Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 104 Jade Immortal Sword Qi Human Clan's Resistance! 【Subscribe】

Chapter 104 Jade Immortal Sword Qi Human Clan's Resistance! 【Subscribe】

Among the ten demon kingdoms, the nine demon saints and the demon master Kunpeng gathered together.

The demon sage, Ghost Che, likes killing the most, and said complacently at this time, "Humans are really weaker than ants, but within a month, we have hundreds of millions of human souls in our hands."

The demon saint Jiuying showed a sinister smile, "Although the human race is weaker than ants, they are much more useful than ants. When will we start the next killing, I can't wait."

Yao Sheng Yingzhao frowned when he heard the words, "Your Majesty the Demon Emperor said that the fire of the human race cannot be exterminated, and killing is killing, but it is also necessary to give the human race some breathing time."

The sorcerer Kunpeng, who had been silent all this time, spoke up, agreeing with Yingzhao's point of view.

"Indeed, although there are a large number of human races, they can't stand us for such a long time, killing a large number of people, summoning and dispatching monster soldiers, let them go back first."

Everyone discussed for a while, and Qi Qi agreed with Kunpeng's idea, and immediately issued a military order to let the mob army back to the city.

On the other side, in Yujing Mountain, the Suiren clan, Youchao clan, and Ziyi clan also gathered most of their forces.

The details are as follows, a total of 7000 and [-] Earth Immortal monks.

1 celestial monks.

Five thousand nine hundred and twenty one true immortal monk.

Two thousand 840 five Xuanxian monks.

380 Two Golden Immortal monks.

33 Taiyi Golden Immortal monks.

There are also three monks like the third ancestor of the human race who are in the Great Perfection of the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

As for the earth immortals and below, there are a full 10,000+, but there is no statistics, because the weakest army dispatched by the monster clan this time has the earth immortal realm.

Taking out those monks from the human race who have not yet cultivated into earth immortals can only be used as cannon fodder, and it is better to stay in Yujing Mountain.

At first glance, the number of these people counted is quite a lot, but you must know that Yujing Mountain is the place where the human race originated.

More than [-]% of the strong people in the human race are all in Yujing Mountain.

In other words, these people are about [-]% of the combat power of the human race as a whole.

Not to mention comparing the tens of millions of monster troops, the nine monster saints, and the monster master Kunpeng, just comparing it with the million monster soldiers dispatched this time is a bit embarrassing.

In addition to monks, there are also countless formations prepared, such as ice formation, fire formation, poisonous water formation, lost trace formation, Xunfeng formation, sky thunder formation, etc., all of which are very powerful formations.

"Brother, all the fighters in Yujing Mountain have been assembled, when shall we set off?"

Youchao clan and Ziyi clan have each put on a suit of battle armor, their breath is surging, and the blood in their bodies seems to be burning.

Suirenshi looked at the statistical information and suddenly said.

"Ziyi, you lead ten Taiyi Jinxian monks and a hundred Jinxian monks to stay in Yujing Mountain."

Ziyi was greatly surprised, "Why, brother, I can also fight for the human race."

Although the Ziyi family is a woman, her daily practice is no worse than that of the Sui people, who have a nest.

"Yujing Mountain is the origin of our human race. If we all leave, who will guard the human race here?"

"Then you can send other Taiyi monks to stay."

"Yujing Mountain can be said to be the ancestral land of my human race. I don't worry about anyone except Youchao and you. If Youchao wants to fight with me, you are responsible for taking care of the rear and waiting for us to return."

Suiren's voice was very firm, and Ziyi could not refuse.

Ziyi looked at Youchao, wanting Youchao to say a few words to him.

Youchao shook his head, and said with the same earnestness, "Ziyi, big brother is doing it for you, this battle is dangerous, you stay in Yujing Mountain, and keep the fire of our human race alive."

Ziyi remained silent for a long time, then slowly took off the armor on his body, and walked behind Yujing Mountain.

After Ziyi left, Suiren's temperament suddenly changed, like a sharp sword out of its sheath, it hurt people's skin.

He and Youchao came in front of all the monks of the human race and shouted loudly.

"The bloodthirsty slaughter of the monster race has massacred our compatriots of the human race. Please join me in killing demons and demons, and welcome back our brothers."

"Go to war, go to war, welcome back our fellow brothers!!!"

Countless strong people of the human race shouted loudly!
The Suiren clan, with the aura of the Chao clan, climbed to the extreme, the Taiyi Dao fruit was perfect, and the three flowers on the top slowly stretched, covering the world. Under this unwavering momentum, an invisible general trend slowly emerged It is above Yujing Mountain.

It is condensed by the unwavering will of countless strong people of the human race, indestructible and eternal!

Soon, under the leadership of the Suiren clan and the Youchao clan, countless strong human races set off.

Under their feet, white clouds appeared, turning into streamers of light, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The Suiren clan and Youchao clan had only two purposes for this dispatch.

The first is to prevent the monster race from wantonly killing the human race.

