Rebellious Contract Beast

Chapter 200 Big Flying Bull Shen Yi

The blurry dead trees with claws and claws, the seemingly non-existent snow, before everything fell into darkness, someone used all his strength, pulled out the long sword in his hand and swung it forward.

The darkness submerged everything in an instant, but was cut open by the sharp edge in the next second.

The sword was fast and urgent, but there was still an indescribable feeling of powerlessness.

He watched helplessly as the sword edge he swung out was easily dodged. Unspeakable phantom pain spread all over his body, and his eyes fell into darkness again.

"...Is it ready?"

" alive...for a long time. He will wake up and let...go get it..."

"Hurry up..."

"Here it comes...this..."

In a daze, I heard some sounds, which were very unreal.

Struggling hard in the darkness, I don't know whether I am looking forward to the next light or the pain of the next suffocation.

Until the darkness turned blood red and a thin mist spread, I felt a sense of peace of mind for some reason, but suddenly a dim yellow light lit up from a distance.

This brief moment of peace disappeared and turned into an endless struggle.

Stretch out your hand that exists but doesn't seem to be there, and grab it with all your strength.

After struggling for a long time, it seemed that I had caught it. A beam of light in the distance began to enlarge and lengthen, and a gap was opened in the darkness.

She opened her eyes and smelled an indescribable smell, and her mouth was full of bitterness.

Someone next to me made a surprised sound.

"Hey! People are awake! Wake up!"

"I just said it works."

"It's just a blind cat meeting a dead mouse."

"Why are you talking? No matter what you say, I saved this girl!"

"Go away, go away, don't mess around here."

"I can't explain it to you two stinky bitches!"


After the quarrel, Tsurumi Chuyun saw a woman's face, her eyes full of concern for him.

"How are you doing?"

"I..." She subconsciously wanted to answer, but as soon as she uttered a word, sharp pain came from her chest.

After reacting, the woman quickly stretched out her hand to help her sit up from the bed, and then wiped the sweat on her forehead with a handkerchief.

"Daughter, what happened to you? Why were you so seriously injured?"

"...I met a bandit..." Not long after he woke up, Tsurumi Chuyun's voice was hoarse.

"Bandit? Alas, it's a shame for you that you can come to this place." The woman's tone was filled with pity and distress.

Tsurumi Chuyun was about to reply when his eyes were suddenly attracted by the group of children at the door.

"Sister Fairy wakes up!"

"She's really awake! She's not dead!"

"Sister Fairy, Sister Fairy, how are you? Are you feeling better?"

"Sister Fairy..."

Hejian Chuyun frowned, raised his hand and touched his face, and found that the makeup on her face was gone. She was now wearing her own look, not Jiang Yiyi.

The children were all talking, with a fairy sister on the left and a fairy sister on the right shouting in joy.

When the woman sitting next to her who was concerned about her saw them, she raised her eyebrows and said angrily: "You stinky children, what are you looking at? Why don't you go and ask if your Meng Meng's porridge is ready and bring it to this sister?" .”

"Aunt Liu, don't be angry, we're going right now."

Hearing the woman's voice, the group of children who had just gathered around left in droves.

Tsurumi Chuyun felt slightly relieved. He should be in a certain village now, and the people in the village didn't know him.

She looked at the woman aside and asked, "Who are you?"

The other party smiled and said, "Dear girl, just call me Aunt Liu." She pointed to another woman next to her and continued: "She is my sister, call her Liu Sanniang."

"Liu Sanniang."


Then Aunt Liu pointed to the last thin man, who looked about the same age as Liu Sanniang, probably around 40 or [-] years old.

"This is the doctor in our village. He had three fingers chopped off by Butcher Yao a few years ago. Just call him Meng Broken Fingers."

He Jian Chuyun nodded, and then called out to the thin man: "Meng Langzhong."

"This girl is so polite." Meng Duanzhi scratched his head, and Liu Sanniang next to him rolled her eyes at him and said dissatisfied: "What the hell are you doing?" Then she looked at Tsurumi Chuyun: "My girl, there is no need to be polite to him, this He is a quack doctor in our village, and he can cure you even if you are not sick." At this point, Liu Sanniang's tone changed: "But you should also thank him, because he saved you this time."

"Thank you." Tsurumi Chuyun sincerely thanked Meng Langzhong, but she knew that the injuries on her body could not be saved by ordinary people with medical skills. I am afraid that she is alive now because of dragon blood. effect.

Thinking of this, she looked around, but she didn't see Shen Yi.

I don't know where he went, but his cultivation is still there, so Xuan Li should be fine.

