Chapter 107
Anyone who walks must leave traces, and these traces are carved between the heaven and the earth. Huangfu Qinghui gathered all the traces left by Ji Bofu after he went down the mountain with great supernatural powers. Went to Avatar.

Huangfu Qinghui looked at Ji Bofu steadfastly, and gave him all the attention, "Do according to your own wishes, watch and think more about everything, if you succeed, the Yang God is watching!"

Ji Bofu was very happy, he didn't care about what Huangfu Qinghui said about the presence of the Yang God, he was able to enter the Yang God by himself, he was happy that Huangfu Qinghui supported his idea.

The outside world says that Taipingdao is a professional family of rebels, but except for the founder of Taipingdao who was a rebel, there has never been a rebellion among the latecomers.

Now he is the first one to fight for world hegemony after the patriarch. He is afraid that the master will oppose him to fight for world hegemony because of the attitude of the outside world towards Taiping Dao after the patriarch failed.

But now that Huangfu Qinghui had clearly expressed his support for him, the last worry in his heart disappeared.

Lord Dao now wants people, people, territory, and high-end combat power. What are you afraid of?
After Ji Bofu got the master's consent, he went down the mountain happily carrying the nine-knuckle battle. Just after he went down the mountain, the bronze hall was closed, and a little ice crystal appeared from the hall, freezing the whole bronze hall.

Ji Bofu Feng Xu Yufeng came directly to the manor that Yu Juluo built for him. The manor occupies a huge area, standing on a high place overlooking the entire Zhuojun City.

After he returned to the manor, Chunhua had already bought a maidservant in Zhuojun City, and had taken care of the whole manor.

Ji Bofu directly put a million taels of gold into the treasury, and told Chunhua to go to the treasury to get it if necessary. Now they need to rely on themselves in Zhuojun, and all the expenses in the mansion need to be borne by themselves.

Chunhua was extremely shocked, but Empress Xiao just glanced at it lightly and walked away, as if the million taels of gold were dung.

Ji Bofu then started to walk back and forth around the entire manor, taking out a few yellow talismans and throwing them into the void from time to time, but within two or three days a large formation surrounded the entire manor impressively.

This formation is not a trapping formation or a killing formation, but an early warning formation.

After the warning formation was completed, with a wave of Ji Bofu's sleeve, ten thunder warriors appeared above the sky. These ten warriors were all honed from the thunder pool, and their power was comparable to his previous thunder warriors. It's not the same, at least ten thunder warriors besieged and killed a martial saint.

The Martial Saint mentioned here is not a Martial Saint at Li Zhan's level, but a Martial Saint like Yang Xuangan! !

The ten thunder warriors spread out in the sky, covering the entire manor and patrolling day and night to prevent the night from coming.

After finishing everything, Ji Bofu came to a small courtyard. There are three gorgeous small courtyards in the deepest part of the manor. One small courtyard is lived by Empress Xiao, one is his own, and the other one he plans to renovate. Into a shrine.

After the enshrining courtyard is the place where he enshrines Yang Xuangan, and it is also the place where he retreats to practice.

Ji Bofu stood at the gate of the yard, then picked up a wooden sign, wrote down the words "worship courtyard" with his fingertips, hung it on the wall, and walked in.

The yard is concave, with a small yard in the middle, gorgeous rooms on the left, right and front. Ji Bofu walked directly into the main house, emptied the main house, and stamped the formula with both hands. just appeared.

After placing the incense burner and other items on the incense table, Yang Xuangan stood on the altar with a blank expression.

Ji Bofu's wrist was turned upside down, and the three pillars of fragrance were ignited, and after a while, the entire enshrined courtyard was filled with a faint scent of incense, and the curling green smoke was sucked into Yang Xuangan's mouth like two white dragons.

Ji Bofu looked up at Yang Xuangan and said, "Tsk tsk tsk, Daoist beat you to death, and now he wants to worship you. I really don't know who we two are taking advantage of whom!!"

After finishing all the work, Ji Bofu went directly back to his yard, lying on the big soft bed and exhaling foul breath.

"Life, this is life!!"

Lying on the big soft bed, Ji Bofu's upper and lower eyelids trembled uncontrollably, and fell asleep in a while.

It was already the second day when he woke up, and Li Xiuning, who was only wearing a bellyband and obscene clothes, was still in his arms.

Ji Bofu turned over and looked sideways at Li Xiuning. Li Xiuning stared at him with a pair of pitch-black eyes, and stretched out his hand to brush Li Xiuning's face. The darkness faded away, and Li Xiuning's eyes returned to black and white.

"How do you feel?"

Li Xiuning couldn't help trembling when she heard Ji Bofu's voice. After she was controlled by the slave seal, she could see and hear everything clearly, but she just couldn't control her body.

The kind of being deprived of the control of the physical body, being imprisoned in the body and only being able to be a bystander is really terrifying.

