As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 156 Celia: I’m going to be stretched so big! 【3 in 1】

Chapter 156 Celia: I’m going to be stretched so big! 【triple】

Su Mu waved the single branch of the World Tree,
Carefully tear apart a space,
He turned sideways and got into it. When he got used to the light here, the endless sea of ​​trees appeared in front of him.

Mendelis Mountain Forest,

Looking to the south, you can see the plateau where the Crystal Deer is located.

"Celia is still moving, does that mean the Crystal Deer isn't resting either?"

After identifying the direction,
Su Mu began to move closer to Celia's position.

This is a mountain forest. If you want to walk in a straight line, you have to climb several mountains.
And on this road, Su Mu didn't dare to use magic at all, so he could only go there with physical strength.

Fortunately, there is the [Wandering] talent brought by the ape players,
There are also the rabbit tribe’s [strong physical strength] and the wolf tribe’s [alertness],
It allows Su Mu to travel through the mountain forest on alert at all times, and wander back and forth in the forest.

That's right!

If you want to reunite with Celia, you must not only avoid the crystal deer from becoming alert, but also avoid encounters with other monsters and creatures!
"Damn it, how did Celia follow it?"

"Isn't this too difficult?"

"There are twelve trees around, seven of them have bird's nests hanging on them?"

If it disturbs the birds in the tree,

It will definitely cause them to fly up into the sky screaming, which will definitely attract the attention of the Crystal Deer.

"No, we can't go in a straight line. We have to take a roundabout way."

If you can sense it with magic power,

Su Mu could figure out a course of action in an instant.

But now, he can only rely on the dog tribe's [spiritual nose] to judge.

"Hmm, it smells so strong of feces and urine. Is this a bear's territory?"

"It's better to take a detour. When that guy roars, all the creatures in the forest can hear it."



Su Mu had to take a detour.

When he arrived near Celia, he heard her complaining voice: "It's so slow."

"It's too slow."

Celia pointed to the high ground complainingly: "That's the high ground. The Crystal Deer has completely entered the high ground!"

On that plateau, there were almost no obstructions to the view, so it was obviously impossible to continue following.

And Su Mu and Celia reunited,

It also means completely entering the magical warning zone of the Crystal Deer.

"From now on, no matter what magic you use, you will be noticed by the Crystal Deer."

"If you really plan to take action, you must hit it with one strike."

Su Mu looked at Celia in surprise: "I really didn't want to kill it."

"And the plateau area is just right, right? If you want to show a friendly attitude, appearing from this place should not cause the Crystal Deer to run away."

hear this,

Celia clicked her tongue and looked at her like she was an idiot.

What era is this now?
The war between humans and demons broke out everywhere.

Especially humans, in order to forge stronger equipment, they will find ways to obtain any materials.

If someone approaches rashly, even Celia will run away without hesitation.

What's more, the sacred beast Crystal Deer?
"It's not a big problem, I'll try to talk to it."

Su Mu mustered up all his energy, then straightened up from behind the bushes and walked slowly towards the crystal deer on the plateau.

"Ah, hello." Celia shouted softly, trying to call Su Mu back, but it was too late.

Crystal Deer has noticed Su Mu,

It turned its head sharply,

Looking at Su Mu with wide eyes,
Only then did Su Mu see the full picture of the Crystal Deer.

As the name suggests, it is made entirely of pink crystals and shines brightly in the sun.

It also seems to refract sunlight, causing ordinary people to look at it as if they were looking at a small sun.

"Hello Holy Beast, I am Su Mu, the great sage of the Dumfries Empire."

Su Mu faced the sun and looked at the Crystal Deer with a smile.

But the next moment,
Then the Crystal Deer turned around and fled, not giving Su Mu a chance to talk.

"Look! Look!!!!" Celia shouted, eager to prove that she was right.


Su Mu also clicked his tongue when he saw this.
Then he stretched out his arm towards the crystal deer and fisted it fiercely from a distance.

[Magic of Imprisonment]!
In just one moment, the Crystal Deer was imprisoned in place.

"Listen carefully to what I say!" Su Mu shouted, but saw the Crystal Deer, which was originally fixed on the plateau, falling to the ground.

