As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 154 The smart and greedy Murphy. 【3 in 1】

Chapter 154 The smart and greedy Murphy. 【triple】

Vampire territory,
In the dark night castle,
At this time, rumors were spreading, and things about the Titans were being discussed everywhere.

"Hey, have you heard? Murphy of the Titans has become the devil. He is conquering nearby races. I heard that the gargoyles have surrendered."

"Isn't it right? Then the Titan clan's next target is our vampire clan?"

"This is not good, this is not good."

In the midst of the discussion,

All the vampires had sad faces on their faces.

Everyone is obviously worried about this matter.

Titans and Gargoyles, these two races are essentially just rocks!
There is no blood in their bodies at all!
Fighting against this kind of race, the Vampires will suffer greatly.

"To fight against a race without blood, you must use your own blood to attack."

"Maybe he will die from lack of blood, right?"

"Tsk, that's not the most important thing. Will using the blood control technique to fight against the stone be effective?"

The vampire’s attack method,

It can definitely be called simple and crude.

Directly mobilize the blood in the enemy's body to create a blood explosion!
Can instantly blast enemies into powder.

From this perspective, the gargoyles and the Titans are simply the nemesis of the vampires in the sky...

"If you want to fight them, you must come up with a corresponding solution."

I don’t want to make money yet I am frowning and brooding,
I know that this matter is not a trivial matter.

"The Titans seem to be very strong in terms of physical defense. If you want to defeat them, you can only use magic."

"Is it magic other than blood control? It seems like you have to learn it now."

Thinking about this,
I don't want to make money sending messages to Ciudad Santa Mar,
Prepare to acquire a large number of magic scrolls,

In addition to supplementing the magic skills of vampire members, it is best to buy an ancient magic scroll, which can also be used as a trump card.

at the same time,

He is also squeezing the living space in the XC area as planned.

Dark Night Castle XC Area - There are not many living rooms.

It does have a side square and the Blood Pond Park, which are the vampires' favorite places to go.

But looking at the current situation,
The living environment in the XC area is very poor. There are many vampires, but the territory is far from enough, which soon leads to the phenomenon of crowded people.

What disgusted them the most was that I didn’t want to make money and even set a seal.
The XC area at this moment,
Can't go in, can't go out!

And as the seal is continuously compressed, the originally insufficient living space is still being reduced at this moment.

"Fuck! I can't get through this day. I just want to take a nap, but in the end I have to put my head on someone else's feet?"

"That's fine for you. At least you can lie down. I can only sleep standing up. I'd rather hang upside down on a tree!"

"Gan, please stop arguing. Who has blood? I'm going to starve to death. I want to pay a lot of money for a bag of blood!"

"If the lockdown continues under this situation, within half a month, all of us will starve to death!"

have to say,

I don’t want to make money by squeezing my living space, which can be called a great success!

Due to lack of supplies and hunger, some vampires soon became delirious and even did things that harmed their own kind.

That's right!

They need blood, and only the vampires trapped in the XC area together have blood in their bodies!

"Asshole, how dare you bite me!"

"Made, it depends on whether I can suck you dry today!"

"Everyone calm down. If any vampire compatriots are really sucked to death by blood, that would be a great shame for our vampires!"

But just as he finished shouting,
There happened to be a vampire who collapsed in the crowd. His face was pale and he no longer looked like a vampire at all!
"How is that possible! Are there really vampires that suck the same kind of blood?!"

"Damn, his blood tastes so good, I can't help it anymore!"

"Help, I don't want to suck the blood of the same kind!"


This XC area has turned into a picture of hell.
Most of the vampires among them have lost their minds!

"Did it fall so quickly?" I Don't Want to Make Money was speechless when I saw this: "With such a mess, can any representative still come to talk to me?"

Just when I don’t want to make money and complain,

The deputy general actually came over excitedly.
"Lord Blood Ancestor, the civil strife in the XC area seems to be over. A representative is calling and hopes to negotiate with us."

This makes me not want to make money.
Come as soon as you say?So fast?

Then, not wanting to make money, I just waved my hand: "Tell him I won't see him."

