Under one person: You also said that you are not an evil cultivator!

Chapter 182: The monk persuaded the Buddha to surrender?

Chapter 182: The monk persuaded the Buddha to surrender?

The memory recall is actually incomplete, starting from the moment before his death.

In that somewhat unreal dream, it was as if he had the all-powerful power to force a guy who was covered in filth and whose body and mind were twisted into eternal damnation with his life.

His name is Bo Xun, he is the aggregation of all desires and the destroyer of all wisdom roots. Such a demon who has done evil for countless years was finally suppressed by him, but he also paid the price of his life for this and could only use his last soul. The power caused the golden light all over the body to illuminate the entire void, and a world was carved out of the chaos. The mountains and rivers were inscribed with Buddhist scriptures, and the oceans were recorded with Buddhist teachings. I left such a place behind, and I wanted to leave endless treasures to future generations.
But the moment he died completely, he realized that the demon who was supposed to have died in his hands had already planted his seeds in tens of thousands of monks, just waiting for the day when it would explode.

"Die! Die!"

"After your death, I will let my monsters regain control of this world. They will wear your cassocks, sit on your lotus platform, misinterpret your teachings, distort your Dharma, and replace your so-called Buddha nature with desire."

"After you die, one day this world will be in eternal decline!"

The roar after Bo Xun was suppressed was still ringing in his ears, and he couldn't tell whether he was speaking to the mighty one who could reach the heavens and the earth, or whether he was speaking to himself.
He began to be confused. Who was he? The child who was bullied in the village, Leon who was determined to kill all the ghosts, or the mighty one who could reach the heaven and earth. Who would have thought that he wanted revenge? The world is created by oneself
Looking at Su Ming's questioning eyes, he finally chose to reveal everything, but he also repeatedly emphasized that this was just a dream, but that Sharo was stunned when he heard it. Even Su Ming was thoughtful and did not take it as a dream. Look at it as a joke.

Although what he said was unbelievable, even here in Sharo, this pure-blooded Buddha who had been born and raised for 800 years did not dare to completely object. After all, the even more unbelievable bloodline had already appeared in front of him. That thing But there was no way he could fake it, but there was one thing he didn't understand.
"Buddha, we have not been infiltrated by the devil in your mouth."

His big Buddha eyes were full of doubts. It was an expression that he showed only when he had an extremely firm belief in the facts he already knew and did not dare to question what others said.

This time Leon didn't speak.

No dip dye?
No, at least after he experienced that world, he felt that the word "Buddha" alone should not be what he sees now, and the world he originally created was definitely not like this. Although he didn't understand it very well.

Su Ming's gaze was a little far-reaching. He had actually thought about what kind of world this was from the beginning. Buddha was the master of this world, but every move of this Buddha was filled with selfishness and evil. Even more evil than an evil cultivator like him.Then there is the Western Dragon Clan, which seems to have really come out of Western mythology. It is precisely this that makes the dean of Flamel Academy go crazy as soon as it appears.The human beings who exist at the bottom of this world have uniform yellow skin and ancient clothes, but they all have Western names.
It's like a diverse world, just weirdly integrated.

If this is Leon, according to what he said, he should be a Buddha or something like that in his previous life. After all, being able to open up the void is enough to be described as a great power that created the world. However, such a great power cannot escape the so-called wave of countless years. Tens of years of erosion, and the intensity of the erosion was far greater than he imagined.

When he first heard that the Buddha raised black dragons and humans and exchanged false kindness for the power of incense, he was extremely shocked. Whether in the previous life or in the world under one person, the Buddha was the kind of "sweeping the ground and afraid of getting hurt." Although Su Ming has not understood the kind of life of an ant, cherishing the moth gauze and covering the lamp, making money in the previous life is already their limit. It is really unimaginable to be able to do this. This requires Buddhist scriptures. To what extent can we distort Buddhism and to what extent can we achieve this?
If this situation is simply explained by a normal evolution, then Su Ming will never believe it. This is like a standard brainwashing. There is a special organization to unify their thoughts, and an extremely firm voice tells them that this is how it should be. , otherwise even a tribe without any foundation in Buddhism would never be able to develop in this way.

"In that case, it makes sense."

Although it is indeed difficult for people to believe what Leon said, as a person who has seen three worlds, he can definitely feel the distortion of this world, so of course he chooses to believe it.

Even apart from believing that he was still a little bit happy in his heart.
"It seems that this is a story about the rebirth of the Buddha and the return of all the Buddha's disciples, if that is the case."

"Then why not if I play a supporting role?"

Su Ming had already begun to calculate in his mind that it would take more than 1 incense to reach the three-needle state. He did not dare to continue to imagine any higher. When the correct Buddhism returned, when the Buddha asked all those who should worship the Buddha to worship the Buddha, Then doesn’t all the incense in this world belong to him?

There is too much evil in this world, almost everywhere. Su Ming dislikes him very much. Of course evil cultivators can have it, but as long as he is there, it is enough. The Buddha should recite sutras, and it is best to stay away from evil cultivators!
Su Ming thought of this seriously, and the way the Buddha obtained the power of incense was through deception, but he didn't have to. What he had to do was to make himself the tip of the sword, and use this future Buddha to destroy the devil and destroy a man named The small place in Dongshan, and then naturally save all human beings in this world. By then, the belief will be extremely firm, and all the power of incense will naturally be on him.
Su Ming glanced at the incense entity that was just about the size of a knuckle in the palm of his hand. Perhaps he could look forward to the day when he would put on a complete set of incense armor.

A weak voice slowly sounded. As the once mighty Buddha, Sharo now even had to raise his hand to make a report if he wanted to speak. He looked a little amused as he wanted to say something but didn't dare to say it.

