As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 109 That hateful brave man, they still want to drag 77 into the woods! 【3 in 1】

Chapter 109 Those hateful brave men, they still want to drag Qiqi into the woods! 【triple】

The registration fee of 1 gold coin,

Su Mu is really not in vain,
A total of [-] gold coins were allocated to Emperor Lemon as a reward for this operation.

So Lemon King is very concerned about this event.

And the corpses of the monsters defeated in this battle belong to Su Mu, and all are confiscated!
Looking at the whole activity,

And only the hundred new players are labor leeks,

Both King Lemon and Su Mu can benefit.

at the same time,

[Qi Jiacheng Martial Arts] In the team channel,

Lemon King is being deployed publicly,

"@浪达远连联, you lead the Black Devil Xuangui troops to the right rear of the queue, delaying the team's offensive trend, and I will give you a close-up shot in the later stage!"

"Others, pay attention to waiting for the monster to approach before attacking! Pay attention to surprise."

"Now the monsters think that there is no brave man in Qijia City, so don't expose it as soon as possible!"

Waves to lose contact: "Got it!"

Before this event, Lemon King deliberately found Lang to lose contact.
To pass this battle,

Show his heroic figure in front of Julia,

Give him a certain official position.

From now on, Emperor Lemon will be easy to talk to among the demons, saving him from being alone.

"Are the record magic stones ready?" He finally confirmed,
Then the other three undercover agents responded one after another,

"The No. [-] machine is on standby!"

"The No. [-] and No. [-] units are also on standby!"

King Lemon: "OK, brothers, the filming has started!"

Said it was filming,
In fact, the monster has already rushed out,

At this moment, it is approaching the defense line of Qijia City.
While they charged,

He also squinted his eyes and looked inside the trench defense line, and when he confirmed that there was indeed no one, he believed the news that the brave man was not here.

And in the next moment,
Bane led the paladins, standing in a line on the city wall.

And they raised their iron swords and shouted,
"The demons are coming, we will wait for the paladins to build the city with our bodies, and we will never allow the monsters to step into Qijia City!"

See the paladin come forward,
Instead of being afraid, the group of monsters became even more excited.

Even the demon general grinned slyly: "A group of useless knights, little ones, do it for me! Tear them up for me!"

"Today the brave man is not at home, he invaded Qi Jia City, burned, robbed, and killed all!"

Demons hate occupations related to [Holy] the most,

Paladins are no exception.
Especially seeing the heroic appearance of King Lemon on the front line,
It made their hearts throbbing even more, and they all wanted to follow the example of tearing the brave with their hands and go up and tear the knight.

Shout out loud,
The charging speed of the monsters is getting faster and faster,

Especially monsters such as the Goblin Vanguard and the Spotted Demon Heart Roe Deer are the first roe deer!
The players who watched also raised their eyebrows in a daze,
"Fuck, look quickly, is it a silly roe deer?!"

"This silly roe deer looks like a centaur, but why are they all male?"

"When I watched the short video, all I saw were monster girls. Do monsters still have males?"

"Guys, I think it's time to empty the magazine."

As the monster rushed near the defense line,

The black barrel of the gun also protruded slowly from the trench,
Then I saw it spewing flames fiercely, and tons of bullets poured out crazily, interweaving a dense firepower network on the battlefield!

"It's a new weapon for the brave!"

"What's going on? Isn't there no brave man in Qi Jia City?"

Many monsters were shocked,

But most of the monsters were smashed into chaff by the bullets before they had time to react.

As for the paladins on the wall?
They are just a cover!

Seeing the battle below, Bane even led the paladins to wave the flag and cheer for the brave below!
The demon generals who led the charge were also stunned.

But he still reacted immediately: "The situation is wrong! Retreat! Retreat quickly!"


King Lemon froze after hearing the command,
Then he immediately issued an order to the lieutenant general: "When did my demon warrior become such a covetous person who fears death? Order the whole army not to retreat!"

what a joke,
This good show has just been shot, and it hasn't been acted yet!

Are they going to retreat?

When the deputy general went to pass the order, Lemon King looked at the little spider beside him again,
"Bring me a machete, I want to fight myself!"