"In addition, if they want to surrender, they can sign the document belonging to the guild themselves, and they will naturally be released from the XC area."

"If not, we will continue to squeeze the living space of the XC area."

heard the order,

Even the deputy general swallowed his saliva.

This order was given too decisively.
There is only one way for the vampires in the XC area to go.

And I don’t want to look at making money,
At this moment, it is placed on a document on the table.

"Are the people in Beicheng District finally unable to sit still?"

That's right,

Under the oppression of the Titans and Gargoyles,
Beicheng District, which has always been isolated from the world, finally couldn't help but spread the news.

[I heard that the Titans and Gargoyles may attack the Dark Night Castle. If you want to become the Blood Ancestor, we hope you can come up with a plan to deal with this matter. 】

"Haha, you are so loud." I didn't want to make money and rolled my eyes: "I want to become a blood ancestor, when do I need your approval?"

However, this response plan
He really had to think of one.

"Introducing human magic?" I hesitated as I didn't want to make money: "If it doesn't work, I'll try to learn new magic, right?"

"Anyway, the skill of blood control seems to have a high degree of freedom."

Vampire combat skills,
Basically, they are all developed from blood control techniques.

As long as the blood control skills are proficient and used properly, various novel skills can theoretically be developed.

"You can't target the blood in the enemy's body, but use the blood to make weapons."

"It's best to recycle or reuse it..."


I didn’t want to make money so I developed a blood whip!
This blood whip can bind the enemy like a chain, and squeeze and break the opponent's bones.

For the Titans and Gargoyles,
This might actually be the best offensive method.

"The opponent is all stone, how about adding some water and fire magic power?"

"Under the dual-attribute attack, the offensive effect will definitely be maximized."

After thinking about it,

I don't want to make money and come up with all kinds of new magic quickly,
And distribute these magics to the lieutenants, so that the subordinate vampires can learn them.

And just three days later,

As the bastard of the Titans, the gargoyle
Amazingly, they reached the border of Dark Night Castle and launched an attack on the Blood Tribe!
"Come so fast? But it's just in time, let me try the power of the new skill."

"Hey, just drive the opponent's arm away, squeeze it and twist it off? This magic is so powerful!"

"Kill it to death. I really used the blood control technique to easily kill the monster without blood in its body!"

For a time,

The vampires can be said to be capable of fighting against gargoyles.
They are evenly matched for the time being.

"It's time to inform the vampires in Beicheng District. If they don't come forward to join us, the spearhead will be directed at Beicheng District."

At this time, other urban areas have surrendered to 'I don't want to make money'.

Only Beicheng District is still causing trouble.
If they still refuse to surrender and take advantage of the invasion of foreign enemies to cause trouble, then they are the enemies of the entire vampire clan.

In the name of the blood clan's glory, I don't want to make money and will launch a crusade against them!

at the same time,

The Dark Night Castle cannot be conquered for a long time.

Naturally attracting Murphy's attention,

"How can this vampire survive for so long?"

"Is it difficult to defeat the Gargoyles, Titans, and Vampires?"

They can be called the restrained vampires!

After thinking about it,
Murphy grinned, instead of being angry, he smiled and said, "Just in time, I'll stretch my muscles and go out in person to meet the vampire for a while."

Hear this,

The surrounding Titans quickly knelt down,

"When the Demon King goes to war, he will surely triumph easily!"

"Lord Demon King, please lead us to victory!"

Without saying a word, he complimented Murtefi, and he immediately became beaming with joy.

And seeing Murphy arriving on the battlefield,
I don’t want to make money and I frown.

"That's the Stone Demon King? Tsk, can't he be more reserved? He actually goes to the battlefield in person. What's going on with the setting of this game? Does he insist on killing my organization?"

Multefield has sensitive ears;

When I heard that I didn't want to make money, I immediately became angry: "Reserved? As the devil, I should control all living things!"

"Listen, I'll give you a chance to resist, you take the lead!"

