I'm really not a Daoist!

Chapter 106 Asking the Immortal

Chapter 106 Asking the Immortal
Huangfu Qinghui's voice was very cold, but Ji Bofu had already gotten used to it.

If one day Huangfu Qinghui spoke to him in that gentle and caring tone, he would still wonder if his master had been taken away by others.

Ji Bofu looked down, raised his head and smiled and said, "I don't know if it's tall or not, but I've grown up!"

Huangfu Qinghui looked at Ji Bofu with cold eyes, and nodded slightly: "I have indeed grown up!"

But in a few words, Ji Bofu felt extremely stable in his heart. He grew up in the mountains, and he didn't want to go down the mountain at all. During the period of going down the mountain, he encountered a life-and-death crisis, especially after knowing that the water in this world is very deep. He became more and more uneasy.

This was also the reason why he had to go back to Zhuojun. Under the watchful eyes of his master, he felt full of security in his heart.

"Master, what did Longhu Mountain say?"

This is also the reason why he returned to the mountain this time. He knew that Longhu Mountain was very powerful, but he didn't know that Longhu Mountain was so powerful that he could send out two ghosts and immortals with just one ambush.

Ever since he was promoted to the realm of Yin God, he felt more and more that the two ghost immortals from Longhu Mountain under Liaodong City at that time did not use real means.

Before he was promoted to the Yin God, he thought that the ghosts were like that, but after he was promoted to the Yin God, he knew that the two ghosts must have released water.

Needless to say, Li Zhan is a real waste.

But those two dragon and tiger mountain ghosts fought against his thunder warriors with the gods' appearance and martial arts from beginning to end, which is a big problem.

He guessed that the two ghosts and immortals might be concerned about the existence of the master, so he didn't kill him.

And based on his understanding of the master, outsiders bully the small with the big, the master must go to Longhu Mountain for a walk.

Huangfu Qinghui said in a cold voice: "Longhushan has their own plans. It is estimated that they will not attack you openly because of the existence of the teacher, and you are of great use to them. It is impossible for them to strike and kill you."

"As for the fortune teller, if you have time, you can go to Longhu Mountain to find him."

Huangfu Qinghui spoke concisely, and Ji Bofu frowned tightly, "Master, what does it mean that I am of great use to them? Do they have any schemes?"

Huangfu Qinghui didn't want to talk too much, and said indifferently: "It's just a few trivial things, don't worry about it."

Ji Bo Fu:
For you, a great god, no matter what kind of things are trivial, the trivial things that you think are insignificant can crush your dearest disciple to death! !
But Ji Bofu didn't say any more, since the master said don't care, then don't care, just trust the master unconditionally.

Anyway, with Master around, he didn't think that Longhushan could surpass Master to plan something on him.

"Master, do you know Master? Some people say that he is the most recent immortal!" Ji Bofu immediately asked a question about Master. This question has puzzled him for a long time. If anyone can answer his question Doubtful, it must be that his family is already a master in the Yangshen realm.

Huangfu Qinghui frowned slightly, this was the first time such superficial emotions appeared on her face.

"Master, the founder of Confucianism, is the teacher of the world!!"

Ji Bofu's eyes widened. After hearing the word Master, he had a guess in his heart. After all, there is only one person who can be named Master since ancient times.

But after hearing the true identity of Master, he still couldn't help being shocked.


Ji Bofu solemnly spit out two words, Huangfu Qinghui shook his head while Ji Bofu was stunned, "Confucius is not a master."

"What?" Ji Bofu's face was wrinkled together, and he felt that his brain was not enough: "Confucius is not a master, so who is the master? Isn't Confucius the founder of Confucianism?"

Huangfu Qinghui was as cold as ice: "Master is Confucius, and Confucius is not a master. The specific background of Master is no longer available. The world only knows that he came from an extremely ancient barbaric era. Since he came into the world, he has been the top group of people in Kyushu. , he was already a near-immortal when he was born."

"It's just that his Taoism is missing a piece, so it can't be presented. After the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the Master separated the incarnation of Confucius to establish Confucianism to explore the missing piece of his own Taoism. This is also the origin of Confucius and Confucianism!"

Huangfu Qinghui spoke eloquently, and Ji Bofu listened intently, but the amount of information contained in just a few sentences was too great.

His worldview was turned upside down yet again.

Ji Bofu couldn't help showing a wry smile on his face. Every time he thought he had seen the world clearly, the world would always bring him another shock.

His world view is broken and reshaped, reshaped and broken, and with the broken and reshaped time and time again, it fits the world more and more.

It's just that after knowing the specific origin of the master, he hesitated a little. He didn't know whether he should ask the master about immortals. If only Patriarch Longhushan and Laozi became immortals in this world, then his master What about respect?
Can Master become a fairy?
Ji Bofu was a little hesitant, full of doubts and worries.

Huangfu Qinghui was condescending and saw Ji Bofu's tangled appearance clearly, "You are very tangled in your heart, what are you tangled about?"

