Chapter 103 Soul Gathering
33 Chongtian, Daluotian, in the Demon Palace.

Di Jun, the Eastern Emperor Tai looked majestically at the officials below.

Slowly said, "We kissed Tai Sutian and discussed with the sage, refining the witch-slaying sword is feasible!"

As soon as these words came out, Fuxi's face changed drastically, and he was so shocked that he couldn't believe it.

He couldn't be more clear about his sister's character. She killed countless human races, took their souls, and used them to refine the witch-slaying sword. Such a big cause and effect, big karma, how could my sister agree?

On Fuxi's side, the top ten demon saints and demon master Kunpeng were full of emotions.

Since they joined the Heavenly Court, they and the Heavenly Court have been in a relationship of both prosperity and loss. As long as the Wu Clan can be wiped out, all sacrifices are worthwhile.

Donghuang Taiyi spoke slowly, "Nine Demon Saints, where is the Demon Master?"

"The minister is here."

Among the top ten demon saints, apart from Bai Ze, the other nine, together with the demon master Kunpeng, stood up one after another.

"Ten of you, each lead a million demon soldiers, go to the lower realm to take the souls of the human race. Remember, leave a fire for the human race, and don't wipe them all out."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The nine demon saints and the demon master Kunpeng all quit the Demon Palace and began to act.

There was a hint of grief in Fuxi's eyes, and he wanted to fight for the human race again, "Your Majesty, the human race is after all"

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Donghuang Taiyi.

"Emperor Xi doesn't need to intervene in the affairs of the human race. In recent days, there have been frequent corruptions in the heavenly court. I have to trouble Emperor Xi to investigate this matter to the bottom."

Fuxi sighed, knowing in his heart that Emperor Jun and the Eastern Emperor Taiyi had made up his mind, so he cupped his hands, "I take orders."

Fuxi walked out of Da Luotian in a daze, the unbearable feeling in his heart climbed to the extreme!
Under the rule of the two demon emperors, the Heavenly Court is very mobile. In just half a day, tens of millions of troops gathered in the first realm, the first heaven, Taihuang Huang Zengtian.

The army of tens of thousands of demon clans, neatly and uniformly clad in strong and sharp clothes, with a strong evil spirit on their bodies, soared into the sky, carrying an invincible will.

"My monster clan sons, come with me!"

The nine demon saints and the demon master Kunpeng each ordered millions of troops to pass through the emperor Huang Zengtian and rush to the prehistoric land!
As the monster clan dispatched tens of millions of troops to the 33rd heaven, it once again set off an uproar in the prehistoric land.

Countless monks were terrified in their hearts, thinking that the Lich was about to fight again, so they couldn't help preparing their cultivation resources and hiding in the cave, not daring to come out.

But to their surprise, after the nine demon sages and demon master Kunpeng went down to the realm, they each formed a demon kingdom, took root, and showed no sign of marching towards Buzhou Mountain, the base camp of the witch clan.

The Witch Clan side was also very puzzled. The Monster Clan dispatched so many people, but it wasn't aimed at them?
So the ancestral witches hurriedly sent the great witch to inquire about the news, wanting to know the specific situation.

As the monster army descended to the realm, the already strong aura of disaster in the world became even more intense with this turmoil.

Every moment, every minute and every second, there is a more powerful evil spirit, slowly rising and condensing!

Even at night, when the monks looked up at the sky, the originally bright stars were covered by the calamity and could not be seen clearly.

Yujing Mountain, the place where the human race originated, the Suiren clan, the Youchao clan, and the Ziyi clan looked at the sky above the overwhelming monster army, and they all had a bad feeling in their hearts.

"The Yaozu dispatched an army of tens of millions, which is rare. It seems that the prehistoric people are going to go through another catastrophe."

Suiren stared at the mighty demon cloud in the sky, and gave an order.

"I tell all the tribes of the human race to go out as little as possible during this period of time. At the same time, open the passage to my Yujing Mountain formation. If any tribe wants to come to Yujing Mountain to avoid danger, let them in."

"Yes, brother."

Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Ziyi nodded and hurriedly went down to do it.

Endless chaos, Wa Palace.

Nuwa sensed the catastrophe rising violently, shook her head and sighed, and called Xuantian Huofeng Jinning over.

"What's your order?"

"The human race is about to suffer a catastrophe. Go to Jin'ao Island in the East China Sea yourself and tell the big disciple of the Jujiao. His intelligence is immeasurable. Maybe he can find some way to reduce the casualties of the human race."

"Yes, ma'am."


The Xuantian fire phoenix turned into the innate Taoist body of its own body, flew out of the Wa Palace, and rushed to the East China Sea and Jinao Island.

On the other side, the nine demon saints and the demon master Kunpeng each led millions of demon soldiers to station in the wilderness, after establishing the demon kingdom.

Soon, the first operation was launched, and each Yaoguo country dispatched [-] demon soldiers.

The ten demon kingdoms together have a total of one million demon soldiers. They are densely covered with clouds, and the sun, moon and stars are covered by clouds of monsters.

