As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 158: Books that record countless ancient magics, the Book of the Emperor's Law. 【3 in 1

Chapter 158: Books that record countless ancient magics, the Book of the Emperor's Law. 【triple】

On a sandy land surrounded by trees and jungle,

Qingfeng stands here,

He leaned down and moved the sand with his hands, revealing the stone slab hidden underneath.

"This place is the entrance to the ancient library?"

"This stone slab looks quite big, and the magic circle drawn on it must not be weak."

Qingfeng clicked his tongue,
When he centered on himself and stirred up the strong wind, he saw that the stone slab buried under the sandy soil was fully exposed.

"Is it the protective magic circle?"

Qingfeng had seen the pattern of this magic circle before, on the streets of Saint-Mar City.

The voice of the Shadow Dragon King also sounded at this time,

"Okay, boy, I never thought you could recognize such an ancient magic circle."

"Do as I say and I'll help you break it."

"First, let's go find some leaves."

Under the instructions of the Shadow Dragon King,

The breeze plucks leaves from the surrounding tree canopy and crushes them into juice.

Pour the juice into the grooves engraved with the magic circle and let the liquid flow in the grooves. Then the breeze will engrave the words of the Shadow Dragon King and recite the magic spell.

"The tree of spirits, the river of moonlight, grows continuously, and the valleys are broken and the canals are buried..."

As the spell takes effect,

The green leaf juice slowly turned brown and turned into vines, spreading and climbing to every inch of the magic circle.

Use dead branches to smooth out the traces of the magic circle, and as the branches continue to grow, they will completely crush the magic circle!
And in the next moment,

The formation protecting the ancient library disappeared,

The stone slab also turned into air inexplicably, allowing the breeze standing on it to fall downward.

"See, the way to break this spell is very simple."

The Shadow Dragon King's voice sounded in his mind, making Qingfeng smack his lips: "Gan, before that, couldn't you tell me first so that I could be prepared?"

When the breeze waved his sleeves and picked up the strong wind again, he landed smoothly.

But in exchange, the Shadow Dragon King said: "Relax, you are a brave man, it's just a free fall, I can't kill you."

When Qingfeng saw the scene here clearly, he was completely shocked by the scene here.

Light fell from above like a spotlight shining on the ruins, dust was rising all around, and a breeze stood above the ruins.

Looking around,

There are endless bookshelves in every direction.

Although the bookshelf is covered with moss and vines, it is still inevitable that the books will be covered with dust.

"All the books in this place record ancient magic?"

Qingfeng gasped, but was soon choked by the dust.

This place is a library!
There are books as far as the eye can see!
And these books are all ancient magic?

Then he is rich!

How valuable are ancient magic scrolls?What's more, these are all magic books!

In a magic book,
Who knows, there are dozens or even hundreds of ancient magics recorded on it!
"With so many books, any one of them can be sold to an innocent rich man for tens of thousands of dollars, right?"

Huh, just thinking about it made Qingfeng couldn't help but get the book.

And it was at this time,

But he heard the Shadow Dragon King's warning echoing in his mind.

"Boy, young man, don't act rashly!"

"I advise you to read clearly what kind of books are here before taking action."

"Some knowledge is taboo that even humans are unwilling to touch."

After hearing the words of Shadow Dragon King,
Qingfeng's outstretched hand retracted slightly,

"What the hell, don't scare me."

After saying that, Qingfeng used [Quick Wind] to blow away the dust covering the book, and then his eyes widened in shock.

[Blood Book-Sealing the Throat]

[Summon-Modro Candil]

【The third taboo】


"You are lucky, you have the third taboo at hand. This thing is not fun to look at."

Hearing the Shadow Dragon King’s joking sigh,

Qingfeng swallowed again.

The third taboo?

Could it be that as soon as he opened the book, some kind of evil existence would be released, or would it forcibly control him?

And when Qingfeng looked at the essay,

Shadow Dragon King seemed to sense something and spoke again: "Don't think about that essay."

“The strength of an essay depends entirely on its owner.”

"I don't think you would want to provoke Falnarin. She is the most powerful black magician in ancient times."

What will be recorded in the black magician's essay?
It’s definitely not my favorite style of doll when I was 9 years old.

