As a programmer, I also want to make games in a different world

Chapter 206: Su Mu fell into a coma, suspicions on both sides. 【2 in 1】

Chapter 206: Su Mu fell into a coma, suspicions on both sides. 【[-]-in-[-]】

in countless illusions,

Su Mu clearly saw Qiamat attacking suddenly and hitting Su Mu's fatal spot every time, killing him.

But this was easy to handle. Su Mu moved directly to dodge, avoiding every inch of space that Qiamat might attack!
He asked Chiamat to swing at him with brute force, but his swing suddenly missed.

If only once,
Qiamat didn't care yet, but the series of empty moves made him frown slightly.

"Have you seen the future?"

Even He needs time to adapt to the abilities of Gaspil's godhead.
What's more, Su Mu has just merged with the godhead, how can he master the ability to see the future instantly? !
"Can't see." Su Mu shook his head: "Can't see at all."

"It's because you think too much."

Although Su Mu had a grimace on his face, he was already happy in his heart.

He saw it, saw the future of taking away the idealistic godhead!
It was also the next attack,
When Su Mu easily dodged Qiamat's attack, he suddenly pulled out and pulled out the godhead from Qiamat's chest!
Qiamat looked at Su Mu in disbelief, and at the idealistic godhead in his hand.

"Give it back to me!" Qiamat said angrily, "Give it back to me quickly!"

Qiamat is worthy of being a heretic god;

Even if his godhead is stripped away, his life will not be in danger, he will just become weak due to the stripping.

And Su Mu?
He also looked at the godhead in his hand in disbelief: "I actually got it? Is it that simple?"

Although he had seen countless clues about the future, he didn't expect it to be so easy to execute!
'Is this the power of information disparity...? '
If Su Mu had no vision of the future and the power of the God of Destiny, perhaps in order to achieve this effect, apart from strength, he would also need 99% luck...?
Seeing that Qiamat was in a state of madness, Su Mu quickly withdrew.

Now that Gasbier's godhead has been recovered, there is no need for him to tangle with Qiamat here.

Until the space is torn apart,

Su Mu then saw that the C-photo driver and the innocent man were all standing guard outside.
After seeing Su Mu appear, the two people rushed to escort him and looked at the void behind him.

"Master Su Mu, I knew you would be fine!" The driver of C-photo smiled: "How is it? Didn't Qiamat chase you out?"

"Wait?" The pure man said quickly: "Why is there death energy in you?"

Having said that,
The two of them quickly identified Su Mu and saw the Debuff!

"Holy shit, you keep consuming your health points?"

The driver with the C license exploded on the spot: "Wouldn't that mean you will die sooner or later?!"

"The game official wants to forcefully close the game!"


Totally numb!

Especially when Su Mu heard that the driver of the C license was still complaining about the official, Su Mu felt chilled.

The pure man frowned even more: "I just said we should go back to pick him up!"

"Isn't this still a trick of Chiamat's?"

If you are a player,

It is completely possible to die directly to clear the debuff, but Su Mu cannot be resurrected!

"It's not a big problem." Su Mu breathed a sigh of relief, and then showed his idealism: "Qiamat was also seriously injured by me. I will never invade the mainland during this period."

"Before he recovers from his injuries, I must also recover from them."

Seeing the idealistic Godhead,

Both the pure man and the C-photo driver gasped.


Su Mu is too strong!

Can even defeat the enhanced version of Chiamat? !

And just when the two of them were shocked,
I saw a black energy rushing up from below, it was Princess Afia.

She had just sensed Su Mu's aura, and immediately realized that something was wrong with Su Mu's condition, and immediately came to respond.

After seeing the death energy wrapped around Su Mu, she became even more confused.

"Dead breath?" Afia held Su Mu's shoulders with both hands: "What's going on? Was it Qiamat who did it?!"

"Hurry and find Goddess Digal!"

Speaking of Goddess Digal,
The pure man and the C-photo driver immediately froze: "Princess Afia, Goddess Digal is missing."

"And he just disappeared. No one knows where he went."

"What did you say?!" Afiya was shocked and completely confused.

"Don't worry." Su Mu comforted him: "Humans will die sooner or later. It doesn't matter whether they have the aura of death or not."

"Anyway, don't worry, my daughter hasn't even been born yet, and I'm still reluctant to die."

Just saying these words,
Everyone could clearly feel that Su Mu's condition was getting worse.

In the previous battle, he was in a state of excitement.
Now that the adrenal glands have faded, Su Mu has gone straight into decline.

"Sir." The C-photo driver quickly suggested: "You can just merge with the idealistic godhead!"

