As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 110 Afeya: It's just Su Mu, I want to be on top! 【3 in 1】

Chapter 110 Afeya: It's just Su Mu, I want to be on top! 【triple】

The next day,

The morning twilight poured over the earth.

Mao Jiuming squinted his eyes and stood on the street, looking at the brave men in front of him in puzzlement.

The "beastman extermination" he expected did not happen, not even the forced robbery of civilian women!
On the contrary, Mao Jiuming was completely confused.
"What do these warriors want to do?"

"Could they be out of their minds?"

In front of him,

The brave man is still hooking up with the beast woman,

But if the beastwoman runs away, they will not forcefully chase her.

Even if there is a brave man who has the cheek to enter someone's house, he will steal some worthless items at most.

A look of 'never make big mistakes, but keep making small mistakes'.

"Father, let's go home quickly?" Qiqi stood behind Mao Jiuming and kept pulling the fur on his back.

And at this moment,

Bai He, who was in charge of security among the players, stepped forward,

Handed Mao Jiuming a letter,
"Our brave lord is getting married today, and the general is invited to visit the city of Saint-Mar."

Sage married?
When the demons invaded and the various races were in crisis?
Mao Jiuming took the letter with a strange expression, and immediately asked Bai He: "Leaving today? Can you rush to the city of Santa Mar?"

"No problem." Bai He nodded and pointed to the east side: "I sent someone to draw a teleportation array in the center of your square."

"You can directly reach the city of Santa Mar."

Mao Jiuming stared at the words: "Who allowed you to do this!"

But his domineering attitude only got Bai He to stare,
"What? Can't build a teleportation array?"

Bai He reached into the magic bag and took out a few magic potions, planning to 'do it if you don't accept it'.

Let Mao Jiuming shut up resentfully.

He has seen it,
Although the level of this group of braves is not high,

But under the favor of the gods, like a god of war,

Coupled with those perverted potions, Mao Jiuming couldn't beat it at all.

But the city of Al Ghul is the capital of the orc tribe,

How can it be casually connected to the territory of the human race?

"I see." Mao Jiuming said suddenly: "Qiqi, you can go with me to attend the sage's wedding."

"Ah?" Mao Qiqi widened her eyes when she heard that.

san mar city,

That is the territory of the human race, so there may be many terrifying brave men left!

Listen to C according to the driver,

There are hundreds of his good brothers!

Qiqi didn't want to go deep into the tiger's den.

But how dare Mao Jiuming leave Qi Qi in the tribe?
And he rushed to Saint-Mar City not to attend the sage's wedding, but to sue Su Mu!
Since ancient times,

There is only one solution to the estrangement between the two races caused by the brave.

It is to sue the sage and demand compensation from the human race!

This time is no exception!


san mar city,

Although it was broad daylight, the streets were still brightly lit.

And there are big red robes hung on the houses on the street,

There is a festive look everywhere.

But this is by no means arranged by Xilu, Kevin and others.

It was a congratulatory gift for Su Mu from Platinum Star, me playing mud in the northeast, and several other players.

Spend huge sums of money,
Make the whole city of Santa Mar into a joyful look!

But when Elvian was walking down the street,
He kept shaking his head and smacking his tongue: "There are scarlet cloth strips everywhere, is this a new ritual of the human race?"

"Could it be to summon the evil god?"

Xilu, who was on the side, sighed continuously: "I don't know, I don't know, I don't understand."

"The brave man said that he was preparing for the wedding of the sage, that's why he decorated the city of Santa Mar in this way."

But seriously,
They really don't understand what's so good about it.

And when the second daughter complained,
They also saw one of the protagonists of the wedding, Afia the dog sneaking around quietly,
But she didn't want to flee to the outside of the city, but walked to the newly built potion shop.

"Macken? McCann!"

Walking into the potion shop, Afia whispered the owner's name.

"Is there any sleeping potion left? Get me a bottle now!"

McCann, who came over after hearing the words, was stunned immediately: "Sleeping potion?"

"It's the sleeping potion that the brave took to overturn the dragon, do you still have it?" Afia added.

Of course McCann knew what the sleeping potion was,
But why did the princess buy this thing?

"Princess?" McCann asked tentatively, "Aren't you like a lost guard so that you can run out of the city?"

