As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 159 The ruins of the ancient library form an SSS-level copy! 【3 in 1】

Chapter 159 The ruins of the ancient library form an SSS-level copy! 【triple】

When Afia leaves,

Su Mu felt a little disappointed.

'Is it because I can't see the smile? '
'Perhaps I should keep the crystal deer? '
After thinking about it,

Su Mu finally sighed: "Damn it, why would I worry about this kind of thing?"

"I will no longer place my hopes on the gods. I have already made up my mind, right?!"

I hope that when the God of Death comes to the lower realm, he can control the God of Death and use the power of the God of Death to kill Mitche?
Don't overthink it!
Haven't I already made up my mind to kill Miche with my own hands? !

Thinking about this,
Su Mu opened the [Brave] column,
He paused with his fingers on the white crane, and finally found the driver with a C license and got in touch with him.

The moment he clicked on the driver's photo, the space in front of Su Mu was torn apart, and the exciting cheers and shelling from the front line came.

"Master Sage?!"

The C-photo driver, who was leading the dragon troops to kill on the battlefield of the three tribes, was obviously taken aback when he saw Su Mu.

"Are you busy?" Su Mu looked towards the chaotic battlefield. Balco and Murphy were both honest, and they even tended to withdraw their troops.

"I have a special task that I want to give you."

Special mission? !

Could it be that he fought bravely on the front line to kill the enemy and triggered some plot?

The C driver looked at Su Mu excitedly: "What mission? It's absolutely fine to leave it to me! By the way, what is the mission reward?"


Sure enough, does he value mission rewards more?
Su Mu turned his white teeth and showed the task to the C-photo driver.

[Special mission: round-up]

[Mission details: Capture the defectors Qingfeng and Huluobo who attempted to invade Saint Mar. 】

[Task reward: artifact-level magic props]

Seeing this mission, the driver with the C photo was stunned on the spot.

'It wasn't me who triggered the mission, but Qingfeng and Huluobo? '
'Absolutely, will the NPC in this game actually give feedback to the players? '
The driver C swallowed his saliva and then looked at Su Mu.

Then I heard Su Mu add: "This mission is very difficult. It is recommended that you form a team to carry out this mission."

Qingfeng and Huluobo are both high-combat players favored by Mitche, and they may have been given some magical skills by Mitche.

But if you inherit the C license driver of Shenlong Fighter,
Maybe you can have the strength to fight them.

"No problem, Lord Sage, I will take over this task!"

After saying that, the C driver flew off to find the pilot and the others. Both of them were shocked when they heard about the mission content.

"Huh? Qingfeng and Huluobo were targeted?"

"This task cannot be posted on the forum, otherwise they will definitely see it."

"How about calling me F for being too poor and loving? That kid has been very busy lately."

"Forget it, isn't he almost turning into a bitch when he hangs around Rias?"

"No, it seems that after the battle in the outer city, the relationship between him and Rias became tense. But in this battle, I'm afraid he really doesn't have the ability to intervene."

Driver C and the others were assisted by a giant dragon.

Only then can we have the strength to fight Qingfeng,
But he is too poor and loves F. He is just a vampire. If we push forward two versions, he will definitely be a T0 level main C, but now he is not ranked.

What's more, his level is still stuck at around 35, right?
The level has not kept up with the T39 echelon of 0.

After whispering,

Driver C led the team to withdraw from the battlefield and took away twenty dragons.

The remaining dragons were left under the command of Brittany and were still active on the battlefield.

And after returning to the city of Santa Mar,
Deploy immediately for this action.

"Fox Carrot's fighting power is very high. I'm afraid you can't handle it. I will fight against it." Su Mu made arrangements: "Accordingly, Qingfeng will be left to you."

I heard that Su Mu would deal with Fox Carrot,

This made the driver and others feel relieved.

The Elf Saint Forest outside the city of Saint Mar,

Several giant dragons were ambushed in several directions in the Brett Mountain Forest and the Southern Jungle.

And Su Mu also fully opened the protective formation in the inner city of Saint Mar.

As long as Qingfeng and Huluobo break into the outer city,

The giant dragon will appear and surround Saint Mar, using the power of the inner magic circle to trap the two people in the outer city.

