As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 155: Publishing tasks does not necessarily mean dispersing money, it can also make money. 【1

Chapter 155: Publishing tasks does not necessarily mean dispersing money, it can also make money. 【triple】

There are enthusiastic guides from more than a dozen giant dragons,
The breeze is in this mysterious realm of dragons,
It's like taking a vacation and looking around, taking in the sights and learning more and more.

To the edge of the secret realm,

Different from other mountains and dense forests with beautiful mountains and clear waters and bright sunshine,

At the edge of the secret realm, there is only a deep canyon.

The canyon is deep and bottomless, but the wind spurts out from it, as if anyone with a parachute can ride the wind straight up.

"Friends of the Dragon Fighter, the Shadow Dragon King is under the canyon. It doesn't like to be disturbed by dragons. You can go on your own."

More than a dozen giant dragons stayed here, all signaling Qingfeng to go alone.

Qingfeng looked at the giant dragon,

Then he felt the breeze blowing from the canyon and smiled.

Where there is wind, he will naturally not be afraid.

I saw him walking towards the cliff, jumping towards the canyon, and then slowly floating downwards on the wind.

That posture,
The other giant dragons were stunned.

"This human being does have some abilities. How can the strong wind in this deep canyon be so gentle in front of him?"

All the dragons know
It is said that the strong wind is gentle, just because Qingfeng's method is clever.

If ordinary people stepped into it, not only would they be blown up by the strong wind, they would not be able to go deep into the bottom of the canyon, and they would probably be torn into pieces by the strong wind!

"Tell me, is this guy a good guy or a bad guy?"

"It's not important. If he really has malicious intentions, the Shadow Dragon King will naturally kill him."

"Yes, since he is here to see the Shadow Dragon King, then just introduce him there."

In the eyes of these dozen giant dragons,
No matter how powerful Qingfeng is, there is no way he can defeat the Shadow Dragon King.

If he really wants to take action, he will only become a dead soul in the claws of the Shadow Dragon King.

But just as the dragons were whispering and teasing,

Their eyes move slightly,

Then they all looked at each other,
"Has someone entered the secret realm again?"

"It's strange this time. The other party actually entered using a secret method according to the rules."

"Which of the dragons who are traveling now will come back at this time?"

"You can't be the bad guy that guy said, right?"

I won’t say more about the dragons.
Quickly rush to the entrance of the Dragon Secret Realm,
Just as they were preparing to attack with dragon's breath, they saw Brittany's figure appear at the entrance.

except her,

Surprisingly, there was also a driver with C license and a strange man holding a dead branch.

After releasing the identification technique, he saw that the man was young, but he had already become the great sage of the Dumfries Empire.

Looking at the level again, it’s only a pitiful level 18? !

"Dear Dragon Warrior, Golden Scale Dragon King, why are you back?"

Having said that,
The dozens of giant dragons were all shocked: "Is there really someone targeting the Shadow Dragon King? Are you all here to protect the Shadow Dragon King?"

Wait, no matter how strong the enemy targeting the Shadow Dragon King is,
Isn't it too impressive? !

Just because he guessed that someone was targeting him, so many people came to protect him. Did the Shadow Dragon King save the world in his previous life?
They couldn't help but continue to mutter and ask,
Su Mu was the first to speak: "Where is the Shadow Dragon King?"

"Has Qingfeng already met it?"

Listen to Su Mu speak,
Only then did the giant dragons look at the sage holding the dead tree.
'This kid is only level 18. He is the most useless among all the people present. How can he speak so arrogantly? '
'Does he really think that this mysterious dragon realm is within his Dumfries territory?Are you going to give this wise man three cents of noodles? '
Just as the giant dragons stared at Su Mu,

And when the C driver was about to come forward and speak for him.

But he saw Su Mu slightly waving the single branch of the World Tree,
Directly use space magic to lock the throats of the dragons in front of you, suffocating them immediately.

"I'll ask again, answer me immediately, have Qingfeng and Shadow Dragon King already met?"


All the dragons took a breath,

But his neck was choked and he couldn't breathe at all. The whole dragon began to tremble due to suffocation.

What is going on with the sage Su Mu?