"With the power of the idealistic godhead, we can definitely resist this negative state!"

Gasbyl and Qiamat are both supreme gods, and they can fight for countless rounds, which shows that the idealistic godhead must have a unique way of delaying death!

But Su Mu still shook his head,

"I have merged with the godhead of the God of Destiny."

The Godheads are mutually exclusive;

He cannot fuse with the idealistic godhead.

Having said that,
Su Mu quickly asked Afia to find a mirror. He wanted to see his fate.
As a result, I saw myself in the mirror, it was pitch black, and I couldn't see any thin thread of fate.

"Sure enough, can't the power of Destiny see through me...?"

When Kentis asked him to fuse the destiny godhead,
Could he also see a future where this could kill him?

Does Kendis want to help him or harm him?

'No... Kentis shouldn't be able to see my future either...'
In a daze, Su Mu was helped back to the mansion's dormitory by Afiya, and lay down on the bed to rest.

"It's definitely not an option to continue like this."

Seeing Su Mu sleeping, the driver of C-Zhao clicked his tongue: "I'm going to find the goddess of life!"

After that, he rushed out of the dormitory.

Just when he was in the corridor, he subconsciously opened the UI background interface, logged into the message bar and sent a message.

[C driver To to A: Old president, if you don’t reply to messages while Su Mu is sleeping, then you’re just asking for it. 】

They chat with person A privately and always get a reply within the same day.

But since there were speculations that Su Mu was interested in A, the driver of the C photo couldn't forget this matter, and now he wanted to verify it.

Seeing the driver with C license leave,

The pure man also turned to look for Lixia and began to mobilize his troops to look for traces of the goddess of life.

And it is at this moment,

The news of Su Mu's serious injury spread like wildfire, and even the news of the idealistic godhead also leaked to the ears of players and indigenous residents.

There was an instant turmoil among all the tribes, and everyone was discussing this matter.

The pure man was even more afraid that Su Mu would be attacked by a god at this moment, so he informed Qian Ruotu about the details of the incident and asked him to go to Saint Marr City and stay with Su Mu with them.

It just so happened that the new demon clan was undergoing genetic reform.

At this time, each one is a demon king with three heads and six arms, and the racial combat power has greatly increased!

After learning that Su Mu was seriously injured,

Qian Ruotu immediately led his troops to Saint-Mar and stationed themselves in the outer city of Saint-Mar.

But this action of his,
Once again, rumors spread everywhere. "Have you heard? The new demons actually went to besiege the city of Saint-Mar!"

"Really or not?! The war between humans and gods has not ended yet, and the war between humans and demons is about to restart?!"

"You know nothing! It's because Mr. Su Mu fell into a coma, so they dared to act recklessly!"

"No... you only know the surface of things. I heard that when Master Su Mu was in a coma, he brought back a treasure - the mind-centered godhead!"

"You mean...?"

"That's right, they must be here for the Godhead of Weixin!"

As soon as this kind of statement comes out,
Blood Tribe, Gargoyle Tribe, Wing Tribe, Titan Tribe,

All races gathered at Saint Mare and set up camp outside the city, causing the people here to live in dire straits.

Especially the indigenous residents in the city,

There are even rumors that other races want to rebel! ', 'They are coming to kill Su Mu! 'The news.

Hearing the news going around,

Afia was even more worried all day long, even looking at the pure man beside her, Qian Ruodi, they were a little afraid.

"Princess Afia." The pure man felt uncomfortable with that gaze, so he had to explain: "Don't believe the rumors outside."

"A brave man will never harm Mr. Su Mu." Qian Ruodongtu also sighed,
"However, the matter of Weixin Godhead is indeed very close. I guess some brave men will be eyeing Weixin Godhead."

These words coming from Qian Ruodongtu's mouth did not reassure Afiya.
He even asked Qian Ruotu: "What about you? Don't you want the idealistic godhead?"

The idealistic godhead is so powerful that no matter who falls into its hands, it is possible to become the overlord of one party and the fourth force in the current situation.

So before Su Mu woke up,

Afia will not give it to anyone.

But Qian Ruoru was nothing but dirt, but to Afiya's surprise she shook her head: "I'm not interested in the godhead."

"Don't worry." The pure man also helped: "With his strength, if he wanted the godhead, he would have grabbed it long ago."

Just as Afiya was testing a few people, she saw a breeze blowing from the bedroom window.

The three of them were alert to the window.

But they saw Nocturne coming in from the window and looking at them in surprise: "What's going on? Why are you so nervous?"