It's space magic!
When the Crystal Deer was imprisoned, it actually used space magic to tear the space under its feet and escape? !
When the crystal deer fell into the space crack, it immediately escaped from Su Mu's casting range.

"Holy shit, this crystal deer is really difficult to deal with."

Su Mu just complained, and then he also used space magic to catch up with the Crystal Deer, and Celia quickly followed suit.

Waiting for the second meeting,

Su Mu didn't hesitate anymore and directly used space magic on the crystal deer.

[The unique cube]!
Create an independent space and trap the crystal deer in it.

"Hey, don't use space magic to trap it. This will lead to magic confrontation!"

Celia warned,

But it was too late, Crystal Deer still used space magic to escape,

As a result, the space magics of both sides collided, immediately creating a magic vortex, which unscrupulously absorbed the magic power of both sides like a black hole.

The same is true for Crystal Deer, and the same is true for Su Mu!
"Ah! This magic power is being absorbed too fast. My magic power is being sucked away!"

At this time, this situation
It depends on who Su Mu or Crystal Deer runs out of magic power first.

But Su Mu is still supporting hundreds of players, and he can't afford to consume magic power!

"Speechless, I am really convinced to have a master like you."

Celia complained and quickly thought of a way to help Su Mu.

"Work with me to use space magic again, and use my magic flow to fight against the Crystal Deer."

After selecting the plan,
Celia looked at Su Mu, and the two of them cast spells together again.

Put her and Su Mu into a harmonious state.

And the next moment,
Celia became Su Mu's spellcasting relay. Powerful magic flowed into Celia's body, and was then brutally extracted by the vortex.

"Ah, what a strong flow of magic power!"

"Oops, this feels bad! My magic flow is going to be stretched!"

"It's too cruel, please be gentle!"

The feeling of powerful magic flowing through her body almost made Celia lose her mind.

But I have to say,
This indeed saved Su Mu [-]% of his magic power.

"Very good! Celia, hold on, the magic power of the crystal deer seems to be drained soon."

Su Mu clenched his fists to cheer up Celia and put on an expression of victory.

But Celia's eyes widened and she couldn't respond at all, and her saliva almost flowed out uncontrollably.


It’s really going to kill you this time!
But fortunately, the Crystal Deer was the first to be unable to hold it, and it collapsed directly to the ground. At the same time, Celia also fell from the floating state.

Su Mu quickly took action and caught the falling Celia.

Then he raised his hand to wipe the non-existent sweat on his forehead: "Hey, catching a crystal deer is really tiring."


Celia really couldn't help but spit out the fragrance,
In this operation to capture the Crystal Deer, she was obviously the most tired, right?
Then Su Mu walked towards the Crystal Deer and patted the independent cube: "Stop resisting, I don't mean any harm. Someone is targeting your heart. Am I here to protect you?"

"Next, follow me back to Saint-Mar City."

After that, Su Mu waved his hand and tore apart the space. On the other side was the courtyard of the Sage Mansion.

He pushed the cube through the rift in space, stopping when he reached the courtyard.

"Just rest here now. I won't let you out just yet, lest you run away again."

Then Su Mu took Celia back to the study and hurriedly sent her back to the flower room.

at the same time,

The activities on the battlefield of the three tribes are still continuing.
I don’t want to make money and I’m recording the players who signed up.

Mainly I want to calculate the number of players.

As a result, I saw an unexpected ID.

"Bai He? He actually came to participate in the event?"

Among the players who handed over 20 silver coins, there was also Bai He's name!

"Isn't this too foreign?" I frowned slightly because I didn't want to make money: "Didn't we just talk to you before? As long as you inform me, I will let the blood wolf participate in the event for free."

Although the other players don't know, Bai He must understand, right?

The battlefield of these three tribes is a crisis of "look for money, look for wealth". It is a good thing for him to have players to help him.

If the Blood Wolf Guild wants to participate, there is no registration fee at all, just come!
As the first guild in [Dumfries],

'I don't want to make money' but I still want to have a good relationship with them.

"Eh? Only Bai He? No other members of the Blood Wolf Guild showed up?"

"What does that mean?"

