As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 112 Stop worrying about the demons, you have to learn to enjoy life! 【3 in 1】

Chapter 112 Stop worrying about the demons, you have to learn to enjoy life! 【triple】

There's a bear girl in Sainte-Marle,
It immediately changed the atmosphere in the city.

Now it's not just players chatting up residents,
Even the bear girl is picking up players!

Kevin even froze on the side of the street,

I was quite surprised to see that the resident girl was avoiding the brave man, but the brave man was avoiding the bear lady.

"Hey, there are still people who can make the brave avoid it. It's strange, really strange."

"But that bear girl is also pretty, why doesn't the brave man like it?"

"Look at their strong biceps, tsk tsk, what a strength!"

A real man should find such a girlfriend!

listen to him

Januston, who was about to approach just now, stopped and looked at Kevin in surprise.

He always felt that Kevin's XP was getting more and more wrong.

And this one-thing-one-thing phenomenon,

Not only surprised Kevin and the others, but even Su Mu called it interesting,
"Without magic castration, can you reduce the frequency of chatting with this group of players?"

"Can there be such a good thing?!"

"But what the hell is Mao Jiuming thinking? He has approved the marriage with the brave man, so why doesn't he come to me to discuss summoning the orc hero?"

When it comes to entering the information of the orcs, Su Mu is still looking forward to it.

Unlike other races,
The orc family also contains countless branches,

Although it is not as detailed as [Classes, Subjects and Species], it can be called diverse.

What cats, dogs, foxes, bears, wolves, tigers and rabbits, there are too many choices for players.

And each category has related physical strengths!

While Su Mu was thinking about it,
Suddenly there was a strange noise outside the city of Santa Mar,
And feel the tremors like an earthquake.

Under continuous shaking,

A huge black shadow suddenly appeared,
It reached out and pressed against the city wall, and stood up while supporting the city wall!

that scene,
Just like 'human beings finally remembered the fear of being dominated by giants',

Kevin, who was still complaining, opened his mouth wide in surprise when he saw this.

"Earth puppet magic?"

"But what's the matter with its material? Is it summoned from cement?"

"My god, isn't this clay puppet bigger than the mansion of the sage?"

"Who summoned this?"

Not just Kevin,
Even Janus on the side stared in shock.

"Who? Did such an outrageous thing?!"

"Tsk, I'm really talking too much to ask this question, it must be a brave man!"

In their eyes,
Clay puppet summoning belongs to low-level magic.
It's not difficult to summon a clay puppet as big as the mansion, but it's outrageous!

Because the core of the clay puppet is a magic crystal, that thing has no intelligence and can only obey some simple instructions.
And it is extremely easy to go berserk, maybe it will attack indiscriminately!
This puppet,
They are all sent to resist damage when crusade against monsters.
Who would summon such a big clay puppet?


Janus swallowed.
"Brother, should I not be dazzled?"

"Did you see the magic circle engraved on the puppet?"

hear this,

Kevin, who was already worried, almost had a heart attack.
"There is a magic circle!"

"And it's a defensive magic circle created by a sage!"

The effect of this defensive magic circle is obvious to all.

It absorbs attack magic and turns into a defensive barrier!

"If such a big clay puppet really wants to go berserk, who among us can stop it?"


Kevin and Jenaston's scalps are tingling!

While the two were suffering,
However, the figure of the concrete puppet changed, and the skull was lifted suddenly, revealing the big man Jiu Luoli in the driver's cab!

He stepped out of the cab,

Stepping on the arm of the cement puppet,
With arms akimbo shouted: "Brothers! Look what this is!"

What else could it be?
Cement puppets?
But here's Kevin and Janus' answer,

The onlookers were as excited as Jiu Luoli,
"Fuck, brother, can your Gundam be turned into a car?!"

"Made, why is it cement? Can't you make a more handsome one out of steel!"

"I'm so envious, begging for the production method of Gundam!"


What it is?
Kevin and Janus were surprised when they heard this,

But they still rushed to the scene as soon as possible,

Shouting to Jiu Luoli: "This brave man, quickly cancel the clay puppet summoning technique!"

"Don't let it run amok!"


Jiu Luoli laughed with her hands on her hips: "Don't worry, the two legion commanders, I have the power to control this clay puppet, and I will never run away!"

As he spoke, he stepped aside to show the two the equipment in the cockpit.

Up to the joystick, down to the accelerator and brake, everything is available.

