Chapter 183 Zhuge Qing and Su Ming meet again

In the small room in the center of Biyou Village, Ma Xianhong flipped the goggles on his glasses. He held Shengxie without any cover in his hands. He had devoted himself wholeheartedly to it. The various tools next to him were like butterflies. His fingertips flew.

In front of him, a young man with blue hair was squinting at the busy man in front of him, but his legs were still protected by some steel protective gear from the knees down, and his body was also sitting in a wheelchair. Yes, this person is none other than Zhuge Qing, but he seems to be a little less sharp than before.

As the youngest and most talented descendant of the Zhuge family, he has been placed with high hopes since he was a child. His 20 years of life have been as smooth as a meteoric rise. He thought it would last forever, but in the end he fell, twice in a row.
The first time was like fate. Although he couldn't understand it, it seemed to be the best arrangement. He fell in front of the legendary Zhuge family inheritance [Samadhi True Fire]. At that time, he was unwilling to accept it. He felt that there shouldn't be any obstacles in front of him, but reality also taught him a good lesson, telling him that nothing is always smooth sailing.

But even after experiencing such a big setback, he has never doubted that he is the protagonist of this world. He wants to use victory after victory to lay his foundation, in order to regain control of his inner demons that have been buried In order to inherit the inheritance of the Zhuge family, no one expected that an evil cultivator who appeared out of nowhere would completely reduce him to a supporting role. Although it was difficult for him to accept it, he was not unwilling at all.
He admits.

After returning, Zhuge Qing's legs were disabled, and the Zhuge family's face was trampled on until they lost any dignity, but they didn't mention a word about revenge because the world was in chaos.
[Plowing in Nanyang, surviving in troubled times] is the ancestral saying for thousands of years. The true fire cannot be carried forward, and the troubled times cannot be accepted. The Zhuge family chose to close the door at this time and directly isolate themselves from the world. But this part of the world The isolation did not last long.

After three days and three nights of silence, Zhuge Qing heard that word, which was absolutely impossible for the Zhuge Wuhou faction to ignore, "God's will".

For others, this may be just an excuse, but for the Zhuge family, it is different. Their ancestors have been fighting against God's will for their entire lives.
One of the greatest strangers in history, Zhuge Wuhou, was so powerful that he could be said to be all-powerful. He was terrifyingly powerful in every aspect. He played the harp in the empty city, borrowed the wind from the Seven-Star Altar, and it rained down from the valley above him. If you take it out, it will be sung throughout the ages, enough to be called a person through the ages!
Although there were many heroes in the late Eastern Han Dynasty at that time, no matter how brilliant the heroes of the troubled times were, they were not even half as good as him. This was Zhuge Wuhou, but such a Wuhou was defeated by God's will.
Qishan has advanced and retreated six times, and has not yet returned to the Central Plains. In the face of God's will, it is ultimately powerless to recover.

However, after 800 years, hearing this word again, how could the Zhuge family calm down?
The same goes for Zhuge Qing. He made his own choice, gave up treatment, and returned to the altar of Samadhi True Fire, where he had the capital to participate in this troubled world, the hope of the Zhuge family, and all his desires.
Everything in the world seemed to have been arranged. Su Ming gave him a fatal blow, but also gave him the opportunity to stand up from behind. This time he succeeded in ascending to the altar.

When he brought out the fire with everyone's hope, the entire Zhuge family was boiling that day, and Zhuge Qing also immediately agreed to come to meet the providence of this era when he inherited the position of head of the family.

Knowing the sky is easy, but going against the sky is difficult.

Marquis Wu has set an example for everyone in future generations. No matter how strong one's personal strength is, when the so-called providence appears, it is the general trend and the mainstream of history. Why didn't Marquis Wu understand this truth at that time, but he still chose He went against the sky and used his fire to ignite the scrolls of troubled times.

Marquis Wu had failed before, no matter how proud Zhuge Qing was, he would never think he could do it, so he came here just to see God's will, and even if he couldn't go along, he must not be an enemy.
But thinking of this, Zhuge Qing couldn't help but smile bitterly, "But I didn't expect that God's will was you."