Before I can figure out the situation,

Then I heard the cheers and shouts of players from the front line,

"Good fight!"

"Give it an uppercut, yes, and then kick it in the crotch. Kick it boldly!"

"Wuhu, I really want some popcorn and ice cream right now!"

Hearing this cheer,
'I don't want to make money' looked at the battlefield in surprise,

Why are they still so leisurely?
Just because I'm watching Gundam fighting the Titans, do I think I'm watching Transforming Mecha 7?
They are at a disadvantage, a disadvantage!
That's right,

Although players have powerful weapons such as Gundam and Type 97, when facing Titans and Demons, their advantage is just wiped out.

Faced with the huge level difference, the players were completely at a disadvantage.

They can only rely on immortality and use the resurrection mechanism to keep the battle even.

Not only 'I don't want to make money', but also Murphy, who doesn't understand this situation.

"The human race is really strange. They obviously have small and flexible bodies, but why do they like the huge and impractical giant bodies?"

"It should be that the human body is more convenient for fighting, right?"

"Human beings actually still pursue a body like a Titan?"

Listen again to what humans shout,

What kind of battle mecha is a man's romance?

I don’t understand. Murtefi really doesn’t understand.

Right at this time,

The gargoyle army once again pressed upon the territory,
Hundreds of gargoyles flew in from the eastern sky, a mass of blackness, and just by flapping their wings, they stirred up a gust of wind.

"Hey! A new gargoyle is about to join the battlefield. Players participating in the event, please be vigilant!"

I don't want to make money sending messages in the squad channel,
Remind this group of players who are having fun.Even the Battle Gundam cannot withstand fighting so many enemies.

as predicted,

Under the fire line of the demons,

The joints of the combat mecha were eventually cracked,
During a fist fight with Titan, his arm was directly smashed into powdery iron fragments.

And when he fell, gargoyles immediately swarmed up and pushed the combat mecha to the ground, preventing it from getting up.

Seeing this scene,
The most anxious thing is not 'I don't want to make money', but Jiu Loli.

"Oh! That's a leased Battle Gundam. Do you know what leasing is?"

"If it's damaged, you'll have to pay for it!"

"Use them carefully!"

The fighting mechas at this time were not junk made of cement like Unit [-].

It is a finely decorated war machine made of alloy.
Jiu Loli even designed their appearance carefully.
Every mecha is his favorite!
Seeing more and more Gargoyles, Titans, and Demons troops,
Players also started to take it seriously.
"Brothers, if there are too many monsters, it won't be called gaining experience, and you will be beaten by a group."

"The brothers who fell off quickly resurrected and began to reorganize the front!"

"Pull up the line of fire for me in a moment. If anyone is left behind and loses experience, don't blame the brothers."

"Hurry, it's time to take out all the RPGs!"

For players, this [Three Clans Battlefield] is a place to gain experience.

Could they just come in unprepared?
When it comes to gaining experience, it’s nothing more than having too many monsters, powerful AOE range output, killing monsters in batches, and increasing tons of experience!

So weapons like howitzers, mortars, RPGs, even grenades, C4,

They were well prepared!
The battlefield where people were laughing and joking just now suddenly became filled with artillery fire and smoke.

And the decisive gap between the two sides of the battle,

Or does the player have a resurrection mechanism?

Once they are killed in battle, they will soon be resurrected in the Dark Night Castle and return to the battlefield immediately!
In order to avoid death and battle losses, all equipment will be dropped.
The equipment used in this battle was all purchased by the participants through pooled funds!
Just put it in the trenches on the front line,

As long as you reach the trench after resurrection, you can continue to carry machine guns and RPGs and launch ruthless bombardments at the enemy!
Halfway through this battle,
Even Murphy couldn't help but frown.
"This is the brave? Their fighting power is too strong. The demons have been fighting against this kind of enemy?"

"Barco, you are so calm."

"If the two of us take action, we can easily reverse the situation, right?"

After all,

Murphy looked at Balco with a smile,
It's obviously inviting him to take action together, otherwise wouldn't it be a waste if only one demon king, Murphy, takes action?
Listen to what Murphy said,

Balco's eyes suddenly widened: "Don't act nonsense. No matter whether you win or lose in this battle, you and I are not allowed to intervene!"