"General!" The black spider hurriedly said, "I will kill you together!"

But Lemon King put his hand on her chest more precisely,
"No! All Black Spider troops are on standby."

"Follow me, why do you need to go to the battlefield?"

After saying that, the Lemon King raised his knife and killed him.

At the same time, the three undercover agents who were in charge of filming immediately sent a message in the team channel,

"Attention all actors, the director has come out! The director has come out!"

"Huoliwang pay attention to dodging! Don't hurt the director!"

"Let the director go into the trenches first, and then kill a few extras!"

Hearing this instruction,

New players suddenly dumbfounded?
"Wait? Who's the extra?"

"Didn't it mean that Qi Jiacheng's martial arts activities are absolutely not dangerous?"

"It's still going off?"

"When you die, you will drop your belongings, the novice reward I just got."

When you players complain,
Then I heard the undercover photographer add the terms: "Extras are temporarily recruited on site!"

"Take off all your equipment and store it in Qijia City, try out Type 97, and die shirtless!"

"6 silver coins per life!"

As soon as this word comes out,
Then I saw countless messages in the team channel.

"I'm an extra actor!"


"Crazy +1"

Sure enough, money is power!
The Lemon King is like a demon god alive, recklessly shuttling through the battle lines!
Seeing General Lemon commit himself to the front line,
The monster that was about to escape couldn't help but stop.

The generals are all rushing to the front line, who dares to run back?
But if there is still a deserter,

They had to be cut in half by the Lemon King with a machete!

"General Lemon personally sweeps the formation, brothers, go!"

The big devil porcupine snorted loudly,
Charge again,

The momentum of the Demon King's army has once again cheered up!
And soon,
The Lemon Emperor threw off the monster army and entered the trenches of Qijia City alone.

He jumped around in the trenches and swung his machete to take the head of anyone who was shirtless!
After killing blood for a while,

King Lemon said directly in a low voice: "Come on, give me a shot in the knee!"

Upon hearing this command, the players froze again,

But the Lemon King said again: "I am the director! Follow my orders! Shoot me in the knee!"

"Add chicken legs!"

When the director said that chicken legs can be added,

This group of players didn't hesitate anymore, and immediately shot King Lemon's knee!
That posture immediately stunned Emperor Lemon.

"Hey! I'm talking about one shot, and it only takes one person!"

Is it too late to say it now?
It's obviously too late!

The surrounding players turned their guns one after another, aimed at Emperor Lemon's knee and pulled the trigger, directly emptying the magazine.

I am afraid that I will be slower than others by a second!

next moment,
The Lemon King was lying in the trench, his eyes staring blankly at the sky.

"It's numb, the lower body hurts."

Immediately, some players responded: "Director, your lower body seems to be full of bullets. Is it really okay to act like this?"


Which eye of his seems to be fine?

The three photographers and players were even more stunned.
"Damn it! Isn't the situation right?"

"The wave has lost contact, you lead the troops to rush up and rescue the Lemon King!"

"Everyone! Something went wrong, don't act rashly, let us rescue the director!"

get orders,

When the wave reaches the point of losing contact, there will be no more ink stains,
Immediately raised the knife and shouted: "The Black Devil Xuangui listens to the order, charge with me, and must rescue the Lemon King!"

But in the original plan, Lang Dao lost contact and left the country at the last moment, and killed the Quartet.

So specially equipped him with a team of black devils and black turtles,

this monster,
Even if you step on the accelerator and increase your horsepower, you can't run fast at all!

Therefore, when the waves are lost, they can only fight out alone.

Fortunately, there are players to cooperate,
The firepower net only looks dense, but it can't hurt Lang to the point of losing contact, allowing him to easily enter the trench.

"Crack! Director, why did you cripple your legs?!"

Seeing the tragic situation of King Lemon, Lang was dumbfounded when he lost contact.

On the other hand, the Lemon King,

There were tiny beads of sweat on his forehead, his face was pale from the pain, how could he have the will to respond?
Just clutching Lang's lost arm,
Duo ordered and said: "Get some blood and wipe your face, and put on makeup for yourself."

hear this,

When the wave reached the point of losing contact, he quickly reached out and dabbed some blood on their faces.

