As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 205: Kendis’ sacrifice and fusion of destiny godhead. 【2 in 1】

Chapter 205: Kendis’ sacrifice and fusion of destiny godhead. 【[-]-in-[-]】

Qian Ruotu rushed back to the new demon clan,
And under the auspices of Emperor Lemon, the new demons also began to make big moves.

It was at this time,
The battle between Su Mu and others in the void world gradually started.

Deep in the void realm, Qiamat, who was sitting on the throne, raised his eyebrows slightly.
"Is this back?"

Today, most of the void world is still controlled by Qiamat.
When Su Mu invades the void world, he will naturally notice it.

But when he discovered that Su Mu and others were invading, Qiamat did not respond immediately. Instead, he raised the corners of his mouth with interest.

"Kentis, haven't you made a judgment yet?"

"I really don't understand. The situation is clear now. As the God of Destiny, can't you still see clearly?"

Katis snorted: "If I could see clearly, I wouldn't let you come to save Gasby."

Ha ha--

Qiamat was not angry. In his eyes, Katis was just having a little temper.

As the God of Destiny, He can definitely see the future of heathen gods occupying the continent, and will naturally turn against them.

"Tell me, Kentis." Qiamat turned his solemn face: "Why are Su Mu and the others here this time?"

"They don't think they can take back the Void Realm, do they?"

Now that the devil and Gaspil are dead,

The god who can restrain Qiamat has long since existed. With just Su Mu, he still wants to turn the world upside down?

On the other hand, Kendis,
He glared at Qiamat, but reluctantly spoke: "It's for the sake of godhood."


Ha ha ha ha--!
Qiamat arrogantly sneered: "Gasbiel's godhead?"

That thing had long been absorbed and fused by Qiamat, and now it has become a part of his body.

As Qiamat's confidence soared, the effectiveness of that godhead was gradually becoming apparent.

"I won't let him take away such a good treasure." Qiamat sneered.

With the existence of this godhead, his strength can grow over time. It is simply a divine weapon!

"But with so many people here, are they only targeting the idealistic godhead in me?"

Thinking about this,
A plan was born in Qiyamat's mind,
He waved his right hand, and four clones appeared in front of him.

Everyone sneered arrogantly, looked in four different directions, and then quickly accelerated and rushed out.

"This is a clone that can't tell the difference between real and fake. I hope you guys can have fun."

"As for Su Mu?" Qiamat grinned: "I will go and meet you in person!"

Obtained information from Kendis,

Qiyamat's heart was filled with ecstasy, which also meant that Kendis was surrendering to Him.
Although Su Mu's information was insignificant, it was his surrender.

Seeing Qiamat flying away quickly, Kendis also frowned: "Our world must not be handed over to the hands of the heretics..."

If it were at the beginning,

Their cooperation only gave Qiamat one-third of the world.
But Chiamat was so ambitious that he wanted the whole world, and even killed Gasper with his own hands. How could Kentis let him get his wish?

Kentis whispered in a low voice: "I must seize the route to the best future this time with my own hands."

at the same time,

The Su Mu team, who was looking for Qiamat, also got information from the players participating in the battle.

"Team A1 discovered team boss Kiamat!"

"C3 team discovered Qiamat!"

"Team D6 was attacked, and the enemy was suspected to be Boss Kiamat!"

"Team B4 also encountered Chiamat...!"

in an instant,
The dispersed player teams all sent back news of their encounter with Qiamat.

When I got this news,

The C-photo driver, the pure man and others were also stunned.

"Why are we encountering Qiamat? Is it a smoke bomb released by the enemy?"

"I don't know. Let's take a look separately. If anyone encounters the real thing, we will send back the news."

"it is good!"

After a few exchanges, they all rushed to the combat areas of each team.

But Su Mu kept standing where he was,
The players were all communicating within each team, and no one came to Su Mu to report the news.

It was at this time,
A jet-black stream of light struck from a distance, and then slowly stopped in front of Su Mu,
"Su Mu, I never thought you would come to die again."

Seeing it was Qiamat, Su Mu smiled: "Death? No, I'm just here to ask for something from you."

The voice has not fallen,

Then Qiamat opened his chest, revealing the idealistic godhead inside.

This made Su Mu frown immediately, and at the same time he criticized in his heart: "He can really ignore the rules and fuse the godhead." '
The C-photo driver and the innocent man also suddenly scattered and flew away. They must have been sent away from the mountain. '
Since the other party has merged with the godhead,

It’s time for him to learn Nagaspil’s magical clone skill.

