people were so frightened that they threw away their weapons and scattered.

But how could Shen Yi be willing to let them go?

The reaction from Contact Anchor Point became stronger and stronger. He felt the death energy from the old witch and felt that his soul was about to be taken away by her.

These bastards actually broke her heart. Who could survive in this situation?
Even if he is going to die, he must take more people with him on the road!
The dragon's breath in his mouth didn't stop, he twisted his body, and the fire dragon rotated 360 degrees, burning the remaining six bandits to ashes, and followed in the footsteps of Wanli Eagle.

Countless trees fell to the ground, raising a cloud of black dust.

The fire spread across the snowy field, burning his vision somewhat blurry.

After stopping the dragon's breath, Shen Yi quickly took a step back, lowered his dragon head and looked anxiously at He Jian Chuyun on the ground.

"Old witch! Old witch! You can't die! You can't die by riding on a horse!"

"Didn't you refine Xuanyuan Dan? Take it out and help me!"

"I beg you, don't die!"

"Old witch!"

He called to the other party over and over again, his voice becoming extremely hoarse with his strong desire to survive.

But Tsurumi Chuyun couldn't respond to him. She just opened her eyes, her pupils were dilated, and stared blankly at the destroyed and overlapping sheds in the distance. She held her hands together and covered her chest, and her body twitched occasionally. .

She wanted to say something, but she couldn't utter a single syllable. She didn't even have the strength to speak, and could only wait helplessly for her life to end.

The contact anchor point moved again, and it seemed to be leaving him. Shen Yi also felt that his consciousness became drowsy, and his heart became more and more desperate.

A drop of warm liquid crossed the scales and landed on Tsurumi Chuyun's face. At this second, Shen Yi was stunned for a moment.

The liquid was his own blood. Only then did he realize that he had just been disfigured, and there was a long stab wound on his face. Because it spanned one eye, no wonder his vision was a little blurry.

But it was this drop of blood that reminded him of what happened at Jiya Ridge.

Your own blood can make new grass grow in the cold winter!

Thinking of this, Shen Yi's eyes suddenly lit up. He quickly lowered his head and let the blood from the knife wound on his face drip onto her chest.

However, the blood was a little low, and he was afraid that the old witch would die first before the dragon's blood had any effect.

So he gritted his teeth and tore open a piece of flesh on his forelimb. He endured the pain and forced the wound open, letting the dragon's blood spurt out and pour it on the fatal wound on Tsurumi Chuyun's chest.

"You can't die! You still owe me several lives for riding on a horse!"

"Come to life! Damn it!"

"Damn it!" Shen Yi yelled while bleeding to save others. The steaming dragon's blood was poured onto her wound and into her mouth.

This seemed to be really effective. After a few minutes, Tsurumi Chuyun's dilated pupils slowly returned to focus, and he felt that the contact anchor gradually became quieter. Shen Yi was overjoyed, and even more spared no effort to bleed.

"Come back to life!"

After a few more minutes, Shen Yi saw her eyes move and look at him. She let go of the hand covering her chest and started stroking around. Finally, she touched one of her paws. At this moment, it was like As if he had caught the only thing he could catch, a relieved smile appeared on his face, and then he closed his eyes.


He vaguely heard her apology, but the voice was too weak and Shen Yi couldn't hear it clearly, so he didn't take it to heart and kept bleeding.

"Old witch!"

"Old witch, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you feeling better? Talk! Damn it!"

He called to her, but there was no response from her who fainted.

How does Shen Yi know what state she is in now?In short, the contact anchor point is still warning, which means that the other party is not out of danger. He still wants to continue bleeding, but too much blood is bleeding, and he starts to feel dizzy, and then his body becomes weak.

"Should... it's all right?"

Feeling a little unbearable, Shen Yi could only stop reluctantly, took a few steps back, and looked at the old witch uneasily.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the contact anchor point calmed down a bit. Then he breathed a sigh of relief and ran to the side to check.

The guy who had just unleashed the sword energy took out a Mo Dao out of thin air, indicating that the opponent had a storage bag on him. He ran over and wanted to touch the body to look for it, but he glanced around blankly behind him before he realized what was going on. .

Everyone was cremated.

Why touch the corpse?The dragon's breath he sprayed was so powerful that people were burned to ashes by him, and even space magic weapons would be turned into waste.

So Shen Yi could only return to Tsurumi Chuyun.

"Old witch, wake up, are you feeling better?"

"I'm telling you, I gave you so much blood to save you, but if you don't survive, you will suffer a lot on the way to hell!"

He threatened Tsurumi Hatsuun, who had fainted, but she couldn't answer at all, and he didn't know if she could hear him.

Not long after, Shen Yi's eyes were attracted by the falling snowflakes in front of him, and he realized that this was not going to work. He couldn't feel the cold, but it was not certain that He would faint in such an icy and snowy environment, even if he was not seriously injured. If you die, you will be cold to death.

He searched for it, dragged her fox velvet cloak and the blanket under the shed, and carefully covered her body. But the next second, he heard voices coming from far away. .