Breathing a sigh of relief, she looked at Aunt Liu: "Aunt Liu, where is this place?"

"Our place is called Daoguo Township."

"Daoguo Township..." He Jian Chuyun nodded and secretly remembered these three words.

After chatting with Aunt Liu, Liu Sanniang, and Langzhong Meng for a while, the voice of an older child suddenly came to mind outside the door.

"Aunt Liu, the porridge is here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of people came outside the door. Among them, there were only three women, and the rest were all children. They all crowded outside the door and looked at themselves curiously.

"Look, am I right?"

"It's true, it's even more beautiful than the fairies painted by Old Man Liu."

"Sister Fairy."

"When did you wake up?"

"When Gigi and we saw her, she obviously didn't look like this."

"Grandpa Qin said she changed her appearance."

"What is disguise?"

"It's just... it's like becoming another person..."


Hearing the children's voices, Tsurumi Chuyun's ears turned red. Fortunately, the children were quickly chased away by the woman carrying porridge behind them.

"Go play outside, don't be crowded here."

"Heiwazi, you are a big cow, you are virtuous, why are you still here? Be careful, I will tell your parents to go, and Erdanzi, please get out too."

When they heard the adults scolding them, a group of children were also afraid of them. They dispersed and their laughter became farther and farther away.

A woman brought a porridge table to Tsurumi Chuyun and said with a smile: "My dear, are you hungry? Come here, this is freshly cooked porridge."

"Thank you." She nodded and reached out to take it, but as soon as she raised her hand, she felt a throbbing pain in her heart, and she frowned.

Seeing her inconvenience, Aunt Liu quickly took the porridge.

"Give it to me. I'll feed her. The child's injury is not healed yet."

Hejian Chuyun looked at Aunt Liu and smiled gratefully.

"Thank you, Aunt Liu." "It's okay, come on, open your mouth."

Aunt Liu didn't care, scooped up some porridge with a wooden spoon, blew it cold and put it to Tsurumi Chuyun's mouth.

It was a bowl of vegetable porridge with some vegetable leaves floating on it. It had no taste in her mouth, but it made her feel warm in her heart.

"Eat more, you look thin. I just woke up. I can't give you anything too hard, otherwise your stomach will feel uncomfortable. I'll make you a delicious meal in a few days."


Aunt Liu half hugged her, blowing on each spoonful of porridge. Feeding her like this made Tsurumi Chuyun feel a little embarrassed. In the impression, only her mother, Zhao Shuling, had done this, which reminded her of some childhood memories. .

As the vegetable porridge was swallowed into her stomach one bite at a time, she gradually gained some appetite. Although she ate the bowl of vegetable porridge more slowly after being fed, Aunt Liu was very patient and finished it in the end.

Putting the bowl away, Liu Erniang asked from the side: "Daughter, are you feeling better?"

Tsurumi Chuyun nodded, with a gentle smile on his face: "Yeah, I'm much better."

"You don't know that Jiji's children were so frightened when they saw you that their clothes were covered in blood."

"Yeah, you were injured so badly, I thought you wouldn't survive."


"Hey, girl, what's your name?"

"My name is Jiang Yiyi."

"Oh Jiang Yiyi, where did he come from? I'm afraid we haven't seen anyone else in this village for more than ten years." Liu Erniang looked at Meng Duanzhi, who also nodded.

"I'm from Beiluo, from Beiluo."

"Beiluo? Where is Beiluo?"

"never heard of that."

"It should be very far, right?"

"Well, it's ten thousand miles away."

"Wanli? It's so far! How did you get here?"

"My elders and I moved the formation to get to the beam. Unexpectedly, we encountered an evil cultivator on the way and got separated from our elders."

"Move the formation? Is it what Mr. Qin said?"

"It must be. I didn't hear her say that Beiluo is thousands of miles away from us. How long does it take to take a carriage?"

"Girl, if you didn't look like this when we saw you, would you be disguised?"


"I've heard Master Qin say it before, but this is the first time I've seen it. We people have lived here all our lives and have never seen the world, so don't be surprised."

"Uh-huh, no, no."


Faced with the questions from Aunt Liu and others, Tsurumi Chuyun responded with some reluctance. Seeing the opportunity, she quickly asked: "Aunt Liu, Erniang Liu, have you seen my destiny?"

"What is the God of Life?" The two of them were stunned for a moment, with confusion on their faces.

"The God of Life is..." He Jian Chuyun wanted to explain, but Meng Duanzhi said: "Is it a contract beast? The one with the wings on its back, the longer it gets, the smaller it becomes?"

What he said was obviously Shen Yi.