Every [-] demon soldiers are led by a golden fairy-level demon general, holding the treasure bestowed by the demon emperor, the soul-gathering bowl, and a total of [-] soldiers are divided into one hundred groups to kill the human tribe.

As for the nine demon saints and the demon master Kunpeng, they did not make a move, but watched everything from the sidelines in the demon kingdom.

His Majesty the Demon Emperor has an order to leave fire for the human race. They are all quasi-sages, and they all take action. I am afraid that within half a month, there will be no human race left.
Let the monster soldiers take action first, and harvest one after another, in order to gather the souls needed to refine the witch-slaying sword.

Millions of demon soldiers went down to the realm, found countless human tribes, and began to slaughter wantonly.

The human race has been taught the mysteries of formations by the master of Tongtian, and also taught by Taiqing Laozi to teach the way of golden core. With inheritance, many golden immortals have been born over the years, and even Taiyi immortals are not without exception.

But these, after all, are only a very small number. Based on the base of hundreds of millions of human races, Jinxian and Taiyixian are after all very few.

More are mortals, or monks who are in the process of refining essence to transform qi, refining qi to transform gods, refining gods to return to the void, and refining the void to join the Tao.

For one million monsters who are at least in the realm of celestial immortals and true immortals, they are like ants, no, not even ants, they are as small as dust, and if they blow one breath, they will be killed or injured!

In the prehistoric land, in a certain human tribe, tens of thousands of people performed their own duties, practicing cultivation, carrying water, sewing clothes, hunting hunting, a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere.

At this moment, the sky suddenly darkened.

Countless human races raised their heads subconsciously, and saw a monster cloud stretching for hundreds of miles above their heads.

The demon cloud was as black as ink, revealing a strong evil spirit. On the demon cloud, ten thousand soldiers and demon soldiers were ferociously looking at the human race below, licking their lips from time to time, as if they were looking at a delicate and delicious food.

In the past several breaths, there was a horrified scream from the tribe.

"Yaozu, this is the army of Yaozu!!"

"My human race has never fought with the monster race, why are there so many monster soldiers here today?"

"Patriarch, where is the patriarch, quickly call the patriarch!"

In the human tribe, an atmosphere of panic continued to spread, and the faces of countless people were covered with fear.

In the eyes of the human race, the monster race at this time is the master who is high above them, and they will never be able to touch them in their entire lives!
On the demon cloud, the demon general of the perfect state of Jinxian didn't act immediately, but looked at the human tribe below with great interest.

In the 33rd day, he is just a little demon general, and above him are Lord Taiyi Demon King, Lord Daluo Demon God, Lord Quasi-Saint Demon Saint. Also, His Majesty the Demon King who rules over everything!

Where he was, he could only spend his days carefully, and keep his boss smiling all day long, but here in the human race, he felt the feeling of being superior and controlling the fate of others in a single thought
Soon, from the human tribe, came out a rough man, wearing coarse clothes, with the aura of a fairy.

"Dare to ask this Lord Demon King, come to my Dali Tribe, what needs do you need, if there is anything, just say it, my Dali Tribe will definitely help you with all your strength."

The rugged man seemed to have seen that the monster army was not being kind, so his posture was very low.

"Need, but there really is one."

The golden fairy general spoke.

"May I ask Lord Demon King, what do you need?"

The rugged man breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there is a need.

"What this king wants is your souls, and there is no need for your help. This king is merciful, and I will come to get it myself!"

A gust of evil wind blew, covering the sky and the sun, and for a while, there were screams and wailing sounds from the entire Dali tribe.

But after a while, except for the head of the strong man, the entire Dali tribe fell under the slaughter of the monster army.

The patriarch's coarse clothes were also soaked in blood, and there were countless scars all over his body. He looked at the peaceful and peaceful homeland, which was turned into ruins in an instant, and his heart was so painful that he was almost bleeding. The hatred in his eyes, unwillingness, almost turned into substance. .

"Damn it, one counts as one today, and I will die for all of them!!"

In despair, the patriarch instantly blew himself up!
The Dao fruit and mana of the early days of the Celestial Immortal were compressed together and exploded, a mushroom cloud slowly rising from the tribe.

Beside the patriarch, more than a dozen earth immortals and little demons were instantly killed by the power of the explosion.

Several celestial demons were also affected by the aftermath and suffered heavy injuries!
"Such a humble human race, dare to attack my monster race!"


From the pupils of the Jinxian Yaojiang, countless vicious shots shot out.

He slapped a palm from the air, and the huge power instantly turned the entire human tribe into ruins. Countless human corpses were cut up repeatedly and turned into pieces of minced meat, which could not be seen from the original appearance.

Even so, the Golden Immortal Demon General didn't lose his temper, he transformed himself into a fire bird, and when he opened his mouth, a scorching hot breath fell into the tribe.

Countless corpses were burned, emitting a smell of burning, and thick smoke billowed up into the sky.

After finishing all this, the golden fairy general nodded in satisfaction, and said with a cold snort, "Your Majesty the Demon Emperor's decree, you should obediently obey it, go against the sky, and this is the end."