I don’t want to make money and be stunned again,
This demon king didn't launch an attack, but let him take the lead?
Is this the absolute confidence of the evil villain?
Just when he was thinking this,
But then he saw Murphy ducking away and sneering: "Look, look at my nimble movements and quick reactions. Even if I let you attack ten thousand times, you still can't hit me!"

when you say

Then Murphy kept moving around,
It's like a show,
I don’t want to make money. I was suddenly confused and stared at Murtefi.

'No, no, no, is this devil poisonous?Did he just want to show off his strength? '
That's right!

It's the reason why Murphy just turned into human form,
He really loves the small human form to the extreme!

I think as long as I have this figure,
No matter what kind of attack it is, he can dodge it quickly!

'Tsk, what's going on? This guy is really fast. Does he need to predict the release of his skills? '
I don’t want to make money and think about it,
Then he decided to do a round of pre-judgment before releasing the skills.

'Right!First!Be the first to unleash your skills in ten positions! '
When I think like this,

I didn't want to make money, so I suddenly raised my hand and released my skills far to the right.

"not good!"

At the moment when I released my skills, I was stunned because I didn’t want to make money.

The angle of prediction is wrong.

According to this spellcasting trajectory, there is absolutely no way to hit Murphy!
Under the watchful eyes of all,
Murphy suddenly accelerated and turned the corner, slamming into the skill I don't want to make money!

Mu Teifei's mouth was filled with gravel.
He sneered and looked at me, not wanting to make money: "Humph, it seems you are quite capable!"

"You don't need magic defense, you are underestimating your enemy!"

Multefield didn't use magic defense, so he was injured by magic that I didn't want to make money.

But I didn’t want to make money but I opened my mouth in surprise,
'Are you kidding me, that skill was clearly created by you! '
Although he hit crookedly,

But Murphy picked it up right!
Ha ha--

I don't want to make money and concentrate on prediction again, and perform another Blood Whip Technique.

without exception,

Although I missed the target,
But Murphy has a bright mind.

He can accurately catch the skill in a thousandth of a second!
This made the "I don't want to make money" who was still fighting seriously choked up suddenly.

'What's going on, does he really want to avoid the skill? '
'Isn't it? Isn't it? This Murphy is too greedy. He ate up all the skills and didn't miss any of them? '
What makes me feel most outrageous about not wanting to make money is that,

From beginning to end, Multefield never launched a magical defense.

They were all forced to resist the "I don't want to make money" skill, which resulted in him being covered in injuries at this moment.

In the end, he laughed and waved,

"It seems that I have underestimated the vampires. Compatriots, please retreat temporarily!"

"We will take down the vampires in one fell swoop another day!"

I don’t want to make money and I’m really stuck,

Is it possible that this Murtefi's head is also full of stones?
at the same time,

The blood clan in Beicheng District received the ultimatum,
I just came to the front line at this moment,

As a result, the injured Murtefe led his troops to withdraw from the battlefield.

"What's going on? Is that the Demon King? Why is he covered in wounds and even retreating?"

"Hey, you guys are too late, and you haven't even seen the power of Lord Blood Ancestor."

"The opponent's demon king moves very fast, almost like a flash! But Lord Blood Ancestor's magic seems to have a tracking effect, and it is an absolute hit!"

"Lord Blood Ancestor used his own power to repel the opponent's stubborn stone demon king!"

All the vampires present,
They all cast admiring glances at me for not wanting to make money.

This made him feel even more outrageous,
'Absolutely, it's not because I'm too powerful, it's because Murphy is too stupid! '
'But it's not bad, it helps me establish my authority in disguise. '
'Is this Multe Fei an ally of the vampires? ! '
And within the Demon Realm,

Balco heard that Murphy of the Titans was king,

And he is still attacking the vampires at this moment,
This made his eyes light up: "The Titans are attacking the Vampires. This is the best time to eliminate the Vampires in one fell swoop!"

Support the vampires?
Doesn't exist, doesn't exist at all,
Instead, Balco wanted to take the opportunity to destroy the vampires, so that Ruoslan's death in the Demon King's City would be revealed.

“Let’s cut the grass and root out the problem now.”

Balco looked at his kneeling subordinates below and immediately issued an order: "You, go and mobilize a Dawn Bird troop and follow me to conquer the Vampires."