Even picked up a calf of Lemon King,
Like twisting a towel, twist the blood on the two of them.

"Director, this is absolutely no problem, it looks tragic enough!"

when you say

When the wave reached the point of losing contact, he threw away the leg of King Lemon,
It's like throwing away a broken rag.

"Hey! My calf!" The Lemon King gritted his teeth and said, "I can't revive my body in the Demon Race. I can't lose this leg!"

"Without calves, how can I exert myself at night?"

But when the waves lost contact, they hugged the Lemon King,
"Director, you can't pay attention to that much at this time!"

With a sudden force, he carried the Lemon Emperor on his shoulders, and then returned to the Demon Race's position like crazy.

The rest of the players also understood,
They all emptied their magazines and created a false firepower network.

But seeing this scene,
But the monsters came frantically,
"All monsters! Cover the withdrawal of General Lemon!"

"Be sure to let the general return to the city alive!"

As a result, it was discovered by the players of Qi Jia City,
Immediately shoot the cover monsters!

that scene,
It became extremely miserable in an instant!

I almost cried undercover for the photographer.

When the Lemon King returns to the Demon King's army,
The other demon generals immediately ordered to stop the battle if they said anything.

But despite this,
Those new players have also gained a lot of experience,
The average level has been successfully raised to level 7!
This upgrade speed,

Veteran players dare not even dream.

And Lemon King also exchanged his calf for a tragic record of the battlefield!

Waiting to send this image to Demon King City,
Immediately, Yulia's face turned pale,

"Bilel! Didn't you say that all the brave men are near the orc tribe!"

Yulia slammed the record magic stone at Birel,
"The Welsh army suffered heavy losses. If it weren't for the wave to lose contact, Emperor Lemon would have died in Qijia City!"


The Lemon King is simply Yulia's favorite,

No one can die Lemon King!

She doesn't allow King Lemon to be in danger!
Bieler put Lemon in danger, that's touching Yulia's scales!

"Master Demon King! This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

Bieler looked at the image in shock,

At the same time, I was even more dissatisfied,

'Another video! '
'Why does the Lemon King always like to use images! '

I also have to let the flying bee fighters on the front line send a video to prove that the brave man is in the orc tribe!

Thinking about this,
Bieler immediately tried to contact his subordinates,
Be sure to find a live flying bee and let him take pictures of the frontline and send it back.

After sending the letter for a long time, a Flying Bee recruit finally responded,
This flying bee had just joined the Demon King's army not long ago, so it was very timid. It was curling up under the tree trunk to hold its breath, but it was obviously dying soon.

He obeyed the command of the king,
Take out the recording magic stone to reflect the scene in front of you,

And send the magic stone back to the Demon King City.

Bieler received the magic stone and quickly released the image,
But the forest on the front line is full of fog, and it is impossible to see the battlefield situation clearly.

Yulia squinted at the image: "What is that?"

in the mist,

Players wearing gas masks are looming,
They wield their swords,
Silently chopping the bee warriors,
They didn't even chase, they didn't run, but they just strolled in the courtyard, raising their knives and dropping them.

Compared with the hot-blooded front line in Qi Jiacheng, they are too ordinary!

And no matter how you look at it, it looks like... the flying bee fighters are fighting each other?
Yulia's face was as gloomy as water, she looked at Birel and asked, "Is this the brave you are talking about?"

Where do they look like brave men?

Obviously more like a flying bee warrior!
"You're false information, Birel, what's going on in your head?"

Yulia squinted her eyes and looked at Birel suspiciously.

with a puff,
Billel fell to his knees,
"That's definitely not flying bee fighters, they must be brave!"

"Master Demon King, there must be more brave men again!"

"It's the sage of the human race, he summoned a new brave man!"

Hearing this speculation, Yulia snorted.

She would rather believe that Bieler wanted to rebel than believe that there were more brave men.

"Go down! Don't talk anymore!"

Yulia released her magic power suddenly, and drove Birel out of the hall with coercion.