A level 18 sage is so terrifying? !
They are dragons, are they so shameless in front of humans? !
"Humph, you asked for it." Brittany snorted coldly, not intending to favor them, but followed up and asked: "The Shadow Dragon King is in danger now, tell me if he is still in the Deep Canyon!"

Hearing this question, all the dragons fought hard
Then Brittany led the way,

He took Su Mu and C Zhao's driver to the canyon, and then asked Su Mu to let them go.

on the road,
Those dozen giant dragons all had angry expressions.
While smiling flatteringly, he said flatteringly: "Dear Golden Scale Dragon King, you don't have to worry so much, right?"

"That's the Shadow Dragon King. He's so powerful that he doesn't even allow him to be an examiner in the Dragon God Trial. He's afraid that no one will pass the test before he dies. How can it still be threatened?"

"That's right, don't worry, nothing will happen to the Shadow Dragon King."

"The one named Qingfeng, right? I admit that he does have some abilities, but if he does evil in front of the Shadow Dragon King, he will definitely die."

Faced with the assurance of the dragon,
Su Mu's face became increasingly ugly.
Because he was the only one who knew that the direction Brittany was walking at this time was not close to Qingfeng at all.

On the contrary, it is getting further and further away from Qingfeng!
'Qingfeng, you must have succeeded, right? '
Just when Su Mu was criticizing in his heart,

Brittany stopped, stretched her head and looked down the canyon and said, "The Shadow Dragon King should be under the canyon, but why can't I feel its breath?"

dong dong——

Su Mu struck the ground with a single branch of the World Tree.

Immediately a space crack was torn open,
Through the cracks, they could clearly see the dim scene at the bottom of the canyon.

" that really a level 18 human sage?"

"This is the Dragon Mystery Realm, and he actually tore apart space in the secret realm!"

You must know that this Dragon Mystery Realm is a fantasy space created by the Dragon God himself, and it itself contains the Dragon God's space magic.

Su Mu was actually able to interfere with the Dragon God's magic.

Tear up space here? !
Then he is too strong!
Compared to the surprised faces of the dozens of giant dragons,
Su Mu's brows twisted into a knot.

"It's terrible, Qingfeng actually took action."


The body of the Shadow Dragon King lies quietly at the bottom of the deep canyon.
And there is obviously a missing area between his eyebrows!

"His reverse scales were pulled out." Brittany looked at the Shadow Dragon King in disbelief with a livid face: "I can't believe that it can also be killed."

From a pure combat perspective,

The Shadow Dragon King is the ceiling of today's dragon clan's combat power.
Far higher than Brittany, he was actually killed by Qingfeng? !

Seeing the body of the Shadow Dragon King, the dozens of giant dragons were stunned for an instant and walked into the deep abyss in disbelief.

"This must be a joke, right?"

"Shadow Dragon King, you old dragon, don't scare us!"

"If you really died here, wouldn't it mean that we killed you?!"

For a time,

Those dozen giant dragons were on the verge of emotional collapse.

I simply couldn't believe what I was seeing.
The Shadow Dragon King really died, leaving only a corpse without reverse scales.

"How could this happen? The man who claimed to be a friend of the Dragon Warrior turned out to be a liar!"

"That liar can't possibly defeat the Shadow Dragon King. He must have used sweet words to deceive the Shadow Dragon King, and then brutally attacked!"

"Bastard, I swear by the honor of the dragon clan, I will take his head back and pay tribute to the Shadow Dragon King!"

Brittany snorted loudly,
Let a dozen giant dragons who were filled with righteous indignation suddenly shut up,
"If you hadn't been so gullible, how could the Shadow Dragon King have died here?"

"You must be spoiled and stupid by living in isolation in the Dragon Mysterious Realm!"

"I will imprison them all, and they will not be allowed to leave the cave for a hundred years!"

After all,

Brittany flicked her tail and left Deep Canyon,

she got angry

This time she was really angry.

"It seems that the Dragon Clan has been out of the world for too long, and the world has forgotten the majesty of the Dragon Clan."

"Sage, I'm going to make a decision for the brave man named Qingfeng. You must give him this face."

Having said that, Brittany had already dispatched the giant dragons, and she seemed to be leading the dragons out of the secret realm.