"This is impossible, princess, today is your wedding day."

"If you run away at this time, the sage will definitely put me in prison!"

ran away on the wedding day,

Isn't this slapping Su Mu in the face?
Even if Su Mu can spare the princess, can he spare McCann who helped the princess escape?
McCann shook his head quickly: "No, not a single drop!"

But how could Afeya believe it?

She got into the potions shop and started rummaging through the boxes.

At the same time, he explained: "In this situation, Su Mu's people are everywhere, so I'm still running away!"

"As the first princess of Dumfries, sooner or later there will be a political marriage."

"It's a shame that it has to be Su Mu, that big villain. I don't accept it. If I want to marry Su Mu, I have to marry Su Mu. I have to be on top!"

"Tonight I must overturn Su Muyao to declare my sovereignty!"

"Su Mu? It's just my plaything!"

McCann heard that his scalp was numb,

He felt like he was dreaming!
What is Her Royal Highness the First Princess of Dumfries talking about?
Is that what the princess should say!

Afeya found the sleeping potion, and after just a little sniff, she almost fell asleep in the potion shop.

"This thing is so powerful!" Afeya beamed with joy: "Su Mu, look at me dirty you tonight."

Although Afia Lucky E,

But she is confident that nothing will go wrong tonight!
Only in the mansion of the sage,

Su Mu also approached the head chef who was in charge of making the parfait,
At the same time, holding half a bottle of water of life in his hand,

"This parfait is not big enough, expand it two times and put more cream!"

"Yes! You don't need to look at my eyes, just put cream in it!"


The chef gasped.

Did he look at Su Mu's eyes?
He was looking at the bottle of water of life!

Every time a spoonful of cream is added, Su Mu pours the water of life 'tons'!

Where is this a parfait?
This is clearly the frozen water of life!

"Master Sage, is there too much eau-de-vie?" The chef asked cautiously.
But seeing Su Mu shaking his head,
"Not much, with Afeya's current drinking capacity, she should continue to increase the dose!"

That's right!

Here's a wedding parfait for Afia!
Is there any reason for Su Mu not to eat the meat delivered to his mouth?

But that girl Afia,

What else will happen if you don't make sure?
So make sure to get Afia drunk tonight,
Prevent all accidents from happening!

The teleportation array of Santa Mar City flickers,

Many players returned to the city one after another,

And Mao Jiuming, who is holding Qiqi, is also on the list.

"This, is this a human city?"

After seeing the buildings in the city of Saint-Mar, Mao Jiuming and Qiqi froze in place!
"This building is too tall and beautiful!"

“There are even beautiful decorations carved on the walls!”

"It's just the red cloth strips on the houses, it looks a bit out of place..."

"However, the city of San Mar is so luxurious, what kind of imperial capital should the human race be built?"

Mao Jiuming couldn't help sighing,
They were all attacked by demons,
Seeing that the capital of the orc tribe is about to disappear, the human tribe can still repair it as much as possible!
It's just that he doesn't know it at all,
Even the imperial capital of Dumfries is not as prosperous as the city of St. Marre.

And sent back the hero,
All headed towards the mansion of the sage,
They all want to offer congratulations to Su Mu!

As a result, when he followed the team to the most luxurious building in Santa Mar,

But found the queue crowded in front of the mansion of the sage,
Already lined up the whole street!

"Are they all brave?" Mao Jiuming looked at the queue in disbelief.
There are not only human warriors and elves in the queue,
There are even dwarves!

And they are all brave!
At this time, the group of brave men were still laughing and talking,

"Brother, what gift did you prepare?"

"Hey, mine is mediocre, mainly because I don't have much money and I can't afford expensive things~"

"I also have no money, so I can only give Lord Sage something affordable."

And when they chanted 'three two one' in unison,

When we took out the prepared congratulatory gifts together,
They even took out strange black potions.

Mao Jiuming was surprised when he saw this,
Curiously released the identification technique on the potion,

Then he turned pale with shock.

【Viagra—Golden promax supreme invincible concentrated plus version! 】

As for the effect, it is self-evident,

That is the magic medicine that can increase the strength of the Demon Shark Clan by more than ten times!