This time he will conquer the Vampire Clan, and he will do it himself!

The Demons have suffered too many defeats recently, and they need a victory to boost the morale of the Demon King's army!
And when Balco arrived with his troops,
However, they saw that the direction of Dark Night Castle was very calm, and there was no sign of fighting between the two armies.

"What's going on?" Barr frowned: "Didn't you say that the Titans are attacking the Vampires?"

"Why isn't there even a shadow?"

And on the other side,
In the dark night castle,
The leaders of the major vampire clans were all sitting around in front of me, who didn’t want to make money.
We are discussing the issue of unity among the vampires.

As a result, they noticed that Balco had arrived at the border with his troops and was looking eagerly at the Dark Night Castle.

"Isn't it?"

"The two demon kings are fighting together to attack the Dark Night Castle?"

"Damn it, what mistake did we make? Are we being besieged by two demon kings?"

"Huh, being weak is a fault in itself."

"I don't want to make money. Don't you want us to recognize you as the Blood Ancestor?"

"If you can lead the vampires to solve this matter, we will recognize you!"

Once you wear the crown, you must bear its weight.

This troublesome matter was immediately dismissed by the elders of the vampire clan to the fact that I didn’t want to make money.

Hearing this,

I didn’t want to make money and frowned slightly.

"Are the two demon kings taking turns to attack?"

"Balco's troops have not taken action for the time being. Are they waiting for Murphy?"

If it really doesn't work, why don't you just ask for help like Qian Ruorui?

After thinking about it,

I don’t want to make money, so I finally open my mouth.
[I don’t want to make money: Money is like dirt. Old friend, I’m in trouble too. Can you come over and help me? 】

[Qian Ruotui: Old friend, I'm afraid I can't help. 】

[Taking the initiative is inconsistent with the purpose of our organization. Our new demons yearn for peace and will never participate in unrelated wars. 】

[If you want to get support from the new demons, you must help the new demons at least once. 】

Hearing this response,

I don’t want to make money and feel a headache all of a sudden.

"It's troublesome."

"Since the new demons can't support us, why not ask the sage?"

After saying that, he sent a message to Su Mu again.

After several versions of updates,

Su Mu has set himself up as a novice instructor,

All players have him in their friends list.

[I don’t want to make money: Lord Sage, the Vampire Tribe is being besieged by two demon kings and is asking for support from Saint Mar. 】

Seeing this news,
Su Mu casually tapped the keyboard and sent me away if I didn't want to make money.
[Su Mu: Your question has been received here. Please transfer it to Rias. She will provide you with help. 】

It’s not that Su Mu was perfunctory,

But he just received the message from Celia,

[The crystal deer has not been found yet, but traces of the holy beast-the short-eared rabbit have been found. The other party is being hunted, and the pursuer is suspected to be a fox carrot. 】

this news,
But it's much more important than the vampire being besieged!

Holy animal-short-eared rabbit,

It is a well-known existence on the mainland.

Don't look at it as just a red-eyed rabbit,

But he is the strongest killer in the entire continent.
It is said that the person targeted by it will never survive the sunrise the next day!
"The short-eared rabbit, a killing-type holy beast with extremely strong combat power, is actually being chased by a fox carrot?"

"Evil, this is too evil!"

"How many attributes did Fox Carrot steal?"

[Su Mu, tell me quickly, should I pursue you or not? 】

Just when Su Mu was complaining,
I heard another urging message from Celia,

If he didn't catch up immediately, Celia might also lose the target.

Su Mu thought for a moment,
Then he sent an order to Celia,
[Stop chasing, continue looking for the crystal deer, and give up on the short-eared rabbit. 】

Whether it's a short-eared rabbit or a fox carrot,

Both of these are not existences that Celia can mess with.
If Celia is really involved in this battle,

I'm afraid Su Mu will lose her.

[Don’t care about short-eared rabbits?It is also a sacred beast, and the fox carrot must have other purposes for chasing it. 】

Celia is still persuading,
But Su Mu stopped him.

[Stop talking, give up on the short-eared rabbit. The second god who wants to go to the lower world must be the God of Death. I will have other ways to stop him. You should evacuate quickly. 】

hear this,

Celia gave up tracking with some hesitation.