"Your goal is to find a magic book called [Nine Styles of Killing Gods]. If you are confident, you can also go to the southwest. I sensed that there is an Emperor's Law Book there."

"That book was written by the first emperor of the human race. It has a book spirit. The book spirit will choose the owner. Maybe you will meet its standards."

The emperor's law book?

Qingfeng was stunned when he heard this, then he looked to the southwest, and sure enough there was a special book.

It was enshrined on a separate altar,
A rough iron chain was nailed to the lower left corner of the altar, and the emperor's Dharma book was tied to the other end of the iron chain.

"If you are not recognized by the Emperor's Dharma Book, then trust me and never break that iron chain."

This is the last advice given by the Shadow Dragon King to Qingfeng.

Then Qingfeng suddenly spread his hands outwards, with him as the center, whipping up a strong wind and spreading outwards, blowing away the dust on all the books, revealing the original appearance of all the books.

"You can also help me keep an eye on it, and let me know if you find the Nine God-Killing Styles."

As soon as Qingfeng finished speaking, he heard the Shadow Dragon King say: "Good luck to you, I've found it."

On the west side, about a hundred meters away, there is an exquisite yellow book cover, which is the Nine Styles of Killing Gods.

And when the breeze picked him up,
Then he noticed a powerful magic power rushing straight into his chest, immediately choking his breathing.

"Idiot, what are you doing? Use your magic power to fight it!"

This is an emperor-level magic book.

How can you just take it and take it?

But fighting with magic?Qingfeng doesn't think he has such strong magic power.

He simply gave up resistance and allowed the powerful magic to explode, blasting a hole in his chest.

But it only took an instant for the breeze to flow against the breeze and reshape his body.

"You turned into the wind and canceled out the explosion?"

The Shadow Dragon King clicked his tongue when he saw this: "If you really come to kill me, maybe I will really die by your hands."

Qingfeng didn't say much,

He turned to look at the Emperor's Dharma Book not far away.
"If he just explodes and dies, maybe I can take him away."

"Maybe?" Shadow Dragon King was not sure.

And when Qingfeng walked towards the Emperor's Dharma Book, a strong wind immediately set off, forming a tornado barrier here.

But obviously,
This is not Qingfeng's handiwork.

"It seems that you have not been recognized. I advise you to give up." The Shadow Dragon King said calmly,
But for the tornado, Qingfeng, who has the power of [whistle],

It can't be called an obstacle at all.

He waved his hand and reached into the tornado. He immediately used his gestures to open the passage and got into the tornado. He even stretched out his hand to send out a wind blade and cut off the iron chain holding the Emperor's Dharma Book.

next moment,
Qingfeng, who originally wanted to put the Emperor's Dharma Book into the magic bag,
I saw the magic book opening by itself,

After turning to the designated page, lightning magic was emitted, immediately piercing Qingfeng's head, chest, abdomen, and limbs!
If the breeze hadn't turned into a gentle breeze, he would have died!

"Is it the Shuling? The Shuling attacks me again?"

Just when Qingfeng was surprised,

The emperor's book of law is still being turned over,

First, he cut off Qingfeng's arm, then used space magic to imprison him, and then used this method to tear Qingfeng into eight pieces!

But Qingfeng was still unable to resist, and even his body could not recover due to the space blockade!

Qingfeng gasped,
That's the magic skill [Blast],

Ever since he acquired this magical skill, he has been going smoothly, even defeating giant dragons.

Now I feel embarrassed in front of a book?
"Okay, now, close it for me!"

Qingfeng roared angrily, and concentrated on using the blast, using the wind force to force the pages of the Emperor's Dharma Book to turn, and finally closed the book.

When the magic book is closed, the magic it used disappears.

The sealed limbs also returned to Qingfeng.

He quickly used the wind to suppress the Emperor's Dharma Book, picked up the chain on the ground, sealed the book, and finally stuffed it into his magic bag.

Just finished these actions,
He heard a sudden rumble above his head, accompanied by gravel falling continuously.

"This place is too old and you are still making such a big fuss."

"Looking at the situation, this place is going to collapse. Now that you have got the books, let's leave quickly."