"Just now Saint Eve sent back news that traces of the goddess of life have been found."

what? !

Afia and the three of them moved closer anxiously.
Then he saw Nocturne taking out a scroll, which contained the message sent back by Eve.

[The location of the Goddess of Life has been found, and she is near Lake Childefe. She has become the new leader of the peace faction among the gods. At this time, she is about to contact Su Mu and apply to lead the gods back to the city of Saint-Mar. 】

[He probably wants to have peace talks, so let’s ask Su Mu’s attitude first. 】

The peaceful one among the gods?
Does he want to bring the peace faction to peace talks?
After learning the news, everyone looked at Su Mu who was unconscious on the bed.

"Su Mu is still in a coma, who is going to negotiate for peace?" Qian Ruodungtu frowned: "Also, is Su Mu planning to negotiate for peace?"

The goddess of life is Su Mu’s chance of survival.
Looking at the unconscious Su Mu, whose aura was still weakening a little, how could Afiya miss this opportunity?

"Let them enter Saint Mar. Just say that Su Mu agrees to the peace talks and welcomes the peace gods to settle in Saint Mar."

"But we must not let them know that Su Mu is unconscious."

These peaceful gods don't know whether it is true or not. If they know that Su Mu is unconscious and his life is in danger, they will definitely not let the goddess of life save Su Mu.

Instead, they will watch Su Mu die so that they can breathe a sigh of relief.

Pure Man and Qian Ruodungtu also knew about this, and they both nodded slightly in agreement.
"Just do as the princess says, Nocturne, please send another message."

"No problem." Nocturne responded immediately.

But when Nocturne delivers the news to Eve,

When Eve saw the content of the letter, she was completely stunned.

"Let these gods go to Santa Mar City?"

"Su Mu said peace talks were possible?"

Eve glanced at Nocturne, then stuffed the letter back to her: "There is no need to report this matter to me. You should go directly to Goddess Digal."


After hearing Eve's words, Nocturne also sighed.

One to say one,

Unless it was Nocturne and the others, no one would believe this news.

Let’s not say that Su Mu’s attitude towards gods is a bit tough.

Let’s talk about Saint Mar’s current situation.

New demons, vampires, gargoyles, winged tribes, and titan tribes all gathered outside the city of Saint Mar.

It can be said to be a gathering of heroes, and the top combat power of the entire continent is there!
Let Digal lead the peaceful gods into the city at this time?

Isn't this an invitation to put you in an urn?

Can they go?What the hell!
"If Su Mu really wants to have peace talks, let him do it himself." Eve sighed: "I still hope he can face this matter seriously."


Nocturne sighed again: "You haven't returned to Saint Marre recently, so you don't know about Su Mu."

"Su Mu is in a coma and hasn't woken up yet. It is estimated that only Goddess Digal can save him."

"But if those gods know about this matter, they will probably die without saving anything."

After hearing the news, Eve immediately opened her mouth: "I won't listen, I won't listen!"

"You must be poisonous! Why are you telling me this kind of news?!"

What's Eve's position now?

Recently, Afia and Xilu have completely lost their trust, and they actually told her this kind of news!

If the gods really knew about this and caused Su Mu's death,
So is Eve the first suspect?

Nocturne is harming her!

"I won't tell you, but can you help me find a way to solve this matter?" Nocturne grinned: "Tell me, what are your suggestions?"

"If you need to assassinate someone, just name him. Even if he is a god, I will kill him for you."

Nocturne took out the knife from her waist and gestured.

But Eve's face became more and more ugly,
This is not something that can be solved by killing any god. When Digar sees the heavily guarded Saint Mar, he will definitely fall into suspicion.

And if Eve's guess is correct, Afia must also be suspicious of Digal at this moment.

This wave is that both sides are suspicious of each other at the same time, and it is not so easy to solve.

"There is only one solution." Eve sighed: "Go back and bring Su Mu over."

"Let Su Mu solve this matter 'by himself'."

Nocturne heard the words and pondered: "You mean to directly show off with Digal, and since the other party wants peace, let him create the foundation of peace with his own hands?"

Since Eve can say this, it seems that she trusts this goddess of life...

This was said by Eve, who had been betrayed by the gods, and it was quite convincing.

Just saying this,
Then I heard Eve add: "Yes, and call all the brave men like Qian Ruodong, Pure Man, C-licensed driver, etc."

"Put the sword on Digar's neck and chop him off without saving anyone."

"If that's the case, Su Mu can probably be saved, right?"


Nocturne was speechless upon hearing this, and she didn't believe in Goddess Digal either!
(End of this chapter)

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