Even all the equipment is connected to the magic crystal, and is equipped with a magic circle to control it!

Jiu Loli moved the joystick,

Forward and backward, waving hands and clenching fists, although the clay puppet's movements are a little stiff, they are indeed under Jiu Luoli's control!

"Brothers, watch me give you the whole job!"

After all,

Jiu Luoli got back into the cab, controlled the puppet and danced wave dance!
Shake your shoulders, spin and jump, wave your hands up and down, and add a Thomas gyro at the end.

The earth-shattering effect,

Shocked the audience on the city wall until their feet left the ground frequently.

"Brothers! Handsome or not!"

Jiu Luoli manipulated the clay puppet to lift up and punch,
Driven a crowd of players to cheer,
"Thai pants are spicy——!"

this scene,
Make Kevin and Janus jaw-dropping!
"This, this puppet is actually so obedient!"

"My God, isn't this thing a great weapon to kill monsters?!"

"Fighting monsters?" Jiu Luoli got out of the cab again: "I still need to use my Qingtian Super Safe No. [-] mobile phone for that kind of thing?"

Good guy,
Does this Gundam already have a name?
But before everyone complains,

Then Jiu Luoli continued: "I plan to drive it to explore the world!"

"The defensive performance of this thing is absolutely nothing!"

"It's okay to bring a few more tourists!"

Speaking of which,
Jiu Luoli's eyes brightened,
Immediately a new idea came into my mind.

"Everyone, do you want to explore the end of the world!"

"Blood Wolf Branch-9LiL-Travel Agency, we will serve you wholeheartedly!"

"Are you still worried about the demons? Are you still afraid to explore the world because of the four heavenly kings blocking the door?"

"Let Optimus·Super Safe·First Unit solve your problems!"

Jiu Luoli advertised on the spot!
And Kevin and Janus are still using identification to see this clay puppet,
Immediately learned of his outrageous attributes.

【Sky Sky·Super Safe·First Machine】

[Rank: Epic]

【Strength: 135155】

【Defense: 276100】

【Magic source: 3415】

With such terrifying power and defense, it would definitely be a random killing existence on the battlefield!
But what are these nine loli talking about?
He wants to drive this thing to travel?
"There is something wrong with my ears!" Kevin exclaimed in disbelief.

But Jiu Luoli said passionately: "Don't worry about the demons anymore, we still have poetry and the distance!"

"Learn to enjoy the game!"

These words,

Just choke on Kevin and Janus,

This group of brave men even compared life to a game?

While they were speechless,
Mechanical Ascension also walked out of the Platinum Workshop looking for movement,

At a glance, you can see the Qingtian · Super Safe · No. [-] machine outside the city wall.

"Damn it! Brother, you've already driven a Gundam?!"

But when you see the mechanical soaring,
It caused a burst of exclamation again.

"Damn, what the hell is the mechanical arm on your right hand!"

"Is that thing real?"

Of course it is!

Mechanical Ascension showed off its mechanical arm without hesitation,

I saw him raise his right arm,
The five fingers retracted slightly, and turned into a machine gun, bursting into flames!
And after the wrist is rotated and deformed, it turns into a rough clarinet, and powerful flames can be ejected from it!
After the mechanical ascension,
The Platinum Star is also late with a smile,

"How is it? Brothers, this is my new masterpiece!"

"Just the enchantment on it cost me more than 30 gold coins!"

See this robotic arm,

Kevin and Janus really gained knowledge!
More surprising discoveries through identification techniques,
The power attribute of mechanical ascension is even higher and frightening!

[Name: Mechanical Ascension]

【Level: 4】

[Occupation: Adventurer]

[Strength: 17 (+1430)]

The 1430 additional force value all comes from the mechanical arm!

At the same time Platinum Star is still teasing,

"Hey, this mechanical arm is just a test product. When I get the hang of it, I'll make one for my brother with Mithril!"

At this time, the pig iron alone can have more than 1000 additional power,

If it is made of mithril and the power is increased, then the effect of increasing power cannot break through the sky?

"He's only level four, and he can punch out pig man's shit with one punch, how terrifying is that?" Kevin sighed.

And when the two legion commanders stared and sighed,

Hearing the gurgling of Mechanical Ascension's stomach,
Immediately, he changed his wrist, crossed his hips and shook his head at Platinum Star: "Let's go, let's catch two monsters and roast them?"

"With the firepower of this mechanical arm, the barbecue is definitely fast enough!"