On the other hand, Su Mu

He is looking at the map at the moment,
Look at Qingfeng’s movement trajectory on the map.

"Why is he going to the Demon Realm now?"

"Is he collecting materials for the God of Death to make the [Incarnation]?"

Su Mu couldn't understand.
Or maybe he doesn't want to understand.

Qingfeng, the Qingfeng who took the initiative to find Su Mu to admit his mistake after stealing Brittany's reverse scale.
He actually still does things for Miche,

He actually came to the Dragon Mystery Realm and killed the Shadow Dragon King?
to be frank,
Su Mu was so confused at this time that he couldn't make a reasonable judgment at all.

Looking at the driver in the C photo again, he frowned even more, tapping the air with his fingers, obviously trying to contact Qingfeng to ask him what was going on.

at the same time,

Following Su Mu's will, 'I don't want to make money', he also contacted Rias at this moment.

Trying to apply for assistance from the fourth blood clan of Saint Marr.

When 'I Don't Want to Make Money' first entered the game, he had a conversation and interaction with Rias.

So Rias was quite impressed with him. Now that she knew that he occupied the Dark Night Castle and even had his own blood clan, Rias was even more surprised.

"That guy, the Sage, trapped me in Saint-Mar just to allow him to develop?"

"You still don't regard me as one of your own."

But thinking of his performance in the Battle of Saint-Mar,

Rias had nothing to say.

Then she wrote back to "I don't want to make money",

[Okay, I will send Suanpianai F to lead the troops of the fourth blood clan to the Dark Night Castle to support you. 】

When a message is received,
I don’t want to make money and raised my eyebrows happily,
Then he looked at the queue list in surprise and helplessness.

" this the reinforcement list of the Fourth Blood Clan?"

"Just a few hundred vampires?"

"Oh my God, her vampire is so weak? It's not even one-tenth as powerful as my vampire. This can't change the situation at all..."

Fortunately, this is just "I don't want to make money".
If Rias hears this,

I'm afraid he would be so angry that he would run away on the spot.

What can she do?
She can only rely on her concerts to increase her number of fans every day to expand her vampire clan.
What's more, not all fans are willing to become her blood servants.

And Yulia,

Although she is gone, she is still the [Legendary Singer] of the City of Santa Mar. Her fame and fans are still there.

"No, this fourth vampire will die even if he comes over."

I didn’t want to make money and thought about it for a while, then muttered: “If it doesn’t work out, how about we find a way to get the players to come and support us?”

[Dumfries] In this game, players such as Baron and Viscount have the authority to issue tasks to the Adventurer's Guild.

By this means,

He can issue tasks to players and let them act as temporary combat forces.

I don’t want to make money and occupy the Dark Night Castle,
Still a blood ancestor.

In the Dumfries Empire, he can also be called the Blood Baron and has the authority to issue tasks.

After making up my mind,
If I don’t want to make money, I’ll first find White Crane, Butcher, Fallen Leaves Guigen, etc.
Ask this group of veteran players about the rules for publishing tasks.

The result was an almost unanimous response.

[Bai He: To be honest, I don’t recommend you to do this. There is a handling fee for publishing tasks in the association, and players have very high horizons. The average commission is not enough to make players flock to it, and it can easily lead to extremely low cost performance. 】

[Butcher: Thieves can easily lose a lot of money by publishing tasks. I know you are a rich man. If you don’t care about funds, you can publish it however you want. 】

[Falling leaves return to their roots: The experience of sending tasks is very poor. If the commission is not high, there will be no adventurers to take the tasks, which will also cause my project to be postponed. 】

That's right,

If the bonus you posted is not high,

Both indigenous adventurers and players will give priority to tasks with higher commissions.

The tasks you posted will naturally be postponed, and there may even be no one to take the tasks.

After all, in the eyes of adventurers,

The profit from some tasks is not as much as the money from defeating monsters alone.

"Do I need to pay attention to these points?" I didn't want to make money. After seeing the reply, I thought about it and smiled: "That should be no problem."

Thinking about this,
I didn't want to make money and contacted Jiu Loli again and sent a message: "How many combat mechas does your company have in total?"

“We [look at money, look at wealth] and want large-volume leasing.”

Rent armor?