Gasper's clones do not weaken their attributes and are all solid, which is simply a bug.

Seeing that Su Mu was silent,

Qiamat couldn't help but smile again: "Are you waiting for the support of the brave?"

"You should know better than anyone else that those brave men are not reliable at all. They will only stand aside and watch the battle at the critical moment."

"Even if you are in crisis, they won't know where to hide and watch the fun!"

Ha ha--

Su Mu smiled when he heard the sound.
'Is this an attempt to sow discord? '
'If I can't see the player's position, I'm afraid I'll be really disappointed in the player. '
Thinking of this, Su Mu also raised his head and pretended to be disappointed: "Yes, I hope you won't be angry when they come back with your head."

Qiamat knew that the plan failed, and couldn't help frowning and looking at Su Mu.

At this time,
The first person to encounter Chiamat's clone was the pilot and the unmasked pilot.

The two went to the nearest A1 and B4 team areas.

When they arrived, all members of the team had been wiped out, leaving only Chiamat's clone standing in the void, as if he was deliberately waiting for them to come.

The pilot of the plane took out his long sword for the first time in a long time.

The moment he met Qiamat's eyes, he saw him flashing suddenly, and the next moment he rushed to the plane pilot.
The pilot vomited a mouthful of blood.

He looked at Qiamat in front of him in disbelief, and his godhead was suddenly taken out!

After losing his godhead, even though the pilot still had more than half of his health bar, he was still judged dead and returned directly to the Resurrection Temple.

next moment,
The pilot immediately opened the team channel to send a message.

【Gan!I met the real thing!Be careful, he will attack the weak points and directly use my divine power to kill me instantly! 】

This news has just been sent out,
I saw a faint flash of light beside me, and the figure of the driver without a hood suddenly appeared.

"Damn it! I met the real thing!"

The unmasked pilot also roared, and immediately made eye contact with the pilot.

"Have you met the real one too?!"

"You were also beaten to death?!"

Then both of them took a look at their own conditions, and suddenly discovered that they had lost their godheads and turned into human bodies again!
"Damn it! Godhead is gone! Am I directly reduced to a T1 level player?"

"Me too!" The two of them were about to cry, and quickly announced the information to the team.

Seeing this information, the C-photo driver and the pure man couldn't help but frown. If death would cause them to lose their godhood, then they should fight with caution.

Although the pure man does not have much need for the Water Godhead, he does need divine power!
After sending the message,
The pilots and pilots without masks sighed when they received no response.

"They probably all started fighting, and they didn't even have time to reply."

"By the way, is my balance insufficient? Why haven't you revived me yet?"

Having said that,
They both opened their backpacks and looked at the amount of several hundred gold coins. It was indeed enough for resurrection, but the goddess of life was nowhere to be found in the resurrection temple.

However, there are still wandering souls nearby, but they have not been able to be resurrected so far. Instead, they are looking for the goddess of life everywhere.

"What's going on?" Seeing this situation, the pilot couldn't help but be surprised: "The resurrection system has a problem again! Again! Again! Something went wrong?!"

Knowing that he would be deprived of his godhood,

Even after being unable to be resurrected, the driver and the innocent man immediately changed their combat strategy.

That's 'escape'!

Hurry up and escape from this battlefield!

According to C, the driver directly transforms into a dragon, and then enchants the body with ordinary flames, which directly increases the agility and movement speed, and quickly evacuates to the space crack.

And the pure man also drives [Circle of Truth - Full Start],
Absorb all the surrounding divine power, increase movement speed, and quickly leave the battlefield.

At the same time, the two of them were communicating,

"The situation is not right. Find Su Mu before you leave and take him with you to escape!"

"Su Mu?" Driver C thought, "Let's save our lives first. Boss Su Mu's strength will definitely not cause any problems."

If it were front-end time, the driver with C license would definitely go to save Su Mu without hesitation.
But Su Mu was able to defeat the Demon God.

There should be no problem facing Qiamat, right?

But little did he know,
Su Mu was in a bitter fight with Qiamat at this time, and the reason for the bitter fight was precisely because of the two of them!

Originally, Su Mu could still have a [-]-[-] tie with Qiamat.

With only brute strength and tough divine power,

Su Mu could ignore the rules and just go up and slap Qiamat's big mouth with hard steel.