"There's fire ahead."

"Hurry up, Wanliying is up there, be sure to catch him!"

"Quick, quick, cheer up."


Shen Yi turned around and looked around, vaguely seeing a large piece of bright light moving towards him. It was people holding torches, probably about a hundred of them.

"Thousand Miles Eagle?"

Those people were looking for the bandit leader again. Could it be that they were the ones who attacked him and the old witch?
Wanli Ying, like Tsurumi Hatsuun, is also on the list of Daliang captures, but the ranking is much lower than Tsurumi Hatsuun.

But since he came to catch Wanli Eagle, he would also catch the old witch. Thinking of this, Shen Yi immediately pulled the blanket and cloak around Tsurumi Chuyun. At the same time, someone below saw him.

"Look, what is that?"

Shen Yi looked back. The huge dragon wings spread out, and his claws pinched He Jianchuyun. He raised a gust of wind and rose into the air, flying quickly towards the distance.

"Stop him!"

All the soldiers who came rushed over, but how could running on the ground compare to flying in the air?By the time they arrived at the shed, Shen Yi had already disappeared.

By the way, this direction should be north, right?

Shen Yi was not sure, he only thought it was possible. He didn't know where he would fly to, but the more uninhabited the place, the safer it would be for him and the old witch.

Without any spare effort, he flew forward as fast as he could, flying as far as he could. Facing the howling cold wind, the trees and ridges below him continued to sweep backwards.

Time passed by, no matter how long it took, Shen Yi's head and back were covered with a layer of snow, and the blanket wrapping Tsurumi Chuyun's body was also stained with some snowflakes.

It wasn't until the contact anchor that had become quiet began to convey panic and uneasiness that Shen Yi lowered his head and took a look.

The old witch was chilled.

After flying for so long, I think it should be enough.

Looking out, the earth is dark without any lights, the sky is gloomy and red, and goose feather-like snow is flying, filling the space between the sky and the earth.

When the sky was slightly bright, Shen Yi tilted his body in the air and swooped down.

The dragon's wings opened and closed, stirring up large tracts of snow on the ground. He took Tsurumi Chuyun and landed in front of a temple.

He put her down with his claws loosened, and then Shen Yi came to the temple, banged the door of the temple open with his head, poked inside and took a look, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

The first thing he smelled was a strong musty smell. The floor in the temple was covered with dust. He could tell at a glance that no one came here very often.

Withdrawing his head, he ran not far away, uprooted two trees, broke them into several pieces with brute force, and then piled them all behind the temple threshold. Then he blew out a small mouthful of dragon's breath and ignited the wood. Put Tsurumi Hatsuun next to the fire to roast.

"Your sister can't live in peace."

After doing this, Shen Yi couldn't help but complain. Seeing that one of the old witch's hands was almost burned by the flames, he irritably stretched out his paw to help her move away.

After resting at the door for a while, he stood up and stuck his head into the temple to look around.

Whether it is the surface of the building or the inside of the building, this is indeed a temple. The interior layout is very empty. There is only an offering table with rotten and black food placed on it. The incense burner is filled with burned out incense candles. Under the offering table The floor was also covered in incense ash, and no one had cleaned it for a long time.

Behind the altar is a huge statue, four meters high.

The body was very bloated, the feet were bare, and the fat soles were displayed in Shen Yi's eyes.

The hands of the statue are folded in front of the abdomen, and the fingers are as thick as carrots.

Wearing women's clothes, she is obviously a woman, but her waist can be compared to a water tank, with circles of fat. Shen Yi can't help but think of the tire man at the Michelin restaurant.

Apart from these are the heads of the statue, not human heads, but three python heads.

I have to say that the person who carved this statue is very skilled, with three snake heads and different eyes.

Indifferent, kind, and cruel, it's almost like he's come alive.

The contact anchor point has become much calmer again. Although it is still transmitting panic and uneasiness to Shen Yi, it is much better than at the beginning. All Shen Yi has to do now is to wait for the old witch to wake up. .

He was lying at the door of the temple, guarding her.

Three hours later, it was daybreak. Although the snow had not stopped, it was lighter than at night.

The sound of frolics came from a distance, causing Shen Yi in front of the door to stand up and look coldly at the direction from which the sound came.

This playful sound came from the mouth of a child.

The temple is surrounded by wilderness. Where are the children?
He became vigilant. If he heard these sounds in the wild, there was a high probability that they were some kind of evil spirit.

Not long after, he saw three children in front of him carrying bamboo baskets and wearing thick clothes walking together, talking and laughing, but they stopped in the bamboo forest a hundred meters away from the temple.

"Gigi, what is that?"

"I...I don't know..."

"Monster! Big monster!"

"Let's go back and tell Grandpa Qin!"


The two sides looked at each other for less than five or six seconds, and the three children who saw Shen Yi ran away in a panic.

Shen Yi was in a daze again.

It seems that he is not evil, just a normal child...

He didn't pay much attention and lay back down again.

But within half an hour, another group of villagers came to the temple holding sickles and hoes.

... (end of this chapter)

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