As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 113 Human Race Crisis, Demon Race Crisis [3 in 1]

Chapter 113 Human Race Crisis ×, Demon Race Crisis √【Three in One】

'First Princess of Dumfries, Afia. '
'You actually came to ask me to go back to the house in person? ! '
The first thought that came to Su Mu's mind was,

"Nothing to be courteous, either rape or steal!" '
Seeing that the princess came to urge her back to the room, Mao Jiuming also coughed lightly: "How about it, sage, I will come to you tomorrow morning."

"Oh no, at noon, I'll come back at noon tomorrow."

After all, Mao Jiuming left the study quickly, without the slightest sound of footsteps when he left.

It was Xilu's high-heeled boots that clattered,
Then she also bowed to Su Mu: "Master Sage, I will go down first."

Obviously both of them are very self-conscious.

After there was no one else in the study, Afeya walked quickly behind Su Mu, pushing him to leave the study,

"How late is it? Go back to the house!"

See Afia so enthusiastic,

Su Mu suddenly felt outrageous. If he followed the script, what happened next should be Afeya's loss.

Why is she more anxious than herself?
'It's not right!Very wrong! '
After returning to the bedroom, Afeya took the initiative to undress Su Mu,

He took off his shrine cloth robe and hung it on the hanger beside him.

After finishing these things, she secretly took out an iron rod, and suddenly raised it towards the back of Su Mu's head!

a muffled sound,
The iron rod that hit the back of Su Mu's head showed a groove,
Afeya saw Su Mu looking back calmly,
Nothing at all!

"Why?" Afeya asked in surprise, "I heard that Lamer was brought back by being beaten with a sap!"

"Without the shrine cloth robe, can you still be immune to physical attacks?"

Ha ha--

Su Mu smiled when he heard the words: "Are you comparing Lamer, who was seriously injured, to me?"


He is now level 26,
Not only the mana value exceeded [-], but even the strength and physique exceeded [-].

A mere Afia, can you still hit his sap?
Afia is about to run away.

But Su Mu waved the single branch of the World Tree, and immediately tore the space in the direction of her escape.

She didn't have time to stop, and rushed into the tearing space, then fell from the ceiling in the bedroom, and fell into the space door directly below again.

Then Afiya shuttled back and forth between the two space doors, falling continuously.

Shouts sounded from far and near,

Mao Jiuming and Xilu, who had just walked out of the mansion, were shocked.

But Su Mu,

He laid the mattress calmly,

Then he walked towards the falling Afeya, and reached out to catch her: "Madam is so active today, I am so high or low that I will let you take ten months' leave."

"Huh?" Afeya stared: "It's just a face, even if I succeed, I must succeed!"

She struggled with her arms and legs, and kicked Su Mu,

But I only feel that Su Mu's body is so hard,
Can't break the defense at all!
This shocked Afeya: "Are you really only level 18?"

His attribute physique, level 18?really!
"Don't ask if you shouldn't." Su Mu rolled his eyes: "Even a couple should have their own privacy."

After speaking, Afeya threw her on the bed amidst Afia's exclamation.

She must be punished tonight, and it is best to let her stop for ten months, so as not to cause trouble all the time.

This evening Su Mu can be regarded as having a good time,

the next morning,

Su Mu stretched his arms, shook his neck, stretched his muscles and said, "I still won."

Then Afeya was so tired that she didn't even bother to speak back.

Seeing that she stopped tossing, Su Mu fell asleep.

This led to the document that Su Mu should have read,

All of them were sent to Axis, which immediately caused the prince to collapse.

"Did they find Sky Island?"

"And they all want to go to the empty island? But what is this plane?!"

"Humans can still fly into the sky? How is this possible!"

Excluding the research funding application for aircraft,
There are even projects such as chariots, speedboats, and power stations, all of which are applying for funding from Axis.

"It's not just the Platinum Workshop, but even the Dwarf Workshop wants me to allocate funds?"

"Outrageous! The project of the dwarves actually asks my human race for money!"

"What does it mean that magnetism generates electricity and fire generates electricity?"

new nouns,

It's not enough for Axis to say that his brain is not enough.