And launched targeted operations in the outer city.


After confirming this plan, the driver of C-series took a deep breath subconsciously.
"When a fight breaks out, we must resolve the battle quickly, but we must not destroy the outer city again."

"Otherwise, if Star Platinum and I were playing in the mud in the Northeast, they would never be done with us."

This work of rebuilding the outer city,

They were already exhausted,

The most important thing is that the most profitable player in recasting the outer city is Tianjuan Douluo, and all raw materials come from his production line.

On the contrary, Platinum Star and others did not make much profit.

It's all thankless work.

The pilots and maskless pilots, among others, all nodded when they thought of Platinum Star's recent corpse-like expression.

"Understood, try to solve the battle with one blow."

"Protecting the outer city buildings is the first priority!"

And after they all deployed their positions,
Su Mu looked at the map in the background.
Because they couldn't use the teleportation array, Qingfeng and the others moved very slowly.

Only then did we arrive near Qijia City.

And after a long wait,
Then I saw Fox Carrot appearing first near the outer city of Saint-Mar.
He stood in the jungle near the outer city, still feeling very puzzled in his mind.

"Strange, according to normal circumstances, shouldn't the sage have discovered me?"

"You haven't come out to punish me yet?"

Fox Carrot scratched his head in confusion,
Then he shouted at the top of his lungs: "Sir, I'm back to talk to you again!"

Hear him shout,

Su Mu just closed his eyes and stood at the teleportation formation outside the city of Saint Mar, as if he didn't hear it.

"Isn't the Sage in Saint Mare City?"

"Going on field duty somewhere?"

When Fox Carrot was wondering, Qingfeng hiding in the dark couldn't stay any longer.

"What should I do? You're not going to break in directly, are you?"

Qingfeng couldn't let him do it privately, and the Crystal Deer was also his target.

"I'll go in first to explore the situation, don't worry."

After saying that, Fox Carrot jumped into the air, preparing to break into Saint Mare directly.

When Qingfeng saw this situation, he could not keep his composure and directly followed Huluobo's footsteps into the outer city.

"Hey! What are you doing? You told me to check the situation first!"

"Ah? We must act together! Together!"

When the two of them were noisy,

But I heard the sound of flapping wings suddenly coming from behind.

Twenty giant dragons flew up from all directions and suddenly surrounded Saint Mar.

In front of Fox Carrot, Su Mu walked calmly through the air, looking down at Fox Carrot from the air.

"What the hell? Is that a foothold created using space magic?"

"Master Sage is standing in the sky! He is so handsome!"

Fox Carrot exclaimed,
Qingfeng was immediately speechless: "Hey, now is not the time to praise the sage!"

"We're clearly surrounded!"

"According to the original plan, you hold the Sage while I go find the Crystal Deer!"

After saying that, Qingfeng wanted to get rid of the head-on confrontation situation and began to move sideways.

And it was at this time,

The C-car driver, the pilot and others suddenly jumped out and immediately attacked Qingfeng!

"Holy crap! Is this an ambush?!"

Qingfeng exclaimed,

But just when he turned his body into the breeze and tried to avoid the attack, he suddenly trembled!
The breeze that originally belonged to the breeze and was part of his body was trembling uncontrollably at this moment.

The direction of the breeze also swayed in an instant.

"what happened?"

Qingfeng was surprised and frightened. Nothing is more frightening than losing control of the body.

Is [Half Wind]'s magical skill out of control?
No!There was something fighting with him for control of that breeze!
"Wind Dragon King!"

Qingfeng roared behind him, and then he saw the Wind Dragon King leading a group of dragons, flying towards him rapidly.

"Qingfeng, I have been with you for so long, don't think that I have never thought of defeating you!"

When Qingfeng controlled the Wind Dragon King, it was thinking about how to defeat Qingfeng all the time.


This is the answer that the Wind Dragon King came up with.

When Qingfeng turns into the power of wind, the Wind Dragon King will get the opportunity to control him!

Although the Wind Dragon King alone may not be able to completely control Qingfeng, except for the Wind Dragon King, there are still seven wind-attribute dragons at this time.

With their combined efforts, they surprisingly twisted the breeze into a ball and locked him with the wind!