And on this medicine,

It was also marked with a red label of 'festive' by the players,
There are four big characters [many children, many blessings] written on it.

When Su Mu came out to accept the gift,

Seeing all the black potions in the player's hands also caused three black lines to hang on his face.

It's just that he just received a gift,

Then I heard the voice of Mao Jiuming from below: "Are you a sage?"

Mao Jiuming really doesn't understand, the sage who summoned hundreds of heroes is only level 18?
Is this reasonable?

"General Cat Nine Lives?"

Su Mu also released the appraisal technique and learned the identity of the other party,

Seeing that it was the Orc General, he immediately smiled and said, "Welcome to Saint-Mar City!"

But before Su Mu tried to obtain the physical information of the orcs,
He listened to the words of the player who just made a gift,

"Master Sage, the orc tribe has been beaten badly!"

"That's right, Mr. Sage, you haven't seen the scene in their capital, the yin is flourishing and the yang is declining..."

Immediately afterwards, C clenched his fists to speak according to the driver,

"Master Sage, I implore you to support us to reinforce the orcs and donate DNA to them!"

"We don't do anything else, we just want to expand the orc race!"


What is that?
Mao Jiuming couldn't understand it, but he always felt that the brave dog couldn't spit out ivory.

The maskless driver also added: "Master Sage, let us marry the orcs!"

marriage? !
Mao Jiuming understood this time, and was immediately furious.

"You failed to strike up a conversation in my capital, and now you want to get married?"

What do you mean?
They still want to justifiably molest women from good families?

hear this,

The three black lines on Su Mu's face were even worse,
What exactly did these players do in the orc tribe?

Mao Jiuming looks very angry.

"Everyone, today is my big day, don't make noise, don't make noise~"

Su Mu appeases everyone's emotions,

At the same time holding high the single branch of the world tree,

Let all the players stare suddenly,
"Not good! Master Sage seems to be releasing poisoned milk!"

"Hey, do you want to avenge your kindness again?"

"My lord, you can't be the only one having fun tonight!"

But their entreaties were no use at all,
Soon you will receive the blessing of group holy light,
Not only did the gods buff them, but they also gave them the status of saints.


Mao Jiuming found that the eyes of these brave men were much clearer!

"This! This sage is too awesome!" Mao Jiuming immediately sighed,

That is the high-level magic of the human race, Holy Light!
Su Mu could actually be released in groups?
Not only bless more than a hundred brave men, but even let them enter the state of 'extraordinary and refined'?

This is too fierce!
Mao Jiuming looked at Su Mu's level 18 attribute, and the more he looked at it, the more he felt it was unreal.

But the next moment,
Then Su Mu comforted him and said, "General Cat? The two tribes have been allied for a long time. If the orc tribe really wants to marry, I, the human tribe, will do my part!"

Mao Jiuming stared at the words, and did his part!
Even if my orc race is extinct and slaughtered by the demon race, I will never marry a brave man!
"General Cat, I wonder if you want to summon the brave?" Su Mu turned to the topic,
But Mao Jiuming was stunned again,
Seeing him thinking for a long time, his face changed three times in succession,
Shocked and unbelievable,

'Could it be that the dwarves, the elves and the brave all appeared because of marriage? '
And when the cat's nine lives are daydreaming wildly,
Seeing that Saint Eve was late,

And shouted at Su Mu in the crowd: "Su Mu, are you getting married or not! Hurry up to the Holy See!"

Urged by Eve,
Su Mu didn't explain any more to Mao Jiuming,
Instead, under the crowd of many players, they went to the Holy See Hall to marry Afiya.

After the crowd leaves,
Mao Jiuming, who was stunned in place, was awakened by Qi Qi's hair pulling,

"Father, the sage is gone, what are you thinking?"

Then Mao Jiuming murmured: "Qiqi, if you can really bring your own hero to the orc clan, then marriage is not a bad thing."

"Are you right?"

Qiqi was stunned when she heard this.

Vatican Hall,

Even Afia is already waiting here,

At this time, she crossed her hips even more, looking at Su Mu who was late,
"Su Mu, do you have any dissatisfaction with marrying this princess?!"

With this remark,
Suddenly, Su Mu and all the players present were stunned.
Then there was a burst of cheers,
"His Royal Highness is so fierce!"