Jiu Loli was stunned when she heard this: "I know your situation. You need armor to fight the Titans, right?"

"No problem, but the rental price is not low."

But what Jiu Loli didn’t expect was that I didn’t want to make money but denied it on the spot.
"It's not a crusade against the Titans, but a joint activity."

"This event will definitely attract a large number of players. You can also take the opportunity to promote the travel agency. Why don't you give me a discount?"

Jiu Loli heard this and thought deeply: "If it is as good as you say, I can give you a [-]% discount."

After all, this 'I don't want to make money' is still a krypton gold boss,
Being able to have a good relationship with him would definitely not be a bad thing for Jiu Loli.

Then, the sexy operation that surprised them came,
I don't want to make money. I'm going to change my routine and post a new event in the Adventurers Guild.

[Are you still wandering around the Demon Realm, but you still can’t find the lone monster? 】

[Are you still conquering the dungeon, but haven’t been able to form an excellent raiding team? 】

[Are you worried about upgrading? 】

[Are you yearning to leave the level 20 novice zone and explore the deeper world of Dumfries? 】

[Three Clans Battlefield: An upgraded welfare mission specially created for novices! 】

[Mission details: A three-race battlefield activity area is opened outside the Dark Night Castle. There are a large number of gargoyles, Titans, and monsters that can be defeated to gain experience. 】

[Task requirements: The ticket fee is 20 silver coins. After submission, you can directly reach the Dark Night Castle through the event teleportation array. 】

[Mission benefits: All players who participate in this event can link up with Jiuloli Travel Agency’s armor and drive the Battle Gundam to fight against the Titans!Enjoy the romance of driving a mecha! 】

This is equivalent to spending only 20 silver coins.

You can enjoy the endless experience-earning journey.

You can even fly a combat mech to upgrade it!
Who can't be moved!

After Jiu Loli saw this event, she also said that she had been fooled. This was obviously using the name of his mecha to make the event popular.

What else can we take as an opportunity to promote the travel agency?
Hey, after a long time, he was the one who spoke for himself?
And seeing this activity,
Players also went completely crazy.

"Three tribes battlefield?"

"Gargoyles, Titans, and Demons. I heard that a new Demon King has appeared in the Titans. Will he also appear on the battlefield?"

"Don't be afraid. The only threat is probably Demon King Balco."

"What about the Demon King Murphy? I heard that his brain is not very good. He uses his face to perform all his skills. He is greedy."

Even though a large number of players enthusiastically signed up,

What should I do if my level is too low when I just entered the game?
You can also sign up!

Come and pilot a mecha to overthrow the Titans!
It is definitely the fastest way to upgrade in the current game!

When Bai He, Butcher and others saw this activity, they were immediately stunned!
Is it too bad to publish a task?

Might it turn into a loss-making business?
This 'I don't want to make money' thing is a good thing. Not only did the players not get paid, but they even asked the players to pay out of their own pockets and hand over 20 silver coins each to him!

Butcher: "Absolute, absolutely amazing. This krypton money boss is also a capitalist in reality, right?"

Bai He: "I don't want to make money? There's something wrong with this ID. It's completely inconsistent with his gameplay characteristics!"

He is making money on the side,
Also solved the problem!
And at the front line outside the Dark Night Castle,

Balco, who was already frowning, was even more nervous now.

"Why the hell didn't I wait for Murdeffe, but I actually waited for a group of brave men?!"

"Wait a minute, why do heroes appear here in groups?"

think of this,
A chill suddenly rose in Balko's heart.

Whether it's the new demon clan or this blood ancestor who suddenly appeared - I don't want to make money;
They are all related to the human race!

"Could these people also be summoned by that sage Su Mu?"


Su Mu can not only summon brave men,
Can he actually summon the Blood Ancestor and the Heavenly Demon Tribe?

This is an all-powerful sage!

Especially that money is like dirt. Barr may clearly feel the devil's aura coming from Medley City.

This guy is growing up very fast.

Maybe he will become the fourth demon king to be promoted soon.

'That day the demon clan was also related to Su Mu, and he would soon become the new demon king? '
'The Demon King will soon become Su Mu's subordinate? '
A demon king who obeyed Su Mu’s instructions,

Just thinking about it,

Balko felt like the hairs on his hair were standing on end.