Listen to the words of Shadow Dragon King,

Qingfeng didn't hesitate anymore, swept away a few nearby books on the spot, stuffed them into the magic bag, and then flew straight to the exit above.

"Kid! You're crazy! They say don't touch those books easily!"

"You also took away five books in a row! What kind of books are they? Have you confirmed them?"


How could Qingfeng have the chance to confirm?

He didn't even touch the books, he just relied on the wind to roll the books into the magic bag.

Otherwise, I am afraid that my body will explode five times in a row.

Then Qingfeng opened the backpack and checked the books through the UI interface, only to see that they were all written on them.

[Unknown Magic Book-needs cleaning. 】

But in the picture, the magic book is covered with moss and vines, and the title of the book cannot be seen at all.

"If you want to know the title of the book, do you have to remove the moss vines?"

Qingfeng doesn't have such free time now.
He took out the Nine God-Killing Styles again, opened the book to check its contents, and quickly found the [Soul Locking] magic.

"We'll talk about the other books later, let's start with the matter at hand."

And just when Qingfeng was learning [Soul Locking],

Not surprisingly, this skill was passed back to Su Mu.

[Successful learning: Lock the soul! 】

After seeing this skill, Su Mu was stunned for a moment, then smiled in surprise,
"So that's what happened, Qingfeng wants to control the God of Death?"

"But even if you kill the Shadow Dragon King for this, the price is too high, right?"

"Wouldn't it be better to just remove its reverse scales?"

When complaining,
Su Mu searched for memories related to this magic.

It won’t take long to see its details.

In addition to the originally required materials, Soul Locking Magic only requires two more materials.

But after seeing the name of the material, Su Mu immediately frowned.

"Because the God of Death has the attribute of darkness, so if you want to control him, you need a sacred object with the opposite attribute?"

The opposite of the God of Killing,
Isn't it just Mitch?
Su Mu knew the items needed to summon Mi Che.

He walked slowly to the window and looked at the crystal deer accompanying Afia on the street.One of the materials used to control the God of Death is Linglong Crystal.

When Su Mu approached the window,

Celia slowly flew out of the flower room and stretched her waist.
Seeing that Su Mu was stunned, she followed Su Mu's gaze and looked out the window, and saw the figure of the crystal deer at a glance.

"You actually didn't kill it and made it a guardian beast?"

"The holy beast actually obeys the orders of a human like you. You did a good job. But with your protection, I believe it will be safer."

After hearing these words from Celia,
Su Mu remained silent. Only by killing the Crystal Deer can he gain the power to control the God of Death?
Or looking for items that can replace Linglong Crystal?

But Su Mu knows better than anyone else,

Linglong Crystal cannot be replaced, otherwise he would not have chosen to find the Crystal Deer and would have prioritized protecting it.

at the same time,

Fox Carrot was swallowing saliva,

He raised his neck and looked at the endless cliffs.

That's right,

The straight cliff in front of him towered into the clouds, with no end in sight.

And here is the place known as the ends of the earth.

"The planet is round, and there are no ends of the earth." Fox Carrot took a deep breath.

"So, Tianya is a cliff as high as the sky? Cape is a river forming a right angle?"

Beside the fox carrot,

There is a river flowing gracefully, but it is flowing towards the cliff.

At the intersection of the river and the cliff, the river magically flows upstream and flows into the towering clouds!


"This must be the water of the Hanging River, right?"

Fox Carrot asked a question, and then heard Mitche's voice.

"That's right, the moment this river flies up, it will officially evolve into a hanging river. This is your goal."

"But be careful, there is a guardian beast nearby, the one-legged crane."

The one-legged crane is considered a monster, and it is a very special kind of monster.

Normally, they fly in groups in the sky.

Fox Carrot heard the prompt and squinted at the shadows in the clouds again. Sure enough, there were creatures flying there.

When he locked onto the creature and waited for them to fly out of the clouds, he said in surprise: "One-legged crane?"

"Isn't that special code just a penguin with one leg?"

"Wait, how can a penguin fly?!"


Of course, Mitchell didn't know this name.
Instead, he added: "One-legged cranes cannot fly, so they need to drink water from the hanging river all day long."