The second is to try to bring all the tribes back to Yujing Mountain.

In Yujing Mountain, there is a large formation guarding it, which is easy to defend but difficult to attack. More importantly, Yujing Mountain is the Daoist Taoist temple when he was not enlightened in the past.

Even if you give Heavenly Court 1 guts, you won't dare to wreak havoc on Yujing Mountain.

Following the Suiren clan, Youchao clan led the strong human race out of Yujing Mountain.

The golden-winged roc also flapped its wings and flew to Jin'ao Island on the coast of the East China Sea.

The saint's dojo is shrouded in a huge array, the sun is shining, there are thousands of auspicious colors, and countless visions hang down, hazy and beautiful.

Before the golden-winged roc approached, it felt a great coercion deep in its heart.

Strongly withstood this coercion, the golden-winged roc called softly.

After a while, the formation guarding Jin'ao Island separated to the two sides, and a disciple of the Golden Immortal Realm flew out of it with a dozen or so disciples of the Profound Immortal Realm.

After the group of people came out, their eyes fell on the gold-winged roc, and they immediately asked.

"This fellow Taoist, could it be that he came to worship the teacher?"

The golden-winged roc quickly said, "Senior Brother Chen Xuanji and I are good friends. This time, we are here to pay New Year's greetings to Senior Brother Chen. I would like to trouble this fellow Taoist to inform you."

"You know my elder brother?"

There was a bit of suspicion on the disciple's face.

"If you really know each other, please let me know."

Gold-winged Dapeng thought to himself, not only did he know each other, but your elder brother also robbed me of my yin and yang cylinders.

"Then it's a coincidence that you came today. My elder brother is not in Jin'ao Island. He has traveled outside and has not returned. If you want to meet, find another day."

"Ah, you're not on Jinao Island?"

The sect disciple nodded slightly.

The golden-winged roc secretly thought that something was wrong, rolled his eyes, and said again.

"Eldest brother is not here, how dare I ask if senior brother Kui Niu is there?"

"Senior Brother Kui Niu is here." The disciple of Jiejiao thought for a while.

"In addition to Senior Brother Chen, I also know Fellow Daoist Kui Niu, so please let us know."

The golden-winged roc thought for a while, and among the disciples of the Jiejiao, apart from Kui Niu, he really had no other acquaintances.

"Do you still know Brother Kui Niu?"

The disciple was a little surprised, but still sent someone to report.

After a while, Kui Niu came over, and when he saw the golden-winged roc, he smiled and said, "So you are an old bird, why do you have time to come to Jin'ao Island to find me?"

When I was in Yujing Mountain back then, I had tried a lot of gold-winged rocs and Kui Niu, and I was quite familiar with them.

"Let me go in first, and then I will tell you slowly."

The golden-winged roc took Kui Niu to a dense forest on Jinao Island, and told Kui Niu about the catastrophe of the human race.

Kui Niu was taken aback, "The human race was not created by the sage Nuwa, how could the monster race dare to do such a vicious thing?"

"I don't know either. The most urgent thing is to find the elder brother, or tell others."

"You come with me."

Kui Niu rode the clouds and brought the golden-winged roc to the Duobao Daochang.

After telling Duobao about the incident, Duobao was startled, "Humans have been killed or injured by more than a billion?"

"It will only be more than this number, not less than this number."

The golden-winged roc was very sure that he had basically read all the information in Yujing Mountain from all over the place.

Duobao is a little uneasy, his elder brother is the teacher of the human race, and he passed on the teaching of the human race, and taught the human race. Now that the human race is being robbed, how can he stand by and watch?

Dao Duobao was sure of his heart, so he let the golden-winged roc wait for a while, and then rushed to Biyou Palace.

In Biyou Palace, there was chaos, shrouded in endless hazy divine light.

After Taoist Duobao saluted the leader of Tongtian, he fully explained the situation of the human race, and then spoke.

"Master, I will teach and educate the human race, pass on the way of the human race, and the senior brother is the teacher of the human race. If the human race is robbed, it stands to reason that I can't just stand by and watch."

The implication of Duobao's words is that he wants to help the human race.

After hearing this, Master Tongtian frowned slightly, "What a handsome emperor, Donghuang Taiyi, for his own self-interest, to commit such a murder."

Master Tongtian thought for a while, and said slowly, "Even if you don't count the cause and effect between the human race and my sect, just because your elder brother is the teacher of the human race, we should help the human race."

After finishing speaking, Master Tongtian waved his hand, and four sharp sword lights fell into Duobao's hands.

Those are four small swords, lifelike and very lifelike, above them, there is a terrifying aura.

"Master, these are the Four Swords of Zhu Xian"

Duobao was stunned for a moment.

"This is not the real Four Swords of Jade Immortals, but a ray of sword energy from the Four Swords of Jade Immortals. Each sword has the power of a quasi-sage to protect you."

"That disciple, thank you Master for the human race."

Duobao is secretly excited, the innate treasures are all existences with a certain number in the prehistoric world, containing 49 innate immortal auras, with endless mighty power, like the four swords of Zhu Xian, the supreme treasure that masters the spirit of killing, even if it is only The transformation of a strand also has an indescribable and inconceivable magical effect.

With these four sword qi, even if the quasi-sage came in person, he would have to fear three points.

After leaving Biyou Palace, Taoist Duobao rang the Taoist bell to summon the disciples of Jiejiao.

Dao sounds burst into my ears, and after a while, Jin Ling, Wu Dang, the seven immortals, San Xiao, Zhao Gongming and other tens of thousands of disciples rushed over.

Duobao told everyone about the matter, and immediately got the unanimous approval of the Jiejiao immortals, and they were all willing to go with Duobao.

Duobao carefully selected two thousand golden immortal monks, and then stopped.

The aura of prehistoric calamity is increasing day by day. Those disciples who have not reached the level of golden immortals, it is better to practice in Jinao Island, so as not to be contaminated with the aura of calamity and ruin countless years of hard work.

After arranging everything, Taoist Duobao flew out of Jinao Island with the golden-winged roc.

On the other side, the envoys sent by the human race also came to Shouyang Mountain.

After some visits, they successfully met the great mage Xuandu. They looked sad and told Xuandu the tragedy of the human race.

Xuandu didn't listen for long, then frowned, his face was serious, "The monsters slaughtered my human race wantonly, so you are not afraid of the anger of the saint?"

The human envoy shook his head, his expression even more sorrowful, "It is said that the nine demon saints and the ancestor of Kunpeng have all descended to the realm, and the human race is in catastrophe. I am afraid that the saint empress can't control it anymore."

Master Xuandu was silent for a long time, and a sharp look slowly rose from his body, "You wait here for a while, I will go to meet the master."

With resolute steps, Xuandu slowly walked into the Bajing Palace.

The layout of the Bajing Palace is the same as that of the Taiqing Palace in the past. Taiqing sits on the cloud bed, covered by the sage's Dao aggregate from top to bottom, mysterious and mysterious, beyond words.

"Disciple Xuandu, I have met Master."

Xuandu saluted Taiqing respectfully.

"I know about the matter of the human race, but you also know that the aura of calamity is gradually rising between the earth and the earth today, and it is feared that the calamity is approaching. At this time, meddling in the affairs of the human race and being contaminated with the aura of calamity will be detrimental and not beneficial to your Dao practice. .”

Lao Tzu Taiqing spoke slowly, and the sound of the Dao burst out, resounding in the Bajing Palace.


Xuandu fell silent. On the one hand, he was cultivating the Dao, and on the other hand, he was the human race that gave birth to him. What should I do?
In Xuandu's heart, there seemed to be two villains, one representing the Dao of Wuwei, who kept saying to him, "The way of Wuwei is not to ask for nothing, not to force, to follow the time of the sky, the nature of the place, the catastrophe of the human race, it is destined , just follow the trend, why bother with him."

Another villain said, "The human race is your mother clan. The human race is in disaster, but as a member of the human race, you stand on the sidelines. If you practice the Dao in the future, you won't be afraid of the breeding of demons, and it will be difficult for you to advance."

The two voices kept ringing in Xuandu's heart, very noisy, and Xuandu was flustered for a while.

I don't know how long it took, all the noisy voices in Xuandu's heart disappeared, and only one sentence remained.

"The Dao is inaction, if you do nothing, you will do everything. If you don't fight, everything in the world will not be able to compete with it. The human race has encountered such a catastrophe. As a member of the human race, I must take action. Otherwise, how can I live up to the teachings of the holy master?"

Xuan Du clenched his fists, his eyes were firm, and he said every word.

Every time he said a word, the aura on his body continued to rise.

Above the head, heaven and earth are mysteriously outlined, turning into three flowers.

Under the surging breath, the human flower representing essence, the earth flower representing qi, and the small flower representing god all bloom together.

It is after realizing the original mind, from the late stage of Taiyi, all the way to the great perfection of Taiyi, the Tao fruit is complete and perfect.

"Master, Xuandu is originally a member of the human race. If the human race is in trouble, if the disciple stands by and watches, how can he feel at ease?"

In the endless and hazy Dao Yun, Lao Tzu's leisurely voice came again.

"Following the heart is the most important way to practice the Dao. If you want to go, go."

As the voice fell, a beam of brilliance flew out and landed in Xuandu's hands.

It is in the shape of a disc, black and white, with yin and yang Pisces constantly swimming on it.

"This is transformed by a ray of breath from the Tai Chi map. It is unparalleled in defense. You can hold this map to protect yourself from harm. This treasure has a big world inside. It can not only protect the body, but also hold countless human races."

"Disciple, thank Master for the human race."

Xuandu is a direct descendant of human religion, so he naturally knows how terrifying the innate treasure is, even if it is just a ray of breath, it can bring him unprecedented help.

Xuandu got up, saluted Taiqing respectfully, and then exited the Bajing Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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