The longer it gets, the smaller it becomes, most likely because of the shrinking jade talisman.

Tsurumi Chuyun nodded quickly: "Yeah, that's him."

Aunt Liu and her mother-in-law came to understand and said, "It turns out to be the Big Flying Cow. It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"Big... Big Flying Cow?" He Jian Chuyun caught the names of several people calling Shen Yi, his eyelashes trembled twice, and he couldn't help laughing.

"what happened?"

"His name is Xuan Li."

"Oh, the big flying cow's name is Xuanli. It can't speak. How do you know its name? We always call it the big flying cow. When we call it that, it doesn't feel happy and wants to hit people. Haha. Ha ha……"

"Don't tell me, the Big Flying Bull is so powerful. Not five or six days ago, a big insect came into the village and was killed in a few hits. It's a pity. The old hunter wanted to take it to hunt in the mountains, but it didn't go. .”

"Girl, Da Fei Niu listens to you, right?"

"Uh..." Tsurumi Chuyun didn't know how to answer.

Will Xuan Li be obedient?
Why doesn't she know?
But she still nodded: "I will listen to some."

"That's good. You have to take care of the big flying cow. It makes the children in the village cry every day. The most noisy one, Meng Laoliu's black boy, looks like he's seen a ghost when he sees it."

"Okay, Meng Duanzhi, who doesn't know what kind of character your brother's kid is? The big flying cow made a little fuss, but it didn't hurt anyone. Moreover, he helped us subdue that one a few days ago. Big insect, otherwise I don’t know how many people would have died.”

"Yes, yes." Meng Duanzhi smiled awkwardly.

Tsurumi Chuyun glanced at it and took the opportunity to interject and asked: "Then where is it now?"

"We don't know this. Your contracted beast is very active. It wanders around every day. You can't see it during the day. It usually doesn't come back until night."

"Did you go hunting by yourself?"

"It seems that the big flying cow can eat a cow in one day. It's strange that such a small one can have such a big belly."

He Jian Chuyun was silent for a moment. Eating one cow a day would be considered a bad appetite for Shen Yi, but a hundred cows would be about the same.

At this time, Liu Erniang looked out the door, stretched out her hand to pull the corner of Meng Duanzhi's clothes, signaled to him with her eyes, and then said, "Sister, let's go back first."

Aunt Liu nodded and did not hold back: "Then go back to work first."


Liu Erniang and Meng Duanzhi walked out of the room, and then the remaining four women, including Aunt Liu, chatted with Tsurumi Chuyun for a while. They were all short-sighted people, gossiping and joking about someone else's family. Later, I felt There was nothing left to talk about, so they left one after another.

She subconsciously wanted to sink her consciousness into the space of consciousness and take out something, but later she discovered that she was now wearing villagers' clothes, and her accessories, magical artifacts, and storage bracelets were no longer there, and she couldn't help but wonder: "Aunt Liu, where have my things gone?"

"Oh, my dear, wait a minute. I've left all your things there. I'll get them for you."

Aunt Liu rubbed her little hand lovingly, stood up and went out.

And Tsurumi Chuyun looked at her figure, lowered his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking.

The other party looked at her like a mother looking at her child. She didn't know why, but Tsurumi Chuyun felt a little awkward. To her, Aunt Liu was a stranger, and it was difficult to accept such great kindness for a while.

After a while, Aunt Liu came back, carrying a set of folded clothes in her hand, and on top of the clothes were her belongings. However, Tsurumi Chuyun took a look and found that there was no magical weapon of his beloved spirit on it.

Just when he was about to ask, Aunt Liu took the lead and said, "You also have a small tower, and that thing is on the big flying cow."

"Yes." Tsurumi Chuyun put the bracelet on his wrist, his consciousness sank into his consciousness, and he took out all the silver inside.

"Aunt Liu, I don't have anything else, just think of these as my... thank you gifts." She took the other person's hand and stuffed the money into her hand.

"What is it?"

"This is silver."

"These round things are silver?"


"No, no, no, I don't need it if you give it to me. Girl, you should keep it yourself."

After some negotiation between the two, the money finally returned to Tsurumi Chuyun's hands.

"Auntie is going to do some work. Just treat this place as your home and cultivate yourself well." With that said, Auntie Liu left the door and entered the yard.

Hejian Chuyun looked at the closed door, shook his head, chuckled twice, put away the money, took out the map, and started searching on it.

But soon her brows furrowed. She couldn't find a place called Daoguo Township in the large areas of Changzhou North and Jizhou South.

She raised her head, somewhat confused. Where had Xuan Li brought her? (End of chapter)

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