"You shouldn't say that, it should be that this battle must be won!"

Must win?
Seeing how determined Balko is, Murtefi doesn't understand. They say they must win, but Balko still refuses to take action?

And you won't let him do it?

What's the point of this? !

As the battle continued, Murphy could clearly feel that the brave men were getting stronger and stronger as they fought, and even their levels began to break through.

At the beginning of the battle, he could even see low-level heroes of Level 3-4 on the battlefield.
As a result, now, all those brave men have become level 14-20? !
They are getting stronger too fast!
But this is not actually their horror.

If they knew that all the experience gained by the brave would be fed back to Su Mu, I really don't know what their expressions would be like.

san mar city,

Su Mu, who sent Celia back to the flower room, was suddenly promoted to another level.

"This [Three Tribes Battlefield] activity is actually so effective."

Su Mu was also surprised, and then he actually received a prompt from the background,
[Player: Bai He, be the first to reach level 40! 】

This thing about level,
As we get to the later stages, the upgrade becomes slower. Except for Su Mu, who takes buffs, his upgrade has always been very fast.

The level improvement speed of veteran players has been significantly reduced recently.

As for Bai He, he participated in the [Three Tribes Battlefield] event this time in order to reach level 40!
"Damn it, the president of the Blood Wolf Guild has broken through the level 40 mark!"

"At level 40, can you master stronger skills? I wonder if there are any powerful magic skills."

"It's only magic skills that attract me now. Combat skills? They're not as good as hot weapons at all."

"Hey, he's gone, he must have gone to the Adventurers Association!"

The battlefield of three tribes,

Under the admiring gaze of countless players,
Bai He left here excitedly and returned to Saint-Mar City through the teleportation array.

As others expected,
He was indeed heading to the Adventurers Association,
And it must be the headquarters of the association in the city of Saint-Mar!

"Is Miss Xilu here?" Bai He pushed open the door and entered, then looked around in the lobby: "Isn't she here?"

Although Xilu is not here,

But the female paladin in charge of the counter also smiled and talked,

"Hello, White Crane Hero, how can I help you?"

Bai He doesn't talk nonsense either.

He gave a thumbs up to himself: "I have reached level 40, can I advance to a gold level adventurer?"

Each time you advance to adventurer level,
will increase the difficulty of the accessible tasks by one level.
of course!

The rewards will also become more generous!

For the Blood Wolf Guild, which mainly focuses on making money, the adventurer level is an indispensable improvement project!

"Promoted to Gold Level Adventurer?!"

The female paladin stared in surprise, as if she had heard something like a fantasy.

Level [-]!
This White Crane Hero is actually level [-]!
What is this concept?
Look at Su Mu's close guard, Xilu, she has only reached level 35 at this age.

How long did it take for the brave man to be summoned to [Dumfries]?
Some of them actually reached level 40!

Devil, simply devil!

The female paladin swallowed her saliva first, and then said awkwardly: "Please wait a moment."

"The guild currently has no mission to advance to the gold level. I need to ask the sage for instructions."

Just like when he was promoted to Qingyin level,
Gold-level tasks are extremely lacking!
Nowadays, under the war between humans and demons, all parts of the continent are in extreme chaos.

Either the difficulty of the task is too high, or the difficulty is too low. It just matches the gold level task, but there are none!

"There are no gold-level missions?"

Su Mu was stunned for a moment when he received the news, and then quickly reacted.

"Are all the monsters that meet the mission conditions in the city of the Demon Realm at this time...?"

"If you let the players go to conquer the city in the Demon Realm, they will most likely be beaten to death. Otherwise, they will just attack the city directly, right?"

If the player is allowed to attack the city alone, it will definitely be too difficult.

and many more!

The person who needs to take over the task is Bai He!
Doesn't Su Mu have something right now that is just right for Bai He to do?
Soon, he assigned an exclusive mission to Bai He.