"Unexpectedly, you are your own weakness, locking you, and you don't even need to rely on external force!"

The Wind Dragon King laughed proudly,

"Kill the sinner of the Shadow Dragon King, and you will no longer be my friend. Please atone for your sins!"

Seeing Qingfeng captured,

Fox Carrot suddenly stared.

But Su Mu's voice sounded at this moment: "Now that things have happened, do you still have time to care about Qingfeng?"

I saw him pointing at the [unique cube] and it suddenly appeared.

It is like a cage, locking the fox carrot in it.

"Oops." Fox Carrot's face turned ugly, but he still waved his hand and cast a spell, switching places with the outside pilot.

I used a move [Golden Cicada Escapes],
Make the pilot the scapegoat.

"It's fatal." Su Mu clicked his tongue and looked at Huluobo: "Let's capture you without any effort. I am asking so many brave men to help me just because I hope you will be arrested honestly."

"Boy, don't force me to use my trump card."

Su Mu's trump card?
Fox Carrot immediately became wary of Su Mu.

A trump card that the hero is unwilling to use even if he asks for help?

It must be reserved for fighting against the gods, right?

How powerful is that!

Just when Fox Carrot was frightened by this, he wanted to escape, but found that he could not move at all.

'what happened? ! '
'I can't control my body? ! '
At this moment, Fox Carrot couldn't even speak. He could only hear these questions in his mind.

But Su Mu only calmly put away [Dumfries] and controlled the background.

What he did was very simple;
It just delayed Fox Carrot's game to its full limit and gave him a 460 attack.


"You were caught so easily?!"

In the God Realm, seeing Fox Luobo and Qingfeng being arrested, Mitche stared in disbelief.

He gave the two of them [Divine Skills]!

A skill that no other hero has,
Was he subdued so easily? !

But under Mi Che's unwilling eyes, all the materials that Fox Luobao had collected with great effort were confiscated by Su Mu!

As for the fox carrot,
Then he was escorted to the old place by Xilu,
The deepest part of Dumfries Gaol,

And his treatment at this moment was the same as when Lixia was imprisoned. He was dressed in bondage clothing and even had a ball stuffed in his mouth.

After that, Su Mu also used space magic to seal the prison.
There was absolutely no hope for Fox Carrot to escape.

On the other hand, Qingfeng

When the driver with C license came forward to escort him,

But I saw a burst of light suddenly light up and converge into a ball of light.
Wrap up Qingfeng, the C-photo driver and others.

"Damn it, what's going on?"

Su Mu frowned when he saw this and hurried over to check the situation, only to see a magic book flying up in the air and hovering in front of the driver with a C-photo.

Seeing this scene,
Qingfeng clicked her tongue and said, "This is the Emperor's Book of Magic that I brought back. This magic book seems to recognize you as its master."

"C-licensed driver, I'm giving you an advantage. You owe me a favor."

"I owe you a favor?" The driver of C-Zhao had a straight face and twisted Qingfeng's arm hard again: "You kid, I kindly told you where the Shadow Dragon King is, but you went and killed it?!"

"And you said I owe you a favor?"

The voice has not fallen,

Then he saw the soul of the Shadow Dragon King emerge from Qingfeng's body,
It looked helplessly at everyone.

"In this current situation, Qingfeng, why don't we tell the whole story? I'm not dead."

"We came back this time because we want the heart of the Crystal Deer, the Linglong Crystal."

what? !

Seeing that the Shadow Dragon King is not dead,
Everyone present and Long were shocked, and even Su Mu, who knew the inside story, was stunned.

This Shadow Dragon King turned into a soul and has been attached to Qingfeng?
What the fuck? !
Then the soul of the Shadow Dragon King turned around, looked at the C-photo driver and sighed,
"This emperor's law book contains countless ancient magics and has a book spirit. It can recognize you as its master, which shows that you have a very high level of mage."

"This magic book is very powerful. If you can make good use of it, your strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds."

and many more? !
Does the C license driver have a high level of mage?
what a joke,
When he first entered the game, Su Mu judged him as a player who would never become a mage!
This guy was actually recognized for his strength by a super powerful magic book? !
Su Mu quickly stepped forward to check.