Until Mao Jiuming brought all kinds of orc warriors to the door,

Ashes was quite surprised again,
'Su Mu's brother-in-law, why are you looking for so many orc warriors? '
'What? !Want to explore the body data of all of them? '
'How to explore? '
'Playing so much? ! '
Uncomfortable, it is a kind of torture to review the official documents of Saint-Marie!
Such a strange thing has never happened in the imperial capital.

And Axis was not the only one who was so busy.

Even Yulia, who was in the Demon King's City, was rubbing her temples with a pale face.

"The demon clan is gone, how dare I call myself a demon clan now? I think those brave men are the real demon clan!"

"It was also said that our demons are trying to occupy the mainland in vain. Looking at it now, it is clear that the human race is the perpetrator, and we are the victims!"

"Anyway, I don't dare to provoke the brave. I heard that my second uncle has been made into a barbecue."

"The brave man is the real devil!"

rumors like this,

Yulia couldn't hold back.

The demon army's morale was slackened, and even Bieler and Balco didn't dare to come to the Demon King's Hall again.

And when Yulia was panicked,
The Lemon King, who led the Black Spider Troop, entered the Demon King's City just at this time.

"Report!" A messenger rushed over: "The lemon demon general has entered the city and is waiting for orders in the outer city!"

upon hearing the news,
Let the gloomy Yuliya's eyes shine,
"Quick! Call him in!"

get orders,

The Lemon Emperor asked Lang Dao to lose contact with his wheelchair and followed him into the main hall of the Demon King City.

When they saw Yulia, their eyes lit up at the same time!
'This devil is so beautiful!I'm so proud of her beautiful voice! '
'Crack, such a beautiful devil is actually an enemy? '
This is not allowed to follow the five senses and surrender to the enemy on the spot!

And when Yulia saw Lang and lost contact, her eyes lit up. Isn't this the one who fought the enemy bravely on the battlefield and rescued the Lemon King?
look at them like this,
Did Emperor Lemon make him a lieutenant general?

That's right, the ability to lose contact with this wave is enough to be qualified for the position of lieutenant general.

Yulia felt even more emotional in her heart,
"Among the troops under Emperor Lemon, there are really crouching tigers, hidden dragons." '
Immediately, Yulia put on a straight face and asked the Lemon Emperor indifferently,
"Now that the brave are rampant, our Demon Race front is in jeopardy. Do you have a way to deal with the current situation?"

"Yes!" The Lemon King in the wheelchair bowed: "Master Demon King, I have three plans that I can implement immediately!"

Three options?

You know, even the heavenly kings such as Birel and Balco dare not come to see them now, and no one has any idea.

The Lemon Emperor can actually name three kinds? !

Not only the demon generals kneeling below were surprised,

Even Yulia stared wide-eyed,
Then I heard the Lemon King speak flicker: "Three methods, divided into offensive, defensive, and bottom-line plans!"

"Attack is desperate, gather all the power of the demons, attack from the White Flag Fortress again, and never retreat!"

"Defense is to build corresponding strategic fortresses against the brave's offensive methods to stabilize the current situation."

"As for the guarantee plan..."

Having said that,
The Lemon King remained silent for a while, and when Yulia's impatient expression appeared on her face,

Then I heard him continue: "It is to make some kind of change from now on, trying to ease the relationship between the human race and the demon race."

"Even if we lose the battle at that time, the Demon Race will not suffer from annihilation."

You can hear this guarantee plan,

Yulia immediately glared angrily: "You can't hold back your words! Are you trying to disturb the morale of the army?!"

Seeing Yulia's delicate face grow angry,

Lemon King and Lang Dao lost contact and bowed their heads one after another.
But he still persuaded him: "Master Demon King, this change is not only to ease the relationship with the brave, but also to boost the morale of the army!"

"Okay!" Yulia interrupted suddenly: "Immediately implement the defensive plan!"

Whether it's a desperate attack, or making changes to please the brave, Yulia categorically disagrees.

Hearing this order,
The Lemon King was a little disappointed, but he still responded: "Yes, this subordinate will carry out this task now."

Immediately afterwards, Yulia added: "From now on, you will be the commander-in-chief of the 72 demon generals, and you will be fully responsible for the project of the demon fortress."

"Yes!" Lemon King's pupils shook, excited by the news!

His power in the Demon King's army is even greater!