Hearing this, Platinum Star rubbed his belly, smiled and stepped forward: "Let's go! I'll study how to modify the robotic arm when I'm full!"

hear this,

The players who watched the excitement around also came forward,

"Brother, we know where there are magic horn sheep!"

"Can we be together! I want to take a closer look at your mechanical arm!"

"We can pay for the meal, take us to have a barbecue together!"


It's super cool to be able to use a robotic arm for barbecue!

at the same time,

Jiu Luoli also invites players to sign up, and really plans to open that travel agency!

As a member of Blood Wolf,
Earn money by playing games, it’s all basic exercises~
And he quickly attracted customers. After all, it’s so cool to be able to travel around the world in a Gundam!

After the players divide into two groups and disperse,
Only Kevin and Janus were left standing there,


"One went to travel, and the other went to barbecue?"

"They made weapons, right?"

"Is that the correct usage of the new weapon?!"

What happened to the brain circuits of these brave men? !
far away,

Su Mu also stood on the balcony of the mansion and watched,
Seeing the innovation of Mechanical Ascension and 9LiL, he smiled very satisfied.

The main focus of the newly summoned hundred players is to create a variety of gameplay!

Wales City,

Lemon King, whose legs were broken, is sitting in a wheelchair.

After seeing the robotic arm on the forum, my eyes lit up,
Then the gaze slowly moved down,

"I'll also find a way to change to a pair of steel legs, right?"

"There is also the thing in the middle, or should I also replace it with a pile driver?"

"No, maybe the original one is better."

While he was dreaming,

But suddenly received a message from Katie,

[Emperor Lemon, you immediately send troops to attack Qijia City, and must create a situation where the front line is still fighting! 】

Seeing this letter, King Lemon shook his hand and burned it with flames.

"Don't dare to tell the devil king after losing the battle, so let me be the leader, the stunned young man?"

"The length of the fish is ugly, but it's beautiful to think about!"

He has already had enough of this three-acre land in Wales City.

If there is any action to be taken,
He wants to go deep into the demon territory,
Continue to collect your own monster girl illustrated book.

Whether you are a human being or a demon, you must pay attention to not forgetting your original intention~
That night,

Afeya still hasn't woken up from her return sleep,
Jiu Luoli's [9LIL Travel Agency] was officially established!

Affiliated to the Blood Wolf branch, the main business is tourism.

Gathered ten customers that night,
From San Mar to the plains of Istanbul,
They didn't even use the teleportation array, just to see the scenery along the way!

When passing through the Karlstein hills, one foot stepped across the Grand Canyon,

When passing through the monster line of defense outside Qijia City, advance calmly without any monsters in sight!

Baine stood on the walls of Qigar,
Speechlessly staring at the giant Gundam passing by,
"What the hell is that?"

"Could it be the passing Titans?"

"No, how could the Titans appear in such a place!"

Bain also saw that it was a clay puppet,

But after seeing the name of [Sky Sky·Super Safe·First Unit],
He's not sure either...

Not just Bane,
Even the demon generals who formed the blockade,

At this time, he also looked at the huge Gundam and fell into thought.

"Couldn't this be the work of the brave again?"

And after seeing Gundam approaching,
They quickly ordered: "Let all the magic soldiers gather, and don't let him pass the blockade!"

under order,

Then I saw the main monsters such as the big devil porcupine, the iron armored bull devil, and the black devil turtle appearing,

They flocked to this large Gundam, trying to stop him from moving forward.

While intercepting,
The monster can also hear the voice of the brave from within the Gundam,

Jiu Luoli is looking through the monster illustrated book,

Intimately introducing to tourists: "Everyone, please look, that is the Iron Armored Bull Demon."

"They have thick iron armor on them, and ordinary bullets can't penetrate them at all. Back then, the vanguard army was crushed by them."

"But it's different now, now we have armor-piercing rounds."

"A mere Iron-clad Bull Demon can knock down a large area with a single shuttle!"

With this remark,
All the sightseeing players are lying at the window,

Looking curiously at the Iron-clad Bull Demon below.

I saw this group of bull demons galloping and colliding, but they couldn't even hit the tall cement slag.

It is completely useless!

This scene is like a tourist visiting a zoo in a tour guide car.

The most outrageous is that

Not only the players can hear the words of the tour guide Jiu Luoli, but also the group of monsters!