But as the pilot of the plane and the driver without a mask were killed,

The driver with the C license and the innocent man started running for their lives again.
All these signs put Qiamat into a crazy and confident Buff state!
In this state of soaring self-confidence,

The idealistic godhead suddenly took effect and began to increase Qiamat's strength, which was suddenly one level stronger than Su Mu.

"It's fatal, it's really fatal." Su Mu was speechless when he saw this: "Should I run away too?"

One to say one,

The driver with the C license and the innocent man ran away. Su Mu didn't blame them either.

After all, if they are not careful, both of them will be deprived of their godhood, and then the next battle will be impossible.

But in this situation, Su Mu couldn't help but run away!
Su Mu knew it well.

If he also turns around and runs away, Qiamat will definitely strengthen his divine heart from then on, and his idealistic divine personality will be completely integrated with him, allowing his strength to increase by leaps and bounds.

Then fight Qiamat again that day,
I'm afraid Su Mu doesn't even have the ability to face Him directly.

So you can't run at this time.

Jie Jie Jie——.

"Su Mu, run away." Qiamat sneered and said, "Let me see you running away with your head in your hands!"

"Maybe I'll be merciful and let you live!"

Qiamat struck with force,

Just like Su Mu before, no magic or magical skills were needed, just suppressed with the roughest force.
Punch Su Mu's arm and break both of his arms!

Moreover, Qiamat's death energy invaded Su Mu's body through the bones and added a Debuff to him!

[Death Qi Invasion: In this state, your vitality will continue to flow away until death. 】

"It's fatal." Su Mu's scalp went numb when he saw this.
This Debuff actually has no time limit. This state will drain his life force until death!

"The god of life and death?"

"As expected of the supreme god among the heretic gods, he is truly terrifying."

So far,

Su Mu's brows were completely twisted, and he was persuading himself in his heart: "It's time to run away. If you don't run away, you will have no chance." '
And at this moment,

Qiamat also raised his eyebrows and looked at him: "What? Now you want to escape?"

"Can you escape?!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly jumped up, rushed towards Su Mu with lightning speed, and punched Su Mu directly in the chest.

Su Mu's arms were broken and he couldn't block at all.
If you are hit by this punch, you will definitely hate the void world!

It is also this critical moment,
I saw a black figure flash past, and heard another 'Puff' sound!
In front of Su Mu,
Kendis was looking at him, and saw three feet of blood splattered on his chest, and a purple godhead was held in Qiamat's hand.

"Su Mu." Kentis said,
At the same time, He reached forward, opened Qiamat's fingers, picked up the godhead from Qiamat's hand, and threw it to Su Mu: "I will help you obtain the idealistic godhead."

"Believe me, that's the future I see."

Qiamat looked at Kendis who had his back turned to him and had his chest penetrated by him, and he was immediately furious.

"You humble ant, how dare you plot against me!"

between words,
The destiny godhead has been thrown into Su Mu's hands,
Kendis also grabbed Chiamat's arm and exploded himself.

The powerful explosion wave sent Su Mu flying, but it also blew off one of Qiamat's arms!
See this situation,

Su Mu suddenly froze in the void and looked at the destiny godhead in disbelief.

"Is he trying to help me?" Su Mu was surprised: "He saw the future and said that I can take away the idealistic godhead?"

Who doesn’t know that Kentis can’t see through Su Mu at all?
And Su Mu is the biggest variable in this battle.

He actually said that he could see Su Mu's future. This must be a lie!

But when Su Mu saw Kendis blowing himself up and even blowing off one of Qiamat's arms,

Su Mu couldn't help but crush the destiny godhead and integrate it into himself. At the same time, he mumbled helplessly: "There is no other way, I will believe you just once."

And as the destiny godhead merged into the body, the scene in front of Su Mu changed instantly!
It has become inextricably linked and there are illusory red lines everywhere!

Every red thread corresponds to a future, and even more to an illusion of the future.

Su Mu could clearly see the real scenery in the future just by concentrating.


Su Mu clicked his tongue. Watching so many futures at the same time must be too mentally draining!

Kendis is not yet a superior god,

Can He actually control such a powerful ability? !
But Su Mu had no idea.
The world in his eyes is completely different from what Kendis sees!

Kentis could see at most a dozen red lines, and only in a state of concentration could he clearly see the future he wanted to see.

But Su Mu is different. He has various divine powers in his body, which are condensed and fused into new chaotic power. With the blessing of this power,

Su Mu is completely able to do what Kentis can't do!

Just a blink of an eye,

He can see countless possibilities, and among these possibilities, he can seize the best future he wants!
(End of this chapter)

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