Hong Huang: The days when I was the chief of Jujiao

Chapter 129 The development of the human race, Fuxi took over as the patriarch

Chapter 129 The development of the human race, Fuxi took over as the patriarch

Seeing it, Hua Xu felt very uncomfortable. The elder said, this child is extraordinary, and he will take on the task of revitalizing the human race in the future. If he continues to be mischievous like this, how can he take on the heavy responsibility in the future?
A few years later, Fuxi was 15 years old.

On this day, Hua Xu solemnly called Fuxi back home.

"Don't you feel bored playing and having fun with your friends all day, catching fish and big birds, have you thought about what you plan to do in the future?"

Fuxi is very ambitious, "In the future, I want to be the chief of the tribe, so that the population of our Huaxu country will increase by ten times, not a hundred times!"

Hua Xu asked back, "You play around all day, do you understand the complicated affairs you have to deal with every day after you become the patriarch?"

Fuxi stopped talking immediately, he really didn't understand these things.

Mrs. Huaxu sighed, "Fuxi, when you were still in your mother's womb, an immortal came here to take you as a disciple, saying that you would have great promise in the future. You are already 15 years old. Guo, someone at your age already has a father, it's time to go to a fairy to learn art from a teacher."


Fuxi was a little surprised, and showed some interest, "Mother, is that immortal better than the patriarch of our Huaxu country?"

The patriarch of the Huaxu Kingdom officially became an Earth Immortal five years ago.

In Fuxi's eyes, the earth immortal is already an unattainable existence.

Hua Xu shook his head seriously, "Those four immortals are truly great supernatural beings, and they are thousands of times more powerful than all the people you have ever seen."

"If you dare to ask mother, where is the immortal, I will go to apprentice right now."

Fu Xi hurriedly asked, there are only a few things that can be played in the tribe. After so many years, he has long been tired of playing. It is quite new to be able to worship immortals as teachers.

Hua Xu gave Fuxi a direction, and Fuxi bid farewell to his friends and set off alone.

Fuxi walked all the way to the depths of the mountain forest. Along the way, there were thorns everywhere, and there was a lack of food, especially on the soles of his feet, which caused countless large blood blisters.

Fuxi wanted to give up several times, but when he thought of his mother's gaze, his wavering heart suddenly became firm again.

He, Fuxi, must worship the immortal as his teacher, learn a great skill, and impress his mother.

Fuxi walked continuously for three months, endured countless hardships, experienced countless tribulations, and finally came to a big lake.

At this time, four futons were placed in front of Daze, Zhao Gongming, San Xiao and others were sitting cross-legged.

The four of them were dressed in Taoist robes, shining with a faint auspicious glow, with great merit behind them, condensing into a disc-shaped golden wheel of merit.

With every gesture, there was an extraordinary demeanor, like a banished immortal descending to earth.

Fuxi looked at Daze in front of him, and then at the four people, and he was sure in his heart that these four people were the immortals he was looking for.

Fuxi stepped forward excitedly, and bowed respectfully to Zhao Gongming and others.

"Disciple Fuxi, who came from the country of Huaxu, wants to worship the immortal as his teacher, and ask the immortal to fulfill him."

Zhao Gongming nodded slightly, "Get up, you and I are destined to be mentors and apprentices, from now on, learn from us at the edge of this big lake."

Fuxi nodded excitedly, "Yes, Immortal Elder."

Fuxi of the human race is the reincarnation of Fuxi, the great sage of the ancient monster clan.

Therefore, Zhao Gongming and others did not immediately teach Fuxi the way of practice, but how to be a good tribal leader, how to govern the tribe, and how to employ people.

In the treasure house of the Shangqing, there are all kinds of things, these things are innumerable, Zhao Gongming has selected a few volumes carefully, and is going to teach Fuxi at this time.

These things are extremely attractive to Fu Xi who is too playful and mischievous.

Under the strict guidance of Zhao Gongming, Yun Xiao, Bi Xiao, and Qiong Xiao, Fuxi understood everything recorded in the book in just three years.

In terms of temperament, there has also been a big change, becoming calm, wise, with a gully in his chest, and a universe in his belly. This year, Fuxi.

Following Fuxi's study, Zhao Gongming and the others were also very surprised by Fuxi's qualifications.

After three years, there is nothing to teach about how to govern the tribe.

As for the ancestral land of the human race, in the Yujing Mountain, as Fuxi's ability strengthened, the Golden Dragon of Luck also quietly grew.

"As expected of the reincarnation of the ancient demon saint, this talent is really terrifying. From today on, let's start teaching him how to practice."