Leaving this sentence cold, the Jinxian Demon King led tens of thousands of demon soldiers and left this place to find the next human tribe.

This scene is just a microcosm of the encounters of countless human tribes.

Millions of demon soldiers from heavenly immortals, true immortals, mysterious immortals, and golden immortals are wreaking havoc on the earth, and no tribe can resist them. Countless human tribes have been massacred.

In just one month, more than one billion human races fell into the hands of the monster race.

Yujing Mountain, the place where the human race originated, the three races of the human race looked at the continuous information from each of them, and their eyes were red!

"That's a billion human race, a whole billion human race, how dare the monster race!!"

The hearts of the three ancestors are bleeding. Since the birth of the human race, they have never experienced such a catastrophe!

"Brother, what should we do now? The demon clan has built ten demon kingdoms. It seems that the massacre will continue. Although we have many human races, if we continue, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Youchao's eyes were red, and he squeezed the information in his hands from all over the world.

Ziyi didn't speak, but the seriousness in his eyes already explained everything.

After a long silence, Suiren finally said, "Bring the golden-winged roc."

After a while, the golden-winged roc came, holding a few fairy fruits in its mouth, "Looking for my lord, what can I do?"

The golden-winged roc has been cultivating in Yujing Mountain. Up to now, it has not heard of the massacre of the human race.

In a few words, Suiren told the Golden-winged Dapeng about the massacre of the human race, and begged.

"The human race is in a catastrophe, so I invite fellow Daoist Gold Wings to go to Jin'ao Island in the East China Sea and tell me the human saint."

After hearing this, the golden-winged roc thought for a while, then immediately agreed, turned into a golden light, and flew out of Yujing Mountain.

After dispatching the golden-winged roc, Suiren said again, "In addition, immediately send people to divide the troops into ten groups and go to the Shouyang Mountain Renjiao Daochang to ask Xuandu for help."

"At the same time, I, Yujing Mountain, and all monks who have become earth immortals, follow me to pay homage to the statue of Nuwa Empress."

The Nine Great Demon Saints, the Demon Master Kunpeng, this is a force that makes Hong Huang fearful of any force except the saints and the witch clan.

There are no more than [-] Taiyi Golden Immortals and no more than [-] Golden Immortals in such a large human race. With such strength, how can they be opponents of the Yaozu? The best way at the moment is to ask for help!
In the hinterland of Yujing Mountain, there is a god statue tens of feet high, carved from a single piece of jade.

The posture is graceful, the willow waist is slender, and the long skirt is dancing, but the face is covered by the aura of the avenue, making it difficult to see clearly.

This statue is the statue of the Nuwa Empress, and it is enshrined by hundreds of millions of people on weekdays.

The Suiren clan, Youchao clan, and Ziyi clan led thousands of human clans to the holy statue, and they all kowtowed, "The human clan Suiren clan, Youchao clan, and Ziyi clan paid homage to the merciful and compassionate Holy Mother, the Empress, and the demon clan was innocent and slaughtered wantonly. My human race, the human race is about to suffer a catastrophe, please ask Empress Wa to show her spirit and save my human race from the sea of ​​suffering!"

The third ancestor brought thousands of strong human races to worship three times in a row, and countless strands of human luck poured out from the bodies of thousands of human races, and then poured into the holy statue of Nuwa.

Chaos, Wa Palace.

Nuwa opened her eyes immediately, feeling the tragedy of the human race, and a trace of unbearableness flashed in her eyes.

"Can you tell the chief interceptor the news?"

"I want to report to you, Senior Brother Chen is not in Jin'ao Island. I couldn't find out where he is, so I went to Shouyang Mountain and told the Master Xuandu, who is the direct descendant of the Renjiao."


Nuwa nodded lightly, then closed her eyes again, the calamity aura rose, and the refining of the witch-slaying sword by the monster clan has become an inevitable trend. If she makes a move, it will interfere with the way of heaven
Yujing Mountain, the place where the human race originated, after worshiping the holy statue of the human race, Suiren's momentum changed drastically, becoming extremely sharp.

"It's true that the monster race is powerful, but we, the human race, can't sit still. In Yujing Mountain, all the monks who have cultivated into earth immortals, come with me to fight the monster race!!"

"Swear to follow Suiren Patriarch!!"

"The monster race regards my human race as ants and feeds on blood, and today I want to show the monster race, the bloodiness of my human monks!"

"Kill, repel the monster race, and save my fellow humans."

Suiren raised his hand, motioning for everyone to be quiet, and said, "The monster race is rough and fleshy, and it is infinitely powerful. It is really not a wise move. The sage of the Shangqing taught me the way of the formation of the human race. Over the years, we have studied many different ways. Use the power of the formation to destroy the demons with less formation of troops!"

"Okay, everything is according to Suiren Patriarch."

Countless human monks agreed that hundreds of millions of human race compatriots suffered from the ravages of the monster race, how could they have the face to continue to live comfortably in Yujing Mountain, the only way is to fight!
(End of this chapter)

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