That commentary, that memoir, is simply talking about the dark history of the Iron-clad Bull Demon,

Before the big devil porcupine despised the iron armored bull devil,
The next one will explain to them,
Jiu Luoli: "The big devil porcupine, this thing is so stupid, it will roll and hit in a straight line."

"Although there are spines on the back, it's stupid to always show off the abdomen, which is the weak point."

Turning the conversation,
He also added: "However, I heard that it tastes very good. We can grab one and use it as rations on the road."

The voice has not fallen,

Then I saw the huge Qingtian bent down, stretched out his hand and grabbed a big devil porcupine at will.

That action is as simple as lifting a mouse!
You can even hear the voices of players and tourists echoing,

"Make supper at night and set up a bonfire for barbecue!"

"This one piglet is not enough to eat, catch a few more!"

"Guide, have you seen the bastard over there?!"

"Catch two, let's make a roasted bastard, it will definitely make up for it!"

As the saying goes, giving money is God,
In order to meet the needs of all tourists, Jiu Luoli immediately manipulated Qingtian to bend down and grab the monster!
That's completely disrespectful to the monsters!

Terrified, the demon general hurriedly led the troops to retreat,
Not to mention blocking the progress of the giants, if these monsters are a little careless, they will be caught by the brave to cook for barbecue!
At the time of withdrawal,

They hurriedly reported to Demon King City,
I'm afraid that Lord Demon King thinks they are deserters.

Yulia, who can receive the informant,
His eyes widened in disbelief.

"The brave has turned into a Titan again?"

"They also broke into the blockade and captured the fellow demons as food?"

"Damn it! Monsters have been eating people since ancient times, when will it be people's turn to eat monsters?!"

This is simply humiliating the Demon Race!
But while angry,
Yulia also began to tremble with fear,
This brave man began to break into the territory of the demons without any scruples,
Is it still far from meeting her face to face?
Yulia shuddered at the thought that the hero would appear in the Demon King's castle at any time.

At this moment,

The Lemon King also sent her a message,
【Respected Lord Demon King, the defense line of Welsh City has been torn apart, please allow me to lead the troops to retreat to the rear. 】

Under normal circumstances, Yulia would never agree to this matter.

But now the brave men have penetrated into the territory of the demons, and they are still scattered everywhere.

Yulia also had trouble sleeping and eating,

If Emperor Lemon was sent back to Demon King City to advise her here, it might allow her to sleep peacefully for a few nights.

Thinking about this,
Yulia immediately gave the order.

[Wales city front-line troops listened to the order, except for the city defenders, the rest of the troops returned to defense immediately! 】

【Emperor Lemon, you immediately lead your troops to Demon King City! 】

received this order,

The Lemon Emperor immediately said 'Wuhu',

and immediately post on the forum,
【Brothers, I'm finally going to Demon King City! 】

【#1: When I see the Demon King, I will immediately arrange to record the magic stone, and immediately benefit my family members! 】

saw this post,
The pilot of the plane was the first to reply,
"Made, after you see the Demon King, stab him in the back for me!"

"I have been targeted by monsters for so long, I must vent my anger on her!"

But driving without a hood quickly responded,
"Hey, she's a pretty girl no matter what, how can you bear it?"

The Lemon King followed closely behind: "Brother, you've flattered me. That's the devil king. Even if I stab her in the back, I won't be able to kill her, right?"

And at this moment,

There is another new post posted on Hot,

Let all the players turn their eyes.

[The largest golden egg of the 'Let's Go Adventure' event, Sky Island, has been discovered! 】

[1#: At dusk today, it turned from sunny to cloudy. When Biren passed the plains of Istanbul, he saw Sky Island in the southwest sky! 】

C according to the driver: "What the hell? I just came back from Istanbul, why didn't I see Sky Island?"

Uncomfortable, he missed it!

Those who discover Sky City can receive a piece of legendary equipment as a prize,

That is the best reward in the event!

And the sender of this post is really Jiu Luoli!

As the saying goes, stand tall and see far~
When he found the city in the sky, he immediately opened the map and marked [Sky Island]!
Instantly become the biggest winner of this event!
Also light up the title of [Sky Island Discoverer].

It even made the customers and players in the same industry feel envious, and regretted that they patronized the monsters on the ground.

But soon,
Those players regained their mood and started chatting with each other.

"Hey, two elf brothers, hurry up and go to the empty island to have a look!"

"That's the first player to board Sky City, so he must have a title!"

"Now only you two can fly up, why don't you act quickly?"