"Hahahaha, so our sage is going to get married!"

"Does this count as marriage in another world?!"

When Su Mu heard this,
He also glared at Afeya immediately: "Girl, from today on you are no longer a princess, but a sage lady!"

Oh ho ho ho ho!

Looking at the tense posture of the two sides, where is marriage?
They are clearly a pair of enemies!
"Is this a political marriage in another world? Absolutely!"

"Marriage first and love later, I'm afraid it can be turned into a large-scale serial drama!"

"Anyway, I'm ready to record the magic stone, and I have to follow up 24 hours a day!"

Su Mu glanced at the player carrying the record magic stone,
It has nothing to do with making a documentary, but it can also positively promote the [Dumfries] game,
But there is no need to follow the filming for 24 hours, it will be photographed as a negative teaching material.

And Saintess Eve, who stood on the high platform again,

Now he frowned,
"Silence!" She shouted, interrupting the chattering heroes.

"Today, under the holy witness of this saint, Su Mu and Afia Dumfries are married!"

"I curse you, you will never be separated!"

After all,

Eve even drew the blessing of the Holy Light and shone on Su Mu and Afia.

"Wait? What did the saint just say? A curse?"

"Laughing to death, shouldn't it be the curse of a single dog?"

"It's a curse, but it's still a blessing of the Holy Light!"

"I hope that Lord Sage can enter the state of a saint, thank you."

Under the chatter of the players,
Su Mu and Afeya have a special buff on them.

【Wife: Afya Dumfries】

【You must never hurt or betray your wife, otherwise you will be punished by God! 】

【Husband: Su Mu】

【You must never hurt or betray your husband, otherwise you will be punished by God! 】

This buff,

It also happened to some married players such as the sixth child who doesn’t like to eat,

As for the effect of divine punishment,
None of the people present knew it, after all, they loved each other very much at night, and never caused divine punishment.

But Su Mu is different from Afiya,

After finishing the husband and wife ceremony and boarding the carriage back to the mansion of the sage,
Afeya took out a dagger from her waist,
Shaking before Su Mu's eyes,

"Be honest, follow my command in all actions, or you will become holy every minute."

Su Mu raised his eyebrows and glanced at the dagger,

【Swinging a Knife to Destroy the Palace Dagger】

[Rank Grade: Rare Grade]

Ha ha--

Su Mu just smiled, but didn't panic at all.

Because he wears iron pants made by Sid!
【King Kong Indestructible Pants】

[Rank: Epic]

Both of them have ghosts in their hearts, and they have already prepared for it!
Su Mu smiled even more and said, "This sage lady, quickly put away the dagger and let all the brave men see that you thought you were going to murder your husband~"

Afeya also smiled: "My boss, as long as you are honest, this princess will never make things difficult for you."

Meanwhile they murmured in their hearts,

'Afeya, I'm sure you're going to eat today! '
'The initiative must always be in the hands of this princess! '
Until arriving at the mansion compound,

The two newcomers got off the carriage and entered the mansion under the welcome of all brave men.

And you can hear some players muttering in a low voice,
"Is there a custom of having a bridal chamber in another world?"

Driving without a hood, he tried to persuade: "Come on, you, didn't you see that we were all given the Holy Light spell?"

C Zhao also sighed the driver: "I thought that such a big event, I can get a magic weapon to play with, oh, but I was castrated by magic again."

But also,

The official announcement has never said that a big wedding is an event,

The focus of the version is all on the orc tribe.

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the teleportation array, ready to continue looking for Yunlingcao,

His Dragon Secret Treasure mission has not been completed yet.

But other players are obviously not reconciled,

"But such a big event, there should be a CG to watch, right?"

"We sent so many potions, isn't it just to let the sage show his majesty in the CG!"

"No, I have to wait a little longer, maybe there will be a CG to watch in a while."

The other players nodded one after another, thinking that this made sense, and they all stayed outside the mansion of the sage to watch.

And the two newcomers who returned to the room,

But one came up with a well-made delicious drink, and the other came up with a well-made super parfait.

Su Mu: "Madam Sage, please."

Afia: "My face, please."

at the same time,

The two sides also released the identification technique in unison.