"For them, the water from the hanging river is a necessary material for the survival of the race. It is more important than life. But just don't let them find out when you steal the water."

"Don't worry, they are naturally afraid of heights, so they generally won't look down."

Penguins can fly, but are they afraid of heights?

This is too magical and a different world!

"Tsk, no matter what, just steal the water from the hanging river, right?"

Fox Carrot reached out to hold the water, and then found that he had to turn the ladle upside down to catch the reverse flow of water.

And after taking back the water and turning the ladle back, the water flew straight into the sky again, and then with a pop, it accurately hit the head of a one-legged crane.

The one-legged crane was disturbed, and immediately lowered its head to look down, instantly focusing on the fox carrot it had never seen before!
"Damn it, was it discovered?"

Fox Carrot frowned, subconsciously took three steps back, and then assumed an offensive stance.

He can steal a lot of dragon's abilities,
Facing a mere one-legged crane, did he need to avoid fighting?
Totally unnecessary!
And just when Fox Carrot was taking aim cautiously,

But I found that the direction of the one-legged crane seemed to be wrong.

"Eh? Is it coming for me?"

"Huh? Why does it have its eyes closed?"

its not right!
The position where the one-legged Danhe attacked was surprisingly the position before he took three steps back!

"Did it just close its eyes after taking aim for the first time?!"

How afraid of heights is this guy?
It's afraid of heights and still does free fall. What's going on in its mind!
And in the next instant,
The one-legged crane penetrated straight into the ground,
It was like an arrow, stuck straight in there, not dead, but unable to pull itself out.

The fox carrot looked at it speechlessly,

"Tsk, Shabi, what are you protecting?!"

Then he heard another scream coming from the sky,
More than a dozen one-legged cranes charged towards the ground one by one, but Fox Carrot was no longer nervous to fight.

I saw him walking like a leisurely stroll,
One-legged red cranes fell one after another behind them.

You can't hit the fox carrot at all!
This thing can actually be called a guardian beast?

What idiot would be killed by them when stealing water? !
"You must be complaining in your heart, right?" Mitche's voice sounded again: "They can indeed kill the enemy and kill the monsters drinking water here."

"If you go to the Hanging River, you should be able to see the monster's bones under the river bed."

After hearing this, Fox Carrot looked at the river bed again, and sure enough he saw dense white bones under the river bed, but why did the shape of these bones look so familiar?

"Giant-thorned porcupine?" Fox Carrot asked in surprise: "Is it the stupider monster that can only roll head-on?"

"Who are you really more stupid than?"

Fox Carrot is speechless,
He didn't bother to talk to Mitche about useless things, so he took out the wooden box containing the floating stone and poured water from the hanging river into the box.

"Is it enough to pretend so much?"

After collecting the hanging river water, Fox Carrot stretched his head and looked at the magic bag.

"Everything else has been collected, only the Linglong Crystal is missing."

"Please tell me where Linglong Crystal is?"

Speaking of Linglong Crystal,
Miche's voice paused for a moment, then said dissatisfiedly: "In the city of Saint-Mar."

"Then Su Mu seemed to know my plan and took the crystal deer away specially."

"There is only one crystal deer on the continent today."

Linglong Crystal is the heart of the Crystal Deer.

When he heard that this thing was actually in Saint-Mar, Fox Carrot's face suddenly turned blue.

"Are you asking me to go to Saint-Mar to steal something again?"

"I'm not going! If there is anything that can be replaced, I will go get a replacement and come back."

I already stole the dragon scales in Saint-Mar last time.
If he goes back this time, even if he chats with Su Mu again, he will only be killed instantly!
Fox Carrot can't be resurrected.
He didn't want to quit traveling so soon.

But Miche's order was more authoritarian: "You must go, there is no substitute for the Linglong Crystal, and you must get the Linglong Crystal for me."

when you say

Fox Carrot immediately felt like someone was grabbing him by the throat.

"You have to understand that rejecting my mission is not necessarily as simple as taking back your power."

"I can kill you too."

After saying that, he released Fox Carrot's neck.

And the fox carrot looked towards the sky,

I was even more critical in my heart: 'Is this the goddess of light?Is he really not an impostor? '
'His method, even if he is said to be the goddess of darkness, Fox Carrot will believe it! '
Want to steal the crystal deer?
Trouble, it is too much trouble.