"There is a high probability that the demons will obey the sage's orders that day. The demon god doesn't even care about this. Will he still support him to become the demon king?"

Barr couldn't understand.
But what he didn't know was that the Demon God's focus was not on 'Qian Ruodi', but on Su Mu!

To the devil,
As long as Su Mu can be turned into a demon king,

All the events related to Su Mu can be the devil's bet on him!
Balco couldn't help but continue to be shocked,

Then he saw a swarm of brave men, already driving Gundam towards the edge of the battlefield.

"Hurry up and send someone to find Murtefi. Even if they don't want to join the war, they still have to find a way to drag the Titans over to me!"

"For the sake of morale, we must win this battle!"

heard the order,

The subordinate demon soldiers rushed towards the territory of the Gargoyles and Titans.
The front line of Dark Night Castle was already in a state of chaos.

Just when Balco was about to take action, a cold sweat broke out on his back, as if there were a pair of eyes staring at him from behind.

"Sage?!" Balko gritted his teeth and turned back, staring towards the north.

Su Mu actually put pressure on him at this time?
How could he, the immortal demon king, be frightened to death by Su Mu? !

The result is not yet waiting for Balco to take action.

Then he saw Su Mu tearing apart the space and staring at Balco with a pair of cold eyes.

"Honestly, it's not your turn, the devil king, to take action in this battle."

when you say

Su Mu suddenly took action and used the magic of imprisonment to immobilize Balco, and endless magical pressure swept towards him.

All the resentment caused by Qingfeng was thrown at Balco.

"Ant." Su Mu said coldly, "I don't have time to fight with you, but I don't mind if you die now."

For Su Mu,
With his current strength, he can completely beat Balco to a score of 64. To kill Balco, he only needs a bottle of holy water to help him fight.

But Su Mu's heart is not here. The enemy he has to face now is
She is the devil, the goddess of light, and the god of death.

Just Balco has long been ignored by Su Mu. In Su Mu's eyes, he is just a whetstone that allows players to continue to become stronger.

As long as he plays the role of giving players experience,
Su Mu was too lazy to fight with him.

"Su Mu!" Balke yelled unwillingly,
But Su Mu acted as if he didn't hear it, closed the tearing space, and left abruptly after issuing the warning.

It's like holding onto Balco and making sure he doesn't dare to do anything again!
This is a great shame for Balco!

But even though he was blushing, clenching his fists, and baring his teeth, he still did not dare to attack the brave man again.

The life threat from Su Mu was extremely clear to Balco's perception.

He even expected it,

If he really takes action, the next time Su Mu tears apart the space, I'm afraid it won't be in front of Balco.

at the same time,

Su Mu, who had just returned to Saint Marre City,

I received a message from Celia again,

[I found traces of the crystal deer, but the other party was very vigilant and I couldn't get closer. 】

[What are you going to do?If I want to kill it, I can try it. 】

If it is tracking,

I'm afraid if Celia approaches rashly again, the crystal deer will break through the space and escape like Su Mu did.

But if it were a secret attack and a fatal blow, Celia would be [-]% sure.

After seeing the news, Su Mu frowned and wrote back: "Give me the location and I will catch it myself."

Kill the crystal deer?
Su Mu had no such plan.

The crystal deer is a sacred beast, and has extremely high attainments and magic affinity in the dual attributes of light and space.

If given the chance, Su Mu would like to capture the Crystal Deer alive.
Convince it to become Afia's guardian beast.

Ever since Qingfeng sneaked into the Sage Mansion, Su Mu had been dissatisfied with the security measures of the mansion.

If there was a holy beast protecting Afia 24 hours a day, Su Mu would feel more at ease.

don't wait long,

Then I heard Celia send back the coordinates,
[I have used magic to mark your location. This place is far away from the Crystal Deer, but if you get closer, you will be easily discovered, so be careful. 】

Su Mu could see Celia’s position,
But the locations she marked were ten miles away from her.

"Damn it, isn't this holy beast too vigilant?"

Seeing this, Su Mu was speechless,

"Catching this holy beast should feel similar to catching an elf, right?"

"Should I develop a master ball first...?"

(End of this chapter)

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