And at the front of the orc tribe,

The flying bee recruit who sent back the image is still waiting for the king of heaven to rescue him,

As a result, the driver of recruit C suddenly appeared,
Two throwing knives struck him, categorically claiming his life.

"There shouldn't be any flying bees around, right?" C Zhao mumbled to the driver,
Then the maskless driver responded in the distance: "Hurry up and pack up the spoils, I can't wait to go to the orc tribe."

"I heard that the orc warriors suffered heavy casualties, and the city is full of women and children."

Having said that,
On the face of the driver without a hood, there is a look of a hero.

Al Ghul City,
The last city of the orcs.

But from the outside, the city wall is already dilapidated,
There are even only seven patrolling orcs on the city wall, all of whom are gray wolves with wolf ears and big tails.

They are poking their heads,
Looking nervously at the fog in the distant woods.

"Is that something made by Flying Bee?"

"I don't understand why they fell into the woods. Shouldn't they be fighting in the air?"

"Be careful, it won't hurt anyway."

When the werewolves on patrol were wondering,
Then I saw players wearing poison masks coming out of the woods one after another.

"It's the Flying Bee Warrior! Enemy attack!"

They also see players as flying bees,

The shout directly gave the player a moment of surprise.

"Hey! My fellow beastmen, we are not flying bee monsters!"

C according to the driver quickly waved hello,

Then he took off the mask, revealing his true face.

The other players followed suit, taking off their masks and looking at the city wall in amazement,
At the same time, he muttered in a low voice: "Hey, do you think the seven brothers on patrol are werewolves or dog people?"

"I heard that wolves with drooping tails are dogs and those with upright tails are dogs, but I can't see their tails either."

"Nonsense, how can anyone tell the difference between a wolf and a dog by their tail?"

Hearing the murmurs of the players below, the werewolf guard stared.

"It's reinforcements!"

"Great, the reinforcements from the human race have arrived!"

"It's just that these adventurers are too rude to speak."

But the other party is after all the ally they are looking forward to,
The werewolf hurriedly opened the city gate,

Prepare to welcome reinforcements into the city.

But at this time,

The cat Qiqi who was held up by the two arrived late,

She saw the gates open,

The dull eyes immediately came back to life, and hurriedly shouted at the city: "Don't open the door!"

"They are not ordinary adventurers, they are brave!"

"It's a brave man!"

The word "brave" is like a curse to the orcs, causing their movements to freeze immediately.

But the players were stunned when they heard the words,

"We are brave, but what happened to the brave?"

"The brave can't enter the city?"

They crossed their hips and looked at Mao Qiqi with some incomprehension.

Are you kidding me?
Knowing that the city is full of cat girls, dog girls, and bunny girls, there might even be a little fox named Su Daji if they don't keep them all.

At this time, you said that you are not allowed to enter the city?
How could players want to? !
"Qiqi? Are you Qiqi?"

The werewolf looked at Qi Qi who was wearing a mask below,

Confirmed in disbelief: "How did you bring the brave back!"

"Who is the brave among them?"

Mao Qiqi almost cried when she heard the words: "Uncle Wolf, they are all brave~"


The seven werewolves present were choking on their throats,

He looked at the hundreds of adventurers outside the city in disbelief.

Are they all brave? !

Under the shock and turmoil, Mao Jiuming also hurried up to the city wall, looking out of the city in surprise,
Seeing that this group of adventurers has the favor of gods,
And there is more than one, all are blessings from multiple gods!
this attribute,
Most likely it is the evil brave man!

Moreover, there are two brave men below, holding their own daughter tightly,

"Seven seven!"

"Hurry up and let go of Qi Qi!"

The player was puzzled: "No, Xiao Qiqi's legs are weak, she can't stand!"

"If we let go, she will definitely collapse on the ground."


What tiger and wolf words!
Mao Jiuming stared at the brave man in the city,
"What did you do to my daughter! Her legs are so weak!"

Players were outraged when they heard the words: "We just touched it, but we didn't do anything!"

"Xiao Qiqi was clearly frightened!"

"No, Xiao Qiqi is soft, even if she is not scared."


The words of this group of brave men became more and more wrong.

On the contrary, C looked at the driver with his arms akimbo,
Looking up at the cat Jiuming on the city wall,

"General, just say you can't open the door!"