Su Mu, on the other hand, immediately went to Da Yiquan and asked him to find the God of War and ask him what the main attributes of the God of Death were.

"Is the other god who wants to go to the lower world the god of death?"

When asked,
The God of War immediately understood the origin of this problem.

Then he laughed and said: "The home of the Purple Wings was destroyed and they became prisoners. It's no wonder that the killing god is so angry that he wants to go down to the lower world."

"Just tell Su Mu, the main attribute of the God of Death is darkness."

Just like Miche's main attribute is light and God of War's main attribute is fire,
Although the gods have different methods of fighting, they all have their own main attributes of magic power.

"Dark attribute?"

When he learned the answer, Su Mu was in Budkaluo City, standing in front of the driver with a C license.

"C driver, is there a dragon king with dark attributes in the Dragon Mystery Realm?"

The C-photo driver put his hands on his hips and looked at Su Mu with slight surprise.

"Why did the Sage come to ask this question? Is there some special plot that is going to be triggered?"

and also?
Su Mu frowned in confusion,
"Fox Carrot came back? Did he also ask you this question?"

The C-Zhao driver shook his head when he heard this: "It's Qingfeng. He also asked about the whereabouts of the Shadow Dragon King. As for what happened this morning, he seems to have gone looking for it."

Speaking of this, the driver with the C license clicked his tongue.

"This kid, can't you sincerely care about the Wind Dragon King as one dragon? He actually has other dragons in mind."

"If the Wind Dragon King finds out about this, he will definitely lose his temper. I'm afraid this kid will be unable to eat and carry around."

However, C followed the driver’s teasing,

Su Mu couldn't listen at all.

'Qingfeng went to find the Shadow Dragon King? '
'This kid, shouldn't he still be doing things for Miche? '
'With the magical skills given by Mi Che, even the Shadow Dragon King may not be his opponent...'
If it doesn't work well,

This god of death will be the first god to enter the lower realm.

at the same time,

The outer border of the Dragon Mystery Realm,
The breeze is riding the strong wind and flying in the sky.

"Isn't it possible to fly in easily without Brittany to lead the way?"

Qingfeng frowned slightly,

Then he pointed his hand and immediately launched a powerful wave of wind, blowing away the clouds and mist in front of him.

And when the clouds and mist dispersed, you could just see the hidden magic circle revealed by the clouds and mist!
"Is this the magic circle?" Qingfeng waved his sword again, threw out a blast of wind blade, and attacked the magic circle directly.

at the same time,

While the hidden magic circle was shaking,

The breeze turned into a breeze and penetrated into the dragon's mysterious realm through the gaps in the magic circle.

At the moment when the breeze invaded forcefully,
More than a dozen giant dragons suddenly flew in front of him, aiming at Qingfeng and firing their breath.

Anyone who invades the Dragon Mystery Realm will be killed directly without warning!

But the breeze is awe-inspiring and unafraid,

Facing the attack of more than a dozen giant dragons, he refused to dodge and allowed the breath wave to pass through his body.

"Everyone, I came here rashly, not to fight."

"I have received reliable information that someone wants to attack the Shadow Dragon King in order to obtain its Dragon King Reverse Scale."

"Does any dragon know where the Shadow Dragon King is?"

"I just want to help it."

Hearing these words, all the dragons were attentive and questioning. They had no reason to believe a stranger's words.

Seeing the tense expressions of more than a dozen giant dragons,

Qingfeng couldn't help but smile and shrug: "It was the C driver who told me about this place. He asked me to come here to find the Shadow Dragon King."

C license driver? !

Hearing this name, the giant dragons were stunned.
"Are you a friend of the Dragon Warrior?"

"I see. Is there someone out there who wants to take advantage of the Shadow Dragon King?"

"The Shadow Dragon King is extraordinary, but you are also very strong. If you are here, the Shadow Dragon King will definitely be safer."

"Humans, come with us!"

The driver’s name on the C-photograph is really useful!

Just by mentioning the name, these giant dragons immediately dropped their guard!

(End of this chapter)

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