The person in front of him was the person who sent the message to the Zhuge family. When they first met, he even wanted to turn around and leave. This guy didn't look like God's will. Although he was a good person, he always had a clear stupidity, but after all, Just the first impression, from the small magic weapon he took out casually, to the beads worn around his neck, even every villager in his village clearly stated that he was extraordinary. Finally, after watching Xiu Shen After the furnace, he confirmed what he was thinking.

Magic machine, a word that is extremely refining, has disappeared from history for 60 years, but the creator of this thing is the legendary Huang Yueying, the woman standing behind Zhuge Wuhou, even now the Zhuge family Some of his secret skills still had its shadow, so how could he not recognize it now when it was placed in front of him?

But what happened next shocked him even more, and even made him have the idea of ​​turning around and leaving at that moment, more than once.

After Ma Xianhong introduced everything and expressed his thoughts, he threw the question to Zhuge Qing, but he himself chose to take out a knife and couldn't wait to start studying it. That kind of concentration, that kind of fixation, that kind of love that can't put it down, Zhuge Qing was even curious about what kind of treasure it was.
"I'm stupid, really."

"I shouldn't have watched it in the first place."

Zhuge Qing still felt a sense of regret when he recalled the beginning. How could he not recognize this knife? Even when he saw the dark red knife pattern, the wound on his thigh was still aching. It was not easy to do it. After half a day of psychological work to find out the origin of the knife, I got the wrong answer.
"You said this knife is God's will!" Ma Xianhong answered with his clear eyes.

He was very good and gave the answer that Zhuge Qing could not accept the most.

Although he didn't go berserk, he didn't hold out much hope for this cooperation, and he had even begun to think of a way out for the Zhuge family.
Of course, that would have to be considered after fighting once, so he had been sitting here for a day, watching the stupid village chief in front of him playing with the knife.

He is also interested in this knife.

Although it was only a glimpse during the battle, he could not forget the grace of the Luo Tian Dajiao sword before, nor could he forget the almost ubiquitous blood and the extremely sharp blade. There was no way he could forget about his legs in a wheelchair.Now it seems that this knife is very different from the original one. The terrifying aura is stronger and the energy contained in it is more terrifying. However, as a man who has just mastered the true fire of Samadhi, he can still clearly feel it. The fragility of the soul in the knife is like a once extremely glorious past. In the end, his legs were cut off, and he could only huddle in the corner, never regaining the arrogance of the past.
"Damn, isn't this me?" I couldn't help but curse in my heart as I thought about it. After cursing, I unconsciously turned my head behind me.

"Hey?" Su Ming's voice was a little surprised, and footsteps sounded at the door of the cabin, "Is there anyone in the Zhuge family? This doesn't even allow you to recover from your injuries."

The wooden house was not spacious to begin with. A wooden table with various tools in the middle took up most of the space, leaving only space for one person to come and go. Zhuge Qing, who was sitting opposite Ma Xianhong, was at the door, blocking Su Ming's eyes. Way to go.

"You" Su Ming suddenly remembered something, and immediately pulled out the Ten Thousand Souls Banner. His eyes flickered and he began to move Qi. The sound was terrifying and frightened both Zhuge Qing and Ma Xianhong to stand up. They didn't know who this person was. What does Xiaoye mean? I haven't even said anything yet, but I'm already ready to take action.
Then they saw a bank card thrown on the table, "Everything about debt collection is here."

His sudden move really startled Zhuge Qing. After thinking about it for a long time, he never thought that he had any debts with him, until a fat figure flashed in his mind. If we really want to say that the two of them have something, As for money, it was that time I placed a bet with Hidden Dragon. Although I won, I won, but I was sent directly back to the city before I had a chance to redeem my prize.
He smiled freely. Now he no longer had the arrogance of the past. He was more gentle and gentle than a humble man, but he was not as pretentious as Zhang Lingyu. Although he didn't care about the money, he didn't expect that Su Ming would turn out to be the first person after meeting. That's what I was thinking about. It seems like this guy still has some character.
His thoughts were interrupted, and his outstretched hand froze in the air, because Su Ming's Ten Thousand Souls Banner pole had been pressed on the bank card, "The total amount is [-] billion, and the custody fee for this week is three Yi, please settle."