With this right, it is more convenient for him to seek official positions for Lang Dao and the others!
And the demon generals kneeling below also raised their eyes to look at the Lemon King,

I keep thinking more and more,
'This lemon demon general is really a big hit in front of the demon king now. '
'Don't underestimate, don't underestimate! '
And after you leave,
And the devil general approached Lemon the first time, and kindly reminded him: "General Lemon, you were really brave just now!"

"How dare you ask the Lord Demon King to make changes for the brave, and the Lord didn't even kill you."

"Next time, don't speak rashly."

But the Lemon King disagrees,

He felt that the reason why Yulia refused was because there were other demon generals kneeling in the lobby.

If it weren't for them, a group of demons who would be an eyesore, maybe Yulia would have agreed!
as predicted,

Waiting until the waves lost contact and pushed Lemon King back to the military tent,

Then I saw a figure sitting in the military tent,
It was Yulia who arrived one step ahead of them!
"Emperor Lemon, tell me about the guarantee plan." Yulia said indifferently, "If this plan is implemented, will it really improve the brave man's impression of the demons?"

to be frank,
Whenever Yulia thought of those perverted brave men, she felt uncomfortable.

If she can really pass the guarantee plan and give herself a layer of protection, then she will be too happy!
Seeing Yulia became interested,

Lemon King also excitedly said: "Master Demon King, I have a lot of research on the brave people!"

"If you make changes according to my plan, maybe you can make the brave man turn his back and use it for you!"

Ok? !

The brave turned against the water and joined the Demon King's army?

Yulia admitted that she was moved by what King Lemon said!
This era is very outrageous, originally only one brave man has gone everywhere,

It doesn't seem impossible to let them join the Demon King Army~
"What should I do?" Julia asked,
But I saw King Lemon took out something,
It is the light-transmitting white silk that he carefully wove with magic silk!

"Master Demon King, quickly stretch out your jade feet!"

When he said that, Lemon King's halazi almost flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

'Yuzu? '
Yulia looked at the Lemon King's face and frowned and backed away,

'what happened? '
'Always feel a little shuddering? '
Cough cough--

The Lemon King coughed lightly, and quickly changed his serious face,

And reach out to catch the wave to the shoulder of the lost connection,

"Quick! Help me up quickly, and give the wheelchair to Lord Demon King!"

Then the Lemon King knelt down on the ground, let the waves lose contact and asked Yulia to sit in a wheelchair,
Waiting for Yulia to take her place,

The Lemon King lifted up her long black dress, and held the extremely sacred big white radish in both hands~
The jade feet of the Lord Demon King!
Kowtow quickly!
After covering the jade feet with white silk, he reached out and began to rub them.

He also expressed his feelings with a serious face: "Well! The effect is very good! It is very silky!"

Look at this situation,

When the wave reached the point of losing contact, she hurriedly knelt down in front of Yulia,
Lifted her another big turnip,
Dress her in black silk made of black spider hair.

Then imitate Lemon King's facial expressions and movements, rubbing,
"Well, the general is right! Works great! Very silky!"

"As expected of Lord Demon King, you are so talented!"

"Even if ordinary people accept this modification, it won't have such a good effect!"

"As expected of the Lord Demon King, this jade foot is simply amazing!"

Lemon King and Lang Dao lost contact to cooperate,
One rainbow fart after another, Yulia was at a loss.

Let her expression change from ignorant to smug, and she has already shouted the phrase in her heart, "You are worthy of being the devil!" ' up.

Afterwards, Emperor Lemon and Lang Dao lost contact and began to study clothes again.
"Master Demon King, you are the leader of an army, and you must go to battle at any time to set an example, and your clothes can't be so messy!"

"The less you wear, the easier it is to fight!"

"Come on, try this bandage on!"

"What?! You don't know how to put on a bandage? Let me teach you!"

"The magic horn on your head should be piercing two flowers~"

After a frantic change of clothes,

When I lost contact with the wave, I took out the recording magic stone,
Pointing at Yu Liya to shoot, and said flickeringly: "Master Demon King, I will take a picture for you, so that you can check the effect yourself!"

when shooting,
Lemon King also has additional teaching,
"Master Demon King, don't be too serious and indifferent when you speak."