"It's okay if you don't open the door, then we'll go back to the camp!"


He stretched out his arms to embrace Mao Qiqi again,
There is an impressive intention to return to the woods with Qi Qi.

see this situation,

Uncle Wolf in Qiqi's mouth immediately grabbed Mao Jiuming and cursed, "Are you still a father?"

"That hateful brave man, now he is dragging your daughter back into the woods!"

Mao Jiuming beat the city wall angrily.

"Father, don't worry about Qiqi!" In the end, Qiqi shouted: "It's just a bright belly button, Qiqi can stand it!"

oh well,

Mao Jiuming immediately exploded when he heard the words, gritted his teeth and gave an order: "Open the door!"

"Follow me out!"

What the fuck? !
Mao Jiuming wants to lead the troops out?

Poor and loving F hurriedly looked at C to look at the driver: "Fuck, stop irritating him!"

"This version needs to establish a friendly alliance between the two races!"

"Now there's going to be a fight!"

But maskless driving squints,
When you saw that the city gate was wide open, but only twenty werewolves rushed out,

He suddenly said, "Brothers, there are only twenty guards coming out! Why don't we go in?"

"This is the first attack launched by the orcs, we are in self-defense!"

Driving without a mask upholds the Dumfries Code, but never mentions the word "overdefensive".

The players did not respond.

But all took the potion from the magic bag,
[Power Potion], [Adrenaline], [Viagra], [Pain Relief Injection], [Healing Potion]...

Did you take some wrong medicine just now?

But that's okay, it should come in handy soon!

Then put away your swords,
Instead, he took out the knuckles from the magic bag.

"Let's have a real man's duel!"

"Fuck all the men first, and then... rush!"

Players shout out,
Then he raised his fist and rushed towards the werewolf guard and General Mao Jiuming.

The player's average level is 25,

Werewolf guards average level 20,

Cat Nine Lives General Level 43!
What's more, there are more than a hundred players present,

Needless to say the result of this battle?

Get all the orcs down in minutes!
Mao Jiuming was suppressed by Luan Quan, and a dozen brave men rushed forward and directly crushed him.

In the end, he could only yell out the last sentence desperately: "The brave man has entered the city!"

As soon as this word comes out,
Immediately alarmed the rest of the orc guards in the city.

But before they could react,

The player who was rushed into the city punched him in the face!
Coupled with the random fisting, the group of orc guards are no match for them!

because of their fists,
It's like soft cotton, it doesn't react at all when it hits the player.

With the strong blessing of adrenaline, painkillers, and healing potions,
Players don't get hurt by punches at all.

don't wait long,

The resistance in the orc tribe was completely suppressed by the players.

Only women and children are left standing on the side of the street dumbfounded,

Then he fled back to the house and set up a latch.

"Brothers, I seem to have seen Sister Fox just now?"

"I seem to have seen it too, there really is a bunny girl."

"Hey, I'm just taking care of the fight, sister dog, don't you think I'm rude?"

Having said that,
Players have rushed to find the beast ear girl who has not escaped back to the house,

A wall dong stopped them on the spot.

"Sister Dog, we have traveled a long distance and worked tirelessly to come here for reinforcements, why don't you invite us into the house for a drink?"

The dog girl who was stopped was immediately frightened,
'Go away, you stinky brave!It's all over! '
"What a god horse, even more beastmen than the beastmen!" '
'Are they here to support? '
'Please, can the Demon King's army stand up and beat these brave men away! '

And far away in Santa Mar,
Su Mu also looked at the background map and nodded silently,

"The efficiency of this group of players is really fast. They won two games so quickly."

"C according to the driver and they also successfully entered the city of Al Ghul. With their reinforcements, the orcs are considered safe for the time being."

"Based on the ally relationship between the two races, recording the orc body data, and opening the orc race can also be put on the agenda."

Thinking about this,
He also let out a long sigh,

"Being deflated twice, the Demon King's army should stop for a while, right?"

"We're getting married tomorrow, I hope the demons don't make trouble at this time..."

 Thank you readers for the monthly tickets presented by the masters!Thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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