Su Ming was naturally not the kind of person who was sneaky. When he exchanged money with Hidden Dragon, he had already made it clear that he was just keeping it for Zhuge Qing. Although at that time, he really thought that we would never see each other again, but now that everyone is coming to collect debts, Yes, it will definitely be given, but evil cultivators will not suffer.

The smile that Zhuge Qing showed just now stopped on his face. Every move Su Ming made was completely unexpected by him. Decisions were also battles. He who claimed to be the strongest heir to the Zhuge family never thought about it from beginning to end. Every move this guy made, even now that he was showing off his face as soon as they met, he began to think about what exactly this guy was trying to do?
But thinking about it, he would have refused to give in before, but now he just silently took out a bank card and put it on the table without saying a word, and said with a smile, "This is the custody fee of [-] million." .”

"There is an additional [-] million in it. That is my thanks to Mr. Su. Thank you for helping me break through."

If [-] million can resolve [God's Will]'s hostility to the Zhuge family, it will be the best ending for his career.

Su Ming nodded with a smile, took back both cards, and glanced at him with a "sensible" look.

Sure enough, taking advantage of the situation and robbing this old business is the best way to get rich. Throw out [-] billion, and when you get it back, it has become [-] million. Feng Zhenghao must be dumbfounded when he sees this efficiency in making money.
In fact, there was no surprise. Su Ming had already noticed the difference in this boy from the first moment he came in. The inner demons he had before had completely disappeared. Now, except that he was still a cripple, he could be said to have been promoted in every aspect. It's only been a week since he almost died in the ring. He wouldn't believe it if he said he didn't have any credit for it. What's wrong with charging some interest?
A lucky person is a lucky person. He was beaten like a dog, but when he got up, he jumped up a big step, as if these protagonists only deserved that beating.

"That's really mean."

He murmured a word and did not continue to plunder Zhuge Qing's wool. It was obvious that he was now rich and powerful, so much so that Su Ming planned to run the business for a long time. After all, if the next plan was to be carried out, the equipment needed would be massive. Even if Lao Mabai also needs materials to work for himself, so he can only find solutions from these big dogs. There is the impoverished Taoist Wang, a young master from the world, a village grass in Jiajia Village, and now there are more Zhuge Qing seems to have been promoted to the head of the Zhuge family.
"That should be almost enough."

After thinking about it, he stopped paying attention to Zhuge Qing and Ma Xianhong's false alarm. Instead, he took out the alms bowl in his hand and threw it on the wooden table, making a metallic buzzing sound.

The alms bowl is blue in color. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary monk's alms bowl. However, when the two people's eyes focused on the inside of the alms bowl, they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Not to mention Ma Xianhong, the Zhuge family's Wuhou legacy is all-encompassing, the most famous of which are Sipan, Wuhou Qimen, and weapon refining.

Their weapon refining skills were passed down from Marquis Wu, and they complemented each other with the divine machine Bailian. The combination had an unspeakable fit, otherwise it would not have become one of Lao Ma's most important helpers. And he, Zhuge Qing, the so-called Zhuge family's third A genius is not a partial genius. Unlike others who only focus on one or two other aspects, he said that the decathlon was a bit too derogatory to him. Wu Hou’s legacy is a total of 49 items. After successfully inheriting the Samadhi True Fire , he is proficient in all 49 items, and he can be regarded as the first among the younger generation in all of them!

What is a genius?This is.

But precisely because of this, he was even more surprised after seeing the alms bowl. Su Ming was a reckless man who only knew how to fight and kill. Naturally, there was no clue. But they were different. They were both the best in the world. Countless craftsmen had pupil earthquakes at the same time when they saw this alms bowl.

The importance of magical weapons is self-evident. It can even be said to be second only to martial arts in the alien world. However, its rarity also deters 90.00% of foreigners, but it also makes higher-end magical weapons even more valuable. The one in front of them was such a priceless magic weapon. What surprised them was not that Su Ming could produce something of this quality, but that this long-lost skill had reappeared.
"Gui Gu Shen Lian!" The two of them exclaimed in unison.

(End of this chapter)

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