"Be close to the people, you must be close to the people, and pronounce it sweeter!"

"Don't understand what it means?"

He heard him clapping his throat again, giving Yulia a personal demonstration!
that tone,
I heard Yulia tremble all over,
'It's disgusting, is she really going to speak in that voice? '
'Would human braves like this sound? '
'No, those brave men are all perverts, I can't try to guess their thoughts. '
After thinking about it,

Yulia also clamped her throat, tilted her head and asked, "Speaking like this~?"


Yulia's voice itself is ethereal and pleasant,
Now pinch it again, it is simply ecstasy!
The Lemon King almost stood up, and shouted: "Yes! That's it!"

"Master Demon King, you must have listened to me!"

"Even if the brave men go to the Demon King's City tomorrow, they will never take your life!"

Yulia froze suddenly, she always felt that something was wrong.

Isn't her appearance in the arms of those perverted brave men?

its not right!
There is a problem here!
She wants to ease the relationship with the human race, not to mention the desire of the perverted hero!
But this short recorded video,
It has been uploaded to the forum by the waves to lose contact,

It was even synced to his [Bi Dou Si] account!

Seeing Julia covered in bandages,

The players suddenly exclaimed,

"Fuck! The devil looks so cute?"

"No way! She still obeys King Lemon?"

"Damn it, I'm standing! It's a pity that I didn't choose the human race, otherwise I would go to the demon race as an undercover agent!"

As Lemon King guessed,

There are really players with three views and five senses, calling out to come to the Demon Race as an undercover agent.

see this situation,

Lemon King rolled his eyes,
If there were more undercover players, wouldn't he have less room to play?

No matter how coquettish he is, he still can't stand the player's introversion!
think of this,
He immediately posted on the forum.

[All players who want to be undercover, please pay attention! 】

[1#: It must be a human race, and the ID should not be too outrageous, and it must not have performed outstandingly on the battlefield! 】

three elements,

Directly destroy the thoughts of a large number of players.

Although the Lemon King made big cakes for Yulia, saying that there might be brave men who turned against him,
But he knows

If there is a brave man who turns his back on the water, it will only increase the possibility of his being exposed, and all the trust he has built will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

Just as Lemon King was pulling with other players,

Yulia looked at the image and frowned,

'Is this me?It's not as serious as it used to be! '
'How can I lead the Demon King's army with my appearance?How to establish prestige? ! '
"Lemon Emperor." Yulia turned her head and changed the order: "This video must be destroyed, and no fourth person is allowed to see it."

Lemon King and Lang Dao lost contact, stunned,
The two watched in embarrassment that the number of views had exceeded [-].


Lord Demon King can't see the beeping and hissing platform.

"Master Demon King, don't worry, there will never be a fourth person to see it!" The Lemon Emperor patted his chest and promised.

Yulia nodded when she heard the words, waved her hand and smashed the record magic stone that Lang had lost contact with.

Then she took off the bandage again, put on the usual black robe, and left the military tent calmly and solemnly.

But when Julia left,
King Lemon immediately copied the video from the forum,

Recorded into the new record magic stone.

"Brother, we must find a way to spread this image among the Demon King's army!"

"Huh? Are you crazy? Didn't you hear the devil order to shut up?"

But the Lemon King clenched his fists tightly,

"Not only to spread the word, but also to find ways to create a positive impact"

"Otherwise we won't have the chance to change her clothes in the future!"

"Let's turn the Demon King into an idol!"


Hearing this idea,
When the wave reached the point of losing contact, he gasped.

Thinking of not being able to touch Yulia's white radish in the future, he also scratched his heart.

"Brother, I will accompany you through the adventure!"

When Lang reached the point of losing contact, he made up his mind, and immediately cooperated with Emperor Lemon to find a way to release this video!
That afternoon,

Inside the Sage's Mansion in Saint-Mar City,

Su Mu, who was still comatose, was suddenly slapped on the face,

There was a 'pop' sound, which made him wake up leisurely.

When he opened his eyes in a daze, he saw the back of Affia's hand resting on his face, and she was still soundly asleep.

"Hiss, it's already afternoon?"

Su Mu frowned and looked at the sky outside the window,

"Damn, I have to change my biological clock back quickly."