If Su Mu killed the Crystal Deer, it would be easier to steal the Linglong Crystal.

But stealing a living creature like a crystal deer.

Even if you steal it out, won't it resist?Won't you yell?Won't you call for reinforcements?
This greatly increases the difficulty of the task!
That night,

Qingfeng holding the book Nine Styles of Killing Gods,
At this moment, we also arrived at the first place recorded in the book,
West Coast Outpost.

This is the west side of the continent. It used to be the territory of the human race, but now it is occupied by the demon race.

Because of the battlefield between the three tribes,
There are surprisingly few monsters here. Qingfeng sneaked in here and almost didn't even see a demon sentry.

"Is there a sentry tower on the west coast that never turns off its lights all year round?"

It is night now,

Qingfeng glanced over and saw a sentry tower emitting light, which was still illuminating at changing angles.

"Since the lights haven't gone out, the thing should still be there."

Qingfeng muttered, then rushed to the sentry tower as quickly as possible.

Everyone knows that this watchtower never goes out and lights the way every night,

But no one knows why.

But in the book [Nine Styles of Killing Gods], it is clearly recorded that at the bottom of this sentry tower, there is an artifact-level magic item [Eternal Sun Bead]!
"If I hadn't seen this book, I would never have imagined that such a big-ass fishing village would actually sell an artifact-level magic item."

Qingfeng complained, and then a strong wind blew up the sandy soil.

After digging three feet into the ground, the strong wind really picked up a bead from under the tower.
As the beads flew away, they were accurately caught by Qingfeng's hands.

And the bead was still emitting light, so bright that Qingfeng couldn't open his eyes, as if he had eaten a flash bomb.

When he stuffed the Everlasting Sun Pearl into the magic bag, he saw that the surroundings were plunged into darkness, but he could not see anything clearly.

"It seems that it will take some time to adapt to this darkness."

"I just don't know where Linglong Jing is."

He learned from books that Linglong Crystal is the heart of the Crystal Deer.

But where the crystal deer is, the book only says "random".

How can he find this?
Just when Qingfeng was having a headache, he suddenly saw a message from Fox Carrot,
[Fox Carrot: Good brother, I'm sorry, I have something to trouble you with again. 】

This guy Fox Carrot, didn’t he agree not to contact me again?
Regardless of whether Qingfeng replies or not,

The fox carrot was still sending messages on his own.

[Fox Carrot: Brother!Foster father!Can you accompany me to Saint-Mar to steal something again? 】

what? !

Go to Saint-Mar to steal again?

Upon seeing this, Qingfeng immediately clicked on the input box, and his hands immediately flew on the keyboard.

【Your special code, %#@***! **……&#! 】

I was in the middle of cursing, but before I pressed send,
Then I saw another message from Huluobo,

[Fox Carrot: Brother, I want to steal a crystal deer. Don’t worry, this time you chat with the sage about things and I will steal it myself. 】

Crystal Deer!
Qingfeng was stunned at the current situation.

The Crystal Deer is actually in Saint-Mar City now? !


Qingfeng swallowed her saliva and lightly pressed the [←Backspace] key to delete the extremely pregnant words just now.

and type again on the keyboard.

[Qingfeng: It's okay, but you'd better go talk to the sage and I'll steal the crystal deer. 】

Ok? !

Seeing that Qingfeng actually agreed, Huluobo was overjoyed.

[Fox Carrot: Okay!Foster father!no problem!I'll fight with the sage as long as you need! 】

[Should we meet outside the city of Saint-Mar? 】

[Qingfeng: OK. 】

The two hit it off but had completely different goals.

And in the sage's study room in Saint Marr City,

When Su Mu saw the two people rushing to Saint-Mar at the same time, he also frowned.

He raised his head,

Seeing Afia riding a crystal deer directly in the corridor,
The two greeted him outside the door,

But even the long-lost smile on Afia's face couldn't make Su Mu relax his brows.

'How should I choose between this crystal deer? '
 I would like to express my gratitude to the reader: Yu Jiankong for the 100 coins.

(End of this chapter)

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