Ji Bofu looked directly into Huangfu Qinghui's emotionless eyes and said: "Master, only Lao Tzu and Patriarch Longhushan will become immortals in this world. Are you sure you will become immortals?"

Huangfu Qinghui asked with some doubts: "Who told you that only Laozi and the Patriarch of Longhushan became immortals in the world?"


"Isn't it?"

Ji Bofu said blankly: "The Queen of the Sui Dynasty told me that she said that there are many ancient books in the Palace of the Sui Dynasty. In the ancient books, it is recorded that only Lao Tzu and the Patriarch of Longhu Mountain became immortals!"

For some reason, after Ji Bofu finished speaking, he felt a slight disgust in Huangfu Qinghui's eyes that had no emotion.

False, it must be false! !
How could Master have such superficial emotions, Master is about to cultivate himself into a stone, how could it be possible to have such emotional fluctuations.

More importantly, how could Master dislike me?

Impossible, definitely impossible! !
Huangfu Qinghui said indifferently: "An ordinary person, what can she know?"

Ji Bofu was speechless in a daze, and was choked up by Huangfu Qinghui's words.

"Since ancient times, there have not been many people who have become immortals, but it is absolutely impossible that there are only two people, the Patriarch Longhushan and Lao Tzu. There is the ancient Nuwa in the distance, and the Patriarch Taiping Dao in the near. You don't have to worry about becoming a fairy. The fairy is far away from you." .so far away!"

Huangfu Qinghui thought about it a little at the end and didn't hit the little apprentice she raised with her own hands.

In fact, what she wants to say is that your aptitude is too poor, and there is no chance of becoming a fairy if there are no accidents in this life. Just pass on the way of peace honestly.

In order to take into account the self-esteem of her little apprentice, she changed it after a little deliberation and changed it to "Xiandi is too far away from Ji Bofu".

Ji Bofu was not discouraged by Huangfu Qinghui's words, his family knew about his own family affairs, and the Yang God was out of reach for him before, but now he is already in the hope of the Yang God.

Wait until you reach the realm of Yangshen before thinking about immortals.

What Huangfu Qinghui said was right, immortals are too far away from him, and it is simply not something he can think about now.

Instead of being entangled in immortality, it is better to spare some time to practice, and cultivate one's own realm to the realm of Yangshen as soon as possible.

He remembered very clearly that he had asked Huangfu Qinghui about his aptitude when he first started practicing.

At that time, Huangfu Qinghui's answer was: "Since the founding of Taipingdao, the person with the worst qualifications!!"

He kept this sentence in his heart all the time, especially after learning that Patriarch Zhang Jiao had become an immortal just now, he felt more and more that what Huangfu Qinghui said was correct.

The patriarch is a fairy, and the master is a sun god, and he is not far from becoming a fairy. What happened to his own aptitude?
Could it be that their Taiping Dao can still become immortals from generation to generation?

"Master, do you think I can succeed if I go to fight for world hegemony?"

After hesitating for a long time, Ji Bofu asked the question that was pressing in his heart.

A brilliant silver-white light emerged from Huangfu Qinghui's eyes, he looked at Ji Bofu solemnly and said, "Is this a choice based on your heart, or is it a last resort?"

Ji Bofu was taken aback by the vision in Huangfu Qinghui's eyes and the solemn tone. He had never seen Huangfu Qinghui's solemn expression since he went up the mountain.

He always felt that his master was a cold fairy. Although he was cold-hearted towards him, it still couldn't change her nature of not caring about anything. Therefore, after seeing his master being so solemn, he was a little scared.

"I made my choice out of my heart. Now the world is in chaos, rituals and music are in ruins, and there is no peace. I think that if I speed up this chaotic world, let the chaotic world become a peaceful and prosperous world as soon as possible. The speed of practice will be faster."

Ji Bofu stammered and said: "Of course, I don't necessarily want to fight for world hegemony, and I might not become emperor. I might just create a peaceful paradise in the chaotic world in Zhuojun at the foot of the mountain for my practice. I'm not necessarily going to fight for world hegemony."

He was very apprehensive, afraid that Master would directly reject his proposal.

In the dark, he seems to have realized the path he wants to practice.

He thought that this was the purpose of Master letting him go down the mountain, but judging from Master's reaction just now, it seems that he himself misunderstood Huangfu Qinghui's meaning.

Thinking of this, Ji Bofu scratched his head in doubt.

Huangfu Qinghui's eyes without any emotion instantly turned silver-white, and there was no life in the silver-white pupils, filled with absolute reason and order.

Ji Bofu couldn't help swallowing his saliva, feeling extremely anxious.

Huangfu Qinghui looked into the void, countless quaint runes flashed in her silver-white pupils, like gods above the nine heavens, countless traces between heaven and earth floated in her heart, about Ji Bofu here All the traces left between the heaven and the earth surfaced in her heart.

Ji Bofu was at a loss looking at Huangfu Qinghui who didn't know what he was doing, he seemed to have accidentally caused a big incident.
(End of this chapter)

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