It's not that he wanted to be like this, but the two people in front of him were indeed too terrifying. Each of their conversations was more shocking than the other, and
As an 800-year-old businessman, he could see that the newly appointed palace master knew everything about Su Ming, let alone concealing it. Even having such thoughts seemed extremely sinful. , I don’t know anything else, but none of his 37 sons can do this to him, and he can’t even understand how to do it.But this is the case. His previous idea of ​​​​taking sides was even more ridiculous, but as a businessman, profits and losses are common. The most important thing is to stay calm and stop losses in time when things happen. What he needs to do most now is to show himself value, and my biggest advantage is intelligence and experience. If I can achieve the ultimate in this aspect, I might have thought before.
"If. If what you said is true."

"It's better to surrender."

The moment he said these words, Su Ming even began to doubt his own ears. After all, not everyone can accept a monk's categorical advice to the Buddha to surrender!
As if realizing that he had not made it clear, Sharo also began to add, "In fact, for thousands of years, at least since I and my parents came to this world, Mount Sumeru has existed, and everyone has It can be clearly felt that they are looking for someone, or that they are guarding against certain people."

"Bloodline and luck are the criteria used by Tian Yao to select people, but once they go through the screening, they will record it. Those with better bloodlines will be appointed, and those with worse bloodlines will be eliminated. Depending on bloodline and luck, the positions that can be touched are also different. , but higher is not always better.”

"There once was a guy who successfully integrated the Blood Palace in just three hours. He directly became the talker of the entire lower world. However, the person who competed with him that time was not an extraordinary Buddha, and was even better than him. That person even took only an hour and a half to reach another level, but he was taken away at that time and has not been heard from since."

"There are already too many people like this. Some people speculate that they were taken for key training. This is also the theory that everyone is more willing to accept. But if it was for training, why have so many people disappeared for thousands of years and no one has appeared again?"

"They don't need to hide anything. After all, their Mount Sumeru is the only order in this world, and it is also the workplace that everyone flocks to. But because of this, it's up to them whether they want to do something, not whether they do it or not."

"If it is true that this world has been eroded as you said, maybe they have calculated your rebirth."

Buddha?What is Buddha?
Although he knew that his race was called Buddha, he had never explained this concept. He didn't even care about Buddhist Dharma and Buddhist scriptures. All he saw in his eyes was hope.

He has lived for 800 years, and has been tossed between life and death countless times, relying on reselling things again and again to make a living. The biggest reason why he can still make a living is because he has seized the opportunity, and what is now in front of him.
It could be an earth-shattering opportunity!
He has a feeling that if he is caught, he will follow this emerging force and ride on the wind. As for the Buddha's orthodoxy dispute, is it none of his business?All he wants is glory and wealth!

So make it clear to them about the crisis of "surrendering", and then it will be your chance to show your experience.

"But after all, you are not officially elected as Palace Master. You have not experienced the same selection and records as previous Palace Masters. As long as you don't exert too terrifying power, you will not attract others' attention. But after all, your position now is A hot potato, the affairs of the previous Blood Palace Master are not over yet, and there may be a lot of trouble in the future."

Su Ming glanced at him, but didn't say anything. He always accepted smart people, and sometimes controlling a person would be more effective than strangling him.

"Come on, show."

Su Ming didn't worry too much. These problems were not big in his eyes. He just waved his hand and Leon started his performance. In fact, Su Ming was somewhat curious about this standard magic weapon.
But before he could finish his thoughts, he saw the previously confused Leon's face perked up again, and then he waved his hand violently!
"Lord, this time, I can really kill ghosts with you!"

It's hard to even describe the excitement in his words. He simply longed for such power. He was the first person to surrender to Su Ming. He surrendered because of his strength and respect. In his eyes, no matter what others thought, he helped him. The person who takes revenge is the benefactor, the person he pursues throughout his life.

He had also fantasized about following Su Ming. As long as he worked hard enough, he would be able to follow Su Ming one day. However, people's physiques seemed to be different. He could really feel that he was wandering on the edge of life and death countless times. Progress, but that kind of progress was too small compared to Su Ming. Even if Su Ming rose to a big level, he could only kill one ghost man to kill two ghost men.

But it is precisely because of this that he cherishes the days of killing ghosts with Su Ming even more. A savior like Su Ming is too unreal. There may be a day when he disappears as suddenly as he appeared. At that time, he I hope that I can take charge of my own affairs, and that he can protect the villagers under Su Ming's care. However, I am afraid that others will laugh at me when I say this. After all, it is too far away. But this time, it seems that hope has come.
It was also at this moment that the palace suddenly glowed with golden light, and the majestic golden light caused the mountain peaks that had already been reduced to a mess to experience another major earthquake.

Su Ming knew Leon's strength best. He was once only the leader of ghosts. This was even the result of Su Ming giving him a lot of soup before. But now Leon is like a real Buddha, with the power of his blood. For the first time, the horror of power was so intuitively presented to Su Ming.

And this is still the most basic. Next, he directly showed Su Ming the method of flying to the sky and the earth, and even took the palace directly across the void. Any of them made Su Ming a little unhappy, and he didn't know about this wealth. When will it be your turn?
But I just think about it. After all, if I have accumulated myself for only two months, this guy has accumulated it for a lifetime. After all, he is the reincarnation of his mother Buddha. After all, he is the person who directly created a world. After all, he made an entire world. Who can compare with those who take strict precautions?
Thinking about it this way, it was a lot easier to accept. Now it was Su Ming's turn to be most concerned about, whether this thing could be mass-produced?

(End of this chapter)

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