Listen to the urging of players around you,
The two elf players also had heart throbbing,

Immediately, they spread their wings and flew towards the empty island floating slowly in the sky.

As the two continued to approach the empty island,

The originally dim sky was lit up with a white holy light!

The strong daylight flickers,
Ling Jiu Luoli and the others subconsciously closed their eyes,
When they opened their eyes again,

However, the two players who flew to the sky island had disappeared.

"Hey, this empty island is so mysterious? Just landing on the empty island will emit holy light?"

"I really wonder what the empty island will look like..."

"Don't worry, they will show off their experience in the forum later~"

As the first player to log into Sky Island,
Can they pass up such a good opportunity in Versailles?

But soon,
Two cursing posts suddenly appeared.

[Gan!I haven't waited to get close to the empty island, but I was given a second by a holy light! 】

【Crack, I thought it was Lord Sage's holy light technique, but I didn't expect it to be an attack magic! 】

The two of them failed to land on Sky Island,
Instead, it was instantly killed by the Holy Light?
Seeing this post, Su Mu, who was sitting in the study of the mansion, also raised his eyebrows.

"Sky Island's defensive magic killed the player?"

"Damn, this shouldn't be..."

Where is Nakorn Island?
The city of the sky, the territory where the winged humans live!
Unlike dwarves, elves, and orcs, they can be said to be the apostles of the gods, the closest existence to the gods!
According to the records in the Dumfries Classics,

The first summoning of the brave,

It was the gods who taught them to the mainland through the winged humans.

If you ask who is the most staunch ally of the human race,
The Wing Terrans do their part!
"How could they attack players? Those players are brave." Su Mu didn't understand.

Because of the label of Jiu Luoli,
The empty island mark also appeared on Su Mu's backstage map,

It can be seen from the map that
The empty island is still slowly drifting towards the city of Santa Mar.

If the flight path remains unchanged, it is estimated that it will float directly above the city of Santa Mar in seven days.

"Is it because it's an elf player?"

"Must be a human race to land on Sky Island?"

After thinking about it,
Su Mu could only come to such a conclusion.

And after learning that Sky Island is slowly flying towards the city of Saint-Mar,

He stopped thinking about it,

The priority is to focus on Mao Jiuming who came to visit again.

Footsteps came from the corridor outside the study,

It was Xilu who walked slowly with Mao Jiuming.

Waiting for Xilu to knock on the door and enter,

Then I saw Mao Jiuming talking with a straight face: "Sage, it's so late, you still go to the beastman tribe to invite me here?"

"Could it be that you have repented and don't want to marry my beastman?"

Before reaching the sage's study,

He also saw Xiong Niang interacting with the brave man on the street,

Apparently the marriage didn't go well.

But Su Mu who heard this was immediately stunned,
"You also agreed to marry the two races?"


Su Mu changed the subject again: "Forget it, this kind of thing is all about your preference, I will not interfere."

"I invite you here this time, mainly to follow up on the summoning of the orc warriors."

when you say

He took out another document that he had prepared earlier,
It states how the orcs should cooperate,

"In order to fight against the demons together, I hope that the orcs can also cooperate with me in summoning the brave."

After viewing the content of this document,

The stern-faced Mao Jiuming froze in place,
"The brave man is summoned through summoning? Isn't it through marriage?"

As soon as this word comes out,
Both Su Mu and Xi Lu stared at him,
Like looking at a fool.

But Cat Nine Lives is even more incomprehensible, they have more than 200 brave men!

The brave men in Saint-Mar are all summoned by summoning?

That's too unbelievable!
After flipping through the document quickly,

Mao Jiuming stared at Su Mu: "I will immediately follow the requirements in your document, and call the bear lady outside!"

His voice just fell,
I heard dissatisfied voices from outside the corridor,

"Bear lady? What bear lady!"

Afia walked into the study,
She clutched her little head and clicked her tongue: "Mian Shou, you didn't go back to the room to find me, but you are still looking for Xiong Niang?!"

"Hey!" Su Mu said dumbly, "This sage lady, Buffy can eat indiscriminately, but she can't talk indiscriminately!"

In case of being punished by the gods again,

Then wouldn't he be weakened by 10% of all attributes?
Can't stand it, then Su Mu really can't stand it.

Then Afeya put her hands on her hips again and said, "Since it's not true, why don't you hurry back to the room with me!"

 Thank you readers for the monthly tickets presented!

(End of this chapter)

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