Li Xiuning hugged Ji Bofu's arm tightly with both hands, and begged pitifully with tears in her eyes: "Little Daoist, please, please, I don't want to experience that painful feeling again."

Ji Bofu turned over and jumped over Li Xiuning, put on his clothes and said, "If you don't want to experience the feeling of being controlled by the slave seal again in the future, just do your duty honestly, don't think about it and don't do things you shouldn't do. things!!"

"Li Xiuning, you have to know that you sold your life to the poor man, not because the poor man forced you. The poor man will give you one more chance at the end. If you dare to do something you shouldn't do in the future, the poor man Dao will completely control your life with slave marks, and poor Dao will let you watch your life from the perspective of a bystander!!"

After saying that, Li Xiuning ignored the crying and walked out of the room directly.

In the hall, Chunhua had already prepared breakfast, and Empress Xiao was the only one on the empty table.

Ji Bofu walked over and sat opposite Empress Xiao, picked up his bowl and chopsticks and began to eat, "Ma'am, how about living here in Zhuojun?"

Empress Xiao put down her chopsticks and said with a smile on the corner of her mouth: "It's not bad, the sky is good, the water is good, everything is good."

She stretched out her hand in mid-air as if trying to grab something, "This feeling of freedom is something I have never experienced before, whether it is in the Xiao family or in the palace, I have never experienced it before!"

Ji Bofu smiled while eating breakfast: "As long as your mother doesn't feel that life in Zhuojun is poor."

Empress Xiao looked at the blue sky, "I'm tired of the days of prosperity and wealth, this kind of life is good!"

"As long as the empress is satisfied!"

Empress Xiao looked at Ji Bofu who was having dinner, and said: "My palace sent a letter to Mrs. Xiao, saying that my palace is in Zhuojun."

"Hmm..." Ji Bo didn't even raise his talisman and said, "Your Majesty, you can do whatever you want. Anyway, Zhuo County is our territory now, and no one dares to come to Zhuo County to make trouble."

Empress Xiao smiled, very brightly.

Ji Bofu's hand, which was picking up vegetables, also stopped in the air, Empress Xiao frowned and said, "Haven't you seen it?"

"Hey hey hey" Ji Bofu said with a silly smile, "I've seen it, but I haven't seen your empress smile. Relax!"

Empress Xiao stretched her waist and said: "Relaxed? It's easy to get out of the cage, you eat slowly, I go to the surrounding area to see the scenery, I haven't played freely for many years."

Ji Bofu quickly took out a palm-sized wooden token and handed it to Empress Xiao, saying: "Your Majesty, take this with you. This is the token to summon the Yellow Turban Warriors. Although Zhuo County is our territory, it is hard to guarantee that there will not be some small thieves." Seeing the beautiful face of the empress made me feel bad."

Empress Xiao took the token, glanced at Ji Bofu and said, "Are there any little thieves braver than you?"

Ji Bofu smiled and didn't reply, he lowered his head and started to pick up the rice.

Empress Xiao didn't pierce Ji Bofu's careful thinking, she smiled and greeted Qing'er before going out.

After Ji Bofu finished his breakfast, Yu Juluo rushed in hastily.

"Master Xiaodao, is Master Xiaodao here?"

"Xiao Daoist, something serious has happened!!"

Yu Juluo rushed all the way to the hall, saw Ji Bofu who had just finished his breakfast, immediately grabbed his arm and said, "My little Taoist chief, something serious happened, why do you still have the time to eat here!!"

Ji Bofu looked puzzled and said: "No. Pindao is just eating. Don't worry, General. What happened? Who suddenly annexed the world?"

"Or did the Turks suddenly send troops to attack Zhuo County?"

Apart from these two questions, Ji Bofu couldn't think of anything that would make Yu Juluo so anxious.

"General, sit down and talk slowly, you are already a person in the realm of immortality, why are you so urgent when you encounter things!!"

Yu Juluo said anxiously: "How can we calm down? Now it's spread all over the world that there are dragons in the Bohai Sea. Now many people have come to Zhuojun, and they all want to slaughter dragons and bathe in dragon blood!!"

Ji Bofu said contemptuously: "General, is this the first time you know about dragons in the Bohai Sea? It's just a few flood dragons. Why are you in such a hurry? Anyone who wants to slay dragons should let them go." Tu Bai, as long as these people don't disturb our Zhuo County, what do you care about them?"

Yu Juluo frowned and said: "If it's really like the Taoist leader you said, it's a dragon, but this time the dragon is a real dragon!"

"What the hell?" Ji Bofu suddenly stood up and said loudly, "A real dragon? You mean there are real dragons in Bohai?"

Yu Juluo patted his thigh and said, "If it wasn't a real dragon, would we come to you in such a hurry? A fisherman saw a real dragon with his own eyes when he was fishing. There are many people fishing, and many fishermen have seen it."

"We also went to a few fishermen and asked them. If there is no accident, what they saw was a real dragon!!"

(End of this chapter)

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