【Su Mu's Special Parfait】

[Rank: Legendary]

[A lot of rare ingredients are added to it, with unique taste and excellent flavor, it is definitely a rare treasure! 】

【Afeya's special drink】

[Rank Grade: Rare Grade]

[Extremely delicious, soothes the mind and nourishes the mind, allowing the drinker's tired body to get the best mental recovery! 】

Su Mu and Afia both stared.

In unanimous amazement,
Two people: "Unexpectedly, Afeya (Su Mu) has a little conscience, and she will prepare a gift for me (I like it)!" '
Two people: "Very well, be gentle for a while." '
Then Su Mu drank the drink, and Afia also ate Buffy.

don't wait long,

two loud bangs,

Both heads hit the table,

But there was not half a cry,
They all collapsed on the table and passed out.

Outside the mansion of the sage,

The player also stared at the window of the room with a puzzled look on his face.

"Master Sage is having so much fun? You didn't even close the curtains?!"

"But why is there no movement at all, could it be that the sound insulation magic was cast?"

"Hey, who specially built the sage's mansion so high? There is no way to peep now!"

They all knew that there must be a good show in the room without the curtains,
But there is no way to peek!

Thinking of this,
Their hearts are itching!

And at this moment,

Xilu, who hurried to maintain order, squeezed into the crowd,
And shouted loudly: "Everyone brave, let's go! Let's go!"

"Hey! Elf hero over there, please come down quickly! Come down quickly!"

At the same time, she was even more speechless,
'What the hell is the sage doing?Wouldn't it be too late to pull the curtains? ! '
'Could it be that I didn't let my lord go to the red candle area, and let him hold back for too long? '
"Master Sage is also a man..."
Elvian in the distance also stared at the window in a daze,

My heart is struggling even more frantically,

'Fly up?Don't fly up?Or fly up! '
'Even if Su Mu didn't pull the curtains, Princess Afia would do it, right? '
'Could it be that Su Mu is too fierce, and Princess Afia has no chance to pull the curtains? '
"Great ancient sacred tree, what is going on in my mind..."
Although no one saw the details of the house,

But they all subconsciously believe that,
There must be a world war going on in the house!
more than this,
I'm ready to sell 【Sage Princess Wedding Night.avi】.

It doesn't matter if you see it or not, we can change faces with AI.

As for the length?

Wait until noon the next day,
They didn't see Su Mu and Afeya walking out of the mansion,
I also know that the length of this film will definitely not be short!

At that time, some players shook their heads with emotion,
"Drink it! Sir Sage must have drunk all our congratulatory gifts!"

"It's so fierce, I don't know if Her Royal Highness is still alive."

"Don't dare to think about it, don't dare to think about it."


The scene of lanterns and festoons in the city of Santa Mar was naturally seen by Amata outside the city.

After he found out that it was Su Mu's wedding,

He hurried to find Matic and asked the other party to send a message to the Demon King City.

I heard that the sages of the human race still have the time to get married,
Yulia stared even more incredulously,
'Fighting against my demons, there is still time to get married? ! '
'This is simply humiliating my Demon Race! '
with this news,

Katie, who had been recuperating in the North Sea, couldn't stay any longer.

"The sage who sneaked up on me back then dared to marry?"

"The sage who summoned countless evil and brave men, the bane that doubled the number of my people!"

Thinking about this,
She immediately sent a message to Julia,
[Master Demon King, the human race is extremely arrogant, and they don't take my demon race seriously! 】

[Subordinates apply to fight again, lead dozens of times the force, and attack the city of Saint-Mar again, and the sage is bound to be taken down! 】

got this letter,

Yulia's eyes lit up: "Okay! Destroy that sage who underestimated the enemy, and establish my reputation among the demons!"

Because of the two battles between Qijia City and the Orc Tribe,
Coupled with Bieler's advice,

She did suspect that there were more brave men, but she didn't dare to prove it.

If the sage Su Mu can be killed now, she believes that there will never be more brave men in the future!
Definitely a good thing for her!
think of this,
Yulia immediately gave an order to Katis: "You come back to Saint-Mar, immediately, and kill Su Mu!"

 Thank you readers for the monthly tickets presented by the masters!Dear readers, come and play in the group! ~
(End of this chapter)

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