He immediately felt the extremely strong destructive energy from the Emperor's Law Book.

Except for the emperor's law book,

Su Mu also noticed several other Dharma books lying on the ground.

"Nine God-killing Styles? Record of Ancient Magic? The Seventh Magic Source...?"

These books,
Either it records ways to enhance strength, or it records god-killing magic.

All are good things!
"Where did you get these magic books?"

Seeing Su Mu's excited question, Qingfeng was stunned and said awkwardly: "The ancient library, that place is full of ancient magic books. There must be at least tens of thousands of magic books of this level, right?"

hear this,

Su Mu's head buzzed suddenly.

The ancient library, that place is full of wisdom belonging to the ancestors of the human race!

This kind of place similar to the inheritance of the human race is exactly the breakthrough Su Mu needs!
"Sure enough, in ancient times, humans have fought against gods, and the methods of fighting are all preserved in the ancient library!"

Thinking of this, Su Mu felt hot all over.

It’s the feeling of blood rushing to your head!
"Lord Sage, you are not going to this ancient library, are you?"

Qingfeng said awkwardly: "When I took away the Emperor's Law Book, I accidentally collapsed the ancient library."

"The magic aura of the ancient library is very strong. I felt it when I left. The magic contained in that place even far exceeds that of the Dragon's Lair."

Su Mu knew what this meant.

Monsters are attracted to places rich in magic and gather there to form new settlements.

The consequence is that a monster lair is formed in that place, which is what the player sees as a copy!
The magic power of the ancient library far exceeds that of the dragon's nest.

The dungeon formed will be far superior to the previous Dragon's Nest dungeon!
Hearing the news, Su Mu couldn't help but frown: "Qingfeng, I know your true intentions. Since the Shadow Dragon King is not dead, I won't punish you this time. Report back to the Blood Wolf."

"Perhaps I will need the Blood Wolf Guild's assistance soon."

hear this,

Qingfeng stood up gratefully and bowed deeply to Su Mu.

"I hope I can help you, Lord Sage."

After that, he glanced at the Shadow Dragon King: "You should go back quickly, otherwise you will really die."

He also popped out a scale with his hand, which was the Shadow Dragon King's reverse scale, and returned it to the Shadow Dragon King.

see this scene,

Not only were everyone confused, but even Mi Che from the God Realm was stunned.

"What's going on? Su Mu let Qingfeng let him go again?!"

"Qingfeng said he was helping Su Mu, did Su Mu believe it?"

Mitchell didn't know the inside story,

But in Mi Che's eyes, Qingfeng is preparing for the arrival of the God of Death!

Could this breeze be Su Mu's weakness that could be exploited? !
This made Mitche gradually excited and focused more on Qingfeng.

But when I saw the imprisoned fox carrot,

Mitchell couldn't help but click his tongue and roll his eyes: "I know that someone who steals pants can't even steal a crystal deer."

"Huluobo was imprisoned and his actions were intercepted by Su Mu. Maybe we should expand our manpower and rescue this trash by the way."

And on the other side,
Because the breeze returns to Saint-Mar,
Su Mu directly judged that Bai He's mission was successfully completed.
Let him successfully advance to become a gold-level adventurer.

The first task dispatched is to explore the location [Ancient Library]!
[Exploration-Ancient Library (Gold Level)]

[Task details: Explore the designated location, determine whether a monster nest is formed, and determine the threat level. 】

[Task reward: The subsequent plot can be activated. 】

Su Mu planned the mission and was about to send it to the Adventurers Association, but he saw the driver with a C license following him.

Seeing Su Mu look at each other, the driver of the C photo rubbed his hands and smiled naively.
"Lord Sage, where is my mission reward?"

That is an artifact-level magic item!

How could he forget?

As a result, Su Mu moved his eyes downwards and looked at the Emperor's Book of Dharma on the waist of the C-Zhao driver.

"Isn't it already given to you?"

"These are the belongings of the detainee Qingfeng, and logically they need to be turned over."

what? !

The C driver was confused when he heard this: "Isn't this a magic book that recognizes me as the master? Why is it a reward?!"