He rubs his temples,

After changing clothes, he walked out of the bedroom, only to find that Xilu had been waiting at the door of the room.

"Master Sage, General Mao Jiuming has been waiting for a long time."

"They are waiting outside the courtyard. At noon, the prince entertained them on your behalf."

Su Mu nodded,
Then walked out of the mansion to the compound,

I saw cats, dogs, foxes, rabbits, tigers, leopards, jackals, bears and other beastmen staying in the courtyard, and each had a male and a female.

"Sage, I brought everyone!"

Seeing Su Mu, Mao Jiuming hurried over excitedly.

Su Mu heard the words and took out the single branch of the world tree,

Use it to tap the ground, unfold a square blue screen, and let the orcs pass through one after another.

So far,

The orc race is officially included in the [Dumfries] game.

After doing this,

Mao Jiuming rubbed his hands and looked at Su Mu,
The look of hope in the eyes,

It's like asking 'When will you be able to summon the orc warrior? 'Same.

Su Mu turned to look at Xi Lu, and asked her to arrange an embassy for Mao Jiuming.

As for the calling, he had other arrangements.

Now the number of players is increasing,

His level and attribute growth rate also began to rise exponentially.

After the debuff that reduces all attributes by 10% disappears, he can relax the rules for including players.

Thinking about this,
Su Mu returned to his study and started writing a new program.


[Dumfries] issued a new announcement on the official website,
[Add nine orc templates to choose from, and the game test has entered the open beta stage! 】

[The situation in Dumfries has become more and more stable, the rampant demons have been successfully suppressed, and the human territory has been able to re-expand. 】

[Quota for the internal test has been changed to a queuing system,]

[New related plot tasks will be synchronized to the task bar of all players, and can be received as appropriate! 】

almost at the same time,

A message box pops up in front of all players.

[Special Story Quest: Temple of the Brave]

[Activation task method: go to the mansion of the sage to find Su Mu, and propose to build the Temple of the Brave. 】

[Mission Details: Build the temple responsible for summoning the brave, and the construction quality must be qualified! 】

[Task reward: 200 gold coins for the project. 】

[Ps: Special missions, after the building is completed, a new entry channel will be added to the game for new players to use. 】

After the construction is completed,

All pre-booked players will receive wooden VR glasses,

After entering the face-pinching space, they will automatically enter the waiting queue.

Then you will see [Countdown] and [Current Queue Ranking] two information boxes,

On average every 15 minutes,

Su Mu will let a player enter Dumfries.

Once this message is released,
Suddenly attracted countless crazy cloud players,

"Damn it! Is there no limit on the number of closed betas at last!"

"What's the situation? If you want to activate this function, you need players who have already entered the game to do the task?"

"Please, hurry up and get someone to finish that task!"

"Heavy rewards are offered, whoever completes the corresponding plot tasks can ask me to receive [-] soft sister coins!"

200 gold coins for the project,

Plus a reward of [-] Ruanmei coins,
Let 'I play mud in the northeast' rush to the mansion of the sage immediately.

Panting heavily, he said to Su Mu: "Master Sage, listen to me...let me build you a Temple of the Brave!"

Seeing this, Su Mu raised his eyebrows,

Still showing that ignorant expression and said: "Explain in detail."

wait a moment,

All players are notified again.

[Special Story Event: Temple of the Brave]

[Already picked up by player: I play mud in Northeast China]

see the notice,

The long-overdue platinum star stops,
He felt even more regretful,

"Crack! It's worth 3 yuan in total, Ma De, I missed it!"

"Yes." Behind him appeared the figure of 'I'm not showing off today': "It seems that neither of us is so lucky."

The two looked at each other and shook their heads frequently.

So today I don't show off and turn around and leave,

Despondently said: "I'm going to continue to make the plane, and when I build the plane, I will immediately let this game enter the next version."

Wait for the plane to leave,
Let the race players board the city of the sky,
The version of the anti-magic beast should be updated.

upon hearing this,

Platinum Star also muttered in his heart,
'After I finish transforming the body of the mechanical ascension, it's time to study getting off the plane. '
'In the next version, there is a high probability that the plot and support will be inclined to the Winged Terran, and this plane must be the main prop! '
 Thank you readers for your monthly pass!Begging for a monthly pass! Orz
(End of this chapter)

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