【Chasing Qingfeng! 】

[Mission details: The brave Qingfeng is suspected of defecting. Now he has left the human realm and assassinated the Shadow Dragon King in the Dragon Mystery Realm. He is still being hunted by the dragons. 】

[Mission goal: Find Qingfeng and capture him back to Saint-Mar. 】

[Task reward: Activate the identity of a gold-level adventurer. 】

When he saw this mission, Bai He was stunned for a moment, then he exclaimed in shock: "Qingfeng? Qingfeng, the current vice-president of my guild?!"

ah? ! ! !

Is this mission no joke?
Qingfeng actually defected?

Bai He had no idea what happened, and he didn't even hear the news!
"Forget about defecting, that kid Qingfeng actually killed a Shadow Dragon King?"

"Not just a giant dragon, but even a dragon king?"

"Ah?! When did Qingfeng become so strong? Can he even kill the Dragon King?"

Bai He has just reached level 40.
I am happily coming to accept the advanced mission from the gold-level adventurer.

Then I heard that my vice president can slay a dragon? !

This suddenly made him lose all interest.

"Damn brat, what's going on with your defection and dragon slaying? I have to interrogate you about this!"

Just as Bai He finished this sentence,

He immediately opened the friend list, sent a message to Qingfeng, and then fell asleep on the association table.

"Eh? Won't the White Crane Hero do the mission?"

"You actually fell asleep here?"

"Don't disturb him. He must be too tired from fighting monsters recently. Let him rest well."

Seeing this, the female paladin even brought a blanket and covered Bai He.

But at this time, Bai He was actually offline and exited the game~
Seeing Bai He quit the game,
And after 2 minutes, Qingfeng also quit the game, and Su Mu, who was sitting in the study, couldn't help laughing.

Chasing Qingfeng?

does not exist at all!

The boss went offline for a 3-minute interview, and Qingfeng had to return to the city of Saint-Mar!

"Wonderful! Wonderful!"

"My method is absolutely amazing!"

"Then Mi Che will definitely not be able to figure it out even if he thinks about it. This Qingfeng actually listens to Bai He's orders more than he listens to you and me."

What god?
In front of the boss in real life, even a sage like him cannot lose face!

This has nothing to do with the continent of Dumfries, the magical skill of Gale, or the gods.

Bai He, the real boss,

This is the ultimate method to punish Qingfeng!
Even if Qingfeng transforms into the God of War and can easily kill the Shadow Dragon King, so what?

If you make a mistake, don't you have to be brought to the office by Bai He for a lecture?
Ha ha ha ha--

Su Mu looked up to the sky and laughed,


After fighting for so long, he finally disgusted Mitche for once!
As a result, after 3 minutes,
Qingfeng and Baihe logged into the game one after another,
But what surprised Su Mu was that Qingfeng did not return to Saint Mare City and was still operating in the Demon Realm.

On the contrary, it was Bai He who left the Adventurers Association and came to the Sage Mansion to find him!
dong dong dong-

It wasn't until there was a knock on the door that Su Mu recovered from his slight sluggishness.
"Please come in?"

When Su Mu said this, he even used a questioning tone.

After Bai He entered the room,

But he scratched his head and looked at Su Mu with an embarrassed smile.

"Lord Sage, I'm very sorry. I want to cancel the advanced mission I received."

Cancel mission?

Instead of letting Qingfeng change his ways, Bai He even chose to indulge? !

Surprised, Su Mu stared at Bai He.
"Qingfeng is the current vice-president of the Blood Wolf Guild, right?"

"Now that he has defected and killed the Shadow Dragon King, shouldn't you take some responsibility for this?"

After hearing this question,

Bai He sighed helplessly, then spread his hands: "Sir, please trust me on this matter. I'd better not meddle in other people's business, and I beg you to give him a little more time."

have a finger in the pie?

Asked him to clean up the house, but was accused by Bai He of being nosy?
Is there any hidden secret among the things Qingfeng did?

But no matter what, he killed the Shadow Dragon King in the Dragon Mystery Realm!

Even if Su Mu didn't send anyone to chase Qingfeng, all the dragons in the Dragon Mystery Realm would be dispatched!
It's okay if Qingfeng doesn't return to Saint-Mar City. Don't secretly draw the resurrection formation outside the city!
He really thought someone was using magic to resurrect him!
(End of this chapter)

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