Su Mu clicked his tongue: "If you like the sense of ceremony, I can also collect this book and reissue it to you."

Hearing this, the C-Zhao driver quickly protected the emperor's Dharma book, shook his head and said, "No need."

If this is really confiscated,
Whether it will be issued again depends entirely on Su Mu's mood.

Right at this time,

Bai He, who was successfully promoted, came to the Adventurers Association happily.

He was about to take on a high-level crusade mission,

As a result, Su Mu put away all other tasks and suspended the task of "Exploring the Ancient Library" alone.

It’s as if he’s saying: ‘Go away and do this task for me first! '

Seeing Su Mu’s kind smile,
Bai He couldn't help but swallow his saliva. He was very sure that he might have made Su Mu hold a grudge in dealing with Qingfeng.

What can be done then?
Hurry up and complete the exploration mission, let the sage be happy...!
After accepting the task,
Bai He immediately dispatched Blood Wolf's strongest dungeon strategy team,

According to Qingfeng's description, go to the target location to explore.

After the blood wolf team set off,

Su Mu also returned to the study and looked at the collected supplies with a solemn expression.

“Although Miche’s [Arrival] lacks a Linglong Crystal, are all the materials for the Killing God’s [Arrival] complete?”

"Fortunately, Qingfeng didn't cast a spell, otherwise the God of Death would have gone down to the lower realm."

As for these materials,

Su Mu must be carefully preserved to prevent it from being stolen.

As for destroying the materials?

Su Mu has no such idea for the time being. When the day comes that he has the strength to kill the gods, he will take the initiative to invite the gods to the lower world and fight them head-on!
And the books in the ancient library,

Perhaps it's the last piece of the puzzle that Su Mu needs.

One day later,

The Blood Wolf team successfully arrived at the target location.
Baihe and Qingfeng led the team,
The two stood outside the pit of the ancient library, frowning.

"The entire area has sunk due to collapse, but this pit is full of monsters."

"Tsk, look at me, I have trypophobia."

"Shhh, keep your voice down, if we are noticed by the monsters, this tide of beasts will definitely swamp us."

Everyone's scalp is numb,

When looking down carefully, Qingfeng was even more puzzled.
"Look at the barbed monster to the west. It looks like a bull head and a pig face, and it has six legs. Have you seen this kind of monster before?"

They've been playing [Dumfries] for a few months now,
Even if [-]% of the monsters on the continent have not been killed, [-]% have been slept with.

But I have never seen such a monster.

Bai He rummaged through the monster illustration, trying to find this monster, but his search was fruitless.

"Isn't it? Could it be that because of the magic book, an unknown monster was summoned?"

"Or is it the mutation of the monster caused by the strong magic power?"

No matter what kind,
You can't rule out the fact that this monster looks super strong.

"Everyone, are you ready? I'm going to use magic power to survey."

Bai He looked at the members,

They had opened the cap of the sleeping potion and poured it into the pit.

But there are not a few monsters who are still awake in the pit!

Bai He still had the courage to use magic.

If the general terrain of this place cannot be surveyed, the exploration mission cannot be considered completed.

And after using the magic detection,
The huge magic power perception and the dense magic radiation points gave Bai He a splitting headache!

"Oh no! So many monsters?! No, there are also magic books?! They are all mixed together!"

"Is this place three levels deep? There is space inside! It's full of monsters, it's all monsters!"

Before Bai He finishes shouting,

The breeze stirred up strong winds and quickly blew the team members into the sky.

"The magic perception has disturbed those monsters, run away quickly!"

And at this critical moment,
All members of the Blood Wolf team received the prompt.

[Copy: Ancient Library Ruins-SSS Level]

[Difficulty of strategy: SSS level and above. It is recommended to form a strategy team of [-] people. 】

[Copy reward: Tens of thousands of powerful magic books visible to the naked eye, which are even more powerful monsters that you need to conquer! 】

Monsters are rewards!

As long as you defeat the monsters, you can get a powerful magic book.
This kind of temptation, no matter how outrageous the copy, makes Bai He's heart flutter!
When he landed from the air, he heard Bai He clenching his fists excitedly and saying: "Brothers, gather the troops and dismantle this copy together!"

(End of this chapter)

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