"Fuxi's talent is truly terrifying. The only thing we can teach him is practice."

Zhao Gongming and San Xiao made up their minds and prepared to teach Fuxi the way of cultivation.

On this day, Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao called Fuxi to the edge of Daze, their voices were a little more solemn.

"In terms of other things, we have nothing to teach you. Next, we will teach you how to practice."

"The method of practice?"

Fuxi became excited. In Huaxu country, there are also methods of cultivation, but they are all very crude, and the progress is very slow.

And Hua Xu's family banned him from practicing, so Fuxi didn't bother to practice.

But if you don’t practice, it doesn’t mean that Fuxi doesn’t understand. After practicing, your strength is boundless, and your body is as light as a swallow. For example, grandpa, although he is not young, but even a few feet long tiger has to detour when he sees him.

There is also the patriarch, which is even more terrifying. A few years ago, there was a heavy rain in Huaxu country. down.

Zhao Gongming said solemnly, "What I want to teach you is the Taoist orthodox Shangqing lineage of the supreme immortal method, which was created by the sages of the Shangqing. You must study hard and don't slack off in the slightest."

"is teacher."

For the next ten years, Zhao Gongming, Yun Xiao, Qiong Xiao, and Bi Xiao taught Fu Xi respectively.

Fu Xi also learned very quickly, and it only took one year to cultivate refined Qi.

In the third year, he broke through to refining Qi and transforming into gods.

In the fifth year, it came to the refining god returning to the void.

In the eighth year, he reached the point of refining the virtual and combining the Tao.

After the careful teaching of the four of them, Zhao Gongming, in the tenth year, Fuxi successfully cultivated from the practice of emptiness and harmony to the immortal way, and came to the realm of the earth fairy, which is the same realm as the current patriarch of the Huaxu Kingdom.

Seeing Fuxi stepping into the Immortal Dao with their own eyes, the four of Zhao Gongming also heaved a sigh of relief. Their mission was completed, and the next step was up to Fuxi himself.

He called Fuxi to the side of Daze, and said gently, "You have stepped into the immortal way, and I have told you all about the road ahead. Go down the mountain, return to Huaxu country, and realize your ambition."

"Teacher, is this going to drive Fuxi away?"

Fuxi was shocked. After 13 years of practice in Daze, the four teachers taught him earnestly, especially Teacher Yunxiao, who was the most gentle. In his heart, the four teachers had already been in the same position as his mother, Hua Xu. Naturally reluctant to leave.

Yunxiao comforted Fuxi, "It's not that the teacher wants to drive you away, but that you have completed the immortal way, and we have already taught you all the immortal methods of the Shangqing lineage. If there is no difference today, there will be a difference tomorrow. The road ahead will eventually be different." Go on by yourself, besides, your mother has been waiting for you in Huaxu Country for 13 years, you should go back and fulfill your filial piety."


Fuxi's eyes couldn't help getting wet, he got up, bid farewell to the four masters, and soon returned to Huaxu country. This year, Fuxi was 28 years old.

After returning to Huaxu Kingdom, Fuxi began to help the patriarch handle the affairs of Huaxu Kingdom while taking care of his grandfather, grandmother, and mother.

He was sensitive by nature and got the true biography of Zhao Gongming and the others. He handled things in an orderly manner. He also put forward his own views on some unreasonable rules and persuaded the patriarch to change them.

In a blink of an eye, another ten years have passed. In the past ten years, with Fuxi in charge of government affairs, the Huaxu Kingdom has gradually become stronger and has gathered many other nomadic tribes. The total number has reached 5000. This is something Xu Guo has never encountered since its formation.

On this day, the patriarch of the Huaxu Kingdom summoned Fuxi alone. He looked at Fuxi gratified and blamed himself, "You were pregnant for 12 years but never born. You were treated as a monster by the tribe, and your mother suffered a lot. I feel ashamed of both of you mother and son."

Fuxi is now 38 years old, and he has already put aside what happened back then, smiled slightly, and said indifferently.

"The patriarch is the leader of the Huaxu country, and he is responsible for the safety of tens of thousands of people. If it were me, I might do the same to the patriarch."

The patriarch sighed deeply, "I have become an Earth Immortal. If I want to continue my practice, I have to go to my human ancestral land. After I leave, the entire Huaxu Kingdom will be handed over to you."

Fuxi quickly refused, "Fuxi is young, how can he take on such a big task, let's talk about it in a few years."

"I have seen what you have done these years. You are already a qualified patriarch. After I leave, you will bring Huaxu Kingdom to its peak."

Under the insistence of the old patriarch, Fuxi finally agreed.

Early the next morning, the patriarch announced that he would give up the position of patriarch to Fuxi, and he would rush to the ancestors' land to pursue the Dao of cultivation.

After Fuxi became the patriarch of the Huaxu Kingdom, he made great efforts to govern and carry out reforms.

At the same time, the rules of rewarding good and punishing evil were established, punishing those who do evil and rewarding those who do good.

In this way, the reputation of Huaxu Kingdom gradually spread, and more and more people were willing to join Huaxu Kingdom.

During the five years of Fuxi's reign, the population of Huaxu Kingdom exceeded [-] for the first time!

After Fuxi reigned for ten years, the population of Huaxu Kingdom exceeded 20!
As the population of Huaxu country increases, various problems are exposed.

First of all, there is the issue of food. The food source of the people in the previous Huaxu country was very single.

The men gathered together and went out to hunt, while the women went to gather some wild fruits.

Using this method, when the population is in the tens of thousands, it can barely maintain it.

But as more and more people join in, most of them are old people and women, the food collected in this way is gradually not enough to eat.

In Huaxu's country, the clouds are bleak and the stomach is not full, so how can they be happy?

Fuxi saw it and was worried in his heart, so he had to do it himself, went out to the tribe, slaughtered thousands of big fat cattle, and then transported them back to the tribe.

With so much meat, the phenomenon of hunger in the tribe has been greatly reduced, but for the Huaxu country, it is a temporary solution rather than a permanent cure.

No matter how big the big fat cow is, it will eventually be eaten up one day.

Moreover, with the passage of time, the population of Huaxu country will increase.

Hundreds, thousands of big fat cows are not enough to eat at all.

Could it be that the patriarch is running around for them every day, just to collect enough food for them?If this is the case, what is the meaning of the tribe's population.

Fuxi thought hard and came to the lake not far from the tribe.

On the edge of the lake, there are densely packed small trees. Between the two trees, there is a spider the size of a palm, forming a large airtight web. When it landed on the big net, it was instantly stuck. There was strong mucus on the net. The more the praying mantis struggled, the closer it got stuck. When it was dying, the big spider emerged from behind the tree to enjoy the food.

Looking at this scene, Fuxi suddenly had an idea and had an idea in his heart.

He returned to the tribe, ordered people to use silk thread to make it look like a spider's web, and then went fishing in the river.

This time, it was terrible, a big net was full, and hundreds of catties of fat fish were caught at once, and the people of the Huaxu nation were dumbfounded. Fishing, can you still catch fish like this?
Fuxi called this large net a fishing net, and soon, the method of using the fishing net spread throughout the tribe.

With a large amount of fish, the hunger problem of the clansmen was temporarily solved.

But Fuxi still didn't feel relieved, fishing with fishing nets can only be used for a while.

Once the river freezes in winter, it will be too inconvenient.

Moreover, the fish meat is bland and should have thorns, so adults can eat it, but it is too inconvenient for children to eat it.

It is still not enough to just use fishing to maintain the tribe's food problem.

After three or five days of hard thinking in the room, Fuxi finally came up with a new idea.

He wants to raise wild animals in order to obtain a steady stream of meat.

With wild animals, fat fish, plus hunting and wild fruits, there shouldn't be any problems.

Fuxi ordered people to cut down the wood, cut it into long and short sticks of the same thickness, and then stuck them on the ground to form a circle to form a fence.

Then, with great magic power, a dozen bison, a dozen hogs, a dozen hares, and a dozen goats were brought in step by step, and they were fenced off.

Then order someone to feed, domesticate, and obtain meat while domesticating the most suitable animals for human breeding.

In the blink of an eye, three years have passed. With the combination of fishing nets and fences, the population of Huaxu country exceeded 50 for the first time, and the name of Fuxi resounded thousands of miles around!
Fuxi has made great achievements, and the luck of the human race has also risen.

On the coast of the East China Sea, on Jinao Island, Chen Xuanji felt the constantly shaking Kongtong seal, and smiled, "If this development continues, it shouldn't take long before Fuxi can prove the Tao, and the human race will also usher in a real era of great prosperity. .”

But soon, Chen Xuanji's face darkened again, "Fuxi still needs Hetu Luoshu to prove the Tao, but this treasure seems to be in the hands of Beiming Kunpeng again."

All the saints also felt the trickling growth of luck of the human race, and couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

If I knew that the human race would one day become the protagonist of the world, I should have established a good relationship with the human race earlier.

But now, it's too late to say anything, and people have become the ones who